GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #20

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  • Situational Deception: criminals know that the Jail Calls are monitored, recorded, and will be read. This is an opportunity to feed false narrative into misdirecting the on-going investigation. All references about WA not communicating and upset etc. are lies designed to shield the next in line. Reading some of these references in their negative forms appear much more sensible.
  • You are absolutely on the fast track with this!!!...I remember DA kind of making a side comment which sounded so oddly timed. On one of the CA calls, almost under her breath she said, "They haven't beat the Adelson's yet." And then I put that with the necklace WA wore "Never, never give up." DA is a very competitive narcissist who must always win....I'm thinking if everyone on their sinking ship was drowning she would be O.K. with it as long as she was the last to drown.
  • PS Thank you for your eye opening and excellent post.
(Original post from apeXperience)
Agree IQ ... great points from apeX !!

Mentour Lawyer Justice Network

Nov. 7 Jail call

5:20:00 -- CA and DA are talking.
5:22:32 -- DA says "Charlie can you hear me?"..... appears Charlie can't hear Donna anymore but the jail recording continues and all you hear is DA and HA? talking amongst themselves -- apparently, they don't know the jail recording is mic. This is what it sounds like to me.

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Charlie on these calls talks a lot about dogs. He says he had a dog, he later says his name was Enzo, and the vet told him it was just a spider bite, but the dog died. He says he knew the vet was wrong. He says he should have trusted his gut. He says he got the same feeling at the trial, he knew he was going to lose, despite what people were advising him. He compares his feeling at the trial to a situation with a dog. ( wow). He goes on to say that he was very depressed when Enzo died, and this should have been a “red flag,“ (I take this to mean he shouldn’t have gotten another dog; could this possibly be because of all that was going on with the crime and the arrests?). He says he got a new dog but he was too depressed and shouldn’t have. He says he hardly got to be with this new dog, Bubbles, because he had only had him a year and a half before he got arrested, and he’s been “away” for a year and a half. He and Donna discuss at excruciating length where Bubbles should go now.

They discuss leaving him where he is, with “ Janice, “ a person who is currently living in his house. (there is an earlier call to who I think is this woman, who says she loves him, they talk about his boat. He later tells Bri that there is “a person“ taking care of the house and doesn’t mention that it is a woman or what his relationship with her may be. Nice.). He talks about selling the house and wonders if Janice will be able to keep the dog in her next place. He goes on about how the dog needs long walks. They discuss giving the dog to Bri, but he says Bri lives in an apartment and works and wouldn’t be able to take the dog on long walks because she would have to take the child with her (his kid).

So far he has said more about the welfare of the dog than the child. Then, he starts crying, because he says if the kid has the dog, it will remind him Of Charlie, and “ that will mess him up.” THAT will mess him up. Donna agrees that the kid should not get the dog.

This is the ONLY time we hear Charlie cry, and it’s about how sad it will be for the kid to have the dog And be reminded of him. This upsets him. In my opinion he is most upset about his kid thinking about him in prison. He has expressed no concern about the kid otherwise, that I heard.

Donna assures him they will make sure the kid and the dog are provided for MEANWHILE she is about to flee, if she hasn’t already bought her ticket. Wow.

ALSO - Charlie repeatedly says he should have followed his gut, implying things would be different if he had. What does he mean? Is he possibly talking about not having done the crime in the first place? Is he possibly talking about not going with his first instinct that the bump was a cop and not talking on the phone so much?

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The audio was awful and unintelligible in many places. From what I could hear, I deduced that Wendy did not contact her parents on the day of the verdict or after the verdict nor did she go to see her parents in person. This upset them. They also seemed upset that Wendy has not once asked about her brother since his incarceration. In fact, Wendy told her parents that Charlie's problems are his own doing and that they need to stop projecting anger at her as she has nothing to do with his choices and it is not her fault that her truthful testimony with the police and at trial did not fare well for Charlie. It really sounded like Grandma and Grandpa feel they are not as needed by Wendy now that the kids are grown up and that she has distanced herself from them. In fact, it does not sound like she made herself available to them at all after the verdict although they wanted to talk to her about the extradition countries and wills, and cemetery plot and other "business" she would not call them back. Sounded like DA/HA were speaking to her through "George" -- they asked "George" about the boys and specifically if Wendy told the boys about Charlie's conviction. I have no idea who George is.
Yeah I listened to about 20 mins and couldn’t do it! The audio is awful. But thanks for this tidbit I didn’t get all the Wendi stuff. Just the beginning when DA says she hasn’t talked to her. This dynamic between DA/HA and Wendi is very interesting to me. Dare I say she’s smart to distance herself/insulate herself from them? It’s the right call for her. It also illuminates who is the most enmeshed with DA. It’s clearly Charlie. Wow. JMO
Is there a time stamp for this?
You need to be on MLTJ channel, not his other channel.

