GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #18

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For the attorneys here, I thought if you moved money into a trust with an impending action against you, a court could indeed make it recoverable. CA made major asset moves in 2016 after his PCA was released, now DA and HA move money after they find out about a grand jury. Can't a court find them still liable for monies deliberately moved to avoid recovery?
I don’t think they can seize assets if it’s not some kind of financial crime or fraud where the money is needed to compensate victims. I think if there’s a civil action against you, it may be different, because money may be at issue. Money is not at issue here. It’s their money. It’s also common among wealthy people, even those NOT accused of murder, to put their assets in a trust to avoid probate and taxes for the next generation.
OMG! These interrogations are riveting. Lacasse figured out a lot of things early on.

Blue Shakehead has only listed some of the huge number of fascinating things JL said to the police.

On March 6, 2015 Lacasse gets to the heart of the case and says to the cop interviewing him:

“The people that have visited the [Adelson] house in Miami, they said to me, ‘has anyone considered that the whole family is in on it?’ … Their hobby is hating Danny … [Wendy] has no conscience.”

There is lots and lots and lots of stuff here to be used in a prosecution of Wendi.

Thank you Blue Shakehead (I was going to abbreviate your screen name, but did not want to call you BS—ha ha), this video is amazing.
the video of July 21 2014 JL had this figured out.
I wonder about Harvey. In some of the texts that were shown at trial, Donna appears to be looking for “ alone time” (in the bathroom!) to talk to Charlie about “Dad’s birthday.”. Is she trying to hide from Harvey? I do believe he was looped in at some point, because the records show he was in the car with Donna outside Charlie’s house the night of the murder. But he may not have been involved from the beginning. This was Donna and Charlie’s plan, I think. I can’t decide which of them might have first mentioned it as an option to the other.
Where do you think Wendi fits in the plot or do you think she was not involved in the plot ?
Looking at her mugshot, I wonder if she even regrets that. She probably saw the writing on the wall for a while starting with CA"s arrest. The lady in the mugshot looks steely and resigned--even defiant (consider by contrast CA's mugshot, in which he looked equal parts terrified and nearly crying). She's not ancient but she's lived a long and full life. One possibility is that she's like, "Hey, I won. I got rid of that a$$hole who was trapping my precious daughter and grandkids in Tallahassee, spent over a decade with them, and now they're all safely ensconced in SoFla with a shitload of money." This may seem insane and pathological, but then again we're talking about a woman who orchestrated a murder to get what she wanted. Insane and pathological does not seem farfetched at all to me. And so I could totally see her saying "I got what I wanted, and if that means I now have to spend the rest of my (relatively short at this point) life in prison, so be it." Not to mention the possibility that some rich Miami lawyer may, just may be able to manufacture pity and/or RD in one of twelve jury members.

Lots of speculation, of course, but seeing how hard she looked in her mug shot compared to CA's lost-boy almost-weeping mugshot has really made me think more about their relative character. In particular, it makes me think she was the tough guy all along and his tough-guy act was just overcompensation for being a momma's boy.
I think this is a good take, and it’s something that I haven’t seen too many people note. It is good that we may finally see Justice done as to Donna, if she is indeed guilty. But it’s been almost 10 years, and almost 8 since the bump. They don’t have any new evidence against Donna that they didn’t have in 2016, and there’s never really been a satisfactory explanation, for me, why they didn’t go after her then. She has gotten almost 10 years with those boys, and that’s a long time in the life of a child. That is exactly what she seems to have wanted. The boys can never get those years back, and neither can the Markels. It’s a tremendous injustice, in my opinion. I cannot even begin to speculate on how it may have affected them. It may affect them into the future, in ways they cannot know now. They may not ever want to face what likely happened in this case, and they may need years of therapy to come to terms with it. This is all just my opinion. (They may be fine. I don’t know.). But sometimes Justice delayed is Justice denied. While they were waiting to charge her, these boys were growing up, and that is the real tragedy here that I think people forget. The decision to wait to charge her was not without consequences.
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Where do you think Wendi fits in the plot or do you think she was not involved in the plot ?
Question not for me but Wendi knew what was happening and could have gone to authorities. She knew Charlie and DM were actively organizing and then covering up. I think just like JL predicted she is an accessory to this crime. What they will do with that not sure but safe to say her life is not what she hoped for after DM was gone.
Where do you think Wendi fits in the plot or do you think she was not involved in the plot ?
Truly cannot decide. I think she most likely was also looped in at some point, though I dont know how much detail she may have been given. I don’t think it was her idea. I didn’t think there was any evidence against her (merely driving by the house is not a crime, nor is buying Bulleit bourbon). I couldnt understand why someone would talk to the police like that and volunteer so much if she was involved. (I still can’t).

