FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #25

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Yep kellync - I was thinking as I was making lunch about how I believe that neither MC or RC are the brightest bulb in the lamp. Something happened and things started moving FAST so they just spouted generalities about - "ok - you say Haleigh was in bed with you and you got up and that's when you noticed the door" - there wasn't enough time to "rehearse" the story and not enough intelligence to realize that "the story" would be "picked apart word by word" by LE and I really don't think they ever thought the FBI would be there.
true, true...I'd bet they had no clue this case would have the media descending upon them with the FBI, national news, etc...
There had been some discussion about whether Misty had a phone, I personally believe she did, but then the police didnt take it, so maybe it was a landline, and I was trying to piece it all together,wsssheeew! And I still think the cassett tape was from the home answering machine, blinking lights on that thing caught someones eye. Telling me, calls came in unanswered at some point, maybe when a certian someone wasnt home to answer them.... If it was a vhs tape, the report should have said vhs, not cassett...JMO
Well, as we all know, there are not enough hours in the day to read all these posts, so I have a question. Has it been established if the back door was still "wide open" when RC pulled into the drive? If it was, then MC wasn't in the least frightened of whoever might still be lurking around. My first instinct would have been to grab the child that was left and get out! If the door was still propped open and she was standing waiting on him, then she wasn't scared at all (at least of an intruder).

I'm going to try and follow these threads to see if anyone knows the above question, but honestly, it's getting old trying to keep up. This is ridiculous.

I can't find any official report stating that the door was still wide open, but here's a snip that quotes RC (emphasis mine) :

Cummings said earlier that he was surprised when he arrived home from work at 3 a.m. Tuesday to see his girlfriend awake, and he asked her why she was up.
"She said, 'Your back door's open and your daughter's gone,' " Cummings told Nancy Grace on her show on CNN's sister network HLN on Wednesday night.


Also, in the 911 call, Misty says the "brick" is "still there." Hope this helps.
could anyone explain to me why this isnt in a forum by itself?

I believe it is primarily due to a hope that this case was going to wrap up quickly.

The MODS have been asked (repeatedly) for Haleigh's own forum.

Hope that helps.
true, true...I'd bet they had no clue this case would have the media descending upon them with the FBI, national news, etc...
There had been some discussion about whether Misty had a phone, I personally believe she did, but then the police didnt take it, so maybe it was a landline, and I was trying to piece it all together,wsssheeew! And I still think the cassett tape was from the home answering machine, blinking lights on that thing caught someones eye. Telling me, calls came in unanswered at some point, maybe when a certian someone wasnt home to answer them.... If it was a vhs tape, the report should have said vhs, not cassett...JMO
I started questioning the 2nd phone when I noticed only ONE number on the police report. I searched and searched and researched. The one listed is a Cingular cell phone - never found a landline AT ALL. I found an old landline registered to that previous tenant - Waldon Parsons - but that was it. RC said in media interviews that MC was calling him as he pulled up - but on the police report there is nothing about MC calling RC before he got there. So, I'm going the other way - I don't think MC had a phone there at all - which is why she couldn't call 911 even if she wanted to.
TOTALLY OT, but cocoamom, I LOVE your avatar, my favorite bird, it has a lot of sentimental meaning to me...made my day yesterday, and today
I thought Misty had to use the bathroom -- but now it's get a drink? And am I totally confused, or did she not make a phone call to her brother before Ronald got home? I thought I remembered him saying early on something like - don't call your brother, call 911. I need more coffee to keep this all straight!

Well that article told us ALOT of Info.....
I think an arrest will be made very soon. No wonder Misty & RC have quit with the interviews they hung themselves.

Do we know where RC's Mom lives? She almost beat LE to the scene. RC is heard yelling in the back ground to hang up the phone on LE. His Mom was apparently living very close LE had lights & sirens on so they came fast.

Misty has changed her story way to much for LE just to let it slide by. I could see her being confused to begin with ...Either she had to use the bathroom or get a drink....

