FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 *ARRESTS* #8

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well if he WAS considering going to Law school could it be because he knew his bread winner wife wouldnt be around to provide the well loved life he had become accustomed too and thought he may have to provide it on his own.
The article previously posted mentions TS had a life insurance policy.

The chef article has a reference to only hiring chefs that have insurance. I don't see one for life insurance policy. Do you mean a different article?
As a patient of Dr Sievers I can tell you that she always honored and respected peoples intuition. It was one the things that made her special. Being in the intuitive field myself...It was refreshing to have her ask me before my appointment was over...if what we discussed and worked on as a plan of action to improve my health...felt right to me.
I could have sworn I saw the "vomiting" referenced in an MSM article. Don't ask me where or when though. I've still got 30+ tabs open. lol

I've read so much and via so many sources...I can't recall.

Of course, I could never be mistaken. No way. Not me. :rolleyes:

If you find it, I want it. AFAIK, it's only from Skinner. There is a MSM article that SH, one of the staff at Dr Siever's health center went to the home but the crime scene tape was already up. That one with an interview is posted in the media thread. That may be what you recall in MSM.
I followed this case from say one, and I saved quite a few MSM article's. This one from July2/3.

If I stop and think about it right now, I'll fall apart because I didn't think this was possible," said Annie Lisa, Dr. Sievers' sister. "My sister had a spirit that I thought would go on forever and ever."

Lisa said she is seeking justice. She said she can't comment on who she thinks is responsible for killing her sister, but she said her sister always spoke the truth, and some people don't like the truth.

Do you all think that AL might have given LE a name or names? They were very very close, and it sounds to me that TS certainly confided in AL, about some sort of "truth" that seemed to bother her. JMO~
read more here:
well if he WAS considering going to Law school could it be because he knew his bread winner wife wouldnt be around to provide the well loved life he had become accustomed too and thought it may have to provide it on his own.

Ted Bundy wanted to go to law school too.. JMO
Catching up so my apologies if this has been posted. Someone must have pulled the will from the Clerk's office as it is not available on the Clerk's website.

From the article :

"Although Sievers’ will was prepared by attorneys Monica and Richard Lyons of Bonita Springs, it was deposited with the clerk’s office by George Mantzidis, a lawyer in North Naples.

Reached this week, Mantzidis would not say when he became the custodian of Sievers’ will or why the document had changed hands to a different lawyer.

“I can’t comment on that right now,” he said."

Eileen. Imo. The sheriff has said enough of what he thinks pertaining to mark.

So far. He has not cleared him. Which means ms is still a poi.

Agreed. Sheriff Scott stated that MS was in the envelope of suspicion.
What is true is that in his 20's and 30's he never wanted to be a lawyer. He wanted to be a doctor but could not afford nor did he have the personal dedication to do so.

so if you cant be one marry one and let them support you .
From the article :

"Although Sievers’ will was prepared by attorneys Monica and Richard Lyons of Bonita Springs, it was deposited with the clerk’s office by George Mantzidis, a lawyer in North Naples.

Reached this week, Mantzidis would not say when he became the custodian of Sievers’ will or why the document had changed hands to a different lawyer.

“I can’t comment on that right now,” he said."

This atty's focus is business and intellectual property law and estates and estate planning. They may have used him in their business .. who knows? Nothing nefarious that i can see. JMO I have had the sad task of probating several wills in less than 2 years. I never used the various lawyers who drew them up. i used a very high powered probate and tax attorney. He was worth every penny. jmo
wow.. well reading that will sure told me one thing..while someone might say she is the closest to the deceased.. they are not mentioned in the will in any capacity..that is as an heir or as guardian of the minor children. JMO

That's not necessarily a reflection on how close they were... someone else could have been named as guardian for other reasons.. lifestyle, work that requires travel, etc. And other heirs may be named in the trust, which we don't have access to.

ETA. The will also refers to a list of specific bequests. If such a list was made, it was not attached so we have no idea who may be named on it.

ETA AGAIN. It's also not uncommon for a potential guardian to decide they do not want to take on that role, for whatever reason, and decline when asked.

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I got to thinking today about the Dr. friend MS called to check on his wife and I believe it is very significant if MS is connected to his wife's murder.

Think about it, MS gets the call from the office asking about Dr. Teresa and instead of just asking office staff to drive over there he calls up a friend.


I am married to a General Surgeon and it would take a lot to make my husband throw up at a scene. This had to be not only especially gruesome but Dr. Teresa was in my mind a beloved person of this doctor too. Just had to be and if MS is involved that certainly was a cold hearted thing to do to a friend.

I don't think EMS came to the Sievers scene right? Maybe since the person that found Teresa was a physician he/she was able to state outright she was dead and the police were just notified of a homicide vs. other cases where people come upon a homicide and they call 911 and even if the person looks dead the 911 operator still asks them to check breathing and EMS is dispatched right?

Perhaps the media is holding off on releasing the 9-1-1 call ( through the Freedom of Information and sunshine laws) until more information is released as related to this case?

Jessica seems very good at following the case yet her station has not published this yet..

As a patient of Dr Sievers I can tell you that she always honored and respected peoples intuition. It was one the things that made her special. Being in the intuitive field myself...It was refreshing to have her ask me before my appointment was over...if what we discussed and worked on as a plan of action to improve my health...felt right to me.

How wonderful Helper, if one of my doctors actually asked me, "does this sound good to you?" Or "how does that sound?", or " do you have any issues with this course of treatment?", I think I would faint dead on the floor. Kudos to Teresa!
This atty's focus is business and intellectual property law and estates and estate planning. They may have used him in their business .. who knows? Nothing nefarious that i can see. JMO I have had the sad task of probating several wills in less than 2 years. I never used the various lawyers who drew them up. i used a very high powered probate and tax attorney. He was worth every penny. jmo

Thanks for explaining, Wondering! The article did make it seem like there might be some nefarious reason for the switch, but your reasoning makes perfect sense!
omgosh... I swear I am on information overload.

When things that should be fairly straightforward start getting more complex, twisted and jumbled than they need to be, it always makes me suspicious. Red flags start waving wildly. Always prompts me to dig deeper trying to figure out WTH is beneath the surface that is causing it to be this tangled...and that always leads to why and what's the motive for it.

Hanging around WS for the past 7 years, I've learned a LOT. I know how important it is to check one's self - remain open-minded, consider all input and not succumb to tunnel vision. I sincerely don't want Mark to be involved in any of this. I mean that. I want those girls to have the one surviving parent left to trust and depend on.

All I know is, it is clear that Mark could clarify and simplify the majority of this convoluted mess if he just would. And he can. But everything keeps pointing to the fact that he is choosing not to. That is what ticks me off. Try as I might, I keep coming full circle every time.

Weird post, I know. lol Excuse me. Just purging my thoughts.
wow.. well reading that will sure told me one thing..while someone might say she is the closest to the deceased.. they are not mentioned in the will in any capacity..that is as an heir or as guardian of the minor children. JMO

Maybe she became closer and perhaps closest to her sister since it was written up? That was 6 years ago.

Just a thought.
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