GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #18

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Campbell told WFSU that Adelson and her husband Harvey had one-way plane tickets to Vietnam that were purchased earlier in the day.

Looks like a quick getaway. Wonder what made them move so fast?

Campbell told WFSU that Adelson and her husband Harvey had one-way plane tickets to Vietnam that were purchased earlier in the day.

Looks like a quick getaway. Wonder what made them move so fast?
Speculation: she knew she would probably arrested on Thursday (day after Grand Jury meets). JMO.
According to her intake info at the Miami Dade Jail last night, she is 5' 6" and weighs 112 pounds. That is underweight according to standard metrics (18.1 BMI, with 18.5 as the lower bound for a healthy BMI). And per the eye test she doesn't appear too hale and hearty to me; more like pale and emaciated.

I can't speak to her gym schedule as well as you apparently can but whatever she was doing in there, it sure as hell wasn't bulking up to prepare for the rigors of prison. My guess is she has disordered eating and exerexia. None of this strikes me as a sign of robust health.
Met and know many women in her age group....the "ladies who lunch" and they want to be that thin to wear the designer clothes....unfortunately when you are a bit underweight at her age it is not a good thing in your face.I don't know her schedule but she strikes me as active and the work out type....maybe a few country clubs etc. and of course the social scene on Miami Beach. She had a very comfortable life until Charlie arrested. Then I assume things changed. Bottom line I think she is tougher than she appears.
STS reporting that Wendi has contacted a specialist lawyer about her immunity… I’m glad she is spending big bucks. The family is hemorrhaging money paying for legal fees. Charlie is praying there’s something left over for his protection in the big house.

Campbell told WFSU that Adelson and her husband Harvey had one-way plane tickets to Vietnam that were purchased earlier in the day.

Looks like a quick getaway. Wonder what made them move so fast?
Thru this entire saga all of the Adelson's seem just stupid. Doing things so obvious. Did Harvey actually think purchasing one way tickets to Vietnam a week after their son is convicted of murder and rumors swirling around about their arrest was smart??? Did he actually think they were not being watched??? At this point every mode the threesome made was monitored...going to just sneak out of the condo to the airport....??? Now I assume HA will be interrogated fully about the plans. I bet his health at this point is not great. What an end to a life for him that was by all accounts a very successful career and family life. This will be some movie when it is all over.
Donna Adelson & Harvey Adelson were in the process of boarding an 8pm one way flight to Vietnam Monday night, according to State Attorney Jack Campbell, before she was arrested. Harvey was not arrested. “When we found out they bought tickets to Vietnam with a stop in Dubai, we talked with our law enforcement partners & found out how difficult it would be to bring her back,” said Campbell. So this definitely sped up our timeline.” Her case will be taken to the grand jury, according to the state attorney. Campbell added that Donna was trying to flee & that her trip to the airport will be part of the state's evidence against her.' The United States does not have an extradition treaty with Vietnam.
11/14/23 Update: First appearance hearing on 11/14/23.

So she rolled the dice. She would have had more time free if she didn't try to flee.

Tim Jansen said she would have had a better chance of fleeing if they left before the verdict. And, I was wondering if she would have been successful if they flew private, even if they were on a Do Not Fly list.

Does anyone know if Harvey continued onwards to Vietnam?

Wendi now finds herself in a precarious position. If the prosecutors continue their pattern of convicting co-conspirators from the bottom up (or top down or linearly in consecutive order), Wendi's arrest would follow Donna's conviction. Having learned from her mother's experience, Wendi would likely attempt to flee before the conviction. However, if the prosecutors deviate from their pattern and target Wendi next either way, fleeing now would only accelerate her arrest, reducing her time being a free person. There is also the chance she will never be arrested. So I do wonder what she will do.
STS reporting that Wendi has contacted a specialist lawyer about her immunity… I’m glad she is spending big bucks. The family is hemorrhaging money paying for legal fees. Charlie is praying there’s something left over for his protection in the big house.
Where are you getting updates from sts? tyia
According to her intake info at the Miami Dade Jail last night, she is 5' 6" and weighs 112 pounds. That is underweight according to standard metrics (18.1 BMI, with 18.5 as the lower bound for a healthy BMI). And per the eye test she doesn't appear too hale and hearty to me; more like pale and emaciated.

I can't speak to her gym schedule as well as you apparently can but whatever she was doing in there, it sure as hell wasn't bulking up to prepare for the rigors of prison. My guess is she has disordered eating and exerexia. None of this strikes me as a sign of robust health.
I was thinking the exact same thing!
Thru this entire saga all of the Adelson's seem just stupid. Doing things so obvious. Did Harvey actually think purchasing one way tickets to Vietnam a week after their son is convicted of murder and rumors swirling around about their arrest was smart??? Did he actually think they were not being watched??? At this point every mode the threesome made was monitored...going to just sneak out of the condo to the airport....??? Now I assume HA will be interrogated fully about the plans. I bet his health at this point is not great. What an end to a life for him that was by all accounts a very successful career and family life. This will be some movie when it is all over.
They made many bad choices. For some reason, they felt invincible. Maybe having a lot of excess cash to throw around causes one to lose touch with reality.

Campbell told WFSU that Adelson and her husband Harvey had one-way plane tickets to Vietnam that were purchased earlier in the day.

Looks like a quick getaway. Wonder what made them move so fast?
WISHBONE and I was wondering just the opposite..."what made them move so slow?" The glory of WS (people seeing the same info and share differing possibilities!!)
As to DA's obvious weight can not go through so much stress & community scrutiny without it affecting some area of their life ,appearance, sleep, health IMO.
It reminds me of a famous (but old) poem by Rudyard Kipling, and so danged appropriate:
"A fool there was and he made his prayer (Even as you or I!) To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair, (We called her the woman who did not care), But the fool he called her his lady fair— (Even as you or I!)"
That judge is really inappropriate ....really bad.
STS reporting that Wendi has contacted a specialist lawyer about her immunity… I’m glad she is spending big bucks. The family is hemorrhaging money paying for legal fees. Charlie is praying there’s something left over for his protection in the big house.
What is there to talk about? She had use immunity, meaning anything she said in the three trials cannot be used against her. They would have to get it from another source. But she can still be prosecuted. And they didn’t ask her much, they probably have a lot more on her they didn’t ask because they wanted to be able to use it against her.
Thru this entire saga all of the Adelson's seem just stupid. Doing things so obvious. Did Harvey actually think purchasing one way tickets to Vietnam a week after their son is convicted of murder and rumors swirling around about their arrest was smart??? Did he actually think they were not being watched??? At this point every mode the threesome made was monitored...going to just sneak out of the condo to the airport....??? Now I assume HA will be interrogated fully about the plans. I bet his health at this point is not great. What an end to a life for him that was by all accounts a very successful career and family life. This will be some movie when it is all over.
Long time lurker, first time poster.
My theory is that the whole family has had this attitude of arrogance and being untouchable and they probably never considered needing to flee until CA was convicted.
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