FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 #3

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If the dogs were locked in the van, the windows were opened or they couldn't have been in there long. And if the perp left the windows opened, he was confident the dogs wouldn't bark. IMO, the dogs would start barking after being left in the van with or without windows closed. My guess is the dogs were confined to an area of the home (or in the backyard?) when she was attacked.
Or maybe she crated them at night.

Any information regarding when the dogs were scheduled to be fed/walked? I wonder if the perp had a dog with him so he wouldn't look out of place. Just a guy walking to/from the dog park...

You are right about the heat, and leaving windows open if dogs locked in van...although the perp prob didn't care about the animals, or knew they would be found soon enough.
Yes he did I will find it, in one of his early interviews where he is walking along outside with a reporter and in it he is all excited. If anyone finds it again before I do, please post.

She said (the reporter) that after the interview she asked him more, and he said the books and movies quote. Yes I agree it does add to the drama.
I just want to mention that many newer homes (like Dr S's) are built out of concrete block or poured concrete to endure hurricanes. Additionally, windows are often PGT glass which is almost bullet-proof.
The end result is that newer homes built to these standards leave a house almost sound-proof. No noise from the street coming in & no noise from inside going out.

I don't know if the Dr's house was built to these standards but it very well could've been---very likely, IMO.
She said (the reporter) that after the interview she asked him more, and he said the books and movies quote. Yes I agree it does add to the drama.

The police dept/sheriff hasn't released any details so of-course this case will sound like a movie/drama quote. :thinking:
Russian Blue..... regarding the Sheriff saying there would be 'books & movies'--so far he's not been seen/heard publicly actually saying that--PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong here. News anchors/reporters have 'reported' this info AFTER he's off camera therefore not factual. Just adds to the drama. WHO KNOWS, maybe he was over heard saying this to his deputies OR said it 'off the record'. Regardless, 'books & movies" would be done long after plus have not impact on solving the case.

He did say that. I saw a video last week or the week before and he did say exactly that, lol! I thought that at the time he seemed almost a little manic; either that or it was a lack of sleep and he was heading towards slap-happy. He said many things that you would never expect to hear from LE (that's why they have PR liaisons and spokespersons). It gave me the impression of showboating and the investigative process rather than disseminating information surrounding a gruesome murder that had just happened. I could maybe see that if the murder had been years ago - maybe.

In my opinion.
You are right about the heat, and leaving windows open if dogs locked in van...although the perp prob didn't care about the animals, or knew they would be found soon enough.

Were the dogs taken out of the home? I wonder if LE discovered them in the backyard. Might explain why they were taking samples from the dogs outside vs. inside.
Were the dogs taken out of the home? I wonder if LE discovered them in the backyard. Might explain why they were taking samples from the dogs outside vs. inside.

It seems they were taking samples in the front yard. Do you mean you are thinking that investigators wouldn't have let the dogs back inside the house since the murder (or take DNA from them inside the house) in order to make sure the dogs didn't pick up DNA left after the crime?

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Sounds more like they had a warrant for DNA from the animals only and the people collecting it did not enter the house.
IDK how that works.
My mistake, boy did I read that incorrectly! Below are the posts I read and in my brain interrupted them as cameras up! Must have been a crazy day.


Who's up for some detective work?

Pull up google street view and look at the Sievers house. Then check out one of NG videos regarding the case and tell me what you see:



No cameras on house January 2015
I wish I were a birdie and knew who LE has been questioning.They probably found dog hair or a bite on someone.Leaning more all the time to this being a neighbor who saw TS return home alone.
You are right about the heat, and leaving windows open if dogs locked in van...although the perp prob didn't care about the animals, or knew they would be found soon enough.

Are garages in FL air conditioned? Don't laugh, but in the states I've lived, many are. People don't want to get into a cold car in the winter or a hot car in the summer. It does make a difference.
She said (the reporter) that after the interview she asked him more, and he said the books and movies quote. Yes I agree it does add to the drama.

You know, this is one thing that drives me NUTS. Online articles are changed without written update dates or times, or notification that it's changed since the original publication. AT FIRST, videos are put out there without editing because that would take time and everybody wants to be the first to report it whatever it is. Later, things are edited. Argh. So far, I can't find the video of the entire video he did early on where he's on camera and says these things in response to a direct question. I also notice that in this video and another interview he says almost the same things verbatim.
It seems they were taking samples in the front yard. Do you mean you are thinking that investigators wouldn't have let the dogs back inside the house since the murder (or take DNA from them inside the house) in order to make sure the dogs didn't pick up DNA left after the crime?

Yes, to prevent the dogs from contaminating the crime scene. Cross transfer of dna is probably one of many reasons why they wouldn't introduce the dogs to the house.
Maybe they used up all the DNA they took initially on certain tests then later decided to test for something else and needed more DNA. I do find it odd that they came back to the house and did the big show in the front yard for all to see. And I find it hard to believe that the animals were left in the house after the crime occurred.

What about crime scene cleanup? Wonder if that's been done or not. Remember when the Lee County Sherriff's Office page said the case was turned over to another agency? Could it be that the DEA is involved or other federal agencies? If they have a suspect who they have reason to believe may be involved in drugs in an illegal way, that would be the DEA that would investigate that I would think. Also if banks are involved in the connectivity aspect of the crime, that's a federal agency too. So it could be that there are multiple agencies involved each doing their own investigations. And it's possible that the local DA has to confer with the State Attorney General's office and/or the FBI. With all the complexities and evidence and that Mike Scott referred to, maybe it's these issues that are keeping them from making a speedy arrest.
Are garages in FL air conditioned? Don't laugh, but in the states I've lived, many are. People don't want to get into a cold car in the winter or a hot car in the summer. It does make a difference.

I don't know any garages here in FL that are air conditioned
Could it be possible if the murderer was bitten and wound got infected,they took DNA to see if it matches one of her dogs? They also might have taken an imprint of the dogs teeth to check a pattern of lacerations if they have a POI who has a dog bite.
Just checking in. I have not had anything valuable to add but keep popping in to see if any news. I really thought that they would have arrested someone by now!

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Where are the dogs staying?
Did LE take the dogs out of the house to do the testing last week?
Are the dogs living there?
It doesn't make sense that they would be brought there to be tested
If they are living there, why bring them to a front yard to test?
Could it be possible if the murderer was bitten and wound got infected,they took DNA to see if it matches one of her dogs? They also might have taken an imprint of the dogs teeth to check a pattern of lacerations if they have a POI who has a dog bite.

I think this is very possible
Not sure why they are testing a cat. Scratches?
I think its about saliva or teeth imprints
I imagine this has been accomplished by LE...

but I wonder if there were any reports around that time in the neighboring hospital ER's of wounds such as animal bites/scratches, human bites/scratches/bruises...

Dr. TS could have very possibly put up a fight...

ETA... Such wounds/injuries may have been explained away (in initial questioning by LE) as coming from their own pets/peeps...

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