FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 #2

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I know people have stared at that million dollar limit on the page...and wondered what on earth? Naples, FL which is just south of Bonita Springs (AND the place where Dr Sievers had her hospital privileges) is VERY wealthy community. Some people in that town think nothing of writing a check at a charity event for 25-50-100 grand ...it's no big deal to them. I wasn't one of those patients...but she may have had patients from Naples (or Bonita) who could want to help her family after this tragedy. So putting a big limit on it makes sense to me from that stand point...people who don't live here wouldn't know...so I thought I'd share that.
Sometimes the answer is right in front of our nose. While I still hold to the theory this was a B&E-turned murder (someone who knew the family was gone but didn't know or see her return Sun nite), I am beginning to look closer to home. By that I do not mean family, but literally, the home. And curious about one of the young neighbor's brief on-camera interview.
I do believe the female neighbor's account and timing of the "shrill", I'm guessing a high-pitched shriek, after her dogs alerted her; but the mention by the other neighbor of hearing "a man's voice" at a different, later time (making no sense) is giving me pause. Could this be convenient input? Can you possibly hear a voice, even yelling, from across the street or any distance away from this house when both parties are indoors? Who is legitimately coming and going OUTside at that hour, and if you were OUTside, why wouldn't you have actually seen something and heard more and had more to offer?
My thought is...if her voice could get out...why couldn't she. Of course we know nothing about the back of the house...but in the front...her voice would have to be heard from that side door (didn't it have a second glass door covering it that's still intact?) or the open garage door....or if she was standing in the driveway (?) I know how sound proof these concrete block homes are down here..so it makes me wonder.
The account the simple version. LS set up the original with her note. MS came in changed it for funds to go to the church then added his own note. Brothers and Sisters came in today changed it back to funds going to the girls...deleted MS's note and added their own new note. They may be disorganized but I don't think they are trying to pull a fast one on anybody.. :) JMO


If true, this is disconcerting to me. Apparently Dr, Sievers's family is concerned for support of the daughters.
The dogs.....there have been cases whereby the perps DNA was on the dogs---even if the dogs (sadly) don't survive horrific acts against their owners. Remember, dogs bite--dogs bark. Additionally, if the dogs witnessed the horrific act, they may now respond oddly to the attacker, no? The dogs may have been our only "witness" to the murder & since the dogs can't speak, they still may very well hold some answers via (blood spatter or from a bite) DNA or from profound behaviors. I bet the dogs were loyal to the doctor, may she rest in peace.

Why don't we know anything about the status of the dogs? Why?????
Yes! Dog hair!! Fingers crossed. (if it's a stranger) but if it's someone familiar how do they act around the killer. I always wonder about that.
Like my dog runs and hides under the bed when I say
"SERIOUSLY"!!??? She knows I am about to go off on somebody. I feel so bad. She doesn't realize I'm yelling at a tv show or a frozen computer
Not her.
Dogs are SO much smarter than we give them credit for. If they saw her killer and saw her killed... Yet no one heard dogs... Hmmm
Yes! Dog hair!! Fingers crossed. (if it's a stranger) but if it's someone familiar how do they act around the killer. I always wonder about that.
Like my dog runs and hides under the bed when I say
"SERIOUSLY"!!??? She knows I am about to go off on somebody. I feel so bad. She doesn't realize I'm yelling at a tv show or a frozen computer
Not her.
Dogs are SO much smarter than we give them credit for. If they saw her killer and saw her killed... Yet no one heard dogs... Hmmm

Been away for a week so I am behind. I watched a NG on demand from last week and they said Dr. S was cremated but that wasn't necessarily something she wanted or requested.

And speaking of the dogs. They were unharmed but in the house? Has there been any details on the dogs, their breeds, etc. I had heard they had a pet sitter while they were away so I assume the dogs were at the home?
Been away for a week so I am behind. I watched a NG on demand from last week and they said Dr. S was cremated but that wasn't necessarily something she wanted or requested.

And speaking of the dogs. They were unharmed but in the house? Has there been any details on the dogs, their breeds, etc. I had heard they had a pet sitter while they were away so I assume the dogs were at the home?
I saw a peek at them in a picture somewhere. One looked like lab mix medium sized. Just good ole family dogs I assume. Not lap dogs or guard dogs either
The kids deserve every penny they can get? How does money make up for losing your mother? I don't see how money is going to in anyway lessen the pain and loss these little girls will forever feel due to having lost their Mom so tragically. How exactly does the loss of a parent to murder make the surviving children deserving of money? All of the money in the world isn't going to bring their Mom back or ease their loss. What does death have to do with deserving money?

Sorry but I don't understand the correlation you seem to be making.

