GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #2 *Arrests*

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Then again, he might have a very good reason for Not looking for a girl like Mom
Then again, he might have a very good reason for Not looking for a girl like Mom

<mod snip>

Is it possible that he is the black sheep of the family, complete with personality disorder that they have kept hidden, for which they are now sorry since his latest escapade implicates them all? Maybe he was adopted?

Or whatever happened to "looking for a girl like Mom"?
&#55357;&#56834; Sometimes u just gotta laugh. I did. For 10 min. Thk you!

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Actually, the probably cause affidavit (page 3) says that men matching the description of Garcia and Rivera were spotted at the apartment and the ditch behind DM's house "around mid-morning on one of the days of the week immediately before the July 18, 2014 homicide." Since they apparently arrived in Tallahassee about 1am July 17, and the murder occurred about 11 am July 18, this "casing" of DM's house must have taken place mid-morning on July 17.
You are absolutely correct.

I am confused on the dates however. Garcia and Rivera must have stayed 2 nights?? They checked in early morning beginning at 1:15 am on July 17. So, did they stay at the same place the night of July 17
the night before the murder?
Or does from 1:15 am on 7/17 thru am of 7/18 count as one night?

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Yes, they apparently stayed 2 nights. They checked in 1am July 17 at a motel on W. Tennessee St. in Tallahassee (Affidavit p. 5). The affidavit (p. 5) also says that on July 17, they phoned a witness, who rented them a room for the night of the 17th (under the witness' name) at a different motel on N. Monroe St. in Tallahassee. Then, per the affidavit, on the morning of the 18th, they followed around DM, killed him at his house around 11am, and then drove back to North Miami.
Yes, they apparently stayed 2 nights. They checked in 1am July 17 at a motel on W. Tennessee St. in Tallahassee (Affidavit p. 5). The affidavit (p. 5) also says that on July 17, they phoned a witness, who rented them a room for the night of the 17th (under the witness' name) at a different motel on N. Monroe St. in Tallahassee. Then, per the affidavit, on the morning of the 18th, they followed around DM, killed him at his house around 11am, and then drove back to North Miami.
Thank you. I downloaded the affidavit (twice) but reading it on my phone is a tad challenging. Will read again, and print it out.

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Article on with some new quotes from friends/colleagues of Dan:

Colleagues of the popular Florida law professor Dan Markel, who was fatally shot execution-style in July 2014, say they long feared the recent revelation by authorities that they believe his death was tied to a bitter child custody fight with his ex-wife, a fellow law professor.

"A number of people here &#8211; and that includes myself &#8211; had some suspicions about her family because of a number of things that Danny had confided," says Fernando Teson, another law professor at Florida State University who counted Markel and his then-wife Wendi Adelson as friends before she filed for divorce in 2012. "I see now that my instincts were right, but it's still just incredibly shocking that this would happen.

"I don't want to accuse anybody," he says, "but I always had a funny feeling that this had to be connected to the custody battle somehow."


Says Markel's friend and former colleague Teson: "Everybody knew about the tension between the two. But actually Danny told me that the worst influence there was the mother. From the beginning the mother was instigating the divorce. There was a lot of influence on her side of the family to leave him. And also subsequently on the custody battle. That's what Danny told me."

"He was annoyed with them &#8211; that they were meddling, he thought, in the divorce," he says. "But I never sensed that he was fearful."

Given the sudden turn of events, many who knew the pair are keeping quiet. "People are very, very tight-lipped," says Teson. "They don't want to say anything. Many people were pretty close friends with Wendi."

"I assume that my colleagues, of course, are now keeping quiet out of prudence. You do not accuse people. Nor am I," he says. "I just think that to me, it was less of a surprise."
Article on with some new quotes from friends/colleagues of Dan:


One might interpret WA's comment within the article, as really meaning this...
" ..will finally close the case".
imo, speculation.
As opposed to this..
Wendi Adelson has not commented since the allegation about her family's involvement. Her attorney, Jimmy Judkins, did not return calls from PEOPLE. But in the immediate wake of Garcia's arrest before the alleged motive came to light, she sent an email to the Associated Press saying she hoped Garcia's arrest "will finally bring some closure" to the case.
So Dan said the worst influence was the mother. She wanted Wendi to divorce him. She must have a lot of power over Wendi to have this happen and I think with all her talk upset the brother enough to possibly have this done for "his sister". Another thing Wendi said they will have closure after Garcia was arrested! What! Does she think this guy who has no connection to Dan came out of the blue and shot him or is it her way of playing innocent? JMO
So Dan said the worst influence was the mother. She wanted Wendi to divorce him. She must have a lot of power over Wendi to have this happen and I think with all her talk upset the brother enough to possibly have this done for "his sister". Another thing Wendi said they will have closure after Garcia was arrested! What! Does she think this guy who has no connection to Dan came out of the blue and shot him or is it her way of playing innocent? JMO

Wendi most likely thinks she smarter than everyone else and believes this almost flippant statement proves she wasn't involved. Since she apparently has been told she could walk on water since birth, she probably thinks that everyone else in the world is of inferior intelligence than her and are so easily fooled.
Wendi most likely thinks she smarter than everyone else and believes this almost flippant statement proves she wasn't involved. Since she apparently has been told she could walk on water since birth, she probably thinks that everyone else in the world is of inferior intelligence than her and are so easily fooled.

Her mom may think she walks on water, and given WA's many outstanding accomplishments, she kind of does, but at this point, imo. she is in...
Hey gang! I'm new here. I just wanted to say I've read every word of this thread (and the one before it). I really appreciate how amicable and respectful everyone is. Really a great group and such a wealth of information here. Ok then! I will continue lurking now.
Hey gang! I'm new here. I just wanted to say I've read every word of this thread (and the one before it). I really appreciate how amicable and respectful everyone is. Really a great group and such a wealth of information here. Ok then! I will continue lurking now.

Welcome, tally!! :welcome4:

Don't lurk, please chat! I assume you are from Tallahassee?
Hey gang! I'm new here. I just wanted to say I've read every word of this thread (and the one before it). I really appreciate how amicable and respectful everyone is. Really a great group and such a wealth of information here. Ok then! I will continue lurking now.

:welcome5: Glad you joined us here! Hopefully you won't just lurk, but will post you pointed out, we have a great group here and always appreciate reading others' thoughts and perspectives.
Yes I'm in Tally. Over 12 years now :seeya:

To the other poster... I'll definitely put my thoughts in if I have anything useful to add heh :eek:

Not real sure where he's going (or went) with his three part series? But below was his assessment following SG's arrest and unsealed affidavit. The 'flagging' he references wasn't really speculating about WA's involvement, rather he listed it as one of the three theories circulating at that time.

"At the time Dan Markel (disclosure: a friend of mine dating back to our college days) was murdered, I flagged the possibility that “[h]is killing had some connection to his acrimonious divorce and ongoing litigation with his ex-wife, Wendi Jill Adelson.” My merely raising this theory generated lots of angry reader mail, including messages from friends of Wendi Adelson who couldn’t imagine her being involved in such a deed. But if these latest allegations are true, then we were both right: Markel’s killing did have a connection to his divorce, but Wendi Adelson didn’t know about it."


Legally, it's a valid defense, but realistically it falls short of any logic, imho. You'd have to really stretch to believe her brother would avenge her ex husband over (?) without any input from his sister, with whom she and DM produced two children.
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