That was my thinking UNTIL this trial, when they showed that text where she asks Dan if he will be home on the 18th. That stuck out to me. That single text is damning, for me. I believe they have more on her than we know.
Truly cannot decide. I think she most likely was also looped in at some point, though I dont know how much detail she may have been given. I don’t think it was her idea. I didn’t think there was any evidence against her (merely driving by the house is not a crime, nor is buying Bulleit bourbon). I couldnt understand why someone would talk to the police like that and volunteer so much if she was involved. (I still can’t).

That was my thinking UNTIL this trial, when they showed that text where she asks Dan if he will be home on the 18th. That stuck out to me. That single text is damning, for me. I believe they have more on her than we know.
Thanks for your response: When this case first occurred I was sure Wendi masterminded the plot, but after information came out about her mother, I began to change my mind.
That text you reference though is damning- we shall see----
Thanks for your response: When this case first occurred I was sure Wendi masterminded the plot, but after information came out about her mother, I began to change my mind.
That text you reference though is damning- we shall see----
Donna’s emails speak for themselves. They are bizarre, in my opinion. The police read those pretty early on, and I think it helped them figure out a theory as to what may have happened. Wendi gave them her computer because she said it could substantiate her whereabouts that morning, because she was working on a paper and it had time stamps. It also had Donna’s emails. General word of caution, never think you’re smarter than the police. They look at everything, not just what you tell them to.
Truly cannot decide. I think she most likely was also looped in at some point, though I dont know how much detail she may have been given. I don’t think it was her idea. I didn’t think there was any evidence against her (merely driving by the house is not a crime, nor is buying Bulleit bourbon). I couldnt understand why someone would talk to the police like that and volunteer so much if she was involved. (I still can’t).

That was my thinking UNTIL this trial, when they showed that text where she asks Dan if he will be home on the 18th. That stuck out to me. That single text is damning, for me. I believe they have more on her than we know.

IMO, DA had WA convinced the only way to fix the issue was to eliminate DM and WA gave the green light to do so. CA just put the plan in motion. In one of the emails DA sent to WA, DA asked WA to become an actress, play the part with the words "I know you can do it". Once again my opinion, but WA knew exactly what was going down, by whom, when and where. The "why" had already been determined. She deserves an Oscar for her "performance" in the police interview.

The whole TV repair, liquor store route, possible Lacasse framing, telling JL she needed a week to think, etc was all part of the master plan. She is just as evil as DA.
Thanks for your response: When this case first occurred I was sure Wendi masterminded the plot, but after information came out about her mother, I began to change my mind.
That text you reference though is damning- we shall see----
the more I find out about the family dynamics the more it seems that WA was completely controlled by DA. I don't think Wendi could mastermind anything other than juggling boyfriends. DA was writing the checks, talking to CA and all of this makes me think Wendi is only involved in an accessory capacity...nothing direct with the hitmen or even Katie. I think Georgia and the team know exactly what they are doing with DA next. Not going to risk any action against WA at this point. She knows what she needs for the grand jury and ultimately a jury.
IMO, DA had WA convinced the only way to fix the issue was to eliminate DM and WA gave the green light to do so. CA just put the plan in motion. In one of the emails DA sent to WA, DA asked WA to become an actress, play the part with the words "I know you can do it". Once again my opinion, but WA knew exactly what was going down, by whom, when and where. The "why" had already been determined. She deserves an Oscar for her "performance" in the police interview.

