FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 #2

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For comparison...

Mike and Tina Careccia were murdered leaving minor children. They were not upper middle class, and were living with relatives while struggling to come up with a down payment for a trailer. There is a , but it was started weeks later and the family is asking for 20,000.

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Granted when LS started the the day after the murder, it raised a red flag for many. What was she thinking? Maybe something along the lines of what am I going to do now that Dr. S. is gone. LS's livlihood depended (to what extent is unknow) on the patient referrals Dr. S. brought to the practice so she will have to find another Dr. to work with or write a book or something. I think LS setting up the may have been partially motivated by self interest which she probably didn't think through how it would look to the public.

There are so many funds set up for people. Fires, illness, on and on.

What I think is the distasteful factor is the $1 million dollar idea and then on the father's FB the over and over again DONATE NOW!

A tasteful announcement that a fund was set up would not raise any hackles
I agree-The FIRST thought after this tragedy seemed to be about money--Doesn't look right--And the girls are not going to college "right away"

My 2 granddaughters lost their mom when they were only 4 yrs old (twins). Their father told my daughter he receives the Social Security checks for the girls my daughter's worklife years earned. He said it would be used for their education, clothes, etc.

He is very well off, father owns a computer company, and he benefits from that enterprise too. He has remarried well, and they just bought a multi-million dollars home in Phoenix, the combining of their assets I suppose. Nice for them, and I'm glad our granddaughters are growing up in a nice home and area too.

In the older days, the Social Security picks up when a parent dies and that parent had worked as my daughter did for years before meeting him and the children came.

That check will continue to come in to the father for the two of them regardless of changing circumstances under the beneficiary fund of SS. They now go to a Montessori School, although the cost even for that isn't much (online checking the tuition, far less then I would have imagined>

The checks to the children as well as Teresa's children will continue as long as they pursue an education, after high school, etc until they are 21 I think (after age 18, ) although I'm unsure about that.

Clearly, these kids don't need public handouts.
There are so many funds set up for people. Fires, illness, on and on.

What I think is the distasyeful factor is the $1 million dollar idea and then on the father's FB the over and over again DONATE NOW!

A tasteful announcement that a fund was set up would not raise any hackles

I recall the McStay half brother advertised too for years for donations. Hmmm.

There are also such accounts set up for "dogs and cats", strays, etc with no proof of what was done - spent, etc.

Its the lack of oversight I truly dislike about these sites. A few hundred dollars is one thing, but thousands?

The I.R.S. would be asking us to account for any family or other donations I"m sure of it had they gotten wind of it. One is allowed as a family member to enrich your family members to the tune of $10,000 per year i think, so a husband and wife could "legally" without tax incurred, give a child $20,000. and this is done all the time between the better off, each and every year.

I agree wholeheartedly with cluciano's post,* 498 it reminds me of the values lost, an old time saying I suppose, (prior to reality show riches, etc and values changing,) "Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"

I don't think people value these older ways any longer
I think SS is until age 18.

I believe it is non taxable ?

And then the crime victim's compensation , which probably is not a lot.
I recall the McStay half brother advertised too for years for donations. Hmmm.

There are also such accounts set up for "dogs and cats", strays, etc with no proof of what was done - spent, etc.

Its the lack of oversight I truly dislike about these sites. A few hundred dollars is one thing, but thousands?

The I.R.S. would be asking us to account for any family or other donations I"m sure of it had they gotten wind of it. One is allowed as a family member to enrich your family members to the tune of $10,000 per year i think, so a husband and wife could "legally" without tax incurred, give a child $20,000. and this is done all the time between the better off, each and every year.

I agree wholeheartedly with cluciano's post,* 498 it reminds me of the values lost, an old time saying I suppose, (prior to reality show riches, etc and values changing,) "Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD"

I don't think people value these older ways any longer

I think the gift is $12,000 a year. And it does not have to be a family member does it?

For example, though, let us say someone is married with two kids.

The grandmother in the family can give each member $12,000 tax free dollars. Then the grandfather can give $12,000 tax free dollars. That is $48,000 tax free dollars a year.

I believe this is correct. So if the gifts are under $12,000 pp, are they tax free? In other words, could someone get $1,000,000 tax free dollars if they came in small enough increments?
I think SS is until age 18.

I believe it is non taxable ?

And then the crime victim's compensation , which probably is not a lot.
Each child plus the husband are eligible for social security death benefits.

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Each child plus the husband are eligible for social security death benefits.

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Doesn't it work, according to the adult spouse getting the "larger of the two" between what he'd normally get vs what the spouse receives upon her death? Then the larger of the two is paid out until one remarries?

As for children, I found this pdf from SS administration, since someone keeps asking for donations for the children's education:'

I don't think SS benefits to the child or rather to the adult and "on the behalf of the child", is taxable either, and can really ADD up big time:

If your child is a student
Three months before your child’s 18th
birthday, we will send you a notice that
benefits will end at age 18 unless your child is a
full-time student at a secondary (or elementary)
school. If your child is younger than 19 and
still attending a secondary or elementary
school, he or she must notify us by completing
a statement of attendance that has been
certified by a school official. The benefits then
will usually continue until he or she graduates,
or until two months after reaching age 19,
whichever comes first.