And those kids deserve every penny they can get! They also deserve to be treated with dignity and sensitivity, so please refrain from personal accusations towards the family and keep it more general. This case will hopefully be solved by hard evidence - soon. I have full trust in our LE. They are working conscientiously and diligently. Keep it coming, Mike Scott.

-No it's not
The kids deserve every penny they can get? How does money make up for losing your mother? I don't see how money is going to in anyway lessen the pain and loss these little girls will forever feel due to having lost their Mom so tragically. How exactly does the loss of a parent to murder make the surviving children deserving of money? All of the money in the world isn't going to bring their Mom back or ease their loss. What does death have to do with deserving money?

Sorry but I don't understand the correlation you seem to be making.

Not to mention they have a father who is perfectly capable of working and providing for the children.

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The kids deserve every penny they can get? How does money make up for losing your mother? I don't see how money is going to in anyway lessen the pain and loss these little girls will forever feel due to having lost their Mom so tragically. How exactly does the loss of a parent to murder make the surviving children deserving of money? All of the money in the world isn't going to bring their Mom back or ease their loss. What does death have to do with deserving money?

Sorry but I don't understand the correlation you seem to be making.

Sorry you misunderstood, I wasn't thinking of 'easing their loss' by monetary support. They will need college funds for example, health insurance etc..Life is expensive in this area.
We are looking at a long healing process. The husband may be able to provide, BUT NOT RIGHT AWAY. We do not know at this time, if there was any private life insurance policy in place.

-No it's not
Sorry you misunderstood, I wasn't thinking of 'easing their loss' by monetary support. They will need college funds for example, health insurance etc..Life is expensive in this area.
We are looking at a long healing process. The husband may be able to provide, BUT NOT RIGHT AWAY. We do not know at this time, if there was any private life insurance policy in place.

-No it's not

What's "not right away"? The girls go back to school in Sept. , daddy can get a job. Many young people who lose a parent young eventually go to college but they work and earn scholarships. This money grab from the beginning is just wrong, and looks terrible. As does the cremation.:moo:
Maybe the murder wasn't premeditated. I think she definitely knew her attacker who confronted her about something and then went into a rage over it and killed her. He/she could have grabbed a hammer from the garage when they decided murder was the answer. I watched the video of Dr. S speaking about the methods she employs in her practice... she appears to be a very strong, confident, intelligent woman, no nonsense type A unafraid to speak her mind and take a stand. A lot of men (and women) and possibly the killer are intimidated by powerful self expression; enough so to answer it with brutal, deadly force for whatever twisted reason. I hope we learn something soon.

But would a strong, confident, intelligent, no-nonsense type A person have such an unpredictable, violent hypothetical lover at her home when she only had a few hours to sleep before work Monday morning? It seems like a huge lapse of judgment on the part of someone being remembered as "Mother Teresa."
Regarding .... I've seen a few posts claiming the has been changed "again", also sounding like it's been changed more than once, also referred to as a "flag" or "red flag". These comments insinuate that something suspicious, etc might be going on with the person or persons who set up the .

There isn't "a" ----there are 2 separate funds. One is for a charity, Good Shepherd Ministries in Memory of Dr Teresa Sievers. The second fund is a Family Fund for their 2 daughters for a goal of $100,000--NOT 1 million.

Respectfully, there are two accounts set up. One of the accounts is the (which has been changed three times with the latest change yesterday from Teresa's Brother stating all funds would now go to her children). This fund was initially for $1,000,000 million dollars by LS on day 1 but was reduced by Mark Sievers last week to $100,000 when he also changed the account to go to Good Shepard Ministries from In Memory of...

And, there is an entirely different fundraiser that was started at the beginning for Teresa's children (for their college) at the Indiegogo site.


Hope this clears up the facts of the fundraising accounts.
You made your point and I made mine. I am standing up for the kids, and I will always stand up for the kids. At this time we do not know if any family members were involved or not.
I know people have stared at that million dollar limit on the page...and wondered what on earth? Naples, FL which is just south of Bonita Springs (AND the place where Dr Sievers had her hospital privileges) is VERY wealthy community. Some people in that town think nothing of writing a check at a charity event for 25-50-100 grand ...it's no big deal to them. I wasn't one of those patients...but she may have had patients from Naples (or Bonita) who could want to help her family after this tragedy. So putting a big limit on it makes sense to me from that stand point...people who don't live here wouldn't know...so I thought I'd share that.

Charity events are probably for 501(c)3 nonprofits, which are tax deductible.

is not a 501(c)3 and a donation is not tax deductible.

Big difference.
Hi all! My first post on WS after wishing for so long that something like this existed (turns out, it does). I look forward to collaborating with all of you. This is such a strange case, and I was doing some searching, I found this article (although not saying these are all related); an interesting read.


