GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #2

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I hate to think of it too but if these could do it once why not twice? I have so much hate for them right now.

I am so, so sorry, sweet baby. I hope if there is a heaven, there are special angels that will hold Chance and love him for eternity.

Rest in love and peace forever, Chance.
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

RSBM. I too wonder if this innocent baby boy was already suffering from another beating on the 9th when grandma wasn't allowed in. It turns my stomach to knots thinking how he possibly laid there in horrible pain for days only to receive the final beating that took his precious life. The heartbreak of this case is just too much.
Thank you for that.

I am so, so sorry, sweet baby. I hope if there is a heaven, there are special angels that will hold Chance and love him for eternity.

Rest in love and peace forever, Chance.
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Chance IS better off now. Chance will never be hurt. Chance will never feel loneliness. Chance will never feel the heartbreak of a mother and father who cannot love him. The moment Chance died, I am confident he finally felt and knew love. I believe Jesus wept at the pain Chance went through, but rejoiced welcoming him into His arms. Chance has joined all of our other WS babies and will forever be our baby, our sweet little angel. Despite the life he had to live, I am thankful I got a chance to know something about this little guy.
I wish he had known all the love that we all could have offered :(

I'm more cowardly. I hid behind my wine and played w my baby and tried to act like I forgot but I can't. :*(

Sweetheart, that is not cowardly. You love and care for a baby you never met and it has affected you deeply...that is not cowardice, that is love that comes from an amazing place in your heart. Thank you for playing with your baby, loving your baby and reporting to us. THIS love is what we need to hear about in stories like Chances. Thank you for letting us see a glimpse of real love!
"The sheriff's office says the public defender’s office has indicated they want to waive Walsh’s presence at first appearance Wednesday."

Hell, no! I hope the judge has them drag his butt in there cuffed and shackled, and whimpering like the @*#$! that he is.

Coward. He sure had no problem facing Chance and the numerous women he beat over the years. Now he hides like a little boy from the big people in the courtroom. Pathetic, puny little worm.
I can't read anymore.
My heart aches for this poor baby.

Why? Why? Why?

Please Florida do justice for Chance. I hope these 2 are tormented deeply every single minute of every day for what they done to him, and probably baby Duane.

So much could have been done.
No sleep for me. Tossing and turning all night.
I spent hours last night reading comments on SM. On family members' SM.
One comment really got to me. A lady wrote that she has had suffered multiple miscarriages and would have given Chance a wonderful and love filled life. My heart hurts for this baby who could have had it all. By no fault of his own was born into addiction, anger and abuse. God bless his beautiful and pure little soul. He has touched so many.

Just sad that it took his murder for his own family to be touched.
That little girl, I will never forget.

The worst I have seen was barely 4-yr old Teghan Skiba. Her mother left her in the "care" of her boyfriend for 2 weeks during her summer active duty with the Reserves. Little Teghan didn't make it to see her mother again. She was brought by the boyfriend to the local hospital on the 10th day & died subsequently.

Her torturer/killer, then 24-yr old Jonathan Richardson, is now on NC's Death Row. Her mother has not yet been prosecuted.

The worst. And I have, like many of you, seen a few.

Yes, that was the other case (besides this one) that changed me probably forever after I read it.

It, too, involved a grandparent who could have saved a life but decided to shrug and walk away (literally. after hearing a WHIMPER from a locked shed.)

I need to go on a walk or something now..
Wow!! I got a little behind on this case and I am just disgusted with the new information that has come out about these evil people. Just disgusting. How on Earth. I don't know why I even try to understand because I never will. I tell myself that's a good thing though. Once you can understand these people you might have a bigger problem. It reminds me of something Robert Roessler (sp?) the former FBI profiler said, it was about the quote of staring into the abyss... and he talked about how much he he'd have to step away from learning so much about these types of horrible people.

I know this has already been cleared up but I also have surgical gloves here at home, I use them to color my hair. My doctor used to let me take a few pair from her office, and I just saw a 10 pack of them sold at CVS yesterday (the one from the dr were purple, the CVS ones are blue, maybe that's where they got them). I should have bought some, I meant to color my hair this morning and I didn't realize I'm out.

Anyway, back to the story. I hope they are able to put both of these away forever, and I hope they are not offered protective custody. Will their details get out to the population though? I know it's fiction but on Orange Is the New Black the prisoners don't know what the others have done. Do some prisons have access to news or will they come in with a reputation or how does that work, I wonder. I also know a man (NOT A FRIEND) who is in jail for raping his own daughter, and he's never had any issues, I don't know that anyone even knows why he's in there. I just hope these two are high profile enough that people do know.
I've been reading along since the beginning but have just been too overwhelmed, horrified, and tearful to post.
Sweet little Chance, I hope you can feel all the love we all have for you.
As for the low life's that did this, I say give them the drug of there choice. Let them get nice and high. Let them suffer horrible withdrawal with no help. When the worst of it comes beat the %#%}€, then leave THEM to die alone and rot.
I feel like every time something like this happens we get a comment from DCF promising an internal review etc. It's no secret how understaffed they are - so many well meaning people go in hoping to change and/or save lives and come out cynical, having been stretched too thin to be effective.