If you go to 5:22, you will hear that DA was speaking with CA but CA gets dropped from the call (its obvious from DA verbiage). Then DA FORGETS to disconnect her phone! Her and HA are speaking with a 3rd person who is apparently a condo guest (their estate attorney or relative or close friend, idk who the women is). The call continues until you hear HA say "who's phone is this?" and the call is lost shortly after that as they apparently realize they have been on the phone being recorded by the jail lol!.
You need to be on MLTJ channel, not his other channel.

If you go to 5:22, you will hear that DA was speaking with CA but CA gets dropped from the call (its obvious from DA verbiage). Then DA FORGETS to disconnect her phone! Her and HA are speaking with a 3rd person who is apparently a condo guest (their estate attorney or relative or close friend, idk who the women is). The call continues until you hear HA say "who's phone is this?" and the call is lost shortly after that as they apparently realize they have been on the phone being recorded by the jail lol!.
So from this call I got:

Donna says Wendi never just comes over, but during the trial she suddenly came over and wanted to talk to her. She says that when she came over, instead of saying “ we are all upset about Charlie” Wendy just sat down and said that if Donna was suicidal she would Baker Act her (have her committed). Donna says she thinks she might have said something to make Wendi believe that she would kill herself if the trial appeared to be going badly, that she would want to see it. Donna then says she denied being suicidal to Wendi, but also that she wants to “go to sleep“ and not see her son, (it is unclear whether that means she does not want to see him get convicted, and she’s still talking about what Wendi may have heard during the trial). She says she has picked out a cemetery plot. Harvey pipes in at one point, and she says “We would do it together.” This seems to me to be the first he’s heard of it. She says they have to make some decisions quickly as to what to do.

Donna says she told Wendi Charlie asked about her. She says she told her “Everyone looks to protect you, and you have a lot to think about“ (Wow). (She may have put that in a text, as we know the cops have Donna’s phone). Donna then reads a text she says Wendy wrote in response that says “I am not guilty,” and that her lawyer has advised her not to talk about the case, that this is entirely Charlie’s problem, that Donna’S anger at her is misplaced, and that she must now focus on the boys. Donna reads the entire text. I can’t remember it all, but in my opinion it is self-serving and written as if to make it clear that she was not involved, make of that what you will. Donna also says that Wendi is not telling the truth about how her lawyer told her not to talk about the case. She says Wendi gets nervous to talk to them because she thinks they are going to talk about the case. (Indeed, the timing of her text, right after Donna makes reference to them “protecting her” is interesting to me).

Donna says she is angry Wendi will not talk to her, and she needs her help with some financial matters and some legal matters regarding visas and extradition. (We know she later reached out to a friend of Charlie’s about where they could go). She says she has to contact George to find out what is going on with Wendi and the boys. She says she has been told that the boys were told about Charlie’s conviction.

They do not seem to be aware that this call is being recorded. This must be how the cops found out about the plans to escape. An accidental failure to hang up, not a jailhouse call. Wow.

And the whole time she has not told Charlie of her plans to flee, at least not on these calls. She keeps saying they will help him and take care of his son (and dog)

She does say to Charlie that they have to make provisions for Charlie’s son, and they have a “limited time” in which to do so. Wonder if he caught that, and what he thought.
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So from this call I got:

Donna says Wendi never just comes over, but she came over and didn’t say “ we are all upset about Charlie” but instead said that if Donna was suicida, she would Baker Act her (have her committed). Donna then says she denied being suicidal, but also that she wants to “go to sleep“ and has picked out a cemetery plot.

