FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #26

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I am convinced that whoever took and did something to Haleigh that it was someone she knew. I think she was alive and walked to the pond and to the end of those tracks hence the reason why her scent stopped at the end of them. I think whoever it was that had her made her walk there and the fact that she KNEW them explains why she would have willingly went with them and didn't make a noise. They could have easily lied to her to get her to go with them if it was someone she knew and I have though since the day this news broke Haleigh knew whoever it was that took her and that this person knew their way around that house. It also explains why they knew exactly what room to go to and why they got out of that place with no one in the house knowing.

The POI could have parked his/her vehicle near the train tracks(ONLY IF THIS IS POSSIBLE) then walked to the Cummings house getting the brick on the way there so that they could use it to get Haleigh out of their faster. They then go in through the front door making their way into the kitchen and turning the light on. After doing that they go to the backdoor, open it up and then prop the brick there. They then make their way to the bedroom to get Haleigh who wakes up and willingly goes with them since she knew whoever it was. They walk into the woods, go near the pond to try and make people think she fell in or her body was dumped there, and they then leave the pond making their way back to the vehicle at the train tracks. While walking back to the vehicle they could have been lying to Haleigh all along about where they were going and why they were there.

This could explain why her scent was no longer there, the trail of scent to the pond, and would explain the brick there at the home.

If your theory were to be correct than that would mean that this person had to
#1 Know that Misty was not at home.
#2 Misty was incapacitated and would not be able to intervene
#3 Misty was in on it and would not intervene
#4 If Misty did find them in the home she would not be alarmed which means that they would have a reasonable explanation for being there in the first place.

Taking each one of these points and extrapolating them outward with

#1 If Misty was not at home
Did she did not have a vehicle.
She was with someone and she walked to where they live
She went for a walk alone
Someone else in his or her vehicle picked her up
She did have a vehicle
She went somewhere. Where and could anybody have seen her
Anything else that would fit in this category?

#2 Misty was incapacitated and would not be able to intervene
She was ill
She was high on some type of drug
She was drunk
She was knocked out by force
She was drugged by force
She was a dead to the world type sleeper
Anything else that would fit in this category?

#3 Misty was in on it and would not intervene
She was tired of being a built in babysitter and handed the child over to somebody who wanted a child
She was paid to let someone take the child
She was blackmailed into letting someone take the child
Anything else that would fit in this category?

#4 If Misty did find them in the home she would not be alarmed which means that they would have a reasonable explanation for being there in the first place.
A family member
A close family friend
Anything else that would fit in this category?

Just as a exercise what if any of them would fit the few facts that we know or work withing the boundries of what we know?
Wonder if the key to the front door and backdoor are the same? If not the same did they carry both keys on their key rings?
Gold-plated customized Hinky Meter and a pan of biscuits.....;)
(Trade it all for Haleigh back safe & sound)

Well all right! I love biscuits! But Id love to see Haleigh home safe even more.
Since he just turned 4 would he be in pre school? We don't have a free preschool here unless you are on assistance(welfare) and then you get on the Headstart program. Not sure how FL is

We do - but this is Texas and another world. They have a Pre K3 (for 3 yo) and a PreK4 (for 4yo). I don't know what the requirements are....since its only a couple of hours and I always work so had no option, but don't think its just for low income here.

I wonder how much bio Mom questioned him. I'm a "digger" and a "prodder" and the poor kid would probably never speak again after a weekend with me!! (you know how kids hate to be questioned over and over). So where is he now?? Still with biomom or in the tent or with Ron's mom???? So many danged questions.....no locals there?? Local locals - come out whereever you are!!

.Still trying to catch up. No real new news yet today.

According to the tax records a Donald Bard owns the home that Haleigh lived in as well as others and he has his tax bills sent to an address in PA but also shows a phone number at 201 Monroe Ave as well. Landlady who lives next door could be the person who is the 'agent' for the owner. Do you happen to know what the address was or what her name was? Anybody who has ties to that house would have the potential to have keys or know the layout. There appears to be only 3 homes on Green Lane and Green connects to Monroe Ave. but 201 is further up and is on the corner of Monroe and Buchanan Cir not in eye view of Haleigh’s home but may be considered ‘next door’ so that makes me wonder if the owners are snowbirds and live down there and come back up north in the hot season.

whitepages.com lists 201 Monroe as the Bard's address so that is probably where they live.

