GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #3 *Arrests*

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I haven't read the pc's yet. I am sick. I thought being Jewish was important to WA as it was to DM.

So, DA is catholic?! What about hubby and son?

Is political pressure being applied here?

Not only has DM lost his life, but his sons will no longer carry his name. Wow. That hate ran/runs deep.

"Dan treated me badly" she said to one of the detectives as if this was a excuse for him being murdered.

I just may have to journey north to watch Rivera's trial.

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Forgot to add the word lie, concerning the religion change. The purpose of such a falsehood was to try and make it more palatable to DM to essentially give up his kids so they could move closer to the A's. They ( apparently) had no real intention of converting the children.
imo, speculation.
I just may have to journey north to watch Rivera's trial.


On this note (just out of curiosity), I'm wondering if any other locals are planning to attend the trial(s)? If you'd prefer not to answer, I understand :)

I have some family in the area that have been trying to get me to visit them for a while now. I've been dealing with a serious illness/medical issues for a few months, but if I'm able to, I'm going to take them up on their offer for a visit to spend some time with them as well as attend the trial.

On this note (just out of curiosity), I'm wondering if any other locals are planning to attend the trial(s)? If you'd prefer not to answer, I understand :)

I have some family in the area that have been trying to get me to visit them for a while now. I've been dealing with a serious illness/medical issues for a few months, but if I'm able to, I'm going to take them up on their offer for a visit to spend some time with them as well as attend the trial.

Hope you're on the mend soon <3.
I just cannot fathom these two completely taking the fall for the Adelsons. Are there any other cases anyone knows about where the hit man/men did NOT take a plea and point the finger at who hired them??
Top ten movies about hit-men.

Lengthy and interesting, imo.
October 15, 2012 Issue The Hit Man&#8217;s Tale

How an honors student became a hired killer.

By Nadya Labi

In January, McGinnis filed a motion to allow Smothers to appear in court; the judge refused. So Smothers took his last available option: he wrote a detailed affidavit stating that he was contracted to kill Michael Robinson on Runyon Street, and insisting that he had no connection to Sanford or his family. It is now up to Michigan&#8217;s Court of Appeals to decide whether his account calls Sanford&#8217;s guilt into question. But Smothers is still hopeful that he has done some good. &#8220;I look at it as, I&#8217;m saving somebody&#8217;s life,&#8221; he told me. &#8220;He&#8217;s not guilty. Maybe it&#8217;s time for him to go home.&#8221;

December 2014
A felon with a long rap sheet testified Tuesday that a woman paid him $5,000 to kill her ex-husband in 2012 during a child custody court case that police said had millions of dollars at stake.

The testimony in Hartford Superior Court came on the first day of the trial of 39-year-old Tiffany Stevens, formerly of Bloomfield, who has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder.
The felon, John McDaid of Granville, Massachusetts, also testified that Stevens threatened to have him and his children killed if he didn't follow through on the murder-for-hire.

Read more:
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March 25, 2014 Family Physician Hired a Hit Man to Silence Her&#8230;Permanentl

Shortly afterward, Sian's killer, David Schlender, came forward and confessed to the murder. He pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and revealed the identity of the man who hired him to make the hit in exchange for police protection, for financial assistance for his family, and for not receiving the death penalty.

Schlender was a drug addict who owed money to a man named Brian West. West was an unsavory, intimidating character, an ex-convict who continually threatened to harm Schlender and his family if Schlender didn't commit multiple murders


On this note (just out of curiosity), I'm wondering if any other locals are planning to attend the trial(s)? If you'd prefer not to answer, I understand :)

I have some family in the area that have been trying to get me to visit them for a while now. I've been dealing with a serious illness/medical issues for a few months, but if I'm able to, I'm going to take them up on their offer for a visit to spend some time with them as well as attend the trial.
I hope you are well soon. Certainly in time for the trial.

The trial is on the 24th which is a Monday. Sounds like it could and interesting. I'll probably come in on Sunday, stop in to visit Luis &#128562;&#128522;, and take the perp drive.

