GUILTY FL - Astronaut Lisa Nowak arrested in kidnap attempt, 5 Feb 2007

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i think the chances are about zilch to none that she has early signs of alzheimer's. i don't think this kind of behavior is typical of the disease. she was highly irrational, but i've never heard of anyone being so obsessively driven (with a's disease) to do what she did. with alzheimer's you see pointless repetitive behaviours, people getting lost a lot (physically, or in their thoughts/speech), confusion, absent-mindedness, sometimes hysterical anger and frustration.. but not usually this kind of thing. this is definitely some kind of breakdown of rational thought probably brought on by the stress of overwork or having to be too perfect for too long... along with her obssessive desire for a hot spaceman.

hey what a minute.. whatever happened to the term 'crime of passion'..? isn't that how so many men used to get off scot-free after shooting their wives in bed with another man?
It sounds to me like her and Billy O had a thing going which caused his wife to divorce him. Evidentally he then found a new girlfrined...Colleen...and Lisa wasn't happy about that so she decided to take things into her own hands in order to get her man back. I'm thinking now that he must have dumped Lisa and then took up with Colleen. He might not have even known that Lisa was so hung up on him. Seems like he dropped everything to go to Colleen when he found out what had happened. To bad Lisa.

I also think Lisa should be charged with attempted murder. If Colleen hadn't been able to get away after being sprayed with pepper spray she probably wouldn't be here today. Any jury that hears this story should convict her.
Buzzm1 said:
What hose Amraann?? I didn't see rubber hose mentioned. They use the rubber tubing, to raise the veins, when I go in, about once a year, to have a blood test, and then after they successfully get the needle in, they release the rubber tubing, and fill up all of the containers; usually three, sometimes four.

Buck knives are very strong; in fact I think they are advertised as having the ability to cut through bone. The steel mallet could be used to pound in the back of the blade to drive it through the bone. The plastic bags; I am assuming black plastic bags, speak for themselves, as well as the latex/or nitrile gloves. She saw on CSI, and Forensic Files, that oxidized crazy glue will bring out fingerprints on plastic bags--thus the need for gloves.
Hey Buzz, I actually thought of something very similar when I heard about the tubing, especially paired with the knife and garbage bags. My first thought was that she was going to kill her, dismember her, then dispose of her body parts separately in the plastic bags and use the tubing to drain the blood while cutting so it would be less messy for her. Not out of any sinister thoughts of my own, of course, but just what I've read about in other cases.

It made me think of what Robert Durst did to that old man in Texas and other cases. Maybe I watch too much crime news and forensic files, but I totally had the same thoughts when I read about those items. :blushing: :angel:
reb said:
this is exactly what irritates the bejeezus out of me. nowadays everyone uses 'OCD', 'personality disorder', 'ADD', 'bipolar', etc.. as an excuse for ALL kinds of irresponsible, bitchy, bratty, immature, and downright psycho behavior. it gives the disorders, and people who TRULY have these disorders (if you believe they ARE real- which is always a subject of debate), a bad name.. and it is a lame attempt to excuse ones' self from idiotic behavior.
but of course i said this in so many words before, and some folks got all offended-- go figure. why?, i still don't know!
I agree with this. Not so much the other stuff, but interesting ideas nonetheless.

Personally, I like to know they WHY of things. I don't believe disorders and such should be an excuse in any way. I don't believe that having a mental illness is an excuse for anything. It simply means some must work harder than others. But, I naturally like to learn or consider the possibilities of the myriad illnesses and disorders because they are such a large part of my life and I have, unfortunately, learned an awful lot about them.

