FL - Baby, 9 mos, fatally struck after crawling from home

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I hear your outrage. I have mine too.

I am considered deaf. I have one ear to hear out of with. I am now far older than 6, but I've been outside living life and could have been run over easily many times. (with or without a rug around me)

My parents adopted me. Yes, they were careful, but if you saw my story earlier, obviously they didn't watch me EVERY SECOND...............

That's all.

I do agree that there must have been a reason for DCF to have been visiting the house in November 2007. Is there any way to find out why??

However, I don't think it has anything to do with what happened to the beautiful little girl. Her sister must be feeling so devasted right now.

Prayers to her and the family no matter what happens from here on out.

LD, That is wonderful you have never been held back, and no our parents can't watch us every second. Absolutely there are accidents, and it is a sin for this little sister.

However, I have quite a few friends who are deaf. Some deaf-oral. I studied ASL for four years and was Blessed to get to know alot of wonderful people. They are like every other parent my friends, but there's a strict code when it comes to vehicles and roads and streets. Indeed an accident can happen at any time, and that's even when a parent is with us. My outrage comes from seeing little children night in and out right out back my window who are not watched, period. Is that what happened here? I don't know. Placing the blame on the driver from social services though kind of is passing the buck. I see it. Parents blaming everybody but themselves and their lack of concern for their kids. Meanwhile some citizen going about their business gets the blame for an accident.

My heart aches for any parent no matter what who has a child die in this way. They have to live with that for the rest of their lives. Why was the social worker there? Well, my guess it has to be for some reason other than a friendly visit. Meanwhile we have people with iPods in their ears dodging traffic. They can't hear who is behind them or horns or any noise. In that case I made sure my child and my nephews as children didn't go running around playing with them things in their ears. It's common sense really.

Has anyone read my post???

Again, I am considered deaf legally.

I've done things outside................

I just gave my parents a 55th surprise anniversary party.

That being all said..................I have been found walking down a street by myself at age 3. I've been outside playing with things I had no business playing with.............

Let's stop condemning here.............

I want to know some facts. Like why was DCF there to being with? I'm still perturbed about a DCF anyways hitting a child (deaf or not) and there is nothing in the papers about it)

Maybe the mother had applied for welare benefits?? Could that be why DCF was there that day?

Actually, I don't even think that is what is important here. What is important, IMO, is how the 9 month old got out and what was Mom doing then, etc. etc. etc.

Filly, this is what struct me as the oddest thing. Who does that? Who has a rug outside in the first place??? That's just weird.:confused:

Jeana, I kid you not the people that live two doors from me. There's also an old mattress has been there for weeks the kids play on. There's one of those free standing basketball courts they let fall miraculously missing one of the kids. That now is rusting as the kids climb all over that. One little girl who has a congential brain disease actually had a piece of the metal in her mouth while it's still attached to the thing.

We used to be allowed to bring out old sheets as kids to make a tent, but them things got tossed as soon as we got done playing. Rugs, blankets, old towels, trash, garbage. It's all out there and these kids re playing in it and on it. Plus alot of other neighborhood kids as well. Hours pass until finally somebody screams out the window for the kids to come in. That goes on for no lie about at least twenty minutes. Man, I wouldn't listen either to someone yelled for me to come in and when I didn't there were no consequences. It's too much trouble to punish these kids. It'll cut into mommy's time.

Sorry I hijacked. LOL It just boggles my mind these people keep procreating too. Infants are easier fr them I guess.
Jeana, I kid you not the people that live two doors from me. There's also an old mattress has been there for weeks the kids play on. There's one of those free standing basketball courts they let fall miraculously missing one of the kids. That now is rusting as the kids climb all over that. One little girl who has a congential brain disease actually had a piece of the metal in her mouth while it's still attached to the thing.

We used to be allowed to bring out old sheets as kids to make a tent, but them things got tossed as soon as we got done playing. Rugs, blankets, old towels, trash, garbage. It's all out there and these kids re playing in it and on it. Plus alot of other neighborhood kids as well. Hours pass until finally somebody screams out the window for the kids to come in. That goes on for no lie about at least twenty minutes. Man, I wouldn't listen either to someone yelled for me to come in and when I didn't there were no consequences. It's too much trouble to punish these kids. It'll cut into mommy's time.

