Hi all, I'm new here and in the UK. I've spent the last few nights reading about Chance from the beginning (there was very little coverage here) and I'm absolutely heartbroken for him, heartbroken over the unconditional love of a parent that he never experienced, heartbroken because of a system that failed him, those that could have done more but chose to remain silent.
I have three children, the eldest is 8, the youngest is 9 months. One of my children has additional needs, is non verbal and quite challenging at times. My husband works away and I've said it myself, I can see how someone without a support network could snap, shout or even slap a child in a highly emotive state. I myself am guilty of half wailing "I don't know what you want from me" during a particularly colicky episode. The guilt was massive. These had the choice of support, they denied them. They could have turned for help, they could have given him away, they could have done any number of things to ensure his safety yet two people who, out of everyone in the whole world should have kept him safe. Should have kept him warm. Should have kept him fed. Should have made him feel loved in a way no other person on earth is capable of failed him. Not only that but that one or both of them actively brutalised him in such a way has reduced me to tears in a way that no other thread on here has.
I've sat up with sick animals so that they didn't die alone. I've paid extra to have pets euthanised at home so they can die with dignity and love in peaceful, familiar surroundings, and the stuff I've read on here about has physically made me sick.
I hope somewhere, somehow that justice is served. Death is too good for these vile individuals. They should suffer, day in and day out for the rest of their lives. I pray that they live long, long lives, and that baby Chance is their first thought in the morning and their last thought at night. I hope he fills every second of the day and at night the sounds he made haunts them while they sleep. I've never, in my life, felt such hatred for anyone.
I just wish people would learn that children are a blessing, a privilege, and not some basic right. I would die a thousand times over for my children, I probably would for any child, that woman isn't human.