I got upset at your earlier comment that suggested that "personality disorder" was a nice way of saying (expletive) crazy. My daughter is mentally ill and has a personality disorder. My mother and brother have mental illness and personality disorders. Because of my daughter's situation, I have many friends from all walks of life who either have, or have family who have, mental illness and personality disorders. I took personal offense because of the wording of that particular post. Having read many of your other posts, reb, I can see that is just your style.
delilah- thanks for trying to hear me.
but OK, i need to really clarify this... in case other people still don't get what i'm saying.

what i mean is that people who are NOT mentally ill should not be using these psychological terms, which have lately become very trendy, to excuse their behavior. i am not saying anything at all to criticize people who DO have these disorders!! i am referring to the peole who DO NOT. and the fact that shrinks often convince people that they do.... because it's often within their best interest to get their patients on drugs-- which further reinforces that 'i'm helpless' mentality.

sometimes people just never learned how to treat other people, how to not be selfish or manipulative, or how to accept not getting their way. (thus my words 'bitchy' and 'bratty'.) i was also referring to the modern phenomenon of doctors saying any kid that acts like a kid has "ADD" and needs to be on speed (ritalin).
i don't understand why so many got all offended, as if i was insulting them and everyone else who is truly mentally ill. that's ridiculous!
1) dont know where the racial angle came in but statistically speaking, black people get a raw deal from cops way more than white people. the black woman would have been given the death penalty and probably never even been on tv.

2) i have personality disorder, a couple of them. i still haven't stalked and killed anyone or used it as an excuse to get free benefits.

oh wait, im crazy and i need a weekly check. !! sign me up !

reb said:
delilah- thanks for trying to hear me.
but OK, i need to really clarify this... in case other people still don't get what i'm saying.

what i mean is that people who are NOT mentally ill should not be using these psychological terms, which have lately become very trendy, to excuse their behavior. i am not saying anything at all to criticize people who DO have these disorders!! i am referring to the peole who DO NOT. and the fact that shrinks often convince people that they do.... because it's often within their best interest to get their patients on drugs-- which further reinforces that 'i'm helpless' mentality.

sometimes people just never learned how to treat other people, how to not be selfish or manipulative, or how to accept not getting their way. (thus my words 'bitchy' and 'bratty'.) i was also referring to the modern phenomenon of doctors saying any kid that acts like a kid has "ADD" and needs to be on speed (ritalin).
i don't understand why so many got all offended, as if i was insulting them and everyone else who is truly mentally ill. that's ridiculous!
:laugh: Reb, did you catch Jay Leno's joke about Rehab?: He said someone should open a bar called "Rehab"- the place would be packed, and you could just tell your wife, "Honey, I'll be back later, I'm going to Rehab"!!!
Reb, did you catch Jay Leno's joke about Rehab?: He said someone should open a bar called "Rehab"- the place would be packed, and you could just tell your wife, "Honey, I'll be back later, I'm going to Rehab"!!!__________________

LINUSK, that joke is terrific! Wish I had the finances to open a bar like that where I live. I could really make the $$$!

reb said:
delilah- thanks for trying to hear me.
but OK, i need to really clarify this... in case other people still don't get what i'm saying.

what i mean is that people who are NOT mentally ill should not be using these psychological terms, which have lately become very trendy, to excuse their behavior. i am not saying anything at all to criticize people who DO have these disorders!! i am referring to the peole who DO NOT. and the fact that shrinks often convince people that they do.... because it's often within their best interest to get their patients on drugs-- which further reinforces that 'i'm helpless' mentality.

sometimes people just never learned how to treat other people, how to not be selfish or manipulative, or how to accept not getting their way. (thus my words 'bitchy' and 'bratty'.) i was also referring to the modern phenomenon of doctors saying any kid that acts like a kid has "ADD" and needs to be on speed (ritalin).
i don't understand why so many got all offended, as if i was insulting them and everyone else who is truly mentally ill. that's ridiculous!
I totally understand what you're saying and I agree. I think the offense taken was more an issue with the delivery (or reception) than the message itself.
LinasK said:
:laugh: Reb, did you catch Jay Leno's joke about Rehab?: He said someone should open a bar called "Rehab"- the place would be packed, and you could just tell your wife, "Honey, I'll be back later, I'm going to Rehab"!!!
There's a bar in our area called The Neighbor... lots of people suddenly started seeing 'the neighbor' more often.... :D
JanetElaine said:
There's a bar in our area called The Neighbor... lots of people suddenly started seeing 'the neighbor' more often.... :D
There use to be a bar in Chapel Hill (I think, at least around there) named "He's Not Here". ;)
reb said:
delilah- thanks for trying to hear me.
but OK, i need to really clarify this... in case other people still don't get what i'm saying.

