Identified! FL - Big Coppitt Key, 'Valentine Jane Doe' 49UFFL, 16-25, Feb'91 - Wanda Deann Kirkum *killer died*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I helped out on this case when I was in LE. I have always maintained that VJD was not from the United States - Poland, maybe, somewhere like that.

Was there anything specific that made you think that?

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Well, we had presumed that since we could not get any leads at all in the case, that she couldn't have been from here. The case was cold from Day 1... Her clothing was very, very odd for the Keys as well (no one from there, who knew that they were going to be in the Keys would wear that there - it's waaay too hot). We figured she came from a cold climate. We thought that the only person who knew her was the person that had killed her.
Well, we had presumed that since we could not get any leads at all in the case, that she couldn't have been from here. The case was cold from Day 1... Her clothing was very, very odd for the Keys as well (no one from there, who knew that they were going to be in the Keys would wear that there - it's waaay too hot). We figured she came from a cold climate. We thought that the only person who knew her was the person that had killed her.

Yeah, I've only visited Florida a few times, but her clothing still struck me as odd.
Her nose and her profile remind me of a good friend of mine from HS (my friend is still alive) so when I look for matches for this case, I look for someone who reminds of my friend, too.
Does anyone else do that? See a UP that resembles someone you know or a celebrity and keep that in the back of your mind when you search, or is it just me? Like Dermot Kelly reminds me of a young Dermot Mulroney, that sort of thing.
I decided to look at missing female Canadians. Like most Canadian MP profiles I've run into, there's not a lot of detail, but there is a slight resemblance for both. Coincidentally, they are cousins who went missing nearly a year apart. They are both part of First Nations, from British Columbia.
I think the pictures of both are of them at slightly younger ages.
I saw the CS pics of her when she was found - I think the drawings of her are a lot more 'upscale' than she was. Her tattoos always struck me as odd; they appear to be done by an amateur.

No, I just found them, but Delphine's color picture looks familiar to me, so I'm wondering if she's already been turned in. If not for this case, then maybe another.
I wonder how much of an undertaking it would be to get the Canadian government to submit all of their MP DNA profiles they have to CODIS so we can do a one time comparison to our UPs. I'm not talking about an ongoing kind of project, but a one time, "let's just tsee if anything shakes out for any of our UID cases" kind of a thing. I wonder if we could get some sort of grant for that, you know how like colleges get grants to conduct experiments and study things. We could do it with mDNA only to make things simple. Just a thought.
Well, we had presumed that since we could not get any leads at all in the case, that she couldn't have been from here. The case was cold from Day 1... Her clothing was very, very odd for the Keys as well (no one from there, who knew that they were going to be in the Keys would wear that there - it's waaay too hot). We figured she came from a cold climate. We thought that the only person who knew her was the person that had killed her.

She could have been vacationing there like many people do, including me

I helped out on this case when I was in LE. I have always maintained that VJD was not from the United States - Poland, maybe, somewhere like that.
Why do you think Poland? She looks more Spanish to me.

Which recon is the most accurate?
Here is Delphine's WS page. I just bumped it and added the link I posted here for her.
I don't think any of the links for the news stories work anymore.
Her sister is quoted in one of the articles, and someone was kind enough to put that in the thread.
Does anyone know if Delphine was ever turned into NamUs?
Hec, do you have any contacts on your end you could that you could run her by someone? Or maybe her cousin?
I used to work as a LEO in the Florida Keys. I spoke with the ME and the FBI... Sarah May Estes was ruled out a while ago... It's the islands, so they're kind of bad about updating things...

How was she ruled out? Not seeing her on NamUs

You have a few questions you never answered a few posts up
We had thought Eastern Europe (i.e., Poland) because of her appearance and her winter clothing (and that at the time a search of the entire US failed to produce any leads). But Spanish does make sense, since there are so many there - the only thing is she was dressed like she was from a cold climate, so she probably wouldn't be from Miami, etc. But, she could be from northern Florida...

How was she ruled out? Not seeing her on NamUs

You have a few questions you never answered a few posts up
Delphine and VJD's marks do not match (Delphine has a birthmark). Nice lead though!

Here is Delphine's WS page. I just bumped it and added the link I posted here for her.
I don't think any of the links for the news stories work anymore.
Her sister is quoted in one of the articles, and someone was kind enough to put that in the thread.
Does anyone know if Delphine was ever turned into NamUs?
Hec, do you have any contacts on your end you could that you could run her by someone? Or maybe her cousin?
I remember way back when I first encountered this case when I was in LE, and wondered who VJD was. We actually thought the case would be solved quickly, because someone had to miss her! How wrong we were - here it is 2016 and there's still no leads on her. It's so sad, ya know? Thanks guys for your contributions lately - I will keep looking as well. Never give up!
Thanks, Hec. What about Delphine's cousin? Was she looked into, just in case?
Also, do you know if they are thinking about doing isotopes on her by chance?
I'll submit Delphine and her cousin anyway just to be sure, and I'm going to *ask* them to make sure they update VJD's rule-outs on her page. I doubt they're looking at Isotope Testing, but I'll find out - it would probably be a good idea at this point.

Thanks, Hec. What about Delphine's cousin? Was she looked into, just in case?
Also, do you know if they are thinking about doing isotopes on her by chance?
We had thought Eastern Europe (i.e., Poland) because of her appearance and her winter clothing (and that at the time a search of the entire US failed to produce any leads). But Spanish does make sense, since there are so many there - the only thing is she was dressed like she was from a cold climate, so she probably wouldn't be from Miami, etc. But, she could be from northern Florida...

Sometimes people from very warm climates are chilly and dress warmly in conditions that would make a native sweat. I used to work in New England with a guy from the Mississippi delta who wore flannel shirts to work all year around. The only time he was warm was the year we had the 100-degree heat wave.

The pacheco cross on her hand makes me think hispanic.

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