GUILTY FL - Carlie Brucia, 11, Sarasota, 1 February 2004

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Whoever said that Carlie could be butt naked and not be responsible is right on the money.

Pamela Butler was wearing a spandex top and shorts when Keith Nicklaus abducted and murdered her. Pamela was only about 8. People around here tried to blame her for her own murder which was utterly ridiculous! That poor little girl was innocent, just like Carlie. Pamela was roller blading and minding her own business. Carlie was walking along and minding her own business.

We need better laws to remove felons from society. He should have never been let out of prison.
This article should explain just how the freak was in the area when Carlie was walking home. Most likely if he wasn't in the bar when everyone was asked to leave he had parked his car and hoped to go inside but couldn't due to the party.

Also, I do not see anything "wrong" with the way she was dressed. I have a picture of myself at about that age dressed similiarly (sp?). Short sleaved shirt, jeans and a pair of shoes, not provacative at all. I would say that he probably did not realize she was only eleven though, she looked like a petite woman.
I haven't read anywhere about her having brothers or sisters? Does anyone know about this?
seamless said:
It was my understanding that he has been charged with 1st degree murder. Does this mean that it was premeditated and planned? If so then he wasn't there by luck.

We'll see this weekend with LK live, He's going to have the other part of the tape that show's this guy parking his car. WHY or Why would a guy park his car in the back of a car wash .........unless he knew someone was going to be the parking lot of a car wash???????????? If you were a sexual predator.........this sound's to me like a set up.

Why would a into the back part of a car wash, on a Sunday....when it was closed.................and attack and grab this young girl?
Was it fate.......................????????

IF he didn't plan or know she was going to be there? Was he tipped off.....or what this his ordinary type of think he did on Sunday's.

I'd love to have some opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMama, to me it appears he was either parked in the area because he had been patronizing the bar next door, or intended to go in but could not because it had been closed for a private party.
wicket said:
I will certainly send a 'thank you' card to the owner of the car wash...he is an unsung hero. This Smith character should never have been out on the streets at all...maybe we could send them all to Mars and really utilize the cost of exploration there. It would save the cost of housing them in prisons for the rest of their lives.
As much as I love my 2 children, looking at baby pictures, remember their attempts to learn to ride bikes, taking off on a Sat. morning to visit a friend around the corner - I'm glad they're grown. Things were different then and they are only 26 and 30. Now I have to worry about the grandchildren. My kids and others, some years ago, were able to enjoy being outside on a hot summer night playing in the neighborhood, chasing fireflys, playing flashlight tag. When watching my grandchildren, they never go outside without me - ever! If I can't see them....they can't go Their parents practice the same rule! But why is it like it is? The same people are walking the streets but was there justice if someone did something sick? Sure was! But many of these sickos get good lawyers, good therapists; and they are deemed cured - miracleously! At least Florida has the death penalty and Massachusetts does not! Too bad for Mr. Smith. :razz:

I don't think things have changed that much--honestly--we knew a girl in California who was abducted off the freeway when her car had a flat tire--beaten to death and missing for four years. She would be just a couple of years older than your oldest daughter now. I think we are just getting more aware and more sick and tired of these perps being let loose to prey now.

I do appreciate that you recognize things are getting worse. It is one of my frustrations with my own mother that she doesn't see this--she constantly says "Oh, it was like that when you were a kid." I rode my bike all over the neighborhood, I played all over the fields when my brothers had ball games, and I routinely walked to and from school with my mother not having the slightest concern if I was ten minutes late..My daughters do none of those things today. My mother doesn't seem to understand the stress I think we feel on a daily basis--worrying whether our children are safe.

So it's nice that you see a change, although I think it was happening before anyone really could see it.
I too thought that Laci and Conner had greeted her. It always angers me so bad when I hear things like this. Why did it have to happen? I have three children. I have taught all mine to run like hell and scream if anyone ever approaches them. Poor Carlie, she was such a young, beautiful girl. She is in heaven now with all the other angels, and probably that of Dru Sjodin who was also taken by one of these wackos that should never have been out on the streets. My thoughts are with her family!

Are there any reports anywhere saying that John and Joseph knew each other? I haven't seen anything reported. But I haven't been able to follow the news as closely as some of you. I just can't imagine someone setting up an 11 year old girl to come to this fate. This type of crime is usually committed as a crime of opportunity. Joseph could have pulled into that car wash waiting for someone (any potential victim) to come along. It was reported that the car wash is on a busy street. I'm sure people walked past there frequently. Its just horrible to think more than one person could have planned something like this.

