FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *3 guilty* #16

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I was really hoping we would get a rebuttal of LR or SG.

But I’m assuming SG has never done/been offered a proffer. And still saying he’s innocent?

I mean I think I saw they moved him to jail before the trial, so i was thinking maybe there was a chance something had changed.

I actually think there’s a few rebuttal witnesses they could end on, I hope they change their mind.

I think with SG, they have to check the lunar calendar in advance of talking to him. He's the true loose canon here!

I remember reading the exotic dancer's (Shrimp) deposition and how nobody believed SG capable of murder.

She said even after he'd moved back in with KM, he'd still show up throughout the year with bags of food to cook a large meal for all the neighbors in the complex.

She also opined that KM must have threatened SG. He'd lose her, the kids, or both if he didn't comply with the 'job.'

And yes, IMO, he'll probably die claiming he's innocent.
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I think with SG, they have to check the lunar calendar in advance of talking to him. He's the true loose canon here!

I remember reading the exotic dancer's (Shrimp) deposition and how nobody believed SG capable of murder.

She said even after he'd moved back in with KM, he'd still show up throughout the year with bags of food to cook a large meal for all the neighbors in the complex.

She also opined that KM must have threatened SG. He'd loose her, the kids, or both if he didn't comply with the 'job.'

And yes, IMO, he'll probably die claiming he's innocent.
I think he just didn’t want to lose her and she knew that. :( Luis is the only defendant I have any respect for as a human being.
Could someone pretty please be so kind as to link me a couple YouTube videos of highlights of Charles in Charge's testimony? I'm reading y'alls comments about the stuttering and how his defense atty effed up and how crazy it is, but I can't seem to find it while skipping around the videos of him testifying bc it goes on so long and I legitimately have very bad ADHD lol
Not that this is definitive, but both the online FLDC and Leon County web sites indicate that SG was never brought from Raiford to Tallahassee.
Ah okay, I never checked. But I saw people posting here or on twitter that he was moved to jail.
I really don’t think she should call Katie again. She’s terrible in cross. You don’t want that to be the last thing the jury hears. You want this to end with Charlie talking.

I think they don’t need to rebut what Charlie is saying. It’s too preposterous and not worth the risk.
Katie would be the last on my list.

I don’t even think they wanted to call her to begin with. Think it was a necessity to get the transcripts in.

She’s not only terrible in cross she was terrible on direct lol.
Katie would be the last on my list.

I don’t even think they wanted to call her to begin with. Think it was a necessity to get the transcripts in.

She’s not only terrible in cross she was terrible on direct lol.
what are you saying? katie being terrible on the witness stand is a key part of this case, imo
i'm still shook and recovering from ms. katie filing an appeal since she's innocent then fully detailing and confessing to ALL of her crimes on the witness stand. not the sharpest tool in the shed, that one.
I’m not saying she’s the smartest tool in the shed, but it appears her appellate attorneys filed appeal brief 9-20-2022. Her first proffer was around 10-11-2022. Some of us saw it last night via MentourLawyer’s Patreon page, in it she said that she’s telling them more than she ever told her attorneys (they aren’t there when she’s talked to) and she appears to say she didn’t even know what she was being called in for, she was very surprised for a good portion of it.

With that timing, it’s possible she still wanted to appeal and had no idea they’d come to talk to her with a camera and multiple people and everything. It’s unclear if her attorneys were notified but it is clear, both from what they tell her and what she says to them, that she’s talking to law enforcement without any of them present.


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And probably really jealous his big brother is an MD and doesn’t have to spend all day in traffic to practice his profession and earn the big bucks
Oh, I did not know what profession his big brother was in -- I do know that he testified that he was not close to his big brother, and hadn't become close to WA until he was in high school. CA was the middle child of three children.
i'm still shook and recovering from ms. katie filing an appeal since she's innocent then fully detailing and confessing to ALL of her crimes on the witness stand. not the sharpest tool in the shed, that one.
She's a scammer --when questioned, she was shameless about filing the appeal. Covering all her bases as if insurance!

I've heard it time and again that KM's just unlikable, and I think that sums it up.
Does anyone know what Wendi was talking about when she claimed the Markel Act (grandparent law) was unconstitutional??
Does anyone know what Wendi was talking about when she claimed the Markel Act (grandparent law) was unconstitutional??
I think there are reasons grandparents are not automatically entitled to visitation. I think it is good that the Markel Act is limited in its application to very specific circumstances. I can appreciate why the Markels might have felt they had to seek relief in the legislature. But some grandparents should not be allowed to ask for visitation, and should not be entitled to it like parents are.
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Not that this is definitive, but both the online FLDC and Leon County web sites indicate that SG was never brought from Raiford to Tallahassee.
Agree. It was the very last combined witness list issued a couple of days before jury selection started that I looked for SG's name and he didn't make that list. Not doubting he was on earlier witness lists.
I think there are reasons grandparents are not automatically entitled to visitation. I think it is good that the Markel Act is limited in its application to very specific circumstances. I understand why the Markels had to seek relief in the legislature. But some grandparents should not be allowed to ask for visitation, and should not be entitled to it like parents are.
Yeah we need to be careful about reactionary legislation. Remember Donna Adelson is also a grandparent and there are many others like her out there that could potentially use any type of law for control! JMO

LIVE BLOG - P.M.: Charlie Adelson testifies before packed courtroom​

Published: Nov. 2, 2023 at 5:46 AM PDT|Updated: 8 hours ago

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Charlie Adelson is defending himself on the stand Thursday morning in his murder trial

5:40 p.m.: Court adjourns​

Court is adjourned.