I bet if some banks were willing to take a slight hit, a loan forgiveness program would bring in a LOT of young (temporary) staff, kind of Teach for America/Peace Corps style. When I was in my early 20's with an overwhelming amount of student debt and no set career path yet, I definitely would have considered the temporary placement if it were an option. People to check on newborns and their home environments, to look into why a "homeschooled" student hasn't been seen in years..

As it stands now DCF does not have the resources to truly verify if someone who's had their children taken away 7 times is living with the mother of yet another child. It's too easy for someone like that to give someone else's residence as a permanent address - that of a brother or friend, maybe. And that's even if it got far enough down the chain that it needed to be verified!

To be fair, I assume the egg donor here must have gotten herself clean while pregnant, otherwise she wouldn't have been allowed to go home with the baby, right? So a lot of the human error here is friends and family of theirs who knew about the historical drug addiction and didn't have the sense or ability to report it. I would phone that tip in so hard if it involved a Facebook acquaintance from high school, much less FAMILY.

As a sidenote, I'm going to overnight that a box full of angry hornets if it comes out she's claiming to have been a battered woman, too scared to defy her Awesome Man.
No sleep for me. Tossing and turning all night.
I spent hours last night reading comments on SM. On family members' SM.
One comment really got to me. A lady wrote that she has had suffered multiple miscarriages and would have given Chance a wonderful and love filled life. My heart hurts for this baby who could have had it all. By no fault of his own was born into addiction, anger and abuse. God bless his beautiful and pure little soul. He has touched so many.

Just sad that it took his murder for his own family to be touched.

Yeah, I was up most of the night too. There were so many people that would have gladly taken this baby. I raise mini goats and horses and do rescue/rehabilitation on all sorts of farm animals. Somebody gave me a very sick baby goat the other day. I named her Hope and she is now in a large crate in my bathroom. She is very sick and I wasn't sure that she would make it through the night, so I was up checking on her every few hours. If she dies, I don't want her to die alone. My thoughts in the night went to how I would give her a proper burial if she doesn't make it. Then I realized that I was giving more love and care to this little goat then poor little Chance had in his short life and how he was treated after he died.
Just had to go cry in the bathroom after reading all that. (teach me for reading up on it at work....).
According to new documents from the department, Chance's parents were no strangers to them. In one report from this past July, a caseworker received a call that the mother, Kristen Bury -- who has also been charged with Chance's death -- may be on drugs. It was determined that there wasn't enough information in the call to warrant a caseworker going out to the home. DCF said the caller did not appear to have first-hand knowledge that they could use, and Chance was still in the hospital at the time. DCF says the hospital did not report any concerns at the time.
This is one of the worst cases I have ever followed. And it's just going to get worse. I talk a lot of trash, but typically, even in the worst of cases, I don't wish actual violence on anyone. Here? I not only wish it, I wish I could dish it out myself.

There are things that don't fit in this article, and it's making me sick. I know it's horrible, but try to imagine yourself in this situation:

"Walsh, the boy's father, allegedly told police Bury told him she didn't want to call dispatchers because she didn't want to lose both people she loves in the same day, according to the affidavit, which is partially redacted."

WALSH said this. So, you have just beaten your newborn baby boy terribly... how do you get to where Bury tells you why she didn't want to call 911? 'Hey, honey, look what I did. Want to call 911?'
NO. Something is off here. Not to mention that KB already told people she couldn't stand Chance. Now suddenly you have lost someone you love? Biotch please.

"Walsh then allegedly wrapped the infant's decomposing remains in numerous garbage bags and placed him in the closet of the bedroom."

?? Walsh wrapped Chance up... and then UNwrapped him to bury him? All reports state that he was ONLY covered by a diaper. This just doesn't make sense.

I don't know what it means, or what they are trying to cover up, given all that has been exposed. But there's more to this than we have already heard.

I don't think I want to hear anymore, though I feel I have to at this point.
Can it get any worse? ?????

