GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #4 *Arrests*

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Key information that we have now from the two recent court proceedings.

Clarification on the case

  • The gun found was not the gun used to kill Markel. The lead investigator said, “we are still looking.”
  • The Prius was found, and the bullet hole from SG was there.
  • The payment for KM’s breast enhancement was largely consolidated to two large cash payments -- no credit cards from CA.
  • The defense pointed out that KM worked at two nightclubs (one named as the Hard Rock) and this could explain all the cash deposits.
  • The subpoena from Adelson Institute for employee records returned only records of payment -- no job description, timecards or any evidence of work that she executed.
  • Adelson Institute employee questioned has never seen or met KM. However, she had heard of her and was told she worked on weekends. LE claimed she did not go there on weekends. The defense said that it is possible she could have worked from home. However gave no evidence of the fact, such as emails or proof of work.

Info on KM and CA:

  • The lead investigator (also the one who interviewed Wendi in that interrogation video) indicated that CA had had many girlfriends since KM. I counted three names listed including his current one.
  • KM moved to Miami from the Philippines when she was 7 and has never returned.
  • KM has two older brothers. The oldest lives in Miami area is married with two children and is taking care of KM’s children now. The middle child ( the brother who took the stand, Erik) lives in Gainesville and indicated she was welcome there if released on bond. The defense pointed out this was a suitable location to be since it is in between Miami and Tallahassee.
  • The defense said KM was willing to surrender her passport.
  • Erik stated KM’s mom has breast cancer and KM had been driving her to treatments. Also, that KM’s son suffered from a speech impediment that he was getting treatment for it. This was when a tissue was handed to KM.
  • There was no tissue handed to her when a photo of Markel’s head post shooting was shown-- which was an awful sight.
  • KM has a BA in Healthcare Mgmt - defense made this point to make it clear she is qualified to work at the Adelson Institute.
  • The defense submitted a court paper in regards to KM bringing a paternity suit against SG. In that doc, her employment is listed as the Adelson Institute.

LR’s testimony inconsistencies:

  • The defense poked LR’s story as inconsistent on many fronts:
    • when he first learned that they’d commit murder - whether it was in the car with SG or at LR’s house
    • the payment the next day - LR’s phone doesn’t put him at the barber shop like he said
    • LR’s girlfriend says KM and SG dropped the money off and left before LR returned.
    • Phone records show that LR called KM first not the other way around. However the prosecution claimed that KM had an old number for LR and had left word with one of LR friends that she was looking for LR and SG and trying to get in contact.
    • The Markel kids (now the Adelson kids) were in daycare the whole day before the murder and therefore could not be in the neighborhood with Wendi.
    • SG was not on the phone with KM the way up on the first attempt to murder, however, the prosecution pointed out that they supposedly had burner phones on that trip.

My insights on the defense counsel-

  • Throughout the proceedings, they showed almost a gleeful defiance sitting at their table with KM in response to everything the prosecution was doing/saying. They'd constantly whisper to KM and each other over KM. They’d shake their heads (the women was more animated than the male counsel) as if to reassure KM and themselves that it much of what was being said was baloney. I found it very distracting and took it was they were constantly reassuring KM of the strength of her case.
  • The defense was constantly objecting. Constantly.
  • The woman lawyer was wobbly in her 4+ inch heels standing at the podium during her closing argument. It was distracting.

Last and notable points-

  • The prosecution was cool as a cucumber and steady throughout the proceedings.
  • The prosecution made it a point to say in closing arguments “Wendi Adelson” hired KM and SG to commit the murder. No mention of Donna or Charlie. This was important because of all the speculation prior that Wendi was unaware and this murderous act was carried out on her behalf without her knowledge. The prosecution made a crystal clear point that Wendi ordered the hit.
Key information that we have now from the two recent court proceedings.

Clarification on the case

  • The gun found was not the gun used to kill Markel. The lead investigator said, “we are still looking.”
  • The Prius was found, and the bullet hole from SG was there.
  • The payment for KM’s breast enhancement was largely consolidated to two large cash payments -- no credit cards from CA.
  • The defense pointed out that KM worked at two nightclubs (one named as the Hard Rock) and this could explain all the cash deposits.
  • The subpoena from Adelson Institute for employee records returned only records of payment -- no job description, timecards or any evidence of work that she executed.
  • Adelson Institute employee questioned has never seen or met KM. However, she had heard of her and was told she worked on weekends. LE claimed she did not go there on weekends. The defense said that it is possible she could have worked from home. However gave no evidence of the fact, such as emails or proof of work.