Rashbaum says he likely has about an hour left of direct examination. He doesn’t believe the defense will be calling any additional witnesses.

Cappleman says she doesn’t think she’ll be calling any additional witnesses in rebuttal.

5:30 p.m.: Charlie says the state’s wrong “about a lot of things”​

“The state’s wrong, Charlie says. “Wrong about a lot of things.”

4:40 p.m.: Jury returns after Judge Everett listens to phone call defense wants admitted as evidence​

Jurors return to the courtroom.

3:45 p.m.: Jury returns, defense asks Charlie about Harvey finding out about the extortions​

The jury returns to the courtroom.

Charlie says when he left Dolce Vita, he called his mom.

Throughout the call, he doesn’t mention Magbanua’s name. Charlie says this was him being careful.

“I’m letting my mom know ‘Everything’s fine. It’s the police.”

Rashbaum is playing a call between Charlie and Donna.

On the call, Charlie mentions that the person from the bump isn’t disguising their identity at all.

Donna tells him she hopes Harvey has a good night’s sleep.

Charlie tells Rashbaum that’s because Harvey was about to find out what happened to him two years earlier with the first extortion and what’s happening to Donna right now with the second extortion.

Charlie says he continued to help Magbanua out because “I thought she got dragged into this the same way I got dragged into this.”

Charlie met with his dad at a sushi restaurant to talk. At this point, Charlie says his mom had told his dad about both extortions.

“He wanted to know why I didn’t come to him,” Charlie says.

Charlie says he noticed a man who sat down next to Harvey was suspicious.

Charlie says the man plopped a big bag down right next to Harvey’s plate. Charlie says the man asked what kind of salads they have, and then orders a California roll.

“I was like this guy really doesn’t like sushi, and he’s coming into a sushi restaurant at 9 o’clock at night by himself. It seems really odd,” Charlie says.

Charlie then tells his dad he thinks there’s a recorder in the man’s bag.

Charlie says after that, the two stop talking about the extortion, because they don’t want the police to find out.

Charlie says later he and his dad talked in the car and Harvey tried to convince Charlie to go to the police, but he refused, worrying that would put the family’s safety at risk.

Jurors are leaving. While they’re out, the judge is going to listen to a phone call that the defense would like to admit into evidence. The judge will then rule on whether to allow it.

It’s a phone call between Charlie and Harvey.

2:53 p.m.: Dolce Vita​

Charlie says before the FBI’s Dolce Vita recording started, he and Magbanua had already been talking for about 30 minutes.

“Were you talking freely or carefully?” asked Rashbaum.

“I always spoke to Katie carefully,” Charlie said.

Charlie says at this point, he still didn’t think Magbanua was part of the extortion.

Rashbaum mentions a portion of the recording in which Charlie says that if they had any evidence, he and Magbanua would have already gone to the airport.

Charlie says he said this because he’s innocent, and that meant there was no evidence against him.

Charlie says at Dolce Vita, Magbanua is making the argument that the person from the bump is the police, and that they can’t pay the police.

Charlie says he was focused on this possibly being a “bad guy” and how they should respond.

“I wasn’t worried if it was the police,” Charlie said.

In the Dolce Vita recording, Charlie mentions that he carries a gun and threatens that if a gang member comes up to him, he’ll shoot them.

On the recording, Charlie told Magbanua that he doesn’t talk to cops. He tells Rashbaum that this was his way of reassuring her he won’t go to the police about the extortion.

Charlie told Rashbaum that during the Dolce Vita meeting, he got the names Tuto (Garcia) and Tato (Rivera) mixed up.

On the recording, Charlie told Magbanua he thinks the person from the bump only knows part of the story, because they didn’t mention his name.

Charlie tells Rashbaum he meant that the bump person only knows that he’s been sending money to Magbanua, but they think it’s in exchange for a murder -- they don’t know it’s actually an extortion.

Charlie says he thought Garcia might have told Rivera about the little ways Charlie has been helping out Magbanua, and then Rivera’s friend assumed Charlie was paying her off.

“Her card’s getting declined at Old Navy and she’s borrowing 300 bucks from me,” Charlie told Rashbaum. “I didn’t think at the time that she took any of that money.”

“Why didn’t you specifically mention the word extortion in Dolce Vita?” Rashbaum asked.

“I was being real careful when I spoke to Katie,” Charlie said. “I would never say the word extortion to her … I would get zero help and she would think I was setting her up.”

On the recording, Charlie tells Magbanua that this is going to put a spotlight on the murder investigation.

