GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #19

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Now SG I have no time for...he got what he deserved...anyone that can walk up to a car..blow up a man and then leave well no words. Now he is a major danger to society.

KM said she didn't take the deal because SG had a capital charge and if she told everything, he'd be put to death, and she just couldn't do that to him. If that is in fact the truthful reason then bravo for putting someone before herself, too bad though that she didn't put DM's life before hers (or her dudes).
KM said she didn't take the deal because SG had a capital charge and if she told everything, he'd be put to death, and she just couldn't do that to him. If that is in fact the truthful reason then bravo for putting someone before herself, too bad though that she didn't put DM's life before hers (or her dudes).
She may have been able to make a plea after SG was sentenced and prior to her second trial. I don't know if anything was still on the table during that time frame. She still got up on the stand and lied over and over. She still acted as though she was innocent. I don't buy her "I didn't want to send SG to death row" reasoning.
She may have been able to make a plea after SG was sentenced and prior to her second trial. I don't know if anything was still on the table during that time frame. She still got up on the stand and lied over and over. She still acted as though she was innocent. I don't buy her "I didn't want to send SG to death row" reasoning.

I was thinking the same thing about making a plea after he got life, but maybe even if it was still available maybe she thought he had a good chance for an appeal. Who knows, she's definitely honesty challenged which makes it difficult to believe anything she says.

What was the charge that SG wasn't convicted of? The judge read the guilty verdicts on murder and conspiracy but didn't say what count 3 was that he was acquitted on. I thought he was also charged with solicitation but how could the jury find him not guilty of that if he's guilty of the other two?
Rewatched the Wendi police interview and realized that I missed this before: It's only after Isom asks if he can download her phone (at 20:30) that she tells him that she's worried that someone could have shot Dan because he didn't treat her very well and also tells him about the Charlie hitman joke etc. Before Isom asked for her phone, she was generic about anyone having a beef with Danny (starting at 9:50), basically saying he's argumentative, rubs people the wrong way, but doesn't think anyone would hate him. I think Isom's request for her phone was a turning point in the interview.

I also just watched the part with her friend, Jane. Wow -- she got adversarial with Isom, saying basically "You'll discuss that he's not going to survive but won't discuss if anything was stolen (from Danny's place)? (2:29:41). Pretty nervy IMO. LE is clearly not going to reveal investigatory info to her and Wendi -- that is SOP! She also basically says that LE should look into Lacasse. Not surprised that soon thereafter she tells Wendi that she's being kicked out of the room. Clear to me that Isom told Jane to leave. JMO.

There’s a full interview out there which shows more of Jane. At one point Wendi leaves the room and it’s just Jane and Isom. Jane says “she can tell you” (I think theyre talking about LaCasse, they spend a long time on that). Isom says “will she tell us everything” in this really strong tone, like he knows she won’t and he’s trying to see what Jane will say. She of course says “of course she will! “. So he’s totally on to her.
She went to UCF and SG followed her there. I often wonder what her life would have been like if she just got through school and he wasnt in her life. Once she had her first child with him while in school (not sure how she managed that) she was tied to him.
interesting to think that if he wasn't int he picture when she was 18, Dan Markel would still be alive today.
Or if CA found someone else, she would still probably be a free woman with a different life.
I grew up middle class but I lived close to a very affluent town and it is easy to be in awe of the wealth and seemingly ease of life of privileged families.
Charlie gave her a taste of what “the good life” was, and she probably forgot that she really was only being used and she would never have it, Kind of like a Cinderella story, but the shoe didn’t fit.
I’m sure Wendi was good at pretending Katie would now be “one of them”.

I am wondering if her appeal may be incompetent counsel who did not urge her to take a plea (twice).
If thats possible-I’m no lawyer
I’m not entirely sure Charlie could have found someone else. Not many people would do something like this, thankfully. I think it was the perfect storm of events when he met Katie.
Looking at the trial and appellate court dockets, as far as I can tell, she has not yet filed her brief in support of her appeal -- so I don't think it's known what grounds she will argue. The trial court granted her motion to expand the record for her appeal in August 2023, but after that I still don't see her filing a brief.
It could be something technical, some evidence that was allowed in and shouldn’t have been or vice versa. Or some objection that was sustained or overruled. There aren’t too many grounds you can bring, and there aren’t too many criminal appeals that are granted in cases of murder and a life sentence.
I actually think that KM is the least sympathetic right alongside all the A's. I actually find LR & SG a little more sympathetic. Absolutely no excuse for murder, but people who knew them were genuinely shocked that they would do this, especially SG. They did it for money but really, they did it out of love and loyalty. Neither one of them had ever killed before. SG did it to win back KM because she asked him to do it. Listen to him on the tap where he's pleading with her that they were so happy, why is she doing this. Why is she with CA. He also did it to get $ in the bargain for them, and LR did it because of growing up with SG being his BFF. He knew SG was doing it for KM. Of course, they all did it for $, but I do believe they are eaten up over what they did. LR's baby mama said he couldnt sleep. I don't think she's lost a damn minute's sleep. I don't see her being the slightest bit sorry. She's only sorry she got caught.