Info on KM and CA:

  • The lead investigator (also the one who interviewed Wendi in that interrogation video) indicated that CA had had many girlfriends since KM. I counted three names listed including his current one.
  • KM moved to Miami from the Philippines when she was 7 and has never returned.
  • KM has two older brothers. The oldest lives in Miami area is married with two children and is taking care of KM’s children now. The middle child ( the brother who took the stand, Erik) lives in Gainesville and indicated she was welcome there if released on bond. The defense pointed out this was a suitable location to be since it is in between Miami and Tallahassee.
  • The defense said KM was willing to surrender her passport.
  • Erik stated KM’s mom has breast cancer and KM had been driving her to treatments. Also, that KM’s son suffered from a speech impediment that he was getting treatment for it. This was when a tissue was handed to KM.
  • There was no tissue handed to her when a photo of Markel’s head post shooting was shown-- which was an awful sight.
  • KM has a BA in Healthcare Mgmt - defense made this point to make it clear she is qualified to work at the Adelson Institute.
  • The defense submitted a court paper in regards to KM bringing a paternity suit against SG. In that doc, her employment is listed as the Adelson Institute.

LR’s testimony inconsistencies:

  • The defense poked LR’s story as inconsistent on many fronts:
    • when he first learned that they’d commit murder - whether it was in the car with SG or at LR’s house
    • the payment the next day - LR’s phone doesn’t put him at the barber shop like he said
    • LR’s girlfriend says KM and SG dropped the money off and left before LR returned.
    • Phone records show that LR called KM first not the other way around. However the prosecution claimed that KM had an old number for LR and had left word with one of LR friends that she was looking for LR and SG and trying to get in contact.
    • The Markel kids (now the Adelson kids) were in daycare the whole day before the murder and therefore could not be in the neighborhood with Wendi.
    • SG was not on the phone with KM the way up on the first attempt to murder, however, the prosecution pointed out that they supposedly had burner phones on that trip.

My insights on the defense counsel-

  • Throughout the proceedings, they showed almost a gleeful defiance sitting at their table with KM in response to everything the prosecution was doing/saying. They'd constantly whisper to KM and each other over KM. They’d shake their heads (the women was more animated than the male counsel) as if to reassure KM and themselves that it much of what was being said was baloney. I found it very distracting and took it was they were constantly reassuring KM of the strength of her case.
  • The defense was constantly objecting. Constantly.
  • The woman lawyer was wobbly in her 4+ inch heels standing at the podium during her closing argument. It was distracting.

Last and notable points-

  • The prosecution was cool as a cucumber and steady throughout the proceedings.
  • The prosecution made it a point to say in closing arguments “Wendi Adelson” hired KM and SG to commit the murder. No mention of Donna or Charlie. This was important because of all the speculation prior that Wendi was unaware and this murderous act was carried out on her behalf without her knowledge. The prosecution made a crystal clear point that Wendi ordered the hit.
If there's one positive thing the defense showed is...KM's children are with her elder brother and wife and their 2 children. I can't help but think this is probably one of the more stable places these children have had in a long, long while.

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Interesting that final point that it was WA ordered the hit, I think the evidence on that is weak unless CA blames her at some point.

Perhaps it's intended to encourage KM to spill on the A's, that CA won't be their primary target.

It seems to me that reference to multiple girlfriends is intended to make her mad at him, I've seen prosecution use that tactic before and it usually works: It wasn't love, he was just using me. And it was all his sister's fault, and she got her kids and I don't, etc.

Key information that we have now from the two recent court proceedings.

[*]The Markel kids (now the Adelson kids) were in daycare the whole day before the murder and therefore could not be in the neighborhood with Wendi.

Knew that WA changed her last name after the divorce but was unaware that she took DMs name from his children. I betcha they won't be happy about that when they are old enough to realize what it means.
Interesting that final point that it was WA ordered the hit, I think the evidence on that is weak unless CA blames her at some point.

Perhaps it's intended to encourage KM to spill on the A's, that CA won't be their primary target.

It seems to me that reference to multiple girlfriends is intended to make her mad at him, I've seen prosecution use that tactic before and it usually works: It wasn't love, he was just using me. And it was all his sister's fault, and she got her kids and I don't, etc.

KM's alleged involvement had nothing to do with love. it was a business transaction for cold hard cash. and her ultimate plea deal will be a business transaction for a sentence reduction. as i said before, she doesn't care about anyone but herself at this point. she certainly isn't going to take the fall for an alleged mastermind IMO - girlfriends or not.

