GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #3

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Now that I'm all caught up, off to bed for me. Long day here and even longer one tomorrow.

Won't be able to follow the trial tomorrow, so will have to catch up at the end of the day. I've been trying to sort some things out with time and what happened when, so decided to make a time line, and will post below w/ links to where the info came from. Sorry it's so long.
1991 Julie and Parker Schenecker are married
1992: JS diagnosed w/ depression, and treated w/ medication.
1995: Calyx is born
1998: Beau is born; JS suffered “significant post-partum depression”
2001 – JS hospitalized for 9 months; diagnosed with bipolar disease, schizo-affective disorder & severe depression . Parker hired a Nanny, who cared for the kids, along with his mother.
2005-2006: JS goes through 6 month manic phase; PS took her to Walter Reed Hospital in D.C.
2009-Sept. 2010: JS fairly stable for about 18 months(per PS email), taking Abilify
Sept. 2010: JS begins exhibiting signs of Tardive Dyskensia (in her jaw and tongue)
Sept. 8: JS taken off Abilify (?), put on Lithium. PS reported that JS in steady decline ever since.
Sept. 11: go to New Orleans to celebrate PS’s Mom’s 75th bday; JS gets drunk at dinner, has a bad fall and has to go to ER; After returning to Tampa, Julie continues drinking (had note from her doctor no more than 2 drinks a day); PS says this is the first time alcohol has been a factor. PS reports she’s falling a lot, has slurred speech, very slow reactions and thought processes, in bed a lot. She’s able to (just barely) handle getting kids to school and activities and food on the table.
Oct 1, 2010: JS goes to Fort Myers for a week to visit a friend. When she returns, children express fear of her driving to their father – say she turned left at a red light, etc. Beau refuses to let her drive him to soccer.
Nov 2, 2010: JS & Calyx get into an argument while Calyx is driving van. JS backhands CS several times.
Nov. 5, 2010: Calyx tells her counselor about her mother hitting her
Nov. 6, 2010: Police & Child Protective Services come to house to investigate (Parker is in Dallas); Calyx reports her mother also hit her about 6 weeks prior; CPS noted there were no physical injuries, that mother has had to increase discipline due to daughter’s verbal abuse and failure to respond to non-corporal disciplinary measures; decide there’s no imminent danger & no criminal offense
Nov. 8: Parker writes Dr. Obregon long email, detailing chronology of Julie’s recent decline. PS reports that Calyx is verbally abusive to her mother (calling her mentally unstable, etc.). When Julie tries to engage Calyx, the daughter refuses to talk, and then finally will insult her mother. PS reports that Julie’s memory is shot – she can’t remember moment to moment. She can’t remember what she just said to someone. She can’t remember a question asked 10 seconds before.
Nov. 8: Julie has car wreck. Policeman on scene notes she has signs of drug impairment: dilated pupils(non-reactive), mushy mouth. JS taken to ER at University Community Hospital, but by time police arrived to order blood screen, she’d already been discharged. Charged with careless driving. Parker tells her she must check into a hotel for the evening; he doesn’t want her around the kids. JS complies
Nov. 10: Julie checks herself into Windmoor Healthcare of Clearwater; Parker takes her. For detox. All meds taken from her.
Nov. 13 & 14 Parker out of town; Parker’s Mom (Nan) comes to stay to help out and remains for about a month
Nov. 28, 2010: JS gets home from rehab at Windmoor (PS picks her up).
Nov. 30, 2010: PS writes Dr. Obregon, says JS sleeping a lot; not going to AA
Dec 3, 2010: PS writes email (to unknown person ): JS not doing well since getting home, not taking meds, not getting out of bed until 4 or 5 pm; PS said she’s not permitted to drive the kids until she attends AA meetings, says the kids (both now) are very angry with her for not living up to what she’s supposed to do/be as a mother
Also on Dec. 3, PS emails Dr. Obregon, tells him JS didn’t fill her prescription script, she’s in bed until 4 or 5 p.m., and not engaged with the family, says JS says she feels depressed, isolated, humiliated
Also, on Dec. 3, PS emails JS (he’s out of town) asking her to sign a release for her doctor to speak with him; JS emails back on same day, “Hell no”
Dec. 6, 2010: JS sends PS an email about scheduling for counseling, and refuses (again) to release her medical records to PS; PS sends email to JS saying kids have asked him not to let her drive them anymore
Dec. 12: Parker’s Mom leaves
Dec. 16, 2010: family counseling begins w/ Beth Marsh
Dec. 31, 2010: PS writes email to Dr. Obregon (JS’s doc) – tells him that he and Beau are out of town, Calyx at a friend’s, and JS alone at home for New Year. Said JS not been getting out of bed for past 5 weeks, her energy is non-existent, her memory is shot, her balance is way off, she’s been falling quite a bit. She seems to be taking meds, but PS is not sure if she’s taking right dosage. PS says it’s the longest she’s been like this in 20 years. She’s mentioned suicide
Jan. 13, 2011: JS has her 50th birthday
Jan. 15, 2011: PS writes email to extended family (apparently feels they’ve been critical of how he’s handling crisis) explaining how difficult it is to live with and care for a mentally ill person, and that they should come jump in the trench with him rather than lobbing grenades over the wall
Jan 16, 2011: Julie & her brother Dave exchange emails about plans for a Spring Break visit and a little gift Julie sent to Dave’s wife.
Jan 18, 2011: Parker leaves for the Middle East (scheduled to return Jan 30); on the same day, DCF closes child abuse case -- they note the house is neat and free of environmental hazards, no criminal history on part of either parents, that family is attending group therapy, and Calyx individual therapy, that mother has several supportive friends in community, that children are healthy and basic needs being met, father very supportive of mother, mother has agreed not to hit her daughter, long-term risk to children is low.
Jan 19: Julie’s brother Dave writes 2 emails – one to Parker, expressing his encouragement and willingness to help; Dave also writes Julie, assuring her of PS’s love and support, but telling her she must come out of denial and get help. He criticizes her spelling and grammar and implies it’s her fault that Parker hasn’t made general, asks her if she’s drinking again
Jan 21: Carole (sister of JS??) emails PS that they are supportive of him, and that Julie hasn’t said anything negative about him (and that the last 6 months of their marriage has been the best), and that she’s talked to JS for quite awhile JS feels “all alone.” Carole tells PS her biggest concern is that JS will give up and commit suicide if she loses her relationship with PS. She says that it’s not her place to step in, although she’s willing, but only if PS or JS ask her to come.
Jan 22: JS buys gun (has to wait 3 days to pick up, but says in investigation she got it on Thursday, which would be the day she shot the kids)
Jan 23: brother Dave emails JS again, asking her to respond to his email of 1/19 and telling her that “grammar and punctuation matter”
Jan. 27, 7:33 pm: JS emails PS “get home soon, were waiting for you!”
Jan 27, 7:48 pm: JS emails PS the kids’ (good) grade reports
Jan 27: 9:54 pm: JS emails her family “you’ve always been there for me…I’m so sick mentally…I minimally take care of the kids, sadly to say…I will end this soon
JS murders Calyx and Beau (what time? before or after the emails??)
Jan. 28:2011, 7:16 am: unidentified family member forwards JS’s email to Parker, and says they’re very concerned – have been calling JS on home and cell number with no response, also trying to call Beau.
Jan. 28, 2011 – JS arrested for murder of 2 children
May 19, 2011: JS & PS divorce; PS files wrongful death suit
Please correct me if I am wrong...JS is about 53 years old. She was an Army Intelligence officer, fluent in Russian, an interpreter and interrogator for over 10 years. What was the real reason JS left the service?