Any hotels near the courthouse you locals can recommend?!

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I hope you are well soon. Certainly in time for the trial.

The trial is on the 24th which is a Monday. Sounds like it could and interesting. I'll probably come in on Sunday, stop in to visit Luis &#63026;&#62986;, and take the perp drive.

Any hotels near the courthouse you locals can recommend?!

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I was wondering about this too.

I am really hoping to be able to make it down to FL for Rivera, but let's be honest, there are at least 2 or 3 other trials (hopefully) that I would be more interested in attending. I realize that Garcia & Rivera are cold blooded killers, but I think I would be satisfied if one or both were to plead out if it led to the arrests of who I believe is ultimately responsible for Dan's murder.
ok, I think that KM will blackmail the a's forever. FOREVER. I think also that she looks for marks (someone she can work for cash) and her husband always knew that.
if they never face a judge, they will not live this down. they will be blackmailed FOR LIFE.

On this note (just out of curiosity), I'm wondering if any other locals are planning to attend the trial(s)? If you'd prefer not to answer, I understand :)

I have some family in the area that have been trying to get me to visit them for a while now. I've been dealing with a serious illness/medical issues for a few months, but if I'm able to, I'm going to take them up on their offer for a visit to spend some time with them as well as attend the trial.

Very sorry for the issues you have been dealing with, hope it all gets fixed up soon!
No better time to go to the area, to receive support and comfort from your family, combined with a dose of entertainment and hopefully justice, might help set you right again!
I was wondering about this too.

I am really hoping to be able to make it down to FL for Rivera, but let's be honest, there are at least 2 or 3 other trials (hopefully) that I would be more interested in attending. I realize that Garcia & Rivera are cold blooded killers, but I think I would be satisfied if one or both were to plead out if it led to the arrests of who I believe is ultimately responsible for Dan's murder.
Well, maybe there won't need to be any trials. But I think I'll head up on the 23rd. And if the trial is canceled because of a plea deal, that will make me very happy and I'll go visit Jimbo Fischer instead.

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Snippets from lengthy, detailed article.
With thanks to the writer, David Lat

Telling Dan that his two sons with Wendi would be converted to Catholicism? If true — and remember that these are just law enforcement allegations, so the “if true” caveat should apply to this entire post — well, that’s just insane. Wendi was wise to reject the idea.

I had received this report of Wendi changing the boys’ names some time ago, but from a source of mine on an “off the record” basis. Now that it’s in the PC affidavit, it can be reported. It strikes me as a sad attempt by Wendi to sever her boys’ remaining ties to their father and his side of the family.

I previously expressed curiosity about how an undercover agent was able to speak to the Adelsons about the Markel murder. The affidavit is a little cryptic, but it sounds like the agent made a blackmail threat to the Adelsons related to the killing.

The affidavit does not explain how Charlie and Donna Adelson resolved the situation with the undercover agent posing as a would-be blackmailer. It doesn’t appear that they ever paid him the requested $5,000. Instead, it seems they figured out he was from law enforcement
Here’s an opinion that one of our Florida sources shared with us after reading the affidavit:
This seems like enough evidence [to make some moves]. However, Willie is a very, very good prosecutor (and former cop), and he doesn’t want to blow the one and only chance the state would get in this murder to prosecute. Better to sit and wait, and let the stress and strain uncover what it will. I think we have a very cool game of cat and mouse going on, and Willie is a master.
But whoever ordered the murder of Dan Markel — someone who has managed to escape arrest or prosecution for more than two years, someone who has not yet cracked under pressure — is no dummy either. Whether this cat catches his mouse, or whether someone will literally get away with murder, remains to be seen.
Did anyone happen to notice something in the CA probable cause affidavit that was drafted and never served? It was reported Wendi Adelson told a friend and/or boyfriend that her brother CA had looked into hiring a hitman, but it was $15,000. (I will go back and find exact quote and source). Interesting enough, the CA probable cause affidavit indicated that in the 12 months leading up to the murder KM made cash deposits in the amount of $15,000.
$10,000 of it being deposited in the last four months before the murder.

