GUILTY FL - Damien Kornegay, 16, fatally shot, Columbia County, 5 Jan 2015

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I just wanted to point out that Mom is only 32. That means she was 16 and 17 when the two oldest were born. She clearly was not mature enough to have a clue as to how to raise those kids. Judging by her facebook page, she (nor her husband) appear to be very sharp. Those kids never had a chance.
They went to a friend's. Maybe they either typically never showed up there with their toddler sister and had no other place to go or they thought she might talk.

The news articles are not very well written, sometimes confusing. But my understanding of events is that they walked 4 miles to a dollar general store, then the 11 year old called a friend saying she had run away. When the friend and her mom came to the store to get the girl, they weren't expecting the 15 yr. old sister to be there too.

It seems to me (reading between the lines) the mom suspected more happened and called cops. Article says that at first A seemed nonchalant, putting on makeup and not making eye contact while telling whatever story they started with. It's confusing who observed this behavior, the mom or the cops. But anyway, while the cops were questioning her she broke down soon enough and told what happened.

I can't figure out why they left the 3 year old either. Apparently after the shooting, A went and hid her head in a pillow for a time, and when she came back to check D, the toddler was crying and trying to wake him.

Feel so bad for all 3 of the girls, and hoping they are getting counseling and understanding. I also read grandparents will try to get custody of 3 and 11 year old. I'll have to go back and find the articles where I read that. The grandparents gave a couple of interviews and my heart goes out to them. I do think though, that the younger girls should go in a therapeutic foster situation, and not back with family. The dysfunction is so disturbing, they need to be away from all of it. IMO.
Do you think the older three children were his? Or maybe they were hers and just went by his last name?

I can't say any more, but if your read FB you got the same vibes about this relationship.
In one of dads fb pics with the 3 year old someone comments, "How about a family pic. All of them are cool. …". All of the pics he posts are ONLY of the littlest girl.

Also - IMO I think we will also find out that the boy had been abused as well. If the siblings are having relations of that nature, it is usually a result of previous abuse.

ALL of them have the same eyes…dead. very sad.

BBM: I thought the exact same thing when I saw the pictures. Tragic.
This is a terrible case. AK is 15 now, and here's what her life has been like:

Age 9 thru 11 yrs old: Severe sexual abuse by her paternal uncle Kevin Kornegay. He filmed the sexual abuse for 21 months, then his wife found his USB storage drive and alerted police. The sexual abuse ended with his Dec. 2010 arrest. He was convicted in Florida on 11/28/2011, is in prison, and is listed as a sexual predator on the Sex Offender Registry.

Age 12: In 2011, 7 months after Kevin Kornegay was arrested, police were called to the home because of a report (from the mother?) that AK and her brother DK were having sex. DK was 13 yrs old (1yr older). The heavily redacted offense report says one of the children told investigators the sex “started with Kevin.” No charges were filed, probably due to the close ages of the siblings. IMHO it raises questions about inadequate supervision by the parents.

That same police report notes that the parents still hadn't gotten counseling for AK after the uncle molested her. IMHO that's emotional or psychological neglect.

Age 13-15yrs old: Police find evidence that the parents removed Ariel from school because she'd been acting out. She tried to commit suicide several times, but they never informed authorities or sent her to counseling (psychological neglect, high risk of child endangerment - suicide). They often kept her locked in her bedroom for as long as 20 days with nothing but a bucket to pee in (neglect, emotional abuse).

Age 15 (now): When arrested, AK told deputies her parents instructed her brother to lock her in her bedroom while they were gone. He beat her. AK's 11yr-old sister told deputies that AK was often locked in the bedroom with only a bucket to use as a toilet. The parents admitted locking AK in the bedroom but claimed it was because of behavioral problems that included stealing and talking back. When deputies searched AK’s room, they noted it smelled like urine and there wasn’t a mattress in the room, just a blanket. A neighbor reported the children were often left by themselves and yelling & cursing was heard most nights.

This case makes me livid. The mother doesn't have a job but rides with her long-haul trucker husband for days, leaving 16yr old DK in charge of his siblings age 15, 11 and 3. Sometime in the past 1-3 yrs she withdrew AK from school, so NO ONE except her immediate family had regular contact with her. At school she could've talked to the counselor and at least a teacher might have noticed bruises or signs of abuse. I bet Mom claimed to be "home-schooling" her.

AK suffered at least 2yrs of severe sexual abuse and had attempted suicide several times, but her parents didn't get her any counseling. DK had sex with his younger sister AK at least once we know of (2011), but the parents think he's an appropriate babysitter for 3 girls. Not only that, Mom & Dad expect him to enforce the punishments given to AK. This is among the worst cases of scapegoating I've ever heard of. And look where it got them. Their son is dead and they've lost all the children. I'm sure they'll continue to scapegoat AK. At least her 11yr old sister was there for her.

Thank you OkieGranny, Yoda, PastTense, and tlcya for the superbly informative links.
OMG I'm right there with you! My blood pressure is sky high because of these selfish parents.
I am even angrier that some reports are saying that the 11 yr old is charged because she let the sister out of the locked bedroom and then "stood watch" (as in made sure brother did not awaken) as her sister was breaking into parents room.