Donna says she told Wendi Charlie asked about her. She says she told her “Everyone looks to protect you.” (Wow). (She may have put that in a text, as we know the cops have Donna’s phone). Donna then reads a text she says Wendy wrote in response that says “I am not guilty,” and that her lawyer has advised her not to talk about the case, that this is entirely Charlie’s problem, that Donna’S anger at her is misplaced, and that she must now focus on the boys. Donna reads the entire text. I can’t remember it all, but in my opinion it is self-serving and written as if to make it clear that she was not involved in order to create a record. Donna also says that Wendi is not telling the truth about how her lawyer told her not to talk about the case.

Donna says she is angry Wendi will not talk to her, and she needs her help with some financial matters and some legal matters regarding visas and extradition. She says she has to contact George to find out what is going on with Wendi and the boys. She says she has been told that the boys were told about Charlie’s conviction.

They do not seem to be aware that this call is being recorded.
Yeah I don’t think this was intentionally recorded to protect Wendi. I think this is the truth of the matter - the relationship with Wendi has deteriorated and Donna is mad. Wendi is being smart! I gotta hand it to her. She has seen the evidence and knows the wiretapped calls are what brought about the downfall of Charlie and Donna and here goes Donna running her mouth again! This is the woman who said she was gonna make a run for it on recorded jail calls! These people are not as slick as they think they are! They have no discipline. Donna is freaking out and Wendi has wisely distanced herself. Wow. JMO

@apeXperience you are spot on about the psychological dynamics and the pattern of communication in this family. Esp when you said Charlie has a high sense of self-importance and his parents go along with that insincerely. I also found it quite telling that Charlie just talks and talks and they don’t say much on that first call after the conviction. I think that’s also a pattern - it’s not just ‘oh Charlie talks too much.’ That’s a learned pattern. No one pays attention to Charlie and their interaction with their son is insincere so he talks to fill the space. What a devastatingly dysfunctional family! Wow wow.
Charlie on these calls talks a lot about dogs. He says he had a dog, he later says his name was Enzo, and the vet told him it was just a spider bite, but the dog died. He says he knew the vet was wrong. He says he should have trusted his gut. He says he got the same feeling at the trial, he knew he was going to lose, despite what people were advising him. He compares his feeling at the trial to a situation with a dog. ( wow). He goes on to say that he was very depressed when Enzo died, and this should have been a “red flag,“ (I take this to mean he shouldn’t have gotten another dog; could this possibly be because of all that was going on with the crime and the arrests?). He says he got a new dog but he was too depressed and shouldn’t have. He says he hardly got to be with this new dog, Bubbles, because he had only had him a year and a half before he got arrested, and he’s been “away” for a year and a half. He and Donna discuss at excruciating length where Bubbles should go now.

They discuss leaving him where he is, with “ Janice, “ a person who is currently living in his house. (there is an earlier call to who I think is this woman, who says she loves him, they talk about his boat. He later tells Bri that there is “a person“ taking care of the house and doesn’t mention that it is a woman or what his relationship with her may be. Nice.). He talks about selling the house and wonders if Janice will be able to keep the dog in her next place. He goes on about how the dog needs long walks. They discuss giving the dog to Bri, but he says Bri lives in an apartment and works and wouldn’t be able to take the dog on long walks because she would have to take the child with her (his kid).

So far he has said more about the welfare of the dog than the child. Then, he starts crying, because he says if the kid has the dog, it will remind him Of Charlie, and “ that will mess him up.” THAT will mess him up. Donna agrees that the kid should not get the dog.

This is the ONLY time we hear Charlie cry, and it’s about how sad it will be for the kid to have the dog And be reminded of him. This upsets him. In my opinion he is most upset about his kid thinking about him in prison. He has expressed no concern about the kid otherwise, that I heard.

Donna assures him they will make sure the kid and the dog are provided for MEANWHILE she is about to flee, if she hasn’t already bought her ticket. Wow.

ALSO - Charlie repeatedly says he should have followed his gut, implying things would be different if he had. What does he mean? Is he possibly talking about not having done the crime in the first place? Is he possibly talking about not going with his first instinct that the bump was a cop and not talking on the phone so much?