Sorry I hijacked. LOL It just boggles my mind these people keep procreating too. Infants are easier fr them I guess.



You did good!!!


Anyways, that goes back to neighborhoods, income level, etc. This is not the area for that to be discussed.

I did notice that the houses looked close together. Is this area considered poverty level?? That might explain why a rug (and probably othe items) would be outside???????

No bashing please.................I am not trying to be mean or distinguish in any way shape or form.

I'm glad you survived your childhood escapades. And that you survive every day with your deafness. You're an adult now...I wouldn't expect anyone to watch over you every minute...lol.

It bothers me too that the DCF worker running over a child didn't hit the news when it happened. You can't find anything except the current story when googling.

I'm not sure if DCF makes a home visit if someone applies for welfare...or if they are involved in that part of Social Services at all. Maybe someone else knows.

I think the reason we are questioning this at all is this is not the first time it has happened and in less than a year. Do they just not watch their children at all? Or was it a momentary lapse both times?

I still think a child with disabilities and a baby should be watched extra carefully and at all times. Both are very vulnerable.
I don't understand people who can't see something like this coming if they don't teach their child basic safety rules and how those rules protect them.

I am by no means a perfect parent, but even on my worst day you would never catch me leaving a crawling baby in a room with a broken door while I'm busy in another part of the home. I never ever have walked off without the baby before making very sure that the other person (hubby, big sis, etc.) knew that I was not taking the baby with me. You can never assume with a small child like that!

The only way I have ever let my kids play in the driveway is if I move the car so that the drive is blocked from any vehicles turning in. I taught them why we have to be sure a car can't run over us...because driveways and streets are for cars and drivers can't always stop in time not to hit us, and if a car hits you it hurts alot and sometimes you die. A four year old can understand that. Any parent can teach them, it's not hard.

Very simple precautions, in my opinion. I am sorry for anyone who loved and misses this child and is truly blameless in her death. Her parents could have fixed the door, blocked the door, made sure which one had the baby, make a safe play area for the baby, etc. They could have taken the time to teach the older child the dangers of playing in the drive. For some reason, they chose to continue to be careless with the welfare of their children, and for that they should be ashamed.


I agree wholeheartedly with you children with or without disabilites should be watched.

I first posted prior to the knowledge of the second girl, and at that time was reserving judgement until more facts came out.

Then when it was posted about the prior run over of a daughter, I was flabberghasted.

Still want to hold judgement, but really antsy for some facts about everything.

I do feel that twice in 7 months is a little much. But then again, I am not God, and he is the one that makes those decisions. (If you believe that is).
My brother used to take his screen off all the time and we'd find his cowboy boots stuck in the mud in the ground below the window. Once we found him walking down a busy street in his diaper carrying my grandma's purse. He was 2. "Goin shoppin!" he said.


Sounds famiiar.

When I was 4, I had a 2 y/o brother and a brand new baby sister. We were all upstairs in the bathroom and I wanted to fix my moms hair, so she sat down and I was brushing it and whatnot. My little brother went into the other room to watch a video and after a few minutes my mom stopped and said "now wait a minute, I don't hear your brother, things have gotten quiet". So, she and I ran all over the house yelling my brother's name, looking EVERYWHERE for him. We were thinking he must be hiding in a closet somewhere.

Not long after, the doorbell rang. At this point my mom was starting to panic. She opened the door and there was a jogger holding my brother and holding our dog on his leash. My brother had gone out the back door, climbed under the fence through a hole the dog had made and out the neighbors yard (no gate/fence)... across the westbound lanes of a major highway... a block away. He was standing in the median with the dog on the leash when the jogger spotted him. I remember the whole the VERY clearly as it was quite traumatizing.

Just shows, it can happen to anyone with the right (or wrong?) circumstances.

That poor baby...
Hi Everyone....If you look at the Comments sections under the link in Post 65 of this thread....there is a woman there claiming to be the mother saying that DCF were there to see the previous tenants of the house.
Hi Everyone....If you look at the Comments sections under the link in Post 65 of this thread....there is a woman there claiming to be the mother saying that DCF were there to see the previous tenants of the house.