The only home adjacent to 201 Monroe is 103 Buchanan. So, IMO, that is probably where Cummings rented prior to moving to Green Lane.
Antoher Hinky Meter factor from the interview to me was when she said 2 times I would never do anything to "that little girl", can't call her name. Misty is really young so while I think we aren't hearing the whole story I just don't know if she could lie and keep up the lie. But then again if she had a cousin "messing with her" at a young age that will make you grow up fast. Thank you Lord for great parents and a safe home when I was growing up, and giving me the resources to provide same to my kids.

Sorry but what is a hiky meter?
Has Misti taken a drug test? Are they allowed to drug test her?
Unless an abductor really was just trying to cut down on the noise of opening and closing to door multiple times.

Could it be that Ron knows that if he fingers one of the SO's around there that they know enough about Ron's activities to put him away for a long time, too? At the least he would lose Junior, too. If he's up to anything shady again, it's most likely common knowledge.

This could explain the whole "I don't care if I go to jail for the rest of my life" outburst. Could explain why Crystal is standing by him, too. If she knew what he was up to, but let the kids stay there, she might not get Junior either.

Bolded by me.

Interesting way to look at it, but I just cannot see RC not pointing the blame on anybody at all regardless of what that person may have against him.

As for what I bolded, I don't think Crystal knows too much about what goes on with RC and her children, but again, I could be wrong!

OT...Just saying g'bye to everyone, it's time to go get the kids from school!
There are some scenarios I could think of to explain that -- GHB? What if Misty had a visitor that used it on them? Thought I saw in court records from years back that Ron had been in possesion of GHB, so it's obviously availalbe in the area. Or - chloroform used to knock Hailey out before she was taken?

As I said, not impossible just not probable IMO (maybe he borrowed chloroform from KC?) This would almost have to implicate gf. Otherwise how would Haleigh be fine at bedtime, and once again, I don't think anyone's gonna take time to try to do this on the spot. But that's JMO

Why just Haleigh and not the little boy? Maybe because MC woke up and interrupted a custody kidnapping. Just a thought.

MC is just a child. I don't think she is cunning or deceitful. I think she is a victim of a horrible childhood and a bit slow mentally.

I am still sticking with the intruder theory and that RC and MC have no idea who or what happened. MC's "inconsistencies" are to me, poor communication skills and the fact that she has had to repeat things many times and gets things out of order. She just isnt' real smart, but I don't think she is lying - at all.

This is an intriguing theory Dots, re interrupted custody kidnap. In the absence of allegations eg of SA of Haleigh by bio mom (or anyone), that is only way IMO to explain only one child being taken. But I am still left w/ no explanation for how bio mom could ever expect to get away w this longterm since Haleigh at least was easily capable of relaying this to others. And no way could she have ever had her children in her life for long. No, LE would already know IMO
Thanks that is the same family. His wife's name is Phyllis. I wonder what her maiden name is since it was her father that lived down there. So Ron lived in another one of their rentals before moving to 202 Green.

That means it would have to be one of these doing address reverse lookup:
102 Hoover Ln William Brown & Holly Hancock
104 Hoover Ln can't find any name
200 Monroe Av Kevin L Prestrude
201 Monroe Av Donald Bard appears to be the Bard residence even if they do not stay there full time or this was previous rented out and they are now living there full time.
212 Monroe Av Kyle Johns RSO & Ricky R. Fodor [so we know when Johns got out of jail?
103 Buchanan Cir can't find any name
202 Green LN Waldon Parson aka Jeffery Lane RSO previous tennant, now RC moving in November

The Bards still have an address listed in Needmore Pa and have/had something to do with agriculture. The area in PA is rural also.

So, Phyllis says, "They first moved next door to us, and then they needed a bedroom for each of the children he said, and so he asked to rent that house and we rented that to him in November."

That should be 200 Monroe Av and that is really close to KS Johns home.
Also in that article I posted Ronald lived in the trailer next to her, that she rented to him. from Aug. to Nov. when he moved to the current address of 212 Green.