Knew that WA changed her last name after the divorce but was unaware that she took DMs name from his children. I betcha they won't be happy about that when they are old enough to realize what it means.

yup and she also nixed one of the kid's middle name which was from DM's deceased grandmother. essentially cutting all nominal ties to DM and his family. i wonder if they have ever seen the kids or have tried to? my guess is no. sad.

Knew that WA changed her last name after the divorce but was unaware that she took DMs name from his children. I betcha they won't be happy about that when they are old enough to realize what it means.

Daniel Markel's parents would not have been very happy about the name changes either, especially since they only learned about the change from WA until some time later, and in an email.
Markel's parents later contacted investigators in September 2015 to notify them that Wendi Adelson had changed the children's last names and removed her older son's middle name, which was the Hebrew name of Markel's maternal grandmother, investigators said in the report.

"The Markel family was deeply troubled by this action and believe it was done by Wendi to sever any connection to the Markel family," according to the police report.
key information that we have now from the two recent court proceedings.

Clarification on the case

  • the gun found was not the gun used to kill markel. The lead investigator said, “we are still looking.”
  • the prius was found, and the bullet hole from sg was there.
  • the payment for km’s breast enhancement was largely consolidated to two large cash payments -- no credit cards from ca.
  • the defense pointed out that km worked at two nightclubs (one named as the hard rock) and this could explain all the cash deposits.
  • the subpoena from adelson institute for employee records returned only records of payment -- no job description, timecards or any evidence of work that she executed.
  • adelson institute employee questioned has never seen or met km. However, she had heard of her and was told she worked on weekends. Le claimed she did not go there on weekends. The defense said that it is possible she could have worked from home. However gave no evidence of the fact, such as emails or proof of work.

info on km and ca:

  • the lead investigator (also the one who interviewed wendi in that interrogation video) indicated that ca had had many girlfriends since km. I counted three names listed including his current one.
  • km moved to miami from the philippines when she was 7 and has never returned.
  • km has two older brothers. The oldest lives in miami area is married with two children and is taking care of km’s children now. The middle child ( the brother who took the stand, erik) lives in gainesville and indicated she was welcome there if released on bond. The defense pointed out this was a suitable location to be since it is in between miami and tallahassee.
  • the defense said km was willing to surrender her passport.
  • erik stated km’s mom has breast cancer and km had been driving her to treatments. Also, that km’s son suffered from a speech impediment that he was getting treatment for it. This was when a tissue was handed to km.
  • there was no tissue handed to her when a photo of markel’s head post shooting was shown-- which was an awful sight.
  • km has a ba in healthcare mgmt - defense made this point to make it clear she is qualified to work at the adelson institute.
  • the defense submitted a court paper in regards to km bringing a paternity suit against sg. In that doc, her employment is listed as the adelson institute.

lr’s testimony inconsistencies:

  • the defense poked lr’s story as inconsistent on many fronts:
    • when he first learned that they’d commit murder - whether it was in the car with sg or at lr’s house
    • the payment the next day - lr’s phone doesn’t put him at the barber shop like he said
    • lr’s girlfriend says km and sg dropped the money off and left before lr returned.
    • phone records show that lr called km first not the other way around. However the prosecution claimed that km had an old number for lr and had left word with one of lr friends that she was looking for lr and sg and trying to get in contact.
    • the markel kids (now the adelson kids) were in daycare the whole day before the murder and therefore could not be in the neighborhood with wendi.
    • sg was not on the phone with km the way up on the first attempt to murder, however, the prosecution pointed out that they supposedly had burner phones on that trip.

my insights on the defense counsel-

  • throughout the proceedings, they showed almost a gleeful defiance sitting at their table with km in response to everything the prosecution was doing/saying. They'd constantly whisper to km and each other over km. They’d shake their heads (the women was more animated than the male counsel) as if to reassure km and themselves that it much of what was being said was baloney. I found it very distracting and took it was they were constantly reassuring km of the strength of her case.
  • the defense was constantly objecting. Constantly.
  • the woman lawyer was wobbly in her 4+ inch heels standing at the podium during her closing argument. It was distracting.

last and notable points-

  • the prosecution was cool as a cucumber and steady throughout the proceedings.
  • the prosecution made it a point to say in closing arguments “wendi adelson” hired km and sg to commit the murder. No mention of donna or charlie. This was important because of all the speculation prior that wendi was unaware and this murderous act was carried out on her behalf without her knowledge. the prosecution made a crystal clear point that wendi ordered the hit.

thank you for this!!
Knew that WA changed her last name after the divorce but was unaware that she took DMs name from his children. I betcha they won't be happy about that when they are old enough to realize what it means.

