GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #3 *Arrests*

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The trio split $100,000, Rivera told police. Garcia's cut was $40,000 and Rivera took home $35,000, he said.

So KM received $25k. Hmmm Plus other benefits.


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TY! So WA says that she drove by Trescott and saw the police cars shortly after noon.
According to charging documents and other public information:
Neighbor calls 911 at 11:02 and ambulance arrives around 11:21
DA contacts CA at 11:06
CA contacts DA at 11:22
CA contacts KM at 11:30 and 11:31
SG contacts KM at 12:30 and she says (maybe) that she knows it's done. Also, he contacts her a few more times later in the drive back to Miami.
Are there some missing contacts after noon that were not listed? Maybe WA left the house earlier than noon. Maybe she called CA/DA after driving by at noon, and CA/DA contacted KM, and LE left those contacts out of the charging documents. Also, it's possible that the "it's done/ok i know" conversation (if it means that KM already knew) could have happened in a later conversation while LR and SG were driving back, though it seems most likely to have been the first call. Or maybe this theory is off base, as it would have been a narrow window for her to drive by, see LE, contact CA/DA, and get the message relayed to KM. JMO.
She will not get a short prison term. Rivera's s given enough evidence to give her the needle. She will talk to get a 20 years sentence. She might not realize yet the situation she is in, but in the next week siting in the Leon county jail it will sink in that she will not see the outside again for many years.

KM will be singing very soon. Surprised she hasn't, already!

Concerning 'the lady' with the kids who LR saw around Trescott, did he think this was the same lady who would be providing KM with the cash? Did he expect her to get all that cash to KM the following day in Miami or did he understand that Wendi was the reason for the hit and was acting as Donna's agent checking up on them? It didn't sound like LR thought there was only one lady.

I suspect LE is trying to gaslight the Adelsons with this slow leak, with this latest drop timed around Danny's birthday.

David Lat also thought the Rivera plea that was floated at the end of 20/20 was bs.
i wonder if LE has a contingency plan if the alleged masterminds attempt to flee the country. i have to believe they are all under surveillance 24/7. but i wonder if there is a weaker cause for arrest that LE is keeping in their pocket just in the case they need to stop them from feeling. you have to believe that the masterminds, if guilty, are seriously considering bolting as the noose continues to tighten. they have the means to do so. what's to stop them? Mexico? Israel? Europe? Russia? they are wealthy and well-traveled.
I respectfully disagree with Ms. Cappleman. While testimony from Magbanua would make the case much easier to win, it is certainly not necessary to go forward with a case against Charlie and Donna. I believe LE and the prosecutors have been doing a great job. But these definitive statements to the press that there is no case against the Adelsons are ill-advised in my opinion. What if KM doesn't roll and you have to go forward against Donna or Charlie (or both) without her testimony? Now you have a public admission that your evidence stinks when in reality it doesn't. Also, if you are negotiating with KM for her testimony, why let her think that she holds all the cards and that you can't go after the Adelsons without her?

I think it's all part of the strategy, though I get where you are coming from. Let KM think for a moment she holds the keys to the kingdom. Great, now what. She has only one thing left to trade for a lesser sentence and that's the keys. She will fold and I think just the evidence so far especially that implicating (I am sure we will see more) communication with Wendy and KM is enough. KM is going to be begging for a bargain.
I respectfully disagree with Ms. Cappleman. While testimony from Magbanua would make the case much easier to win, it is certainly not necessary to go forward with a case against Charlie and Donna. I believe LE and the prosecutors have been doing a great job. But these definitive statements to the press that there is no case against the Adelsons are ill-advised in my opinion. What if KM doesn't roll and you have to go forward against Donna or Charlie (or both) without her testimony? Now you have a public admission that your evidence stinks when in reality it doesn't. Also, if you are negotiating with KM for her testimony, why let her think that she holds all the cards and that you can't go after the Adelsons without her?

Unless... there's already a deal in the works and they are trying to make the A's feel "safe" so they don't hightail it to another country.

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I think the State of Florida must be spending an arm and a leg on 24/7 surveillance on all 4 of the Adelsons.

I can't wait to see this movie....
The trio split $100,000, Rivera told police. Garcia's cut was $40,000 and Rivera took home $35,000, he said.

So KM received $25k. Hmmm Plus other benefits.
And from the sounds of it she was going to be milking it for a long time.
Didn't Wendi talk to Dan that day to make sure he was right on schedule?

Instead of a new tv. Charlie should have purchased 6 new disposable cell phones. Jmo.

The extra $300 for those phones would have probably helped.
Didn't Wendi talk to Dan that day to make sure he was right on schedule?

Instead of a new tv. Charlie should have purchased 6 new disposable cell phones. Jmo.

The extra $300 for those phones would have probably helped.
From WA's LE interview I thought she said she had just talked to DM that morning. I assumed she called him....however, I believe the arrest warrant stated he had called her that morning around 9.

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i wonder if LE has a contingency plan if the alleged masterminds attempt to flee the country. i have to believe they are all under surveillance 24/7. but i wonder if there is a weaker cause for arrest that LE is keeping in their pocket just in the case they need to stop them from feeling. you have to believe that the masterminds, if guilty, are seriously considering bolting as the noose continues to tighten. they have the means to do so. what's to stop them? Mexico? Israel? Europe? Russia? they are wealthy and well-traveled.

Here are their options for countries with no extradition treaties with the USA:

Looks like they won't be escaping to the Costa del Sol or the French Riviera.

Israel allows extradition, but there is a catch:
Please excuse me for being too lazy to try to find out where KM's children are, or were, before she was apprehended.
Unless... there's already a deal in the works and they are trying to make the A's feel "safe" so they don't hightail it to another country.

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Could they really be stupid enough to feel "safe" from this point on?

Prosecutor acknowledged that WA was possibly implicated by LR.

Rivera first said he believed Garcia met Wendi Adelson, but then said he didn't know.
Rivera talks investigators on Dan Markel case (Photo: Screen capture)

Chief Assistant State Attorney Georgia Cappleman said the story, if proven, could tie Wendi Adelson to the crime.
The trio split $100,000, Rivera told police. Garcia's cut was $40,000 and Rivera took home $35,000, he said.

So KM received $25k. Hmmm Plus other benefits.

On top of the additonal money that DA was writing to her in checks. She must have really made it clear they would be indebted to her for whatever she wanted because she held all the cards (or so she thought).
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