Thank you. Welcome and it is quite interesting. The thing is Doctors aren't immune from having things happen to them too. So it all could be a coincidence although a strange one since it covers areas in the East, Mexico, and in other states that aren't on the east coast.

This is OT somewhat but it was included in your article.

This one is happening right in the county where I live. In fact they live in a very nice sub-division not far from us. I believe he was guilty of the first attempted murder but he was seen as somewhat of a celebrity in Miami. No one tries to commit suicide by shooting themselves in the buttocks three times. I have no clue why the original jury came to the determination they did. Even if the previous ex had gunshot residue on her hands it could mean he was wearing gloves at the time and the blowback landed on her hands as she fought to push the weapon away. Imo, he got away with that one and I hope he doesn't in this case.

So we all await to see what the GBI can uncover. Our grandson is a Sheriff's Deputy in our county and he said the husband is being held in a cell by himself. They picked him up on unrelated charges for a probation violation and he was denied bond until July 21st when another Judge will hear his bond hearing. I don't think it is a coincidence that the women in his life at the time seem to get shot.

Dr. Riley was a very well liked and highly respected doctor at our large hospital here, Phoebe Putney Memorial. I do think this one will become a domestic violence homicide. IMO

#5 July 1oth– Lisa Riley DO (Doctor of Osteopathic medicine) is found in her home with a gunshot wound to her head. Her husband called it in 911 and has a prior record, and actually was charged with attempted murder on his ex Ms. King, before charges were eventually dropped. Evidence showed that there was gun residue was found on Ms. King’s hand and not Mr Riley’s and his story collaborated but hers allegedly didn’t and kept changing. At least that’s what evidence showed at the time. (click link in this paragraph for their story with details on all of this) - See more at: http://www./fifth-holistic-alternat...-5-more-missing-doctors/#sthash.UOAW1IyK.dpuf
You made your point and I made mine. I am standing up for the kids, and I will always stand up for the kids. At this time we do not know if any family members were involved or not.

Pointing out that plenty of kids go to college without the benefit of a fundraising account isn't anti-"standing up for the kids." Obviously no-one here is against a murder victim's children, regardless of their feelings about anyone "deserving" a college fund, and it's unfair to insinuate such.

I teach at a community college, and my classes are full of students who have been handed a fistful of caca from the fates, and are at a community college specifically because they don't have the family resources (educated and healthy surviving parent, loving extended family, a childhood of good nutrition via private chef, accounts, whatever) to go to college any other way. "Deserve" doesn't come into it--every person on earth "deserves" a college education, when you come down to it. Nobody here is "anti-murder victim's kids getting a college education in 10 years when they're old enough," and finding something odd in the use of the word "deserve" or in the whole ever-shifting account doesn't mean someone isn't "standing up for the kids" (whatever that means when proclaimed by a stranger on an internet chat board).
You made your point and I made mine. I am standing up for the kids, and I will always stand up for the kids. At this time we do not know if any family members were involved or not.

ITA! I haven't seen anything that leads me to believe this was done by a family member.

I don't begrudge the children having a fund set up for them. Eventually as time goes on so will their life and one day they will reach college age. Its always been a simple concept to me. Those who don't want to give won't and those who do have no problem with giving to the fund. Its always a personal choice and not a forced one.

Over the years I have given to many family members of crime victims. I never really cared what they did with the monies I have sent. I sent it with no strings attached.


Please don't post screen shots of any social media, or accounts. It's against TOS and They are not allowed here.

What's "not right away"? The girls go back to school in Sept. , daddy can get a job. Many young people who lose a parent young eventually go to college but they work and earn scholarships. This money grab from the beginning is just wrong, and looks terrible. As does the cremation.:moo:

While I agree that initially it appeared unusual, it's been reiterated numerous times that the Dad did not start these funds. I can relate to how those meaning to do well may not have thought how it would look especially the haste in which the accounts were made, but I'm satisfied that it's what appears to have happened. I can understand if others wouldn't agree with me on that, however, but I can't really understand any vitriol toward anyone wanting to ease the future of these two young girls. Yes, their Dad can get a job and I'm sure they'll work hard and go to college if they so choose, and hopefully with the support of their family this trauma in their lives won't impede the way toward that. Contrary to opinion, it isn't raining scholarships out there, or at least not in the sense that it would ever close the gap for any but a select few. I too applaud the intentions of those looking to ease the very difficult path these two girls face without their mother.
"As love would have it" the account is being administered by the family to do with as they see fit. Learning more about her life through her death there is an opportunity for people/the universe to "pay her back" in a sense for all that pro bono work she did when she was alive...and no one is asking or suggesting that...I just see it that way...in a positive light.
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