Having said that, I continue to have no problem with her getting a reduced sentence in exchange for this testimony, and if she needs to testify at DA's trial. Also, she may need to testify at WA's trial. I still think she needs to serve 25 to 30 years total, but I'm OK with adding in time already served, etc. I highly doubt she will ever learn anything though. She's a greedy, greedy, tough woman. She did it for money. She did it thinking that she may be Charlie's type & could land someone who made enough money that she could get whatever she wanted. He used her but she used him.
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Another thought I have is one that can make us all feel reassured that the wheels of justice are spinning. CA's touchstone in life is his mom. No doubt, and he has the phone logs to prove that he was on the phone with her all the time in jail. Now, they can't speak to each other. Maybe he can think about that and think about the A's. Same with her. He really will be a man out there on an island. Supposedly, he and HA were not close, & HA is older, and I heard had health issues. WA i doubt will call or visit, & I can't see him caring much about his child. Too narcissistic.

The difference is it would potentially be possible for him to speak to Donna somehow whereas the M's will never be able to speak to Dan ever again.

He is going to be one lonely man.
Rewatched the Wendi police interview and realized that I missed this before: It's only after Isom asks if he can download her phone (at 20:30) that she tells him that she's worried that someone could have shot Dan because he didn't treat her very well and also tells him about the Charlie hitman joke etc. Before Isom asked for her phone, she was generic about anyone having a beef with Danny (starting at 9:50), basically saying he's argumentative, rubs people the wrong way, but doesn't think anyone would hate him. I think Isom's request for her phone was a turning point in the interview.

I also just watched the part with her friend, Jane. Wow -- she got adversarial with Isom, saying basically "You'll discuss that he's not going to survive but won't discuss if anything was stolen (from Danny's place)? (2:29:41). Pretty nervy IMO. LE is clearly not going to reveal investigatory info to her and Wendi -- that is SOP! She also basically says that LE should look into Lacasse. Not surprised that soon thereafter she tells Wendi that she's being kicked out of the room. Clear to me that Isom told Jane to leave. JMO.

What an actress.
There’s a full interview out there which shows more of Jane. At one point Wendi leaves the room and it’s just Jane and Isom. Jane says “she can tell you” (I think theyre talking about LaCasse, they spend a long time on that). Isom says “will she tell us everything” in this really strong tone, like he knows she won’t and he’s trying to see what Jane will say. She of course says “of course she will! “. So he’s totally on to her.
I believe that was the full interview in my post. The part you refer to re Jane and Isom talking about Lacasse is there starting at 3:02:44.
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I think WA's arrest is imminent. They have enough to indict her. I think perhaps they are waiting to see what DA's strategy is. A few people have speculated on DA's health and said it's not the best. She's on a number of medications and may not be getting those prescriptions whist in jail. She's quite frail, only weighing 112 pounds and will now be sleeping and eating poorly, she suffers from depression, even with her meds she's going to be really suffering. 4 weeks in jail and the state offer her a deal to roll on Wendy, she'd be very tempted. But I don't think they need her to do that. They have enough on Wendy.
o/t Internet Search and found this .... not the invitation of WA but you get the gest
View attachment 462336
So these things generally do not suggest that you bring a specific brand. Interesting. I believe she said that a friend of hers had suggested this brand and wrote it down for her. Don’t remember where I heard or saw that,
Man, that interview is weird IMO.
It is. All those tears, yet multiple people said how nasty and venomous WA was towards DM after his death! Her response, the tears etc is not congruent with someone that is in the midst of a highly conentious and acrimonious divorce. She despised her ex-husband and so did the rest of her family.
She could have blown the whole case wide open and all the A's would have been behind bars in short order. But, someone capable of being a part of a murder for hire wouldn't really be interested in justice or doing the right thing. Instead she continued to lie, trying to escape punishment for her crime. IMO She's a weasel and deserves to rot in prison for the rest of her vile life.
Rivera blown the whole case wide open and it's sad that KM did not follow that path. I believe she is still the manipulator of this events up to this point.
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