There are quite a few hotels within a couple miles of the courthouse. The Aloft Tallahassee and the Double Tree are in walking distance of the courthouse and the downtown area. Also just a few blocks from FSU.
Tensions flare in Markel case after unexpected document drop

6:21 p.m.
September 9, 2016
Sources in the State Attorney&#8217;s Office confirmed after Meggs declined to approve probable cause for the arrest of Magbanua and Charlie Adelson, TPD began unsuccessfully seeking the authority of the U.S. Attorney&#8217;s Office for the Northern District of Florida. The FBI was involved in the case, which could have allowed federal prosecutors to approve arrests.
Sources also say portions of the investigation that could have led to Magbanua&#8217;s arrest were bungled, primarily the chance to speak with her in the days before Garcia&#8217;s May 25 arrest.
Two TPD officers were sent to her Fort Lauderdale home for questioning. She was inside but didn&#8217;t answer the door, documents said. State attorney sources said they stayed roughly an hour then left.

TPD investigators were suspicious State Attorney&#8217;s Office investigators were leaking information. Emails obtained during that time frame indicate the two offices often have disagreements on cases.
Meggs said those disagreements continue, but until police gather more substantial evidence that can be proven in court, there would likely be no more arrests in Markel's killing.
Officers can arrest Magbanua or the Adelsons without a warrant because they face felony charges, Meggs added.
&#8220;If they believe they have probable cause then they should go make the arrest. They don&#8217;t need me,&#8221; Meggs said. &#8220;I would say to Chief (Michael) DeLeo go make the arrest and get ready for your civil suit from whoever they have arrested without probable cause.'&#8221;
The lawyers speak. Also, is Meggs senile? Why is he commenting to Tallahassee Democrat that this circumstantial evidence is just opinions? Absolutely crazy. It's embarrassing for Tallahassee and all that want to see justice.

"An attorney for accused hit man Luis Rivera was asked this week if Rivera might cooperate in the case. At this point in, no. There is no indication that he will be a cooperating defendant. I mean, they are seeking the death penalty against him," said Rivera's attorney, Charles Cooper."

"Charlie Adelson’s lawyer, David Oscar Markus, praised Meggs for his decision in an email to the Tallahassee Democrat. “Mr. Meggs has spent the past 40 years as a prosecutor, with 30 years as state attorney, and before that was a decorated police officer. He is one of the most experienced state attorneys in the nation and he knows probable cause when he sees it,” Markus said. “We are thankful that he faithfully and honorably fulfilled his duties and did not approve this document, which amounted to no more than simple speculation after a truly exhaustive investigation.”
So, if they're not going to arrest KM or CA, then how is the SA planning to prosecute SG &LR? How are they going to prove this was a murder for hire?

This was not a good time for a document dump.

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Ugh, the SAO and TPD really need to have some sort of mediation where they can figure out how, at the very least, to work together without compromising the integrity of HUGE cases. I think Meggs' statements to the media are very inappropriate and in poor taste. I support his decision not to charge the case at this point but does he have to be such a jerk about it, insulting TPD who I actually think has done a pretty exhaustive and meticulous investigation.

Anyway...the state attorney's office needs to offer Rivera a meaningful downward departure to secure his cooperation. Based upon his attorneys' statement that they are seeking the death penalty, that has not yet happened. Well, wtf are they waiting for? I'd say the time is now.

Also, the paragraph in the affidavit about WA changing the childrens' names and removing the middle name (I remember what it was, Prof Markel announced the birth in class and was very proud) is one of the most sickening and chilling things I've learned throughout this whole case. And that's saying a lot.
Is the problem that Rivera doesn't know enough to take down anyone besides Garcia; and Garcia doesn't want to take down KM, which would happen if he takes down CA?
Speculation and MOO.
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