GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #3 *Arrests*

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can you imagine the never ending stress and sleepless nights that the alleged well-to-do high society conspirators with cushy lifestyles must be feeling as the noose tightens? every day, every moment must be a living nightmare. not that they deserve any sympathy if guilty but i imagine they're thinking -

"OMG, what have I done?! How could I have been so stupid as to put myself in this situation? How could I ruin my life? How could someone like ME be facing prison or execution? I can't go to prison! I won't! Can I run? Should I run? Where can I go? Are they watching me? Things like this don't happen to people like ME! I am not a criminal! I protect my family! How can I get myself out of this???"

The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance.

the psychology is fascinating. what's even more fascinating is how these very educated people thought (if guilty) that they could pull this very dumb plot off and actually get away with it. especially with all of these very direct personal connections and blatant use of personal cell phones which are easily tracked. or maybe they didn't think? "Hubris is fatal."

Ummmmmm, If I were them I think I would be at #4 right about now.
A trapped snake will eventually turn on another.
Does anyone know if she has severed ties with her family? That might "help" her at this point.

I'm still thinking (hoping) WA is going to go down. Not sure how yet but LE may have something they're keeping under wraps. They've been pretty cagey up to this point. And because LE listed her phone calls and duration times w/ CA, DA, and DM the morning of the murder, it leads me to think they've got something on her and they're indirectly letting her know not to rest easy.

Just a side note: When "the family" offered DM $1,000,000 weren't they ALL going to split that cost? That struck me as odd.
I mean, didn't WA have to sign up for Obama Care?

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Does anyone know if she has severed ties with her family? That might "help" her at this point.

I'm still thinking (hoping) WA is going to go down. Not sure how yet but LE may have something they're keeping under wraps. They've been pretty cagey up to this point. And because LE listed her phone calls and duration times w/ CA, DA, and DM the morning of the murder, it leads me to think they've got something on her and they're indirectly letting her know not to rest easy.

Just a side note: When "the family" offered DM $1,000,000 weren't they ALL going to split that cost? That struck me as odd.
I mean, didn't WA have to sign up for Obama Care?

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I was wondering that today, too. Seriously, what kind of person finds out their family members orchestrated the murder of their kids' parent and isn't disgusted/furious/shocked with the family members and refuses to have them in their life anymore?? Someone who knew about it and wanted it, that's who.
According to the probable cause affidavit, the As were willing to pay DM $1,000,000 to let WA move to South Florida. I don't think they were sweating $50k, half a boob job, and a 15-year-old Lexus. I'm sure in CA's mind he was well ahead of the game. The status quo of relatively minimum payments to KM had to be preferable to her arrest and LR rolling. CA has to know that the next picture of him in the press will be his mugshot.


Now I blame Wendi.

Because she obviously cried to her family about Dan as if he was some Detroit gang banger that was beating her on a regular basis.

But in all honesty. They all knew that Dan was the most lovable and smartest father in the woods.

So why would they become so predatorial on our beloved Dan.

Especially since he wasn't a piece of crap like the hired hitmen.

Come on.
Here is the latest document that is the AMENDED discovery. Looks like they added a ton of FBI, some inmates, the "other Adelson son" and his wife, the man who owns the hybrid rental car place in Miami, 2 current employees at the Adelson Institute (prob to testify that KM never showed for work) and more. Gives a good idea of the evidence and testimony they have recently collected. They have the info back from Dr. Boobner and also subpoenaed Facebook for Katie and Sigfredo's records. Interesting...


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To add to the Adelson's worries---right now they have a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on them.
Here is the latest document that is the AMENDED discovery. Looks like they added a ton of FBI, some inmates, the "other Adelson son" and his wife, the man who owns the hybrid rental car place in Miami, 2 current employees at the Adelson Institute (prob to testify that KM never showed for work) and more. Gives a good idea of the evidence and testimony they have recently collected. They have the info back from Dr. Boobner and also subpoenaed Facebook for Katie and Sigfredo's records. Interesting...

Thanks reallybusy. I see Robert Adelson and his wife's address on there. I see the bank records for Charlie. They must have the bank records for their dental businesses too. First time we've seen the other brother mentioned. Hopefully he's out of the loop on this.
To add to the Adelson's worries---right now they have a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on them.
The perfect time to high tail it out of Miami. I sure hope LE is
watching them closely. There's
no time off just because there's a Cat 4.