WA didn't have to change her name after the divorce - she never changed her name when she married. But I agree, changing her children's last names and removing that link to their father is one the things that, even if WA is never arrested, will ultimately open their eyes to her true character. She thinks she can brainwash the children because she removed their father from their lives, but I'm sure they will grow up to be very smart and thoughtful, like Markel.
KM's alleged involvement had nothing to do with love. it was a business transaction for cold hard cash. and her ultimate plea deal will be a business transaction for a sentence reduction. as i said before, she doesn't care about anyone but herself at this point. she certainly isn't going to take the fall for an alleged mastermind IMO - girlfriends or not.

I didn't say she did it for love, but providing the evidence that will put someone you've had an affair with to death or into jail for life requires a level of ruthlessness that doesn't usually come easily to women, although you seem to know different in this case.
I didn't say she did it for love, but providing the evidence that will put someone you've had an affair with to death or into jail for life requires a level of ruthlessness that doesn't usually come easily to women, although you seem to know different in this case.

KM is in survival mode. it's every man and woman for themselves at this point. i wouldn't consider that ruthless, just human nature survival instinct. and women can be just as ruthless as men. IMO she doesn't give a **** what happens to anyone but herself at this point.
Wow. They personally called Wendi out as the one doing the hiring.

They are no longer for Wendis (Jodi Arias) act.

Good job.
If KM worked at the dental surgery over weekends, there would be ample evidence of it. Patients would be booked in, payments taken, and either the instruments left dirty, (the other employee would know about it, facing that on a Monday morning), or there would be autoclave records. (We run two tests on our autoclaves every day, and are required to retain signed evidence that both of these are successful. Then every single load must have either a digital printout, or a digital recording, to prove adequate heat and pressure were met for at least four minutes, these must be signed by the person who empties the autoclave. In addition, all "critical instruments", which would be pretty much every instrument at a periodontal practice, needs to be "tracked"-with a bar code- through the autoclaving process, and then identified on which patient they were used on. Again, the tracking needs to include the initials of the person who was responsible for the tracking, and there would be records of this in both the sterilising room and the patient records) If KM was there, but they were not seeing patients, what could she have been doing? Cleaning, stock control, admin stuff?-in a surgery this small, other employees would see that cupboards had been cleaned/rearranged etc. It doesn't seem likely that DA would like anyone intruding into her territory at the practice at any rate. And working from home?, a dental assistant- how could that possibly be, I honestly cannot think of any task that a dental assistant could do at home.

The lack of relevant employment paperwork is incredible- no contract or timesheets or job description? In this day and age, really? There is no way DA would be running such a sloppy business. (No one could and stay in business)

I've read somewhere that LE had phone records that proved she wasn't at the practice, so none of this may be relevant, but dental practices are not casual in any way, paying someone for something criminal through a dental practice is really stupid!
If KM worked at the dental surgery over weekends, there would be ample evidence of it. Patients would be booked in, payments taken, and either the instruments left dirty, (the other employee would know about it, facing that on a Monday morning), or there would be autoclave records. (We run two tests on our autoclaves every day, and are required to retain signed evidence that both of these are successful. Then every single load must have either a digital printout, or a digital recording, to prove adequate heat and pressure were met for at least four minutes, these must be signed by the person who empties the autoclave. In addition, all "critical instruments", which would be pretty much every instrument at a periodontal practice, needs to be "tracked"-with a bar code- through the autoclaving process, and then identified on which patient they were used on. Again, the tracking needs to include the initials of the person who was responsible for the tracking, and there would be records of this in both the sterilising room and the patient records) If KM was there, but they were not seeing patients, what could she have been doing? Cleaning, stock control, admin stuff?-in a surgery this small, other employees would see that cupboards had been cleaned/rearranged etc. It doesn't seem likely that DA would like anyone intruding into her territory at the practice at any rate. And working from home?, a dental assistant- how could that possibly be, I honestly cannot think of any task that a dental assistant could do at home.

The lack of relevant employment paperwork is incredible- no contract or timesheets or job description? In this day and age, really? There is no way DA would be running such a sloppy business. (No one could and stay in business)

I've read somewhere that LE had phone records that proved she wasn't at the practice, so none of this may be relevant, but dental practices are not casual in any way, paying someone for something criminal through a dental practice is really stupid!


