GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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Is it based on individual or household income? I thought it was household and considering the fact she lives with her wealthy parents you'd think that would throw a wrinkle in her eligibility. But either way, I think we all can agree her being on 'Obama Care' isn't one of necessity.
Household income, but based on income tax filings. I'm sure she files a separate return from her parents, so household income wouldn't be combined. IANAL, MOO


Anyone can buy insurance through the exchange regardless of income. Subsidies, however, are only for low income people.
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Before I write anything I have to be honest that I haven't read anything on this thread for the last couple days. And I'm glad I haven't because I got to listen to those writers podcasts episodes with Wendi Adelson without any preconceived notions. So I don't know what anybody else on here has said about them. I will check after I post this.

I should also say, as a professional who has books for sale on, I am familiar with these kinds of writers classes and the critiques that go along with being a part of them.

This is what caught my ears. And there is SO MUCH to say.

First and foremost, Wendi sounds like a woman who truly had no idea who murdered her ex-husband at the time those episodes were made. And it actually kind of bothers me. Why? Well, I should say that I love my parents who are both still alive. I would do anything for them. And I know they'd do anything for me. However, I'll be honest: If I had someone in my life who was keeping me from getting what I wanted, and then that person ended up dead, I can assure you that at least for a half-second I'd consider whether my parents had something to do with it. NOT because my parents are evil--they aren't. But because I don't believe in coincidences and I'd know how much my parents would want to get me whatever I wanted.

So, going back to Wendi sounding so clueless about who could've killed Dan, is she really THAT clueless? Sure, maybe she also had a half-second thought that possibly someone in her family had something to do with it. But, that's not what I hear in those recordings. In fact, as a writer, I can tell you this: If I were in her shoes, and my ex-wife (I don't have one, I've never been married) died by being shot, and I was a part of some writing group like this, I can assure all of you I would mention half-suspecting my parents even if I didn't believe it. In fact, me saying it in public would be proof that I didn't actually believe it.

That Wendi DOESN'T mention suspecting not even one person she knows for the death of Dan tells me something. It's kind of like the non-mentioning of it proves that it is actually on her mind. I know this is TOTAL armchair psychiatry on my part but I really believe objectively this is not how most people would act if they truly thought their family didn't have anything to do with it.

But that alone isn't what makes me suspicious. She refers to viewing Dan, before they were married, as a good future father for HER children. Not THEIR children. HER children. I wonder if this is a Freudian slip.

She mentions that Dan used to say that she could fool people because everybody thought Wendi was so nice. But Dan knew the truth. I wondered: Is what we hear in those recordings Wendi's fake niceness?

Wendi mentions that Dan was probably shot by a professional killer. But offers NO reason that this would ever be the case. I mean, SHE knows Dan better than anyone. She also has to realize that professional killers just don't go around shooting people for no reason--they only do it if they get paid. But Wendi offers no reasons as to why her ex-husband would be on a pro killer's hit list. If Dan was mixed up with the mob, then no explanation would be necessary. But, he was a law professor. What professional hit man wants to kill one of those? Once again, no explanation from Wendi. To put it another way, she doesn't offer not even one possibility--road rage, people on the Internet, a burglary gone bad. NOTHING, which flies in the face of every true crime show I've ever watched. Every family member ALWAYS has an idea of a why a loved one disappeared or was murdered. Wendi Adelson? Nothing, like it hasn't even crossed her mind.

The TRUTH about this whole thing is that Wendi knew explicitly who might've wanted Dan dead. In fact, there was a court hearing coming up that put it front and center. But still, her writing would give you the idea that she had no idea at that time in July 2014 of who would ever want to kill her ex-husband. I'm sorry but it's just not believable. Once again, not saying she had anything to do with it, at least beforehand.

As for her mother, once again armchairing this from afar, she certainly sounds like a mother in law who would've butted in on her daughter's marriage. And you have to suspect this: The mother KNEW Wendi married Dan without loving him. In fact, it is probably what made the family think Dan was expendable. Since their daughter had no emotional attachment to him--married or not, then there was no reason for them to think of Dan as anything more than a sperm donor. He did his job, now it was time for Wendi's family to do theirs. I can see the family thinking: How dare this guy who our daughter didn't even love keep us from seeing our grandchildren.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that had Wendi actually loved Dan when they got married, but the divorce still happened, that this murder probably doesn't happen. But since Wendi was SO FAR emotionally away from Dan, the family believed the murder was just like shooting any guy on the street who was getting in the way of their happiness.

