GUILTY FL - Astronaut Lisa Nowak arrested in kidnap attempt, 5 Feb 2007

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Here are some more details:

"Dressed in a wig and a trench coat, she waited for Shipman's plane to land and then boarded the same airport shuttle bus Shipman took to get to her car, police said. Shipman told police she noticed someone following her, hurried inside the car and locked the doors, according to the arrest affidavit.

Nowak rapped on the window, tried to open the car door and asked for a ride. Shipman refused but rolled down the car window a few inches when Nowak started crying, the statement said. Nowak then sprayed a chemical into Shipman's car, the affidavit said. Shipman drove to the parking lot booth and police were called.

An officer reported following Nowak and watching her throw away a bag containing the wig and BB gun. Police also found a steel mallet, a 4-inch folding knife, rubber tubing, $600 and garbage bags inside a bag Nowak was carrying when she was arrested, authorities said.

Two other astronauts attended the hearing. Steve Lindsey, commander of Nowak's Discovery flight last July, testified that Nowak would obey the conditions of her release.

Chris Ferguson, a pilot on the mission, also attended the hearing. Asked afterward about Nowak's behavior, Ferguson said "perplexed is the word I'm sticking with."

Lisa Nowak is now released on bond of $15,500.

The plastic bags, knife, latex gloves, and steel mallet suggest a killing and body disposal of course. The BB gun was a CO2 pellet gun with a fair amount of power, but I don't know if it's lethal for a human. Her claim of "confronting" only is an obvious lie since Nowak planned for absolute secrecy, and not even being seen going into a rest stop or gas station bath room (the diapers)...that would be unnecessary if a living witness was left behind to a confrontation only.

I'd say she's a suicide risk for sure, since she's likely losing it all...a Navy Captain (equivalent to Army Colonel) whose career and retirement is gone if convicted of a felony, career destroyed even if she heads for rehab for some hypothetical demons, and the marriage with 3 kids has to be in terminal free fall you'd think. What a story. NASA must be in shock and turmoil over this.
From Reuters:
"Nowak, who grew up in Rockville, Maryland, and attended the U.S. Naval Academy, became an astronaut in 1996 and waited 10 years for her first space flight. She was scheduled to be a lead commentator on the next shuttle flight, a key role for an astronaut on the ground."

I think we can assume she'll not be commentatoring. Link:;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc-
nanandjim said:
I want to see a photo of Colleen Shipman. I wonder if there is one available. Isn't she a NASA engineer?
She's an Air Force captain, according to one of the stories I read.
I wonder what happened to make this woman snap. She is a pretty lady in her before pic, but the after one? oh my, she looks beat up.. Sad..
Lacy Wood said:
Lisa Nowak is now released on bond of $15,500.

The plastic bags, knife, latex gloves, and steel mallet suggest a killing and body disposal of course. The BB gun was a CO2 pellet gun with a fair amount of power, but I don't know if it's lethal for a human. Her claim of "confronting" only is an obvious lie since Nowak planned for absolute secrecy, and not even being seen going into a rest stop or gas station bath room (the diapers)...that would be unnecessary if a living witness was left behind to a confrontation only.

I'd say she's a suicide risk for sure, since she's likely losing it all...a Navy Captain (equivalent to Army Colonel) whose career and retirement is gone if convicted of a felony, career destroyed even if she heads for rehab for some hypothetical demons, and the marriage with 3 kids has to be in terminal free fall you'd think. What a story. NASA must be in shock and turmoil over this.
UPDATE: Bond deal has been cancelled as new charges filed according to CNN.
They are now reporting that she has been charged with attempted murder.
She is freaking toast b/c the kidnapping charge was already carrying a possible life sentence. I can't believe this chick snapped like this!!! :doh: I thought those items she had with her seemed very ominous. Holy moley.
concernedperson said:
Fox saying attempted lst degree murder. Whoa!
I don't know how they can prove this charge. I would think that assault (due to the pepper spray) and possibly attempted kidnapping. I do believe that she would have murdered this woman had her plans not been derailed. However, I don't know how they are going to prove the attempted murder charge.
Problem is she may have been stopped short of what could be called an actual "attempt", and there is no "conspiracy" of one person. The best charge will probably be a federal case for crossing state lines with intent to commit the crime of murder, or kidnapping.
nanandjim said:
I don't know how they can prove this charge. I would think that assault (due to the pepper spray) and possibly attempted kidnapping. I do believe that she would have murdered this woman had her plans not been derailed. However, I don't know how they are going to prove the attempted murder charge.

Because of all the apparatus she was carrying around...murder tools and disposal items. If Shipman had been knocked unconscience she could have jumped in her car and taken off with her bag of goodies. She also had cash to get back to her parked car at the hotel.
concernedperson said:
Because of all the apparatus she was carrying around...murder tools and disposal items. If Shipman had been knocked unconscience she could have jumped in her car and taken off with her bag of goodies. She also had cash to get back to her parked car at the hotel.
Fox news commentator is saying that he speculates that she has said something during her interview that would lead to the attempted murder charge because just having the apparatus is not enough for such a charge. That's my thinking, too.
Ok I 'll ask..........

what was the rubber tubing for?

In the bag was the BB gun, a steel mallet, a 4-inch folding knife, $600, garbage bags and rubber tubing :confused:

what would THAT be used for? :eek:
Rubber tubing??

Restraining a victim...strangling a victim....that's all I can think of. My mind won't "go there" as to what else!!!!!!
Wow, such a descent into some kind of maddness. In her NASA photo she looks so healthy and normal. What would make a person think she could kidnap and kill a woman who possible didn't even know her and then not get caught and win her man and live happily ever after? What did she plan to do with her husband and twins?
PaperDoll said:
I wonder what happened to make this woman snap. She is a pretty lady in her before pic, but the after one? oh my, she looks beat up.. Sad..
--That's because she got caught and she knows she just ruined her life

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