Also. Why didn't her Adelson employers verify her employment to the court to nip the speculation right there?

Ooooops. They're throwing her under the bus already. Jmo
Knew that WA changed her last name after the divorce but was unaware that she took DMs name from his children. I betcha they won't be happy about that when they are old enough to realize what it means.

yup and she also nixed one of the kid's middle name which was from DM's deceased grandmother. essentially cutting all nominal ties to DM and his family. i wonder if they have ever seen the kids or have tried to? my guess is no. sad.

Daniel Markel's parents would not have been very happy about the name changes either, especially since they only learned about the change from WA until some time later, and in an email.

WA didn't have to change her name after the divorce - she never changed her name when she married. But I agree, changing her children's last names and removing that link to their father is one the things that, even if WA is never arrested, will ultimately open their eyes to her true character. She thinks she can brainwash the children because she removed their father from their lives, but I'm sure they will grow up to be very smart and thoughtful, like Markel.

Thank you all for chiming in with clarification on this important matter.
WA didn't have to change her name after the divorce - she never changed her name when she married.

There is a special hell waiting for WA. How dare her change DMs children's names! Wait until her jury learns how treacherous WA really is. She is a reason why the Bible warns us about the root of all evil.
If KM worked at the dental surgery over weekends, there would be ample evidence of it. Patients would be booked in, payments taken, and either the instruments left dirty, (the other employee would know about it, facing that on a Monday morning), or there would be autoclave records. (We run two tests on our autoclaves every day, and are required to retain signed evidence that both of these are successful. Then every single load must have either a digital printout, or a digital recording, to prove adequate heat and pressure were met for at least four minutes, these must be signed by the person who empties the autoclave. In addition, all "critical instruments", which would be pretty much every instrument at a periodontal practice, needs to be "tracked"-with a bar code- through the autoclaving process, and then identified on which patient they were used on. Again, the tracking needs to include the initials of the person who was responsible for the tracking, and there would be records of this in both the sterilising room and the patient records) If KM was there, but they were not seeing patients, what could she have been doing? Cleaning, stock control, admin stuff?-in a surgery this small, other employees would see that cupboards had been cleaned/rearranged etc. It doesn't seem likely that DA would like anyone intruding into her territory at the practice at any rate. And working from home?, a dental assistant- how could that possibly be, I honestly cannot think of any task that a dental assistant could do at home.

The lack of relevant employment paperwork is incredible- no contract or timesheets or job description? In this day and age, really? There is no way DA would be running such a sloppy business. (No one could and stay in business)

I've read somewhere that LE had phone records that proved she wasn't at the practice, so none of this may be relevant, but dental practices are not casual in any way, paying someone for something criminal through a dental practice is really stupid!
I doubt it would be purported that KM ever worked as a clinician for the A’s or at the AI.
If KM indeed has a BA in Healthcare Management (?), she could have worked from home providing marketing services – promotional mailers, website, etc.
Pure speculation, because “work” by KM for the AI probably never happened.
Her brother, Erik, testified she had this degree and went to a college in Orlando. Also noted this was the only time she did not live in South Florida. I can't recall if Healthcare Mgmt was the exact degree name, but it was along those lines. Perhaps Healthcare Admin. But it's applicable.

Still, no evidence has been presented to prove she did any work. Maybe they are saving for the trial, or it doesn't exist. A good point that lead investigator said at one point when the defense was questioning him was "I'd still don't know what she did for the Adelson Institute and would still like to know." There was no answer to that from the defense. The point was made and just sat out there unaddressed.

I doubt it would be purported that KM ever worked as a clinician for the A’s or at the AI.
If KM indeed has a BA in Healthcare Management (?), she could have worked from home providing marketing services – promotional mailers, website, etc.
Pure speculation, because “work” by KM for the AI probably never happened.
New Amended Discovery:

1) They got KM's burner phone at the time of arrest
2) Monitoring her communications -- PEN registry
3) KM was on food stamps, yet purchased a pricey breast augmentation for herself -- or at least half of it?! And now with the private attorneys. Whoa.
4) Lacasse's alibi was that he shopped at Kmart crushing WA's theories.



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I doubt it would be purported that KM ever worked as a clinician for the A’s or at the AI.
If KM indeed has a BA in Healthcare Management (?), she could have worked from home providing marketing services – promotional mailers, website, etc.
Pure speculation, because “work” by KM for the AI probably never happened.
Personally, I question her having a BA degree in anything. I truly would need to see proof from the school to believe that. JMOO

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