FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #13 *1 guilty*

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla (WCTV) - A judge ordered Charlie Adelson to remain in jail without bond until his trial on murder charges next year.


Adelson and his defense attorneys argued in court Friday morning that “nothing has changed since 2016.”

Defense attorney Daniel Rashbaum called the evidence purely circumstantial and argued Adelson is not a danger to the community or a flight risk and should be released from jail to await trial.

Circuit Judge Robert Wheeler ruled from the bench after the hour long hearing. Wheeler said Adelson was a “substantial flight risk” and denied his request to be released on bond.

The judge said they may be able to set a trial date at Adelson’s next court hearing in December.

Assistant Attorney General Georgia Cappleman offered a glimpse at the case she’ll present at trial next year, introducing new evidence that has not previously been seen in court.

She played a brief clip showing an undercover recording of Charlie meeting his father, Harvey, at Matsuri sushi restaurant in Miami.

“I was surprised they didn’t come to me,” Harvey is heard saying to Charlie, according to subtitles provided by the State.

“One or the other, but the woman is usually the weaker choice?,” Charlie asks. “You know someone is gonna give in, so it is what it is.”

At the end of the recording played in court, Charlie appears to realize an undercover agent is dining next to them.

“I think there’s a recorder in that bag,” he tells Harvey.

“Are they allowed to do that?,” Harvey asks.

“Not without a warrant,” Charlie says.

Rashbaum also revealed his client is spending his days at the Leon County jail in “protective custody,” likening it to solitary confinement. Rashbaum said Adelson gets 30 minutes outside of his cell per day, and reviewing evidence over the phone has been tedious.

While the judge denied release, he did indicate he’d help Rashbaum and his team gain better access to Adelson in the coming weeks. Adelson’s attorneys were asked to write a motion to get that process started.
Charlie Adelson knows he’s finished! Wow. He looks beaten down. Makes sense since he’s in solitary confinement too! He may be suicidal hence the rush to get to trial. He could be on meds too. He was willing to pay for round the clock police surveillance for home confinement!

Thanks for the explanation @Seattle1. I think I just don’t like GC and the way she argues. I’m nitpicking her.
Y’all we have entered the varsity level of defense attorneys. There will be no tears in Charlie Adelson’s defense. He’s making good arguments re the evidence. This will be a good fight! I liked that he used Cappelman’s words from the podcast against her. She shouldn’t be doing that.
I agree that she should not go on interviews (though I think it's OK at times to provide discrete quotes to the press). She was prolly a little too high off the win. I know I was, and I'm a mere spectator. This case will ultimately be the central/crowning case of her career, if for no other reason than its duration.
Charlie Adelson knows he’s finished! Wow. He looks beaten down. Makes sense since he’s in solitary confinement too! He may be suicidal hence the rush to get to trial. He could be on meds too. He was willing to pay for round the clock police surveillance for home confinement!

Thanks for the explanation @Seattle1. I think I just don’t like GC and the way she argues. I’m nitpicking her.

Thanks for your response @Weki and I completely understand feeling annoyed by the prosecutor. I had a similar experience recently in a Colorado murder case.

Several state Constitutions including Florida adopted their own bail requirement direct from the US Constitution that provides all men should be allowed bail EXCEPT in the case of capital murder UNLESS the prosecutor fails to satisfy the test for proof evident and presumption great.

This is a separate test, independent of the State's burden at a preliminary hearing where the Court decides whether or not the prosecutor satisfied the Court that probable cause exists for the case to be bound over for trial.

More recently, I followed a Colorado case where the state failed to satisfy proof was evident and presumption great, and the Judge was obligated by law to grant the then defendant, Barry Morphew, bail.

While the Judge used his discretion to set a high CASH ONLY bail where 99% of the County residents would have had to remain jailed, the murder defendant happened to be one of probably less than 1% of the County residents that was capable of "cashing out" of jail while awaiting his trial.

It's actually extremely rare to be bound over for trial for capital murder by either a grand jury or preliminary hearing and also be released on bail. In this case, with a very wealthy defendant, believed capable of meeting extreme bail, following the letter of law for CA's bond hearing was very important. JMO
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Charlie Adelson knows he’s finished! Wow. He looks beaten down. Makes sense since he’s in solitary confinement too! He may be suicidal hence the rush to get to trial. He could be on meds too. He was willing to pay for round the clock police surveillance for home confinement!