Mrs. B also said she had talked to Haleigh when hanging clothes on the line. Suppose an SO also had the chance to talk to her when stopping by the B's to pay rent (doubt they would mail it since it's in the neighborhood).

SO would be able to lure Haleigh with something like "remember me? I'm Mr. and Mrs. B's friend...)

If this is even close, I just hope the B's can live with themselves.
We do - but this is Texas and another world. They have a Pre K3 (for 3 yo) and a PreK4 (for 4yo). I don't know what the requirements are....since its only a couple of hours and I always work so had no option, but don't think its just for low income here.

I wonder how much bio Mom questioned him. I'm a "digger" and a "prodder" and the poor kid would probably never speak again after a weekend with me!! (you know how kids hate to be questioned over and over). So where is he now?? Still with biomom or in the tent or with Ron's mom???? So many danged questions.....no locals there?? Local locals - come out whereever you are!!

Three/Four is low-income, five is regular required K for our state. Not sure about Florida, but may be federally funded and consistent for all states.
Updated list of the Bards rental:

102 Hoover Ln
William Brown & Holly Hancock

104 Hoover Ln
can't find any current name

200 Monroe Av
Kevin L Prestrude
Could also be the home that Ron C. rented from Aug 2008-Nov 2008

201 Monroe Av
Donald Bard appears to be the Bard residence even if they do not stay there full time or this was previous rented out and they are now living there full time.

212 Monroe Av
Kyle Johns RSO & Ricky R. Fodor [do we know when Johns got out of jail?]

103 Buchanan Cir
can't find any current name
We think that Ron C. live here from Aug 2008 –Nov 2008

202 Green LN
Waldon Parson aka Jeffery Lane RSO previous tenant moved out Nov 2008
Ron C moved in Nov 2008

The Bards, Donald and Phyllis have an address listed in Needmore Pa and 201 Monroe Ave.
That's what I was getting at earlier. I think he used that door because of the handicapped ramp - easier to roll the vacuum down it - and maybe even an electric outlet - do they have those on the OUTSIDE of trailers? Maybe he was using an extension cord that was plugged into a wall outlet in the laundry area.

True about the kids running around playing. And not noticing a "pile" of cinderblocks. In Florida - snakes LOVE cinderblocks - especially those with the big holes. Being out in the country like they were - I would have gone over there and checked to make sure there weren't no big ole diamondbacks or even a cottonmouth - they were very close to water.

None of this story - in parts or in whole is adding up in my book.

That's of course if we're assuming dad ever actually accompanied children outdoors while they were playing... :(

Almost up to page 7... sigh... sorry for any redundancy, am responding as I go, trying to catch up... :eek:nline:
I can't explain why whoever took Haleigh didn't just use the front door unless it's because they just didn't want to be seen by neighbors or unless they carried a passed out Misty into the house from their auto. Maybe they pulled up to the side/back door since you'd be able to pull closer to the door there. Probably propped the door before carrying passed out Misty in. Put Misty on the bed or wherever and took Haleigh. Out the door they went and never looked back. JMHO

(Hi all, my first post)

The propped open door has been bothering me, a lot. It just never sounded right to me. Why would someone go to the trouble to prop open a door to carry a small child through it. I have 4 children...if I were carrying one of them out of the house, I would bump the handle with my elbow and push the door open with my body. Why prop it? It seems to me that propping the door would definitely be more helpful if someone was carrying someone/something into the house, not out of it.

So, it either seems staged, or perhaps like momtective said, maybe someone carried Misty in, not wanting to be seen.
Wonder if the key to the front door and backdoor are the same? If not the same did they carry both keys on their key rings?

In my mobile home, I have 2 doors and 4 locks which 2 are deadbolts, one key fits all
whitepages.com lists 201 Monroe as the Bard's address so that is probably where they live.

The only home adjacent to 201 Monroe is 103 Buchanan. So, IMO, that is probably where Cummings rented prior to moving to Green Lane.

If Haleigh lived on Buchanan before, might explain the route the dogs took.
And she could have wandered off before dark.

She would be familiar with other parts of the neighborhood. Maybe was allowed to go further with cousins?
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