I also wonder if the father's cancer had something to do with all this. Could the mother have thought: I might lose my husband. So, I need to keep my grandchildren at any price. Could the decision to get rid of Dan come at a time in the Adelson's family history where they weren't all thinking in their right minds due to stresses of health? I am open to that. We all know that husbands are shooting their ailing wives all the time to relieve them of their un-ending pain. Could Dan's shooting been a version of that--extreme measures taken under extreme circumstances?

One more thing before I go, and I can say this since I've written many novels, you never get angry when someone doesn't want to read a book you wrote. That Wendi did--saying Dan refused out of logic, not of love--shows her to be a bit immature. And even more immature to criticize her dead husband who isn't there to defend himself.

My firm belief is that she suspected her family did this, if she didn't herself. Hey, she had to know that her brother was dating a woman who had children with a guy who had a long criminal record. Wendi HAD to know. That alone should've been enough for her to offer a possible theory of the crime to the police.

But she didn't. You can judge why she didn't for yourself.
I agree with this. I was bothered by the writings as well. I know if my husband were killed in such a manner, I would go into great detail describing the impact it has been on my children. I would want to over analyze it. How could such a thing happen? Why? For my children's sake, if anything. They will have so many questions in the future.
Immediately after the murder her attorney said she was "deeply fearful for her and her children's safety." Obviously, somewhere along the way she lost her fear. Odd, considering an arrest was just issued for the man suspected of carrying out the hit.

Her statement following the arrest was equally odd. You'd think it would have contained a bit more than 'hoping it will bring closure.' Something like 'We are anxious to find out why this individual would want the father of my young children dead and we will continue working closely with LE to ensure justice is served on behalf of my 'latex' husband.' Snark.
Wonder if they were on speaking terms before she locked down all her social media? lol

Very interesting that he made sure that was known during this press conference. And with that, he pretty much confirmed she is a suspect, imo.

If you're referring to WA I could see all of her social media accounts yesterday. Last night I logged on to hear the writing class tapes and today I can't find her on Facebook or Twitter. Odd ...
If you're referring to WA I could see all of her social media accounts yesterday. Last night I logged on to hear the writing class tapes and today I can't find her on Facebook or Twitter. Odd ...

She deleted FB at least a week ago. Wonder how you were able to see it last night. Maybe she reinstated it briefly to get someone from it??
She deleted FB at least a week ago. Wonder how you were able to see it last night. Maybe she reinstated it briefly to get someone from it??

I don't know. A friend of mine could access it as well. And I saw her Twitter page. But today ... nada.
I am new and I have been reading most of the post. I have a question maybe someone can clarify. If the Prius was seen leaving Premeir Fitness AFTER the black Accord headed out towards Thomasville Rd, how was one of the suspects standing in the driveway upon DM arrival. The Prius would have had to arrive ahead of DM? (It was mentioned that the Prius was seen on surveillance Following the Accord.) I kind of know the area a little, so the only easy way to have someone waiting in the driveway is if one suspect went through the apartment complex behind DM house. This would take time. This part just doesn't fit into the timeline. Perhaps, I missed something that someone can clarify. Thx u. If this has been discussed, could you direct me to those posts .
I am new and I have been reading most of the post. I have a question maybe someone can clarify. If the Prius was seen leaving Premeir Fitness AFTER the black Accord headed out towards Thomasville Rd, how was one of the suspects standing in the driveway upon DM arrival. The Prius would have had to arrive ahead of DM? (It was mentioned that the Prius was seen on surveillance Following the Accord.) I kind of know the area a little, so the only easy way to have someone waiting in the driveway is if one suspect went through the apartment complex behind DM house. This would take time. This part just doesn't fit into the timeline. Perhaps, I missed something that someone can clarify. Thx u. If this has been discussed, could you direct me to those posts .

Very good question!!

Was one of them already waiting at the house and only one of them was in the Prius?
Very good question!!