In many posts, but one of the latest ones, Bernina Post 326, said PS stated she (JS) was broken when he (PS) married her (JS). He knew of her condition for 20 years.

I don't have all the dates of service, marriage date etc., but was JS known to have issues when she was a teenager, early adult life but also, from the above comment, JS had issues when on active duty! How could she have these problems and the military not be aware of them? I would think that her problems would interfere with her work as important as it was.

How long or when was JS diagnosed with bi polar disorder? Did her family before JS not get her treated as it appears this was an on going issue.

Something is missing. Please help me connect the dots.

PS: I have someone extremely close that is bi polar. It was not discovered until age 50 after a brain injury. I understand the husbands side in a lot of ways. I do understand some of what those that experience are saying, but if JS has had this for 20 plus years that PS knew her, what happened prior? And having experience with the military, I wonder what happened during that time.

thanks everyone for all your input.
If she is found not guilty due to insanity, there will be a hearing to decide what her treatment will be.
I had found info about this and posted on the other thread..I'll copy/paste it here:

"From what I understand regarding Florida Law, if she is found 'Not Guilty by reason of Insanity' she would not necessarily be discharged and "go free". A hearing would be held to determine if she would be institutionalized, or receive out-patient care and be assigned a social worker, or if she would not receive any care at all.

This is based on Florida Statute 916.15 - Involuntary commitment of defendant adjudicated not guilty by reason of insanity.

The Full Statute can be found here:

This statute states that: "A defendant who is acquitted of criminal charges because of a finding of not guilty by reason of insanity may be involuntarily committed pursuant to such finding if the defendant has a mental illness and, because of the illness, is manifestly dangerous to himself or herself or others."


"In all proceedings under this section, both the defendant and the state shall have the right to a hearing before the committing court."

As well as Rule: 3.217. Judgment of Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

which states: "... if the court then determines that the defendant presently meets the criteria set forth by law, the court shall commit the defendant to the Department of Children and Family Services or shall order outpatient treatment at any other appropriate facility or service, or shall discharge the defendant. Any order committing the defendant or requiring outpatient treatment or other outpatient service ...""

Thanks. She will go straight to a locked hospital if not guilty by reason of insanity. In no way would they grant her outpatient. She's a danger to society. Lots of lawsuits if they released her and she hurt someone. This is the protocol to go to a hospital prison for the insane. She will be their for life.

