GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #18

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I think this is just them. On a lot of the wires they say stuff like “of course, don’t talk on the phone, obviously,” and then go on and talk on the phone. Seems like they can’t help themselves.
Makes sense. I really wanted to know if I was missing something lol. Of course, we all know the good old W.A. will say that she just feels so sad for her mom and brother. That they didn't do anything wrong, but that there is a witchhunt and it's so awful. Or, I think her fallback position will be that maybe they did do it without her knowing. If push comes to shove. But I don't see her changing her tune at all. And I don't see her, letting Ruth and Phil visit.
Soooo…what’s happening with the grand jury today? Will she be formally charged? Someone said above that the warrant won’t stick without the grand jury. And I noticed at the arraignment that they didn’t charge her with murder, it was a bunch of lesser charges, presumably to hold her. Anybody know?
I thought she was arrested on a murder charge and conspiracy to commit murder? She’s only had her first appearance in Miami - not the actual arraignment hearing which will take place in Tallahassee where charges will be addressed and she will enter a plea, right? I thought I heard that the grand jury had already previously met? Anyone? Again - my memory!
While I'm asking questions, what do you think WA and that family have told the boys about the Markels? We hear that they have been told that the M's are not good people because they believe, I guess, that they really killed their father. But what could they possibly say to alienate them from the only family that the boys have from their father' aside? It just doesn't make sense to me. We hear that the boys have no interest in seeing them and don't enjoy it at all.

That makes me think that once they are in college and able to do as they wish, they still won't reach out. I hope by then someone enlightens them, and makes them look at the evidence to realize it was the family that they've been living with.
Regarding the Markel children. Unfortunately they have been raised by the dysfunctional Adelson family and it’s all they know. No doubt they LOVE their mom, Uncle Charlie, and grandma Donna and Grandpa Harvey. They may never choose to see the other side - the truth. Look at OJ’s kids. The remaining Murdaugh son, and Suzanne Morphew’s daughters. They all stand by their fathers still to this very day.
I thought she was arrested on a murder charge and conspiracy to commit murder? She’s only had her first appearance in Miami - not the actual arraignment hearing which will take place in Tallahassee where charges will be addressed and she will enter a plea, right? I thought I heard that the grand jury had already previously met? Anyone? Again - my memory!
My understanding is that the GJ has not met on Donna for the first degree murder charge, and for that warrant charge to stick she needs to be indicted by a GJ within a certain amount of time after the warrant was issued. I believe that the other warrant charges -- conspiracy, solicitation -- are in effect purely via the warrant and that no GJ indictment is needed on them because they are not capital offenses. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
My understanding is that the Marital Settlement Agreement spelled out that Dan would have the kids until 4:30pm that Friday. A lot of this is speculation because we have never seen the texts, but the fact that she is asking to have them early and he is telling her she can't have them because he's taking them swimming sort of tells us that she needed his permission (and the daycare would likely need his permission) to allow Wendi to pick up the kids early.

I doubt Wendi wanted to pick them up early. I think she just wanted to confirm with Dan that HE wasn't taking them early and got spooked when he said he wanted to take them swimming.
So she was supposed to get them at 4:30 but then he told her he would take them swimming and drop them off. Makes sense. Although I don’t see why she would’ve needed permission from him to pick them up earlier, if the agreement says 4:30, I guess she technically would, because it’s technically his time (even though they’re in school during it anyway).
Regarding the Markel children. Unfortunately they have been raised by the dysfunctional Adelson family and it’s all they know. No doubt they LOVE their mom, Uncle Charlie, and grandma Donna and Grandpa Harvey. They may never choose to see the other side - the truth. Look at OJ’s kids. The remaining Murdaugh son, and Suzanne Morphew’s daughters. They all stand by their fathers still to this very day.
Yes. This. Another generation raised by Donna. That’s the consequence of not charging her earlier.
Soooo…what’s happening with the grand jury today? Will she be formally charged? Someone said above that the warrant won’t stick without the grand jury. And I noticed at the arraignment that they didn’t charge her with murder, it was a bunch of lesser charges, presumably to hold her. Anybody know?

Her arrest came less than 24 hours before a Leon County grand jury is scheduled to meet, though it's unclear whether her case will be heard. All first-degree murder charges run through the grand jury.
Soooo…what’s happening with the grand jury today? Will she be formally charged? Someone said above that the warrant won’t stick without the grand jury. And I noticed at the arraignment that they didn’t charge her with murder, it was a bunch of lesser charges, presumably to hold her. Anybody know?