If your child is disabled
Benefits will continue at age 18 to a child
who is disabled. Childhood disability benefits
are also payable after attainment of age 18, if the
disability began before age 22.
There are so many funds set up for people. Fires, illness, on and on.

What I think is the distasteful factor is the $1 million dollar idea and then on the father's FB the over and over again DONATE NOW!

A tasteful announcement that a fund was set up would not raise any hackles
I had forgotten about the Facebook posts... when you set up a , you can link it to your Facebook account. Perhaps those posts were auto generated by ? Which would confirm that it was MS that set it up.

Or not.

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But, what's normal protocol here? I mean, the nurse probably asked if she was OK, or asked to see her, asked if she was inside, etc. Should the deputy have just said, "no comment?"

Of course. People call to ask questions about patients in hospitals, too, but if they don't know the proper number or their name is not on a list of people that can have info, I would be fired for giving out that info.
Doesn't it work, according to the adult spouse getting the "larger of the two" between what he'd normally get vs what the spouse receives upon her death? Then the larger of the two is paid out until one remarries?

As for children, I found this pdf from SS administration, since someone keeps asking for donations for the children's education:'

I don't think SS benefits to the child or rather to the adult and "on the behalf of the child", is taxable either, and can really ADD up big time:

Correct, it is not taxable and ends at their 18th birthday. Social Security Survivors Benefits. It has nothing to do with SSI or SSDisability.
If so, not too intuitive on the intuologist's part.

Some people just do what's right to help others and aren't worried one iota what <modsnip>anyone else thinks.

People are way to caught up in this thing. I guess there isn't much else to talk about.
As anyone on this board been following the Blancharde case? The mother who kept her daughter in a wheel chair, head shaved, glasses, etc., so she could collect money from everyone and anyone. The daughter ended up killing her.

In the case of the Sievers, asking for money (so soon has no importance) should never have happened. This was a well educated career woman who was definitely into making money (cash only). They saw the gravy train had stopped and the sponges got to work. No pride, no shame. Regardless of what the politically correct say on this board, there is no reason for these accounts. THEY should be offering a reward instead to help find her killer(s).
As anyone on this board been following the Blancharde case? The mother who kept her daughter in a wheel chair, head shaved, glasses, etc., so she could collect money from everyone and anyone. The daughter ended up killing her.

In the case of the Sievers, asking for money (so soon has no importance) should never have happened. This was a well educated career woman who was definitely into making money (cash only). They saw the gravy train had stopped and the sponges got to work. No pride, no shame. Regardless of what the politically correct say on this board, there is no reason for these accounts. THEY should be offering a reward instead to help find her killer(s).

Oh, but if the killer is close to home, they may not want a reward out there!

Excellent post, BTW.

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Some people just do what's right to help others and aren't worried one iota what you or anyone else thinks.

People are way to caught up in this thing. I guess there isn't much else to talk about.
And some people make a living out of selling snake oil, and similarly don't care what anyone thinks.

However, if they weren't concerned about the impression they were making to the general public, they wouldn't have changed the multiple times.


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Some people just do what's right to help others and aren't worried one iota what you or anyone else thinks.

People are way to caught up in this thing. I guess there isn't much else to talk about.

Exactly. I'm satisfied that the implications aren't sinister, although I respect that others may feel differently.

Beyond that, I don't want to play Emily Post on the appropriate protocol or behavior of family after a crime such as this. It may not be what I or most of us would do in these circumstances, but that's not what I'm here to discuss or pass judgement on
Here is some helpful information and places to contact for crime victims.

The National Center for Victims of Crime is dedicated to forging a national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. The National Center's toll-free helpline, 1-800-FYI-CALL, offers practical information on appropriate community resources for crime victims, as well as supportive counseling and skilled advocacy in the criminal justice and social service systems

OVC - OVC administers the Crime Victims Fund authorized by the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). OVC administers five grant programs to help, crime victims, i.e., crime victim compensation, crime victim assistance, national scope training and technical assistance and demonstration programs, the childrens justice and assistance act, and services to federal crime victims.
Something that came to mind...If English isn't your first language..and you come from another country (say...czech/polish) you may come from a background where money was hard to come by...so your FIRST response to protect the people you cared about would be to make sure they had money...because it was so important to you. I try to think...what was that person believing in that moment when they made that decision.

I would think the first response would be shock at the events that had happened--shock and questions about who did this and why----I don't care what country a person comes from, the first thought that comes to a loved ones mind should not be money--JMO
The Sheriff stated that some latter evidence was driven to the crime lab on Wednesday, July 1, 2015. I am wondering from past cases (if anyone can remember) what was the fastest turnaround?

I am also wondering why more is not being done to elicit Tips. Except for the obvious, the Sheriff's department is certain they know who committed the murder??? Thoughts?
In the case of the Sievers, asking for money (so soon has no importance) should never have happened. This was a well educated career woman who was definitely into making money (cash only). They saw the gravy train had stopped and the sponges got to work. No pride, no shame. Regardless of what the politically correct say on this board, there is no reason for these accounts. THEY should be offering a reward instead to help find her killer(s).

Totally agree except IMO asking for the money so soon does have importance to me,as it appears this was their first thought. What about WHO did this.
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