The whole TV repair, liquor store route, possible Lacasse framing, telling JL she needed a week to think, etc was all part of the master plan. She is just as evil as DA.
She is for sure "evil" but Georgia ad team feel they have more on DA so she is next up.
the more I find out about the family dynamics the more it seems that WA was completely controlled by DA. I don't think Wendi could mastermind anything other than juggling boyfriends. DA was writing the checks, talking to CA and all of this makes me think Wendi is only involved in an accessory capacity...nothing direct with the hitmen or even Katie. I think Georgia and the team know exactly what they are doing with DA next. Not going to risk any action against WA at this point. She knows what she needs for the grand jury and ultimately a jury.
It is telling that in the emails from Donna we have, there is one that suggests that Wendi has told them she will not go along with the crazy schemes proposed. So that shows she was consulted, and she had to approve. Something similar could have happened with the alleged murder plot. However, an important distinction can be made in that with the other schemes, such as converting the kids, WA had to DO something. So they needed her buy-in. I’m not sure they would have needed that for the murder, hypothetically. I do think that it’s possible that they did need her for some things, and so they looped her in at some point to help. Not sure how much she would have been told. The day she sent the text was at HA’s birthday, after the first attempt failed. Maybe they needed her to make sure the next one did not fail. Or maybe they needed her to get some things across at the police interview.
Thanks for your response: When this case first occurred I was sure Wendi masterminded the plot, but after information came out about her mother, I began to change my mind.
That text you reference though is damning- we shall see----

I don't believe WA was the mastermind but IMO she provided the information necessary to facilitate the murder of DM. She may not have come up with the idea and method to murder DM but I believe the others would not have proceeded without her full cooperation. And besides that, it was a means to get DM out of the way and get on with her own life just like she wanted.Ultimately she benefited more than anyone else from his murder.
I don't believe WA was the mastermind but IMO she provided the information necessary to facilitate the murder of DM. She may not have come up with the idea and method to murder DM but I believe the others would not have proceeded without her full cooperation. And besides that, it was a means to get DM out of the way and get on with her own life just like she wanted.Ultimately she benefited more than anyone else from his murder.
I think this makes sense, but I do think that Donna stood to benefit equally, at least in Donna’s own mind. Donna got what she wanted, and she seems to have wanted it just as much as Wendi.
I think this makes sense, but I do think that Donna benefited equally, at least in Donna’s own mind. Donna got what she wanted, and she seems to have wanted it just as much as Wendi.
IMO Wendi seems like the Ultimate princess and primadonna - queen up on her throne and her kingdom - lol - the Adelson mom and bro' - did exactly what she wanted. I bet Wendi is messing around on OK Cupid right now.... wondering if she should set an appt. to get her roots touched up blonde....
At Donna's arraignment, the judge said that she resembled someone who had just been on a plane with her. Then, she asked Donna if she had just returned from Paris. Donna said, "I wish!" [Thought that interchange was hilarious.] At the end of the arraignment, Donna said, "Thank you, your honor." To which the judge replied, "Good luck to you."
At Donna's arraignment, the judge said that she resembled someone who had just been on a plane with her. Then, she asked Donna if she had just returned from Paris. Donna said, "I wish!" [Thought that interchange was hilarious.] At the end of the arraignment, Donna said, "Thank you, your honor." To which the judge replied, "Good luck to you."
Wow! Donna‘s little sigh/eye roll at the end is funny, too. That Judge just seemed inappropriate to me, and kind of clueless. The state attorney had to tell her there would be no agreement on bond. “Wow, these are some serious charges!” Ya think? And “I’m sorry you’re going through this?”
I don’t think Wendi was the mastermind, but I do believe she was ultimately “nagged” into the scheme by Donna because Donna was so relentless and so controlling of Wendi’s life, and Donna’s hatred for Dan and need to “win” was ALL consuming. I am not sure how much Wendi was in on the planning of Dan’s murder, but she definitely knew about the plan, and helped execute it by giving information about Dan’s whereabouts so that SG and LR could locate him. There is no doubt in my mind that she drove by the crime scene to see if the deal had been done. That was not a random drive by IMO. And I’m also not convinced the Bulliet Bourbon was bought for a stock the bar party. I think Wendi knew the murder was going down 100%.
At Donna's arraignment, the judge said that she resembled someone who had just been on a plane with her. Then, she asked Donna if she had just returned from Paris. Donna said, "I wish!" [Thought that interchange was hilarious.] At the end of the arraignment, Donna said, "Thank you, your honor." To which the judge replied, "Good luck to you."
I thought it was Marisol, Donna’s attorney who said that.
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