I am sorry but regardless of how much premeditation went into the 15 year old's decision to shoot the brother, this 11 yr old IMO really participated in a very minor way and I pray they get that girl into the juvie system and not the adult one. I fear for her being charged as an adult simply because her parents are too big a POSs to be returned to and are themselves in jail. That just seems so wrong. To charge her based on "oh well" we aren't sure what else to do with her since she has nowhere else to go??
I'm gonna quit posting because you're saying everything I feel much better than I can say it! It's like we've got the same blood pressure cuff on
No matter the circumstances, I think this is all the fault of the parents. No therapy after sexual abuse for their daughter? No therapy after finding the son and daughter having relations? Just punishment when she "acted out". If I was that poor girl I would've acted out too. I just cannot wrap my head around the selfishness of people. The mom didn't work, yet chose to leave her troubled daughter in the care of her brother. And left him to care for his other siblings. What 16 year old boy wants to take care of an 11 and 3 year old?! The mom was only thinking of herself. I don't think she trusted her husband when he was away. I'm just utterly speechless and beside myself. Those girls need therapy, not jail. And I usually think criminal behavior requires jail, not therapy. This case is so messed up, there will be no right ruling.

Third Circuit State Attorney Jeff Siegmeister has decided he will file juvenile charges instead of adult charges against two Columbia County sisters in their 16-year-old brother's death last week.

Siegmeister told the Times-Union he will file second-degree murder charges against 15-year-old AK and her 11-year-old sister when he returns to his office Thursday...

Siegmeister said there could be more serious charges brought against the parents, but that will require the cooperation of the two sisters.
What an awful case. Being subjected to the juvenile justice system isn't going to help these girls. I too hope they come up with a plea deal ASAP. They need intensive therapy and lots of it. Not to be locked up.
Disgusting, heartbreaking, Hard to read

I really don't want to see these children punished anymore.
They deserve all the help available
They have never had a chance, IMO
I'm gonna quit posting because you're saying everything I feel much better than I can say it! It's like we've got the same blood pressure cuff on

Don't stop posting because there is strength in numbers and we can talk each other down when we stray close to giving in to the name calling urge which I wish very much I could do in this case. ;)

We'll help each other from going stupid.
It feels so very wrong to thank that update Okie. So wrong. hold out hope that charges can always be dropped . . . Right?
I'm not very knowledgeable in juvenile charges and proceedings. But, surely they don't HAVE to charge these girls with murder...right?

It's too sad. All of it. :( I'm so angry at the lives they've been forced to live.
It sounds to me like maybe these girls shouldn't be charged with anything except saving themselves.

I agree. This girl has been sexually abused, kidnapped and restrained (locked in her room with a bucket for waste) and beaten. Why in hell isn't this "self defense"? She obviously was trying to escape her torture and abuse. This entire case really ppppppppppppppppp me off.
I am thinking CPS had to have been involved when A was molested, and raped while over the course of years, which was videoed during the last year of abuse at hands of uncle during the last year of it (the videos were found by uncle's wife when A was age 10 or 11). I want to know what kind of services were offered for her and what the parents opted to allow for her at that age. Shortly thereafter was the incident of inappropriate relations with her brother (apparently when he was around 12 and she was around 11) and DCF was again involved. Reports only indicate that no charges were filed (duh) but beyond that nothing about whether counseling was offered. I know that when children are acting out in that manner DCF tells adult caretakers to be vigilant and keep eyes on at all times. That obviously was not happening in this household. :banghead:

My heart breaks for all of the children. I suspect that following the uncle abuse no counseling at all took place and A was left to simply deal with all of that on her own.

I also suspect that D, having heard way too much about what went on with the uncle circumstance and beginning to feel the hormones or possibly A having nowhere to put all that adult knowledge, or both, collided to become the inappropriate behavior between them.

I suspect A was the fall guy in that situation and again, having just been through the extended uncle grooming and abuse. I further suspect that no counseling took place to assist either child to process that situation and move forward in a healthy way. I think each blamed the other and parents decided it was easier to blame troubled A. Who knows, if she seduced her own brother, maybe the uncle was likewise seduced (please note the extreme sarcasm here).

I suspect it created a dynamic in the house that made A the scapegoat. The bad child. The troubled child. The dangerous creature that must be controlled at all times.

I suspect that mom and dad had no clue or compulsion to try to help their daughter. It was easier simply to blame her for all that went wrong and all her cries for help were interpreted as simply more of her being a "bad" child. An "inconvenience" to deal with.

I suspect that D learned that he could do just about anything in regards to A, because she was "bad" and he would always be believed by his parents and his behaviors condoned or excused because, afterall, A drives him to it.

So there you have it. My suspicions about what created the perfect storm of circumstances that ended with a 16 year old dead at the hands of his 15 year old sister.

This one is killing me. The children in this house. the parenting choices. They are killing me slowly.

I totally agree tlcya. This case makes me feel sick and dirty. This young girl didn't have a chance.
"Other Sheriff's Office reports indicate Kevin Kornegay made the brother and older sister have sex. Seven months after Kevin Kornegay was arrested, the girls' mother caught the brother and sister having sex."

Most disturbing is that the state knew that both the brother and older sister had been forced to have sex. Then, when the two kids were caught after the uncle was incarcerated CPS investigated and nothing happened. That seems criminal on the CPS side.
I agree. This girl has been sexually abused, kidnapped and restrained (locked in her room with a bucket for waste) and beaten. Why in hell isn't this "self defense"? She obviously was trying to escape her torture and abuse. This entire case really ppppppppppppppppp me off.

It doesn't work that way. She escaped, but then she went and gotten an weapon and shot her brother.
Her brother wasn't attacking her at the time she shot him.

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