CA "gut" speak is possibly talking about his thought regarding the bump or thoughts about fleeing. 200% agree, regarding his concern about dog and lack of concern regarding his child.
Preliminary takes from these Adelson’s Jail Calls, and other recorded calls:
  • Situational Deception: criminals know that the Jail Calls, and other recorded calls, are monitored, recorded, and will be read. The Adelson could expect that the FBI listens. This is an opportunity for the Adelson to feed false narrative into misdirecting the on-going investigation. All references about WA not communicating and upset etc. are lies designed to shield the next in line. Reading some of these references in their negative forms appear much more sensible.
  • Verbal Deception: a family has a pattern of communication. Mixed with codes, this pattern effectively masks some important messages. Several utterances of CA and DA in the interrogative form (inflection as if asking question) seem to be suggestion and direction, especially those responded to with the same interrogative form (one seemingly asking a question and the response is a question). The references about su*c*de, “my son”, and cries should be interpreted cautiously.
  • Family deception: attempting to deceive the investigators who will listen to these recordings does not preclude deceiving each other in their transactions. DA/HA repeated references to countries without reciprocal extradition omit the mention of The Philippines, which indeed was the DA/HA true final destination.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder: in these conversations, CA has an excessive high sense of his own importance, which is not necessarily shared with sincerity by his parents. It would not be surprising if in fact father HA sees son CA as a mediocre version of himself. To their demise, both CA and DA lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of the Jurors (the people who have not read a book in a year).
  • Malignant narcissism: on top of the NPD, the paranoia of CA is displayed plainly (Tallahassee hates us, the Court and especially the State Attorney are unfair and biased etc.) DA cannot tolerate criticism, as validated ex-post by the statements in her “emergency motion”, and her attitude during hearing and arraignment.
  • Narcissistic family: the unspoken rules of engagement of the Adelson dictate submission to the dominant narcissist, who seems to be the really quiet puppet master HA. He pulls the strings of CA and DA by the simple token of approval “I know!” The collective Adelson’s rage against society is patent. All of them normalized a habit of malign denial, which makes them preys of the $$ hungry super lawyers.

Hearing Charlie explaining how he would have wanted to see his son grow up has just made my blood boil. Wouldn’t Dan have wanted the same thing? Even if you believe his outlandish story, he still played a role in Dan’s death. He expresses no remorse or responsibility of any kind. He’s even worse than I imagined.
Yes, reminded when Katie was very indignantly complaining (right after SG arrest) about LE: "don't they know he is a father" as if he shouldn't be taken into custody because he was a father. They took a life! (and a life of a father).
Yeah I don’t think this was intentionally recorded to protect Wendi. I think this is the truth of the matter - the relationship with Wendi has deteriorated and Donna is mad. Wendi is being smart! I gotta hand it to her. She has seen the evidence and knows the wiretapped calls are what brought about the downfall of Charlie and Donna and here goes Donna running her mouth again! This is the woman who said she was gonna make a run for it on recorded jail calls! These people are not as slick as they think they are! They have no discipline. Donna is freaking out and Wendi has wisely distanced herself. Wow. JMO

@apeXperience you are spot on about the psychological dynamics and the pattern of communication in this family. Esp when you said Charlie has a high sense of self-importance and his parents go along with that insincerely. I also found it quite telling that Charlie just talks and talks and they don’t say much on that first call after the conviction. I think that’s also a pattern - it’s not just ‘oh Charlie talks too much.’ That’s a learned pattern. No one pays attention to Charlie and their interaction with their son is insincere so he talks to fill the space. What a devastatingly dysfunctional family! Wow wow.
I agree with you, I think this is dead on as to Wendi‘s behavior. After all, it was the bump calls that made this case.
You need to be on his other channel, unless he deleted it from there too. Go to his M.L.T.J. channel and go to at least the 5:22 mark
Jeez, how many channels does this dude have? And he still can’t understand sometimes what is being said on the calls. He rewinds them often. I wish he would just play them, or, better yet, separate them into distinct calls. At one point, Donna said she was ”fine,” and ML kept saying she said she was “high.” The people in the comments were literally typing “fine” over and over so he would see it, I thought that was funny.
Jeez, how many channels does this dude have? And he still can’t understand sometimes what is being said on the calls. He rewinds them often. I wish he would just play them, or, better yet, separate them into distinct calls. At one point, Donna said she was ”fine,” and ML kept saying she said she was “high.” The people in the comments were literally typing “fine” over and over so he would see it, I thought that was funny.
He annoys me so much!!! Ugh! Just clean up the audio if you can and post them in good order without interruption. I’ll gladly pay for that version!
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