GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #20

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I think Wendi is going to flip. She is distancing herself from her family and will either claim that she found out after the hit that CA and DA arranged the hit without her knowledge or that she knew about it, but did not want it to go ahead.
I dont think she sees a reason to do this at this point.
And Wendi had "threatened" to Baker Act DA if she was going to continue insisting she was suicidal. Cold....
IMO, from the transcripts I'm reading here, DA creates melodrama out of everything: that's what led to the hit.

So firstly, I interpret everything she says as being very distorted by her melodramatic interpretation. Secondly, perhaps WA is sick of the melodrama and doesn't want to be manipulated and controlled by it anymore.

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I heard Donna say that Wendi was involved. Did anyone else hear that or am I hallucinating?
I heard her say that Wendi sent her a text that said “I’m not involved,” and Donna says to Harvey in response, as an aside something like “Im not saying she was.” I admit it’s hard to hear, you can really only hear the “she was” part, and at first I thought she said she WAS involved. But she says similar asides, like “I never said she was,” or “who says she was,” or words to that effect, several more times. She seems to me to be trying to make it clear that she is not saying - to Wendi - anything about whether she is involved, and so she cant understand why Wendi won’t talk to her or why she sent that text. JMO. She’s being defensive, “ I never said she was.” Doesn’t mean she wasn’t.
There’s another person in the room during this “hot mic” moment. The idea that Donna would say Wendi was involved in Dan’s murder is highly implausible. The audio is bad so I get why ppl think she said “she was” but if you hear it in context that’s not what she said! JMO
IMO, now we know why LE wasn’t ready to arrest DA and schedule was hurried because they bought tickets and went to the airport. They were happy to let them keep yakking and they’ll provide evidence to convict the whole gang!
Yes, Donna seems unable to control herself. She keeps saying too much. Wendi is wise to distance herself. Unlike DA and CA, WA apparently is not directly in touch with Rashbaum.
I know I said this already but listening now again and I’m just really bowled over by how disinterested, incurious and insincere Donna and Harvey seem talking to Charlie! He’s just been convicted, life without parole in prison is guaranteed. And this is it?? Any mothers wanna fill me in! What the heck? Am I crazy? He does most of the talking. Long silences from Donna as he’s talking. And when she does talk it’s mostly platitudes. As a mother, I would think she’d be trying to reassure him, repeatedly tell him she loves him and will be there for him, repeatedly tell him she will be there to visit him soon, repeatedly tell him they will fight this/appeal, etc. Maybe she does in other calls. I dunno.

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IMO, from the transcripts I'm reading here, DA creates melodrama out of everything: that's what led to the hit.

So firstly, I interpret everything she says as being very distorted by her melodramatic interpretation. Secondly, perhaps WA is sick of the melodrama and doesn't want to be manipulated and controlled by it anymore.

or, since the Adelson's removed DM from WA's life as planned; they are no longer of use to WA, actually they are a liability.
Go back on there, the audio has been fixed and is much better, the last 60mins or so is enlightening. Clearly a lot of friction between WA and the rest of the family. She is about to throw them under the bus.
Do you mean pass the buck, the blame onto them?
( I haven't managed to listen to most of the calls )

I mentioned yesterday that I was concerned during the trial that she was going to stage an estrangement stunt
Charlie and Donna dissect “reasonable doubt” hahaha CAUTION: Great legal minds at work! Do not cross.

Charlie mocks Georgia “ladies and gentlemen, use your common sense oh my god” lol

This is embarrassing!
I know I said this already but listening now again and I’m just really bowled over by how disinterested, incurious and insincere Donna and Harvey seem talking to Charlie! He’s just been convicted, life without parole in prison is guaranteed. And this is it?? Any mothers wanna fill me in! What the heck? Am I crazy? He does most of the talking. Long silences from Donna as he’s talking. And when she does talk it’s mostly platitudes. As a mother, I would think she’d be trying to reassure him, repeatedly tell him she loves him and will be there for him, repeatedly tell him she will be there to visit him soon, repeatedly tell him they will fight this/appeal, etc. Maybe she does in other calls. I dunno.

have not been able to listen to most of the calls yet, but of the ones that MLawyer first published, the same thing struck me.

Stay strong Charlie, hold it together etc. Placating.
Here's the full call - she's posting all of the calls separately on her page!
Thanks for this. Transcript enabled too.

I can't make out the ID of the other voices once Charlie's connection is cut off ( About a third of the way through, he's cut off, apart from Harvey, can hear voice another woman. Call date = date of CA conviction)

It's an amazing call. I'm just up to the point where Donna's voice almost breaks while she rants about Wendi's indifference and CYA statements to DA & HA. Then DA reads out some email or text correspondence between them. Around 17.40 timestamp.
Wendi really is the ultimate user among a family of abusers.
OTOH, nice to be able to watch the family fall apart.

wow - Ben was writing all the time to Charlie prior to conviction and DA says they were very close
and... current WA boyfriend G is a ' computers person'. How very convenient for Wendi
hilarious that DA was hoping that WA could ' look up the extradition issue for us'. 21m timestamp.
Next, DA discusses the risks involved in telling WA about a flight from justice.
Next, the resentment is obvious when DA talks about all the childcare support she's given to WA over the years.

We really need some transcripts which we can all read, correct, and then discuss more easily
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