GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #18

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Yes. Mea Culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! [As the Catholics say.] I have reported my post to have it removed, since it is too late to edit it. Thank you, and others, for setting me straight.
No worries! It happens! It’s hard to keep everything straight in this case. There’s so much going on. Heck… I sit in my hands half the time here because I don’t trust my own memory.
IMO Momma Donna would not approve of any man chosen by her daughter: no doubt she would believe no man was good enough for Wendi- so momma Donna began poisoning Wendi's mind about him ( using subjects like his demand for kosher food-- probably making fun of it)-- With the kind of pressure momma Donna put on Wendi, Wendi began to see Dan thru her mother's eyes and then she too began to hate him and hated things like his demand for kosher food.

IMO WA didn't need much pressuring from DA to want to get rid of DM. After all she never had that physical spark with him to begin with him by her own admission. Was she even in love with him? I doubt it.(Her affair with JL is an example of how she can use a man for her own purpose)So that again brings up the question of why she even married him. All I can see reflected in WA's eyes are $ signs and prestige as to where she thought his career was heading.
No worries! It happens! It’s hard to keep everything straight in this case. There’s so much going on. Heck… I sit in my hands half the time here because I don’t trust my own memory.
The funny thing is that I was listening to the podcast where they were playing the first court appearance by Donna Adelson. The room was dark, and I was drifting off to sleep -- or trying to. The audio was rather garbled, as I was listening to it on my phone. I could actually picture the exchange between the Judge and Donna Adelson, and believed in my (deranged) mind, that it was Donna's voice responding, "I wish (I had just flown in from Paris)!" Just very nonchalant, as if she wasn't in deep you-know-what!

BUT FOLKS, this did not happen! It was an exchange between Donna Adelson's attorney and the Judge.
Regarding the "stock the bar" party, I seem to recall Wendi was asked about a flyer or invitation that gave instructions for what guests were to bring. Does anybody remember whether that was ever shown and what the contents said?

AS I recall it was mentioned during trial. I heard that LE saw the invitation that requested WA bring the"bullet". My question is how involved was WA in suggesting the content of said invitation? How much input did she have?
My memory really isn’t clear on the bourbon purchase. I think I remember LE finding a receipt for the bourbon in Wendy’s mini van, but not the actual invitation. I don’t believe we have ever actually seen the invitation, have we? Rashbaum made reference to it I believe, but as far as us laying eyes on it - I don’t think so! Please correct me if I’m wrong,
AS I recall it was mentioned during trial. I heard that LE saw the invitation that requested WA bring the"bullet". My question is how involved was WA in suggesting the content of said invitation? How much input did she have?
It's actually spelled Bulleit. It's a very popular bourbon, you can probably buy it in any liquor store or order it at any bar in America. It's not terribly expensive either, around $25 at my local Total Wine, so it makes sense as a housewarming gift.
Bulleit Bourbon Price & Reviews | Drizly
I really don't think that there's any secret meaning behind the request to get that specific bottle, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that the name is similar to bullet.
It's actually spelled Bulleit. It's a very popular bourbon, you can probably buy it in any liquor store or order it at any bar in America. It's not terribly expensive either, around $25 at my local Total Wine, so it makes sense as a housewarming gift.
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I really don't think that there's any secret meaning behind the request to get that specific bottle, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that the name is similar to bullet.
"Bullet" was my attempt a pun. That's why I put it in parenthesis.
It's actually spelled Bulleit. It's a very popular bourbon, you can probably buy it in any liquor store or order it at any bar in America. It's not terribly expensive either, around $25 at my local Total Wine, so it makes sense as a housewarming gift.
View attachment 461132
I really don't think that there's any secret meaning behind the request to get that specific bottle, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that the name is similar to bullet.

Is it pronounced "bullet"? I've never heard it said. If Wendi went to a liquor store shortly after Dan's shooting and requested a product that sounds indistinguishable from "bullet" that would still be a creepy coincidence at least, regardless of the extra "i".
Wendi was the one with the problem (Dan Markel). Why did her family involve themselves so heavily in this “problem”, and at the same time, shelter her so she wouldn’t face any consequences? She appears to have gotten all of the benefit (if we can call it that), from Dan Markel’s murder, and zero consequences from it, too.
Agree, but proving it beyond a reasonable doubt is another story. I have always thought that they would really just be having to try for a swing & a miss taking her to trial. Again, although there was a smart jury last time, many jurors/people in general lack deductive reasoning. The other thing is, she has plenty of evidence to prove or question that she knew. When DA called CA to tell him she was given papers in the street, he asked does it involve WendI. She says no no no. Of course we know she’s covering for her, but she said no.

There are so many bits of facts and evidence in this that she will turn around to show the opposite side of what we presume is showing her guilt. She was very well insulated by her family in this. I think there is plenty of evidence to show she was involved; however, it does require deducing it. And then there are the other parts that can leave a doubt with some jurors. It only takes one or two to hang a jury. She’s pretty and younger. Look at Casey A’s trial.