what i mean is that people who are NOT mentally ill should not be using these psychological terms, which have lately become very trendy, to excuse their behavior. i am not saying anything at all to criticize people who DO have these disorders!! i am referring to the peole who DO NOT. and the fact that shrinks often convince people that they do.... because it's often within their best interest to get their patients on drugs-- which further reinforces that 'i'm helpless' mentality.

sometimes people just never learned how to treat other people, how to not be selfish or manipulative, or how to accept not getting their way. (thus my words 'bitchy' and 'bratty'.) i was also referring to the modern phenomenon of doctors saying any kid that acts like a kid has "ADD" and needs to be on speed (ritalin).
i don't understand why so many got all offended, as if i was insulting them and everyone else who is truly mentally ill. that's ridiculous!

Just to let you (and others) know- I had misunderstood where you were coming from at first as well. However, after "speaking" with you in the Jury room thread, I realize you were not saying there is no mental illness just that mental illness seems to have recently become a "fad".

I also apologize for taking what you said the wrong way- it was my bad not yours!
No Attempted Murder Charge for Astronaut

ORLANDO, Fla. (March 2) - Prosecutors have decided not to charge astronaut Lisa Nowak with attempted murder.

They charged her today with attempted kidnapping and other crimes, but didn't file the attempted murder charge that had been recommended by police.

The formal charges against Nowak from prosecutors in Orlando, Florida, come nearly a month after she was arrested in a parking lot at the Orlando airport.

Police have said she drove from Houston to confront a woman she saw as a rival for another astronaut's attention -- and that she wore an astronaut's diaper to avoid having to make stops along the way.
I expect this case will be plea bargained down to something acceptable to all parties, and be settled, well before it goes to trial. I think she's in for a stint in a mental hospital.
oh i know it's all clear with us OLG... don't worry, it's all good now. ;)
NASA Astronaut Lisa Nowak Collected E-mails Sent between Former Lover Bill Oefelein and His New Girlfriend



March 6, 2007 — NASA astronaut Lisa Nowak carried printouts of romantic e-mails between her former boyfriend, space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein, and his new girlfriend when she drove roughly 900 miles in an alleged attempt to abduct the girlfriend in early February, according to police evidence released Monday.

The steamy e-mail exchanges were sent back and forth between Oefelein and Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman — including at least one received while Oefelein was on a shuttle mission last December.

The evidence offered insight into the bizarre behavior of Nowak, who viewed Shipman as a romantic rival and has been charged with attempted kidnapping and burglary with assault after an encounter with Shipman in a Florida airport parking lot.

In one e-mail, Shipman wrote, "Will have to control myself when I see you, first the urge will be to rip your clothes off, throw you on the ground, and love the hell out of you."

The e-mails were included in documents released late Monday by the Orange Osceola State Attorney's office in Florida.

Lisa Nowak apparently discovered the e-mails after she used a key she kept to let herself into Oefelein's Houston apartment and log on to his computer. Police said they found printed copies of some of the e-mails when they arrested Nowak at the Orlando International Airport in February. more at link:
I think it is pretty tasteless that the contents of those emails are being leaked to the press. I feel very badly for Colleen.
Masterj said:
I think it is pretty tasteless that the contents of those emails are being leaked to the press. I feel very badly for Colleen.
Me too. The e-mails were quite personal. I was surprised when they were on our midafternon news here. I can only imagine how it feels to have your (what I am sure was considered private) steamy emails all over the Associated Press through no fault of your own. I guess though compared to what Lisa had planned for her this has to be bearable. If that is any consolation when her DAD turns on the news.
SLP said:
Me too. The e-mails were quite personal. I was surprised when they were on our midafternon news here. I can only imagine how it feels to have your (what I am sure was considered private) steamy emails all over the Associated Press through no fault of your own. I guess though compared to what Lisa had planned for her this has to be bearable. If that is any consolation when her DAD turns on the news.

I think it is going too far to publish Colleen's emails. Yeah, LE for use in prosecution but not for public consumption...she is a victim not a perp.

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