Thank you Ciara. It's actually post #62. I only know because #65 has no link. I wonder if that truly is the mother of the girls? It certainly could be.
The social worker was there for previous tenants and it was her fault because she was on the cell according to that post.
Just out of curiosity, would any of you be posting comments on an article about your baby's death, just days after it occurred?

I might get on WS for support, but I don't think I could bring myself to read articles much lest post comments to an article.
Just out of curiosity, would any of you be posting comments on an article about your baby's death, just days after it occurred?

I might get on WS for support, but I don't think I could bring myself to read articles much lest post comments to an article.

I don't think I could even scrape myself off of the floor.
Same here. It may be a friend of the mother's posting as her.

They're in the middle of a move and planning a funeral. I don't think she would be able to post yet.
This link is about a 17 month old getting run over in her own driveway.

Slow-moving front- and backover accidents happen more than 2,400 times a year, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study in 2005. Most victims aren't more than 1 year old. More than 60 percent of the accidents involve a larger vehicle such as an SUV, van or truck, the study reported.

I might if I felt like I was being lambasted by the media or people that didn't have a clue. I'd probably have my daughter do it for me though. Than again I might just think F U about it and not do anything. Maybe it was getting to be a big deal in their town and she felt the need to defend herself.

The internet has brought a whole new layer to news stories. it can get very personal.
below is the post from firstcoastnews.com that ciara & filly refer to in 93 & 94. there is no way to be certain the 1st is actually the girls' mother & i haven't verified the incidence of children injured in their driveways is factual:

melbee06 wrote:
As the mother of both these children I feel that those of you that are judging w/o all of the facts can go well u know where.
FYI my other daughter was runover in the yard by someone that according to the police report workred for DCF and was more concerned with her cell phone conversation than watching where she was going. Of course that was covered up because DCF was involved. Also DCF was not there to check on my child but the previous tenants of the home. SO before you decide to judge get your facts straight and try to walk a few feet in somebody else's shoes.
6/2/2008 7:22 PM EDT on firstcoastnews.com

& here is another:
lonewolfjax wrote:
melbee06 ..I will go out on a limb and for the sake of this discussion assume you are callous enough to be playing online as the mother involved .. let's just look at the facts from Sunday. Child was not supervised, the child is now dead, since as a mother of two common sense tells you not to leave a child that young unattended makes you guilty of at least Criminally Negligent Homicide PERIOD. and yes I have 3 Kids myself
6/2/2008 9:41 PM EDT on firstcoastnews.com

yet another:
Sum1Else wrote:
Unfortunately this type of thing happens more than most people realize.
Safe Kids USA, and other safety advocacy agencies, have been trying to alert DRIVERS to walk around their vehicle to ensure there is nothing in the vehicle path.
In the United States, from 2001-2003 approximately 2,500 children per year ages 1-14 reported to emergency rooms and an average of 229 children per year died after being struck by a vehicle in a driveway or parking area. Close to half of children injured in these incidents were ages 1-4.
6/2/2008 10:19 PM EDT on firstcoastnews.com
I used to have neighbors about three houses down from me who had a 6 year old son who was disabled. I believe he was autistic and mentally disabled. They never kept an eye on him. The cops knocked on my door twice looking for him - once he was found at the swimming pool BY HIMSELF. One morning I woke up and he was in my bedroom going through my stuff. He had just walked right in the back door.
He was hit by a car too because he was playing in the street like always. His parents would leave him there with his other siblings, the eldest being eleven. When he got hit his parents weren't home and their kids didn't know where they were.
All his parents ever did was scream at him and I called the police three times because his 'father' was beating him in the middle of the street. I thought for sure after he was hit by a car the kids would be taken away from these neglectful, irresponsible people but that never happened. It is so frustrating to be witness to things like that.
To know that little boy needed special attention because of his disabilities and all he ever got was people screaming and hitting him because he was a little slow is heartbreaking. Unfortunately there are tons of people out there who have no business being parents. I am started to believe in regulations regarding having children. It is the biggest responsibility we have to ourselves, society and to them yet anyone can do it whenever they want and horrible cycles of neglect and abuse just go on and on.
I realize mistakes happen and kids get away from you. We have no way of knowing if these kids were being neglected or not. I think a lot of the signs point to maybe or yes.

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