I just don’t think that it overcomes beyond a reasonable doubt, in addition to the issues that her specialist attorney will raise that some of the evidence is derivative. JMO
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"This TV will cost about 5". Such a bizarre thing to say. Why not a lampshade or a giraffe? I think everyone can accept that this statement by Donna to convey in code to Charlie that someone approached her on the street with paperwork about the murder of Dan Markel. And the people who approached her were asking for 5 thousands dollars. TV = Dan Markel's murder. Or maybe TV = the people we hired to murder Dan Markel.

If we can all accept that the TV is code for Dan Markel's murder in April of 2016, is it that much of a leap to suggest that it also meant his murder in July of 2014?

And, what is happening with that TV in June and July of 2014? Jeff Lacasse just testified that the TV was broken - like someone (unlikely the kids) struck it with a fist or object - in the week of June 11-18th, 2014. Which is one week after the first failed murder trip. He offered several times to go buy her a new one. He tried to set up the DVD player in her bedroom so they could watch movies on a normal TV and she adamantly refused all these offers. She forced her kids to suffer through watching a shattered and distorted TV for a month. Strange.

The morning of the murder, her mom texts her to tell her that Best Buy is coming over to fix her TV set in the living room but to confirm with them if she can't make the appointment. And instead of texting her mom back about this TV appointment, she texts Charlie "This is so sweet". Deletes that text. Despite the fact that it was her mom organizing this appointment, she calls Charlie out of the blue to update him on the TV repair. For 18 minutes.

Everyone thinks of this TV repair as a weird alibi but I don't think of it that way. She doesn't need an alibi cause its a murder for hire. What she would need to do, is make sure her kids aren't in the line of fire. And what is she doing? She's arguing with Dan Markel over text about the kids. He has them until 4:30pm that day and she wants to take them early. He wants to take them swimming. Dan Markel leaves Wendi a voicemail 20 minutes before she talks to Charlie and says he will be at the gym until 10:30am (i.e., the kids are already at Daycare).

And everyone assumes that her driving right up to the crime scene is extremely odd behaviour. But is it? Dan would not let her pull the kids out of daycare early. She was not getting them back until 4:30. He was going to take them out of daycare to go swimming sometime early that afternoon. She went there to see if anything happened yet or whether she needed to do something on her end to keep them out of danger. IMO.


Agree about Wendi's email to Dan confirming he would be in Tallahassee July 13-18th is a big piece of new evidence. Another one is her agreeing to back out of buying a house after talking to Charlie on Halloween. The very same day Charlie approached KM.

Another interesting pattern is that the crazy and deranged emails from Donna are all in the June/July of 2013 period. They seem to drop off the map once the plan to murder Dan Markel had taken shape. Instead of crazy emails, we start getting code messages about Harvey's 70th bday gift. Dan is filing motions in court to restrict Donna's access and....nothing? Wendi just forwards her the motion. No response from Donna. Wonder why?
Brilliant analysis. I like what you said about the phone call to Charlie that morning. And she does bring up the argument about the swimming pretty early on in the police interview.

The first attempt failed because he was with the kids, according to Luis, or rather they couldn’t confirm he wasn’t with them. They would have wanted to make sure he wasn’t with them the second time. This could explain the text to Dan (and even her wanting the kids that week, though in the end she didn’t take them for some reason, which is strange).

So him wanting to take the kids swimming and bring them to her later, instead of her getting them directly from the school, could have put a sudden wrinkle in the plans. Maybe she DID talk to Charlie about this, like she said on the stand. Maybe he assured her it was still going to be OK. Maybe they were still trying to figure this out. There are a lot of calls back and forth with Katie and the killers in that time, too.

It appears that she left her house suddenly that morning. She tells Isom she didn’t have time to shower, and she was running late. But she makes sure to say she left at 12:15 (and later, she says she left even earlier, “around 12) in the interview. (Records at trial show she indeed left later, closer to 12:30.) Her lunch was at 1. She says she was running late, but she wouldn’t have been late if she left at 12, or 12:15 as she said, even if she did run some errands. So this doesn’t make sense. What if her plans were originally to shower and get ready for lunch and leave at around 12:45 and do the errands later? But she ran out of the house earlier without showering for some reason? All speculation, of course.