Then she apparently had to change the story so CPS never heard they were all sleeping in the same bed. So if she never knew the kids were in bed with her / never knew if Haleigh was in a bed by herself / whether H was 4 to 6 inches away from her or 4 to 6 feet away from her on her own bed she is totally lieing / then she stated on NG she was in her own room.
(Bold by me)

I know a guy who thought he was dating a 21-year-old. I think he was late 20's at the time. The girl's mother was aware they were dating and that he was over 21. He was even helping the mother catch up on some bills.

He decided to end the relationship, and surprise surprise! The mother gets ticked that he will no longer be helping her out, so she informs him the girl is only 15 and she is going to press charges against him.

His court-appointed attorney told him to take the plea agreement offered, because it was his word against the mother and the girl (who had suddenly changed the whole scenario...supposedly he knew the girl's age, the mother did not know they were dating, the guy was the mother's friend, etc.) He took the deal, and now he's forever branded an SO, although he had no clue he was doing anything wrong, nor did he have a clue what accepting that deal would entail.

I am not sure about every state, but here there is no law against DATING a minor, if you are over 21.... just if you have SEX with a minor, even consensual.
In RE: Ron - in general. He reminds me of my uncle. From the first time I saw the uncut interview of him crying, I believed him - even though he reminds me of my uncle, who I don't like. It's nuts to me how much they remind me of each other (even though my uncle is older) but let me just say that my uncle, who can be very very loud (much like ROn in the 911 video - very much like Ron) and would probably react in much the same way Ron has, he wouldn't ever hurt a child. I don't like my uncle at all but I don't for a minute believe he'd hurt a child he loves - not with his hands. I don't think Ron did either. I believe he genuinely loves his children. Since he reminds me so much of my uncle, I believe his reactions to the events. He said on NG (in a tone that reminded me, again, of my uncle) as to why Misty didn't call the cops, he was pretty much like I don't know. I was like 'why didn't you call 911'? - which is probably the reason he called her a stupid - bc she didn't call the cops.

I am frustrated by the lack of info LE is handing out - or NOT handing out. I think about Haleigh every day and I even get on here (even if I can't catch up and read ALL the threads) and check to see if there is any new info. I don't understand how she could have just DISAPPEARED. LE, ect has searched the area - I think if Misty or Ron DID do something to her, LE or someone would have found her by now. If it was just soething as simple as accidental or even intentional murder at the hands of Ron or Misty, her body would have been found by now. I believe that. I just wish they'd release some info. I really just wish she'd be found.
I started questioning the 2nd phone when I noticed only ONE number on the police reports. I searched and searched and researched. The one listed is a Cingular cell phone - never found a landline AT ALL. I found an old landline registered to that previous tenant - Waldon Parons - but that was it. RC said in media interviews that MC was calling him as he pulled up - but on the police report there is nothing about MC calling RC before he got there. So, I'm going the other way - I don't think MC had a phone there at all - which is why she couldn't call 911 even if she wanted to.
So there is an inconsistency right there.
BUT, I have a feeling, that someway, somehow, and maybe this is the mom in me, surely "they" meaning ron, his mom, mistys people, etc, wouldnt have left her there with two kids, who have health issues with NO phone. AT ALL???
I started questioning the 2nd phone when I noticed only ONE number on the police reports. I searched and searched and researched. The one listed is a Cingular cell phone - never found a landline AT ALL. I found an old landline registered to that previous tenant - Waldon Parons - but that was it. RC said in media interviews that MC was calling him as he pulled up - but on the police report there is nothing about MC calling RC before he got there. So, I'm going the other way - I don't think MC had a phone there at all - which is why she couldn't call 911 even if she wanted to.

I knew there was something bugging me about the phone thing......that's it! RC did say that she was calling him when he was pulling in the drive way. So if his statement is true, there are two phones.......I'm sure that LE is checking all the cell phone records and I feel like those records could lead them to some answers, or at least who is not being truthful.
Ah, okay, just found something linking Peggy Latrelle Sapp to Guy W Sapp.