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I wasn't sure, so I looked at the Florida model jury instructions for conspiracy: (at page 105).
It looks like the state would have to prove that WA intended that DM be murdered, and agreed with CA/DA that he be murdered. "It is not necessary that the defendant do any act in furtherance of the offense conspired."

I don't see them getting there without the As flipping on her.

Thanks. The jury instructions are helpful. Definitely agree a family member will have to flip in order to get her with anything.
Friends of the victim and court watchers are optimistic it's an indication that prosecutors are finally unraveling the murder plot.

"It looks like we may be getting closer to the real underlying story," said Mark Spottswood, Markel's friend and former colleague at the Florida State University College of Law. "I'm eager for real news like this, something that's meaningful, progress for the people who did it getting convicted."
One remaining loose end is the role relatives of Markel's ex-wife Wendi Adelson may have played in the murder.

Markel's friends Tracey and Jeremy Cohen, who lived down the street from Markel's Trescott Drive home, said they're happy with the outcome of Rivera's case. They, like others, are anxious to see what happens next.

"I don't think it's over," Grossman said. "We're all watching."
It’s likely that prosecutors have more evidence they haven’t made public, but releasing a steady stream of details about the investigation is a psychological tactic intended to rattle the Adelsons—their ultimate target, Rose said.
Defendants, Rose said, tend to “cut the best deal they can for themselves.” He added, “There’s not a lot of honor among criminals. I’d be looking for an indictment of one or more members of the Adelson family.”
We are overdue for a document dump in regards to the wiretap info on the A's. According to this video published on Sept 7, the SA's office said it would need about 3 weeks to redact info on the recordings before released to the public. (It's the video titled "New Evidence in Markel Murder Case") It's been 4 weeks. Hope it gets released soon. I think we will learn a lot from them.
I just feel awful for those poor boys, who will grow up knowing that Grandma and Uncle Charlie killed their dad, while Mommy, at the very least knew it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it, and at the worst, was part of the murder plot.


In the amended discovery, I bet the 'pawn tickets bearing Garcia's prints' refers to the gun. Now they need to track it down if they haven't already.
In the amended discovery, I bet the 'pawn tickets bearing Garcia's prints' refers to the gun. Now they need to track it down if they haven't already.

Wow, he pawned the murder weapon? They really did everything right, didn't they?
Daniel's murder is included in this gang activity map.
Considering the Latin Kings alleged involvement with sex trafficking, it is interesting that WA wrote about victims in those type of crimes.
Any chance she was acquainted with KM, and if so, possibly through those channels?
Speculation, imo.


[h=1]Latin Kings in Florida[/h]

The Latin Kings, one of the oldest and most violent gangs in the nation, are now the largest gang in Florida. With nearly 1,000 Latin Kings currently in the state’s prison system, its members are charged with murders, attempted murders, dealing drugs, robberies and running prostitutes.
Here's an article today from Paul Caron that talks about Wendi's Truman Scholar profile (which most of us had previously seen).

Truman Scholar Profile available here:

I screwed up fantastically and ended up with a dream job as a clinical law professor. I fell in love with the wrong man, and he got a job in Tallahassee. I had wanted to be in DC or become a foreign service officer, or in the previous few years, live closely to my family in South Florida. So, ill-fated romance took me to Tallahassee, and love for my children keeps me here.My children are 3 and 4, fourteen months apart. Much of the last 4 years has been a giant blur. They are my heart walking around outside of my body, and every decision related to my career has been made with them in mind. I was offered my dream job of directing an immigration clinic in another city when I was 7 months pregnant with my older son, and I turned it down, because I didn’t know what his needs would be when he was born, or how being a mother would change my perspective on work and family. And now, I’ve received offers for more lucrative employment, but not with the same kind of flexibility, and so I turn them down as well, because what matters most to me, today, is that I can spend the most amount of quality time with my lovies...Maybe one day, when my boys are no longer in diapers, they will bring me to school for career day, proud that their mom is a clinical law professor.

I hadn't read this in a while. Wendi seems primarily interested in explaining to her fellow intellectuals why she is a lowly clinical professor. I can't decide if she is insecure, sociopathic, or both.
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