Was one of them already waiting at the house and only one of them was in the Prius?
But didn't both phones show activity prior to 10am at the fitness center? This would lead me to believe that they both had been in the vehicle at that time.
I am new and I have been reading most of the post. I have a question maybe someone can clarify. If the Prius was seen leaving Premeir Fitness AFTER the black Accord headed out towards Thomasville Rd, how was one of the suspects standing in the driveway upon DM arrival. The Prius would have had to arrive ahead of DM? (It was mentioned that the Prius was seen on surveillance Following the Accord.) I kind of know the area a little, so the only easy way to have someone waiting in the driveway is if one suspect went through the apartment complex behind DM house. This would take time. This part just doesn't fit into the timeline. Perhaps, I missed something that someone can clarify. Thx u. If this has been discussed, could you direct me to those posts .

Where did you see that one suspect was standing in the driving upon DM arrival? I believe DM pulled into his garage, left the door up as he was talking on the phone, and saw someone walk up his driveway (which he indicated to the person on the phone), and was subsequently shot.
I am new and I have been reading most of the post. I have a question maybe someone can clarify. If the Prius was seen leaving Premeir Fitness AFTER the black Accord headed out towards Thomasville Rd, how was one of the suspects standing in the driveway upon DM arrival. The Prius would have had to arrive ahead of DM? (It was mentioned that the Prius was seen on surveillance Following the Accord.) I kind of know the area a little, so the only easy way to have someone waiting in the driveway is if one suspect went through the apartment complex behind DM house. This would take time. This part just doesn't fit into the timeline. Perhaps, I missed something that someone can clarify. Thx u. If this has been discussed, could you direct me to those posts .

I don't think it's been clarified that he stated someone was standing in his driveway, but rather he told the person he was talking to on the phone that someone was in his driveway. He was in his car, in his garage when he was shot, so I have always assumed he noticed the Prius pulling in behind him and/or a man walking up to his car. Not sure though. It would be odd for a hitman to be standing in a driveway in broad daylight waiting for his victim to arrive, imho. ‎
She deleted FB at least a week ago. Wonder how you were able to see it last night. Maybe she reinstated it briefly to get someone from it??

I saw it all yesterday as well. Quite impressive.... Professionally speaking. Have not checked today.
I checked out CA's FB, which is locked down except for his friends list. Curious, I took a peek. Guess who CA was still FB friends with? None other than his ex-BIL, DM. Taking it one step further, checked out DM's personal page, which is now named Remembering DM. Mostly law related posts but a few of his boys during weekend they had together. He seemed smitten with these two. Maybe I'm biased. Mine were stair stepped like that as well.
Thinking about WA's photos and merry captions of their "family" activities, it felt an overwhelmed sense of sadness that DM will never have the chance to experience these moments with his sons.
This case gets to me more than the random "kill your spouse for insurance money" type crime. Certainly not diminishing the horror of that scenario but this was just SO unnecessary.... whoever was ultimately behind it. The only gain in this murder was to open the door for WA to do as she pleased, when and how she pleased.
I suppose life is (was?) good for her.
As always--- MOO

I saw it all yesterday as well. Quite impressive.... Professionally speaking. Have not checked today.
Not sure what you mean.

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I see the Smile Makers no longer have a FB page for the practice. CA still has one.

Not surprised about this! Wouldn't want to go there, unless maybe I had a Groupon :giggle:
Before I write anything I have to be honest that I haven't read anything on this thread for the last couple days. And I'm glad I haven't because I got to listen to those writers podcasts episodes with Wendi Adelson without any preconceived notions. So I don't know what anybody else on here has said about them. I will check after I post this.

I should also say, as a professional who has books for sale on, I am familiar with these kinds of writers classes and the critiques that go along with being a part of them.

This is what caught my ears. And there is SO MUCH to say.

First and foremost, Wendi sounds like a woman who truly had no idea who murdered her ex-husband at the time those episodes were made. And it actually kind of bothers me. Why? Well, I should say that I love my parents who are both still alive. I would do anything for them. And I know they'd do anything for me. However, I'll be honest: If I had someone in my life who was keeping me from getting what I wanted, and then that person ended up dead, I can assure you that at least for a half-second I'd consider whether my parents had something to do with it. NOT because my parents are evil--they aren't. But because I don't believe in coincidences and I'd know how much my parents would want to get me whatever I wanted.