Guy's wife is Sonya Sapp.

A Sonya Sapp was subpeonaed in 1993 in the divorce trial of Lindsy's father Floyd J Collins Jr and Peggy L Collins (nee Sapp).

It is quite possible (AND NOT YET DEFINITIVE) that:

- Peggy and Floyd are Lindsy's parents
- Peggy's father is Guy, making him Lindy's grandfather

Just as an aside, Sonya is Guy's 4th wife and most likely NOT Peggy's mother.
If I was the Mother of a missing person, and LE held my home for a week, I would be as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, if I knew I did something, OR, I would be demanding to know why I couldnt get in, and raising a stink to holy you know where, if I had nothing to hide.
I dont think Ronald gets it, I think he and Misty might just be a perfect match

I don't know that I would be demanding to get in..but you're right...I'd be real nervous. I don't think they get it either.
I just can't get a handle on this case at all. My gut is telling me that neither the father nor the GF are involved but there is definitely something hinky about the GF's stories. I want to believe that she is just so young and that she just panicked and got her stories confused. As far as the dad, although we know he has a temper, but can we really blame him for that? I would be beyond consolable if this happened to one of my children and you might even see the same reaction from me, I dunno. I don't think any of us can say how we would react unless we have been subjected to something like this. Anyway, as many of these cases that I have followed, I just can't get a handle on this but I do know that with each passing day that Haleigh is missing, the outcome isn't going to be good.
I knew there was something bugging me about the phone thing......that's it! RC did say that she was calling him when he was pulling in the drive way. So if his statement is true, there are two phones.......I'm sure that LE is checking all the cell phone records and I feel like those records could lead them to some answers, or at least who is not being truthful.

I know the initial reports were Misty was calling Ronald because his response was why are you calling me call 911, he was pulling into the drive.
I knew there was something bugging me about the phone thing......that's it! RC did say that she was calling him when he was pulling in the drive way. So if his statement is true, there are two phones.......I'm sure that LE is checking all the cell phone records and I feel like those records could lead them to some answers, or at least who is not being truthful.
Yes, or to a "ping" from a tower, or previous calls, etc. But LE only took one phone per the report, sooooo, which one is it? Maybe they didnt ask for Mistys phone, and she didnt offer it, or maybe the landline is in someone elses name, and thats why there was a cassett taken (from answering machine, I, personally think).
And,KHolloway, I sincerely hope that you find the answers you seek. I couldnt imagine what you must go through, and to take time to care about others, well, I applaud you. I know I, and MANY people here have a pretty strong feeling about what scumbags you have encountered. You have shown class, and restraint, that I could never muster, considering the circumstances.(((((((hugs to you)))))))
I know the initial reports were Misty was calling Ronald because his response was why are you calling me call 911, he was pulling into the drive.
Yep yep yep - but on the police report (Media thread pg 4) It lists the same number for both MC and RC. IF MC had a cell - LE would have listed that number under her name and listed RC's number under his. But both names have the same number and in the narrative there is no mention about RC saying MC was calling him just as he pulled in. It says RC saw MC outside just as he pulled in.

I would think LE asked about cell phones and got numbers as they took their information.
I have to go with my gut on this one. I think this all comes back down to Misty! I think she did something to Haleigh......

I have to think Ron doesn't think it is Misty or she would be dead by now.

A guy like Ron would have blamed Misty from the very beginning--no matter what. I think he would have had his hands around her neck by now if he didn't have anything to do with this.

Just like us, he knows that her story has changed over and over again and there's no way her inconsistencies would have escaped his notice.
I just listened to the 911 call again. That is some crazy stuff. Hanging up and then not answering for 4 rings when LE calls back? Just weird. And the way he goes from not being able to understand him because he is crying to speaking perfectly...hink.
Would you think if you woke up to an open door at around the time someone usually comes in from work that it may be them outside? Wouldn't you go to door and holler "so and so are you out there"? Then get scared if they didn't answer and shut the door and hunt up the kids.
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