God bless Carlie and her family.
Lilybug1 said:
The owner of the local bar is quoted as saying in a news article that the Mom frequented the bar and so did the perp - causing people to speculate whether the mother knew the perp or if the perp was watching the Mom. Sound eerily familiar like Mrs. VanDam and D. Westerfield. But I would discount it bc it has been reported that the mother stated that she did not know the man on the videotapes and neither did her daughter. I heard that all around but can't seem to find the source. Did the police say the mother didn't know the man or was it the mother herself?

Was this murder 2 years to the day after Danielle 's abduction/murder by Westerfield?

I thought she was taken on Sunday morning. It is horribly sad, and I feel so very sad for this family.

It can happen to any child. A pervert is a pervert. And when they have violent tendancies to boot it puts them into a category of crime that even the most scary convicted murderer in prison will defend this childs honor.

Lately we have seen so many girls taken away from us by these insipid men who have no conscience. In looking back, they all seem to be truely adorable or absolutely one-of-a kind special. Beautiful in appearance, hard workers or special in some unique way. Now the media, it is true, picks what it wants us to focus on, as crimes go.

The pervs are always big :loser:'s in the looks department, have seem to always have some problem from their past or in their make-up that makes them undesirable to the average American girl.

IMHO these men can't get the girl they fantasize about in real life, so when they see one that resembles their 'dream' girl, they just take her to satisfy their own pleasure.

It makes me real mad to think that this guy afronted her first like he did by grabbing her wrist right off, standing close to her as told her whatever he had to say - establishing control immediately so she wouldn't scream or duck down. With Carlie, I think she was probably struck so she wouldn't fight as he drove, much like they think about Dru, parked and raped her, killing her in the process - then laid her out to be found - can you believe he didn't even try to hid the body! And all within a short period of time - maybe an hour or two and he was all done with her.

He is especially nasty looking. I can imagine she was so scared she didn't even realize at first the danger she was in. I heard Mark Klass say she should have kicked and screamed. He had to have said something when he was standing right up to her that completely threw her off. Thank God he was seen on the tape. Now that they have him and he has confessed to the two friends, I think they might discover he is the perp in other cold cases still on the books.

Isn't Samantha Runion's mom remarkable! I just want to say I know this also happens to all kinds of girls - big, small, fat, skinny, tomboyish or the feminine ones. Each one of these pervs have their own idea of what is a 'dream' girl. Sometimes I think the media focuses on the unique girl to sell papers. Pretty sad, don't you think?

And God bless all of these other mothers. They all share the same pain.

For those who wonder what "incited" Smith:

I wonder if the perv had seen the Janet Jackson/ Justin Timberlake sexual violence simulation on TV prior to this.

I heard today that Superbowl Sunday is one of the biggest days of the year for domestic violence & rape crisis hotlines.

Anyone have any insight?

I believe that Danielle van Dam was also murdered on Superbowl Sunday by David Westerfield.
Scandi wrote:
He is especially nasty looking. I can imagine she was so scared she didn't even realize at firsat the danger she was in. I heard Mark Klass say she should have kicked and screamed. He had to have said something when he was standing right up to her that completely threw her off. Thank God he was seen on the tape. Now that they have him and he has confessed to the two friends, I think they might discover he is the perp in other cold cases still on the books.

That is what scares me to death. You can send your kids to defense classes. Drill them on what to do incase of something like this constantly. And you will never know how they are going to react, if they are ever actually in that kind of situation. Most kids will freeze up and comply with the perp until it's too late. In that split instant, they think if they do what is asked of them they can get away later. Kids naturally want to avoid confrontations with adults.

My oldest daughter is going to be 13. She has never spent the night at her friends house. Her friends can come to our house whenever they want. I don't let her walk anywhere. She is not allowed to go skating or to the mall with out me. Other parent's look at me like I'm just being ridiculous. But I read stories and I don't think I'm going to let her out of the house when she's 18!
Poor Karlie! (I know this is bad), but from the video she looks much older than most 11 year olds, and the way she's dressed is pretty provocative. Not that she shouldn't be allowed to wear that, but that there are some creton criminals out that, that are very stimulated by these young gals with low shirts, sexy midriff and all dolled up. Something in looking like a "goth" most of the time. You don't hear of too many goth girls, or ugly girls being kidnapped. Always the beautiful, young ones. Makes me sick.

I think your comment is a little off. Carlie has a red t shirt w/ cap sleeves & jeans on. When does this count as provacative.
And I think the "ugly girls" not being kidnapped is uncalled for. All children are beautiful.
But it's just my opinion.
Sunnmoon said:
You guys are still missing what I'm saying. I KNOW he was just a criminal, but I don't think he would have been provoked if she looked like a hag....she was a beautiful, well developed girl. And in some way her appearance did provoke him to grab her.

An 11 year old hag???

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