I'm afraid it will. And it makes me queasy to even think about. That word - that ONE WORD that peeked out from under the black redaction marks on JW's probable cause affidavit...THAT word that we all figured out with sinking hearts.... I fear that there is worse still hiding under the rest of the black. I fear, too, that there is more horror in the story than what the monsters JW and KB have divulged so far. I knew and was hurt by an addict, and one thing I know for certain about them is that they lie like most people breathe.
It turns my stomach and makes my chest ache to think about poor little defenseless Chance suffering. )-: I haven't been able to stop obsessing over this story because I see his sweet little face whenever I turn away. Poor poor baby. I hope the monsters who did this never see another free day in their rotten lives. Speaking of the monsters....

Does anyone know why it took so long to get JW from SC to FL?
Did JW get out of his first appearance? He deserves every bit of unpleasantness that can come his way.
I feel like every time something like this happens we get a comment from DCF promising an internal review etc. It's no secret how understaffed they are - so many well meaning people go in hoping to change and/or save lives and come out cynical, having been stretched too thin to be effective.

I bet if some banks were willing to take a slight hit, a loan forgiveness program would bring in a LOT of young (temporary) staff, kind of Teach for America/Peace Corps style. When I was in my early 20's with an overwhelming amount of student debt and no set career path yet, I definitely would have considered the temporary placement if it were an option. People to check on newborns and their home environments, to look into why a "homeschooled" student hasn't been seen in years..

As it stands now DCF does not have the resources to truly verify if someone who's had their children taken away 7 times is living with the mother of yet another child. It's too easy for someone like that to give someone else's residence as a permanent address - that of a brother or friend, maybe. And that's even if it got far enough down the chain that it needed to be verified!

To be fair, I assume the egg donor here must have gotten herself clean while pregnant, otherwise she wouldn't have been allowed to go home with the baby, right? So a lot of the human error here is friends and family of theirs who knew about the historical drug addiction and didn't have the sense or ability to report it. I would phone that tip in so hard if it involved a Facebook acquaintance from high school, much less FAMILY.

As a sidenote, I'm going to overnight that a box full of angry hornets if it comes out she's claiming to have been a battered woman, too scared to defy her Awesome Man.

BBM I don't know if egg donor tested clean or not. My best friend growing up is a severe drug addict now and we haven't seen one another or spoken in years. I get updates from mutual friends. She's had three children, out of six, born addicted. Each one was allowed to leave the hospital with her.

My issue isn't if the parent has tested clean (sometimes the drug is out of their system by the time they are to be released). My issue is... no infant born addicted to drugs should be released to the person who caused their addiction. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the mother has been using drugs during pregnancy. It should be a felony aggravated child abuse charge.

We haven't heard whether or not Chance was born addicted. The only reason we know Justice was born to addiction was because family released that information. Chance's extended family KNEW these two should not have access to this child (like Justice's family) and no one did ANYTHING. I don't know why they don't think they can't get emergency intervention through the courts because they CAN. Maybe it comes down to money, but there is legal aid and plenty of lawyers who can help.

Ugh... it's just so devastating.
I'm afraid it will. And it makes me queasy to even think about. That word - that ONE WORD that peeked out from under the black redaction marks on JW's probable cause affidavit...THAT word that we all figured out with sinking hearts.... I fear that there is worse still hiding under the rest of the black. I fear, too, that there is more horror in the story than what the monsters JW and KB have divulged so far. I knew and was hurt by an addict, and one thing I know for certain about them is that they lie like most people breathe.
It turns my stomach and makes my chest ache to think about poor little defenseless Chance suffering. )-: I haven't been able to stop obsessing over this story because I see his sweet little face whenever I turn away. Poor poor baby. I hope the monsters who did this never see another free day in their rotten lives. Speaking of the monsters....

Does anyone know why it took so long to get JW from SC to FL?
Did JW get out of his first appearance? He deserves every bit of unpleasantness that can come his way.

There is nothing on this earth even close to unpleasant enough for this useless piece of garbage.
Someone already touched upon what I am about to speculate and my speculation makes me quite angry. They may try to portray her as a battered woman. They are going to say that she was to scared of what he would do to her. Knowing that they are more than likely going to play this card upsets me very much and is a slap in the face to every woman who survived DV and removed their children from this situation. Some of my first memories in life are of living in a woman's shelter, and of the other women who lived there with their children. Many women take the abuse but once the abuser turns to their child(ren) they attempt to leave. There are resources out there. Those are my two cents, but I think it is a defense we should all consider she will make.
I can not even put into words how upset I am with these two. I think of JW and how he has beaten on women and now a defenseless baby. I would love to be put in a room with him and see who walks out. I would bet my last dollar it won't be him. In regards to her I see her pictures and she looks "empty". Someone with no soul. I hope she relives what happened every time she closes her eyes, I pray she never gets another good nights sleep. I hope she never has another peaceful moment in her life.
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