I suspect the GJ will indict her today and she'll be moved from Dade to Leon shortly thereafter.
My understanding is that the GJ has not met on Donna for the first degree murder charge, and for that warrant charge to stick she needs to be indicted by a GJ within a certin amount of time after the warrant was issued. I believe that the other warrant charges -- conspiracy, solicitation -- are in effect purely via the warrant and that no GJ indictment is needed on them because they are not capital offenses. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks for clearing that up. One of the popular YouTube bloggers had a lawyer guest on their show, and he mentioned he had a source that they said the GJ had already met regarding Donna’s arrest, but it’s very hard for me to trust any information these days.
While I'm asking questions, what do you think WA and that family have told the boys about the Markels? We hear that they have been told that the M's are not good people because they believe, I guess, that they really killed their father. But what could they possibly say to alienate them from the only family that the boys have from their father' aside? It just doesn't make sense to me. We hear that the boys have no interest in seeing them and don't enjoy it at all.

That makes me think that once they are in college and able to do as they wish, they still won't reach out. I hope by then someone enlightens them, and makes them look at the evidence to realize it was the family that they've been living with.
She or other Adelsons have told the boys that the Markels are in cahoots with the State, behind the scenes, to incarcerate their mum, uncle, grandparents.

That's my guess.
I'd expect her/them to have finessed that - not put it so bluntly as I have
Thanks for clearing that up. One of the popular YouTube bloggers had a lawyer guest in and he mentioned he had a source that they said the GJ had already met regarding Donna’s arrest, but it’s very hard for me to trust any information these days.
Interesting. Not sure if the GJ previously met about Donna. Possible they met before but didn't get to hear everything and make a decision. I think if the GJ had made a decision already we would have heard about it from the State.
I thought she was arrested on a murder charge and conspiracy to commit murder? She’s only had her first appearance in Miami - not the actual arraignment hearing which will take place in Tallahassee where charges will be addressed and she will enter a plea, right? I thought I heard that the grand jury had already previously met? Anyone? Again - my memory!
The hearing yesterday mentioned only lesser charges. There are warrants for murder, solicitation, and conspiracy. But yesterday they didn’t mention those. I don’t know how it all works. It’s confusing.
She or other Adelsons have told the boys that the Markels are in cahoots with the State, behind the scenes, to incarcerate their mum, uncle, grandparents.

That's my guess.
I'd expect her/them to have finessed that - not put it so bluntly as I have
Excellent guess. Rumor has it they‘ve also been told the Markels are bad people who want to take them away
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I’m confused as well. CNN is reporting that she was charged with murder and conspiracy and solicitation.

ETA - ok wait - it says “she faces” - my bad - I guess that means she hasn’t been officially charged.
Yes, the warrant did list first degree murder (and the other charges) but I think via Fla law that charge is not actually in effect unless a GJ indicts on it.
Excellent guess. Hypothetically: It’s all a big conspiracy. Bad guys killed Dan and the Markels think we did it because they hate us. And also, don’t ever look up anything about this. (Because then you’d see the bad guys had a connection to Uncle Charlie). Rumor has it they‘ve also been told the Markels are bad people who want to kidnap them and take them away, and to be very careful if anyone approaches them. But I’m just making this up, I don’t know.

If the boys are anywhere near as brilliant as their dad, they'll soon figure out the truth by reading all they can about the case.
Looking at her mugshot, I wonder if she even regrets that. She probably saw the writing on the wall for a while starting with CA"s arrest. The lady in the mugshot looks steely and resigned--even defiant (consider by contrast CA's mugshot, in which he looked equal parts terrified and nearly crying). She's not ancient but she's lived a long and full life. One possibility is that she's like, "Hey, I won. I got rid of that a$$hole who was trapping my precious daughter and grandkids in Tallahassee, spent over a decade with them, and now they're all safely ensconced in SoFla with a shitload of money." This may seem insane and pathological, but then again we're talking about a woman who orchestrated a murder to get what she wanted. Insane and pathological does not seem farfetched at all to me. And so I could totally see her saying "I got what I wanted, and if that means I now have to spend the rest of my (relatively short at this point) life in prison, so be it." Not to mention the possibility that some rich Miami lawyer may, just may be able to manufacture pity and/or RD in one of twelve jury members.

Lots of speculation, of course, but seeing how hard she looked in her mug shot compared to CA's lost-boy almost-weeping mugshot has really made me think more about their relative character. In particular, it makes me think she was the tough guy all along and his tough-guy act was just overcompensation for being a momma's boy.
Darlene from Ozark!
I’m sitting here imagining the situation the prosecution office was facing the moment they found out Donna and Harvey booked their one way tickets. Not yet having a GJ Indictment but knowing the issues surrounding the fact that DA and HA were heading to a country where extradition is difficult and costly.
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