I would make a large bet on that.
1991 Julie and Parker Schenecker are married
1992: JS diagnosed w/ depression, and treated w/ medication.
1995: Calyx is born
1998: Beau is born; JS suffered “significant post-partum depression”
2001 – JS hospitalized for 9 months; diagnosed with bipolar disease, schizo-affective disorder & severe depression . Parker hired a Nanny, who cared for the kids, along with his mother.
2005-2006: JS goes through 6 month manic phase; PS took her to Walter Reed Hospital in D.C.
2009-Sept. 2010: JS fairly stable for about 18 months(per PS email), taking Abilify
Sept. 2010: JS begins exhibiting signs of Tardive Dyskensia (in her jaw and tongue)
Sept. 8: JS taken off Abilify (?), put on Lithium. PS reported that JS in steady decline ever since.
Sept. 11: go to New Orleans to celebrate PS’s Mom’s 75th bday; JS gets drunk at dinner, has a bad fall and has to go to ER; After returning to Tampa, Julie continues drinking (had note from her doctor no more than 2 drinks a day); PS says this is the first time alcohol has been a factor. PS reports she’s falling a lot, has slurred speech, very slow reactions and thought processes, in bed a lot. She’s able to (just barely) handle getting kids to school and activities and food on the table.
Oct 1, 2010: JS goes to Fort Myers for a week to visit a friend. When she returns, children express fear of her driving to their father – say she turned left at a red light, etc. Beau refuses to let her drive him to soccer.
Nov 2, 2010: JS & Calyx get into an argument while Calyx is driving van. JS backhands CS several times.
Nov. 5, 2010: Calyx tells her counselor about her mother hitting her
Nov. 6, 2010: Police & Child Protective Services come to house to investigate (Parker is in Dallas); Calyx reports her mother also hit her about 6 weeks prior; CPS noted there were no physical injuries, that mother has had to increase discipline due to daughter’s verbal abuse and failure to respond to non-corporal disciplinary measures; decide there’s no imminent danger & no criminal offense
Nov. 8: Parker writes Dr. Obregon long email, detailing chronology of Julie’s recent decline. PS reports that Calyx is verbally abusive to her mother (calling her mentally unstable, etc.). When Julie tries to engage Calyx, the daughter refuses to talk, and then finally will insult her mother. PS reports that Julie’s memory is shot – she can’t remember moment to moment. She can’t remember what she just said to someone. She can’t remember a question asked 10 seconds before.
Nov. 8: Julie has car wreck. Policeman on scene notes she has signs of drug impairment: dilated pupils(non-reactive), mushy mouth. JS taken to ER at University Community Hospital, but by time police arrived to order blood screen, she’d already been discharged. Charged with careless driving. Parker tells her she must check into a hotel for the evening; he doesn’t want her around the kids. JS complies
Nov. 10: Julie checks herself into Windmoor Healthcare of Clearwater; Parker takes her. For detox. All meds taken from her.
Nov. 13 & 14 Parker out of town; Parker’s Mom (Nan) comes to stay to help out and remains for about a month
Nov. 28, 2010: JS gets home from rehab at Windmoor (PS picks her up).
Nov. 30, 2010: PS writes Dr. Obregon, says JS sleeping a lot; not going to AA
Dec 3, 2010: PS writes email (to unknown person ): JS not doing well since getting home, not taking meds, not getting out of bed until 4 or 5 pm; PS said she’s not permitted to drive the kids until she attends AA meetings, says the kids (both now) are very angry with her for not living up to what she’s supposed to do/be as a mother
Also on Dec. 3, PS emails Dr. Obregon, tells him JS didn’t fill her prescription script, she’s in bed until 4 or 5 p.m., and not engaged with the family, says JS says she feels depressed, isolated, humiliated
Also, on Dec. 3, PS emails JS (he’s out of town) asking her to sign a release for her doctor to speak with him; JS emails back on same day, “Hell no”
Dec. 6, 2010: JS sends PS an email about scheduling for counseling, and refuses (again) to release her medical records to PS; PS sends email to JS saying kids have asked him not to let her drive them anymore