ETA- there’s an email in Feb 2014 about the financial litigation, which was heating up. The “birthday surprise” texts start around March. Katie in her proffer says he first brought it up in October (when they were concerned about the relocation/house buying) and then he brought it up again sometime after the beginning of the year (when the texts between Donna and Charlie show that Donna is really upset about the financial claims Dan is making).
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I keep thinking about how weird/sad/awful it is for the Markel family. They were at a joyous wedding celebration with these people, joining their families, sharing grandchildren/nephews and then this. I've tried to imagine my sisters' in laws and how this would feel in my own family and I just...can't.
You can't tell by looking who may be the monsters among us.
My opinion is that Donna and Charlie were the drivers. I go back and forth on what I think Wendi was told. My latest view is she was told to not ask questions but they needed her to do some things. Find out if Dan will be in town the week of July 14-18, do what they tell her to do on the 18th, etc., but don't ask why. She would have figured it out because of Charlie (allegedly) telling her he tried to hire a hit man the year before. But she was not explicitly told. This is all my speculation based on the evidence to date.
Is it pronounced "bullet"? I've never heard it said. If Wendi went to a liquor store shortly after Dan's shooting and requested a product that sounds indistinguishable from "bullet" that would still be a creepy coincidence at least, regardless of the extra "i".
Yes, it's pronounced the same as an ammo. Although I've also heard it mispronounced a lot.

If it's true that the hosts suggested that WA get that particular bourbon, than I'd just chalk it up to coincidence.

On the other hand, if WA was the one who picked the bottle, then who knows? Maybe it was a little family "joke" like Jibbers or TV. But, I tend to doubt Wendy was a whisky connoisseur so it would likely be Charlie who came up with it.
And, what is happening with that TV in June and July of 2014? Jeff Lacasse just testified that the TV was broken - like someone (unlikely the kids) struck it with a fist or object - in the week of June 11-18th, 2014. Which is one week after the first failed murder trip. He offered several times to go buy her a new one. He tried to set up the DVD player in her bedroom so they could watch movies on a normal TV and she adamantly refused all these offers. She forced her kids to suffer through watching a shattered and distorted TV for a month. Strange.

The morning of the murder, her mom texts her to tell her that Best Buy is coming over to fix her TV set in the living room but to confirm with them if she can't make the appointment. And instead of texting her mom back about this TV appointment, she texts Charlie "This is so sweet". Deletes that text. Despite the fact that it was her mom organizing this appointment, she calls Charlie out of the blue to update him on the TV repair. For 18 minutes.


IMO, no one with 2 toddlers would leave a TV unwatchable for over a month just for the simple fact toddlers can watch TV programs all day and provide a break for a parent.

Also, why wouldn't WA call Best Buy herself and set up an appointment unless DA was coordinating the alibi ?

None of these little details implicate WA directly, but if you put them all together you can see how she was in the plot up to her neck.
Agree, but proving it beyond a reasonable doubt is another story. I have always thought that they would really just be having to try for a swing & a miss taking her to trial. Again, although there was a smart jury last time, many jurors/people in general lack deductive reasoning. The other thing is, she has plenty of evidence to prove or question that she knew. When DA called CA to tell him she was given papers in the street, he asked does it involve WendI. She says no no no. Of course we know she’s covering for her, but she said no.

There are so many bits of facts and evidence in this that she will turn around to show the opposite side of what we presume is showing her guilt. She was very well insulated by her family in this. I think there is plenty of evidence to show she was involved; however, it does require deducing it. And then there are the other parts that can leave a doubt with some jurors. It only takes one or two to hang a jury. She’s pretty and younger. Look at Casey A’s trial.

I just don’t think that it overcomes beyond a reasonable doubt, in addition to the issues that her specialist attorney will raise that some of the evidence is derivative. JMO
I realize that convicting her is problematic-where I was going was that crazy family dynamic that caused her brother, her mom and possibly her dad to involve themselves in such a horrible way, that really blew back on them, and not on Wendi.
At Donna's arraignment, the judge said that she resembled someone who had just been on a plane with her. Then, she asked Donna if she had just returned from Paris. Donna said, "I wish!" [Thought that interchange was hilarious.] At the end of the arraignment, Donna said, "Thank you, your honor." To which the judge replied, "Good luck to you."
i must have seen a different was WA attorney that answered the judge about Paris and said I least that is what I saw. It was all inappropriate.
IMO Momma Donna would not approve of any man chosen by her daughter: no doubt she would believe no man was good enough for Wendi- so momma Donna began poisoning Wendi's mind about him ( using subjects like his demand for kosher food-- probably making fun of it)-- With the kind of pressure momma Donna put on Wendi, Wendi began to see Dan thru her mother's eyes and then she too began to hate him and hated things like his demand for kosher food.
Her mom is a real piece of…something. What was meant by calling Dan “jibbers”? And they are Jews-kosher food is not a crazy thing for many-why would that be such an issue? They didn’t know this before Wendi married him?
I imagine a reddit post from HA last week:

AITA? My wife is insufferable. I just want her gone. Fortunately for me she is suspected of plotting a murder. If I buy us one way tickets to a non extradition country the authorities are sure to arrest her on the spot.

Does this make me the @hole? And will the airline refund the tickets?
yep maybe HA set up DA?
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