Thanks for the explanation @Seattle1. I think I just don’t like GC and the way she argues. I’m nitpicking her.
Yeah that part about paying for 24-hour police to guard him was as an aggre$$ive a play as I've heard of.
Several state Constitutions including Florida adopted their own bail requirement direct from the US Constitution that provides all men should be allowed bail EXCEPT in the case of capital murder UNLESS the prosecutor fails to satisfy the test for proof evident and presumption great.
Is the rule the same for women?
Is the rule the same for women?
Aw, come on @Bongo --you know I can't defend the male forefathers that also wrote all MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, and where "men" was intended as the all-inclusive. ;)
Y’all we have entered the varsity level of defense attorneys. There will be no tears in Charlie Adelson’s defense. He’s making good arguments re the evidence. This will be a good fight! I liked that he used Cappelman’s words from the podcast against her. She shouldn’t be doing that.
She was measured in her responses and refused to answer many questions but it is still very dangerous to do press conferences when there is still a trial upcoming and potentially three more to go . . .
Y’all we have entered the varsity level of defense attorneys. There will be no tears in Charlie Adelson’s defense. He’s making good arguments re the evidence. This will be a good fight! I liked that he used Cappelman’s words from the podcast against her. She shouldn’t be doing that.
It will be! I agree. They will be very aggressive.
The fact that we all (even the media) aren't even addressing that his family did not attend is so telling to the strange dynamics of this case. When I say "strange" I really mean to say "toxic".

I mean in ANY other hearing such as that, and having to argue that someone is not a flight risk, who has family in the vicinity, they would be called as witnesses to attest to their providing a second set of eyes and assurance to the Judge that the person would not flee. At the very least, they would be in the courtroom showing visible support for the Judge and mostly for the defendant! The fact that NO ONE showed up for him is so telling for how messed up this whole thing is. I wonder if anyone will show up at trial to support him. That is, if he doesn't cop a plea. These next months will be very interesting...
New news to me is that CA and HA likely discussed the bump and payoff.(Computer glitched while posting this, but was replying to jbc here:)

New news to me is that CA and HA likely discussed the bump and payoff.

I only knew he had discussed with Harvey because in one of the conversations with Donna--one where he is super annoyed with her being so anxious--he keeps referring to the conversation he had "with Dad" where he spelled it all out and reassured him to his genius theory of the moment about "how it's done". I think he was referring to this conversation. The most interesting thing to me was he pegged the undercover agent and the recorder in the bag!
New news to me is that CA and HA likely discussed the bump and payoff.(Computer glitched while posting this, but was replying to jbc here:)

New news to me is that CA and HA likely discussed the bump and payoff.

I only knew he had discussed with Harvey because in one of the conversations with Donna--one where he is super annoyed with her being so anxious--he keeps referring to the conversation he had "with Dad" where he spelled it all out and reassured him to his genius theory of the moment about "how it's done". I think he was referring to this conversation. The most interesting thing to me was he pegged the undercover agent and the recorder in the bag!
Yeah he was intuitive enough to know the police were doing the bump and recording him! He was foiled by a guilty conscience and paranoia. I think he wanted to feel in control of the situation, which is normal I think.

I notice how little his father/mother/KM say when he’s talking. They seem calmer than him. He was panicked. Perhaps his demeanor now is an indication of someone who is able to finally relax after years of no sleep/panic mode.

From their perspective, all his panic talking is what did them in. If he had been able to shut it, they wouldn’t have been as exposed!

As far as no family showing up, I think they know the media would be all over them! They’re all suspects so there’s no way they are taking the stand either!
I wonder if that was ol' Harv's first time learning about being recorded.
Now he knows that they (the state) know he knew about the murder.
Harv's gotta be having further problems sleeping these days.
These are good moments for him to spend some time on the beach outside his condo contemplating how the heck his life ended up this way.
The new audio btwn CA and HA was indeed a revelation. I guess that was prob produced in discovery prior to the hearing and HA and CA already knew about it. But man, HA has to be peeing his pants! What else is there? I hope the state has more and that a conviction is all but certain!
The new audio btwn CA and HA was indeed a revelation. I guess that was prob produced in discovery prior to the hearing and HA and CA already knew about it. But man, HA has to be peeing his pants! What else is there? I hope the state has more and that a conviction is all but certain!
Well Georgia said she was only playing a portion of that conversation also. So there's more of THAT too. I suspect there is way more to implicate them on wiretaps and I can't wait to see/hear it.
I wonder if that was ol' Harv's first time learning about being recorded.
Now he knows that they (the state) know he knew about the murder.
Harv's gotta be having further problems sleeping these days.
These are good moments for him to spend some time on the beach outside his condo contemplating how the heck his life ended up this way.
And I wonder how many moments of all of their lives they live, wondering if they are being recorded and otherwise surveilled. Including Wendi. Even now.
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