Dec. 12: Parker’s Mom leaves
Dec. 16, 2010: family counseling begins w/ Beth Marsh
Dec. 31, 2010: PS writes email to Dr. Obregon (JS’s doc) – tells him that he and Beau are out of town, Calyx at a friend’s, and JS alone at home for New Year. Said JS not been getting out of bed for past 5 weeks, her energy is non-existent, her memory is shot, her balance is way off, she’s been falling quite a bit. She seems to be taking meds, but PS is not sure if she’s taking right dosage. PS says it’s the longest she’s been like this in 20 years. She’s mentioned suicide
Jan. 13, 2011: JS has her 50th birthday
Jan. 15, 2011: PS writes email to extended family (apparently feels they’ve been critical of how he’s handling crisis) explaining how difficult it is to live with and care for a mentally ill person, and that they should come jump in the trench with him rather than lobbing grenades over the wall
Jan 16, 2011: Julie & her brother Dave exchange emails about plans for a Spring Break visit and a little gift Julie sent to Dave’s wife.
Jan 18, 2011: Parker leaves for the Middle East (scheduled to return Jan 30); on the same day, DCF closes child abuse case -- they note the house is neat and free of environmental hazards, no criminal history on part of either parents, that family is attending group therapy, and Calyx individual therapy, that mother has several supportive friends in community, that children are healthy and basic needs being met, father very supportive of mother, mother has agreed not to hit her daughter, long-term risk to children is low.
Jan 19: Julie’s brother Dave writes 2 emails – one to Parker, expressing his encouragement and willingness to help; Dave also writes Julie, assuring her of PS’s love and support, but telling her she must come out of denial and get help. He criticizes her spelling and grammar and implies it’s her fault that Parker hasn’t made general, asks her if she’s drinking again
Jan 21: Carole (sister of JS??) emails PS that they are supportive of him, and that Julie hasn’t said anything negative about him (and that the last 6 months of their marriage has been the best), and that she’s talked to JS for quite awhile JS feels “all alone.” Carole tells PS her biggest concern is that JS will give up and commit suicide if she loses her relationship with PS. She says that it’s not her place to step in, although she’s willing, but only if PS or JS ask her to come.
Jan 22: JS buys gun (has to wait 3 days to pick up, but says in investigation she got it on Thursday, which would be the day she shot the kids)
Jan 23: brother Dave emails JS again, asking her to respond to his email of 1/19 and telling her that “grammar and punctuation matter”
Jan. 27, 7:33 pm: JS emails PS “get home soon, were waiting for you!”
Jan 27, 7:48 pm: JS emails PS the kids’ (good) grade reports
Jan 27: 9:54 pm: JS emails her family “you’ve always been there for me…I’m so sick mentally…I minimally take care of the kids, sadly to say…I will end this soon
JS murders Calyx and Beau (what time? before or after the emails??)
Jan. 28:2011, 7:16 am: unidentified family member forwards JS’s email to Parker, and says they’re very concerned – have been calling JS on home and cell number with no response, also trying to call Beau.
Jan. 28, 2011 – JS arrested for murder of 2 children
May 19, 2011: JS & PS divorce; PS files wrongful death suit

Thank you so much for the timeline. Nicely done. Do you have anything for her behavior Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

I wonder why he left town with Beau and left JS alone New Years if she couldn't get out of bed and was suicidal according to PS email.
Bay area attorney Joe Episcopo said that the state is using Parker Schenecker to paint his ex-wife in the worst possible light. He told 10 News he was surprised that the defense missed an opportunity by not questioning him in cross-examination.

"I would have asked him one question: 'Did you ever apply for a humanitarian reassignment so that you could help your wife with the children?'" said Episcopo.