So, going back to Wendi sounding so clueless about who could've killed Dan, is she really THAT clueless? Sure, maybe she also had a half-second thought that possibly someone in her family had something to do with it. But, that's not what I hear in those recordings. In fact, as a writer, I can tell you this: If I were in her shoes, and my ex-wife (I don't have one, I've never been married) died by being shot, and I was a part of some writing group like this, I can assure all of you I would mention half-suspecting my parents even if I didn't believe it. In fact, me saying it in public would be proof that I didn't actually believe it.

That Wendi DOESN'T mention suspecting not even one person she knows for the death of Dan tells me something. It's kind of like the non-mentioning of it proves that it is actually on her mind. I know this is TOTAL armchair psychiatry on my part but I really believe objectively this is not how most people would act if they truly thought their family didn't have anything to do with it.

But that alone isn't what makes me suspicious. She refers to viewing Dan, before they were married, as a good future father for HER children. Not THEIR children. HER children. I wonder if this is a Freudian slip.

She mentions that Dan used to say that she could fool people because everybody thought Wendi was so nice. But Dan knew the truth. I wondered: Is what we hear in those recordings Wendi's fake niceness?

Wendi mentions that Dan was probably shot by a professional killer. But offers NO reason that this would ever be the case. I mean, SHE knows Dan better than anyone. She also has to realize that professional killers just don't go around shooting people for no reason--they only do it if they get paid. But Wendi offers no reasons as to why her ex-husband would be on a pro killer's hit list. If Dan was mixed up with the mob, then no explanation would be necessary. But, he was a law professor. What professional hit man wants to kill one of those? Once again, no explanation from Wendi. To put it another way, she doesn't offer not even one possibility--road rage, people on the Internet, a burglary gone bad. NOTHING, which flies in the face of every true crime show I've ever watched. Every family member ALWAYS has an idea of a why a loved one disappeared or was murdered. Wendi Adelson? Nothing, like it hasn't even crossed her mind.

The TRUTH about this whole thing is that Wendi knew explicitly who might've wanted Dan dead. In fact, there was a court hearing coming up that put it front and center. But still, her writing would give you the idea that she had no idea at that time in July 2014 of who would ever want to kill her ex-husband. I'm sorry but it's just not believable. Once again, not saying she had anything to do with it, at least beforehand.

As for her mother, once again armchairing this from afar, she certainly sounds like a mother in law who would've butted in on her daughter's marriage. And you have to suspect this: The mother KNEW Wendi married Dan without loving him. In fact, it is probably what made the family think Dan was expendable. Since their daughter had no emotional attachment to him--married or not, then there was no reason for them to think of Dan as anything more than a sperm donor. He did his job, now it was time for Wendi's family to do theirs. I can see the family thinking: How dare this guy who our daughter didn't even love keep us from seeing our grandchildren.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that had Wendi actually loved Dan when they got married, but the divorce still happened, that this murder probably doesn't happen. But since Wendi was SO FAR emotionally away from Dan, the family believed the murder was just like shooting any guy on the street who was getting in the way of their happiness.

I also wonder if the father's cancer had something to do with all this. Could the mother have thought: I might lose my husband. So, I need to keep my grandchildren at any price. Could the decision to get rid of Dan come at a time in the Adelson's family history where they weren't all thinking in their right minds due to stresses of health? I am open to that. We all know that husbands are shooting their ailing wives all the time to relieve them of their un-ending pain. Could Dan's shooting been a version of that--extreme measures taken under extreme circumstances?

One more thing before I go, and I can say this since I've written many novels, you never get angry when someone doesn't want to read a book you wrote. That Wendi did--saying Dan refused out of logic, not of love--shows her to be a bit immature. And even more immature to criticize her dead husband who isn't there to defend himself.

My firm belief is that she suspected her family did this, if she didn't herself. Hey, she had to know that her brother was dating a woman who had children with a guy who had a long criminal record. Wendi HAD to know. That alone should've been enough for her to offer a possible theory of the crime to the police.

But she didn't. You can judge why she didn't for yourself.

Well said, fasteddy. Your analysis of the writing class monologue was spot on. Where she speaks of "her" children, as opposed to "their" children is quite telling. Also, I liked your take on her looking at Dan as a sperm donor. My thoughts were along the lines of Dan being a stud service, thus eliminating the human element.

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