Episcopo, who successfully defended a 70-year-old man in the murder of his wife's lover last May in front of the same judge in this case, said this trial's outcome will likely hinge on the doctors who examined Schenecker's mental state of mind.

"That's the only issue in this case … did she know right from wrong? Both sides have got to show that their side is better," he said.
Caught up on the thread. I wanted to add regarding the divorce and wrongful death suits:
Parker filed wrongful death to keep her from using the bulk of their marital assets to fund her defense. The judge denied JS request to freeze the assets. I'm not sure how it works in Florida until the financial settlement is reached regarding access to funds. They may both have to go through the court to approve use of money,etc. Regardless, JS may still be entitled to alimony which would not be subject to claims from wrongful death. So, she could lose her rights to property in the wrongful death suit but still keep alimony should the divorce court award her that. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. Also, her alimony could be subject to lien by state of Florida to repay the costs of her defense.
Thank you so much for the timeline. Nicely done. Do you have anything for her behavior Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

I wonder why he left town with Beau and left JS alone New Years if she couldn't get out of bed and was suicidal according to PS email.

I didn't see anything anywhere about Christmas Eve and Christmas day - if someone finds something, we can add it in (if before the time limit for editing expires).

I think by New Year, Parker may have just been exhausted with it all. He'd repeatedly said that Julie was responsible for helping herself, so apparently he must have felt that if she didn't, there was nothing he could do.

I wonder if he thought she'd get totally bombed on New Year Eve and do something to herself? Was that why he got the kids out of the house?
Please correct me if I am wrong...JS is about 53 years old. She was an Army Intelligence officer, fluent in Russian, an interpreter and interrogator for over 10 years. What was the real reason JS left the service?

In many posts, but one of the latest ones, Bernina Post 326, said PS stated she (JS) was broken when he (PS) married her (JS). He knew of her condition for 20 years.

I don't have all the dates of service, marriage date etc., but was JS known to have issues when she was a teenager, early adult life but also, from the above comment, JS had issues when on active duty! How could she have these problems and the military not be aware of them? I would think that her problems would interfere with her work as important as it was.

How long or when was JS diagnosed with bi polar disorder? Did her family before JS not get her treated as it appears this was an on going issue.

Something is missing. Please help me connect the dots.

PS: I have someone extremely close that is bi polar. It was not discovered until age 50 after a brain injury. I understand the husbands side in a lot of ways. I do understand some of what those that experience are saying, but if JS has had this for 20 plus years that PS knew her, what happened prior? And having experience with the military, I wonder what happened during that time.

thanks everyone for all your input.

I couldn't find the source when I was doing the timeline, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that she left the military due to depression and also because she wanted to have children. Perhaps her depression was interfering with her work?? Presumably she'd have been treated then, but the TBO source I linked to in the timeline seemed to indicate 1992 as first date of treatment, based on documents they had access to (and that paper is usually pretty accurate).

She was molested as a very young child (age 6) and gave testimony in the trial against that person. She was sexually assaulted again when she was in her teens. That will no doubt come out in today's court proceedings, and maybe when she first received treatment.
Good morning!

Gloria Gomez, FOX 13 ‏@ggome13 1m
Ok it's the defenses turn to put on their case in #JulieSchenecker trial. Expect to hear from Parker Schenecker today.

Gloria Gomez, FOX 13 ‏@ggome13 40s
#JulieSchenecker just made it into cr
Thank you so much for the timeline. Nicely done. Do you have anything for her behavior Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

I wonder why he left town with Beau and left JS alone New Years if she couldn't get out of bed and was suicidal according to PS email.

Here is another great tool that defense could use. Several things jump out at me...
-using emails rather than making some calls to Dr. etc. to discuss this
-leaving her ALONE on NYE knowing suicide was an option. I agree with the thinking above that maybe he hoped she would just do it!
-with the downward sprial his leaving for 2 weeks was to me borderline criminal...again I don't blame him for the death of the kids but who would just walk out of that house?
-I see nowhere on here where the entire family got together and intervened . What exactly are her parents doing all these years....??? It is their daughter. Was she not speaking to them? Did the kids have any relationship with their grandparents on her side? Sometimes when life is going very bad for your child you do not wait for an invitation to go and see what is really going on.
Erin Maloney ‏@ErinOnTV 5m

Julie #Schenecker in the courtroom, engrossed in a 10 minute conversation w/ her lawyer. Defense begins their case today.
Gloria Gomez, FOX 13 ‏@ggome13 10s
Matthew Evans back on stand. Crime scene tech. He read #JulieSchenecker journal during the pros case
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