He tells Rashbaum he was indicating to Magbanua that if they go to the police about this second extortion, the police will find out about the initial extortion and then they’ll both be in danger.

Charlie said he was trying to convince Magbanua to make the payment but she didn’t want to.

He said he wanted Magbanua to contact the bump guy because they would know Magbanua is with Garcia, and Garcia is a tough guy who might scare them off.

“I’m not a scary guy like Sigfredo Garcia is,” Charlie says.

Eventually, Charlie says, he starts to believe it is the police. Still, he says he wanted Magbanua to call the person just in case it’s a “bad guy.”

“I’m betting my mom’s life on it being the police,” Charlie says. “At least call for that piece of mind to confirm it is what we think it is.”

“If it was the police, it meant there was no danger,” Charlie says.

Court is in recess until 3:30 p.m.

2:45 p.m.: Charlie tells defense he met up with Magbanua and asked whether Garcia was involved, Magbanua says “yes”​

After that, Charlie says he met up with Magbanua and asked whether T (Sigfredo Garcia) was behind what happened to Donna.

He says Magbanua said yes.

Charlie says he brought up the name Tato and Magbanua said Tato is the head of the Latin Kings, and he’s the one who did this to Dan.

Charlie says Magbanua told him Sigfredo Garcia was high on drugs at the time of the murder and that Luis Rivera was the one who shot Markel.

He says she said Garcia was the extorter, and he just brought Rivera along for the murder.

Magbanua continued to assure Charlie she wasn’t involved in the extortion.

“She said she didn’t take a single dime for herself,” Charlie says.

“I was extorted,” Charlie said. “Now my mom’s getting extorted.”

Charlie says Magbanua thought this person from the bump was either the police, or a copycat who knew Rivera and is trying to do their own extortion.

“Katie was the only person on the planet I could talk to about this and see if I could try to get it to stop,” Charlie says.

“I was freaking out, and I’m trying to figure things out by talking out different scenarios out loud,” Charlie told Rashbaum.

2:30 p.m.: Defense plays phone call between Charlie and Magbanua, Charlie tells defense the call was his way of asking if her friends were trying to blackmailing Donna​

Rashbaum plays the call between Charlie and Magbanua.

On the call, Charlie tells Magbanua he doesn’t know what’s going on, but that someone approached his mom on the street and handed her an envelope with something in it.

He tells Magbanua that the person mentioned Charlie’s ex-girlfriend.

“I mean, you didn’t do anything with my mom,” Charlie said.

Charlie explains to Rashbaum that this is his way of asking her whether Magbanua’s friends are trying to blackmail Donna.

“I needed her help,” Charlie said. “That’s why I was calling her up.”

Charlie tells Rashbaum that Magbanua seemed surprised on this call, and that made him feel good because it reassured him that she wasn’t involved with this.

The next day, Charlie met Donna in the lobby of her building and they went for a walk, he says.

They didn’t know it at the time, but the two were being followed by FBI agents.

Charlie says he and his mom were whispering and trying not to be heard.

“She was very scared,” Charlie says.

During this meeting, Charlie says, Donna explained exactly what happened to her during the bump.

Donna explained that someone approached her and handed her a copy of a news article that had $5,000 and a cell phone number written on it.

He tells his mom “This is so different than what happened to me.”

Charlie says he told Donna he believes the person who approached her is with the police.

Still, he told her he’d talk to Magbanua and see if it’s possible that Sigfredo Garcia was behind this.

According to Charlie, Donna wanted to tell her husband Harvey about what was going on.

Charlie says he told Donna to tell Harvey not to tell anyone.

He says he also told his mom not to tell Wendi, because he was certain Wendi would try to go to the police if she found out.

2:15 p.m.: Defense continues playing call between Charlie and Donna, Charlie asks Donna if someone is trying to blackmail her, she says it’s a possibility​

“Sunpass is not code,” Charlie explains to Rashbaum.

Charlie tells Rashbaum that his Sunpass was stolen a few weeks earlier and his parents were getting a bunch of bills for it.

When Charlie heard Donna ask him to bring cash, that caught him off guard, he told Rashbaum.

He said that tipped him off that Donna might be trying to tell him she’s being extorted.

On the next call, Charlie asks Donna if someone is trying to blackmail her. She says it’s a possibility.

“Is this a whack job writing letters to you or is this government?” Charlie asks Donna.

“Do you know who sent it to you?” he asks. “I have a pretty good idea,” Donna says.

Charlie tells Rashbaum that at this point, he’s starting to wonder whether what his mom is saying is related to him being extorted 21 months earlier, but he’s still not sure exactly what’s going on.

On the call, Charlie asks Donna if they can see each other that night. Donna doesn’t want to, though, she says, because she’s watching Wendi’s kids and doesn’t want Wendi to ask questions.

On a subsequent call, Charlie tells Donna not to talk about things “in the apartment or any other place.” He asks more about the person who approached her.

“Was the person nervous or angry?” Charlie asks.

“No,” Donna says. “Calm as can be.”

He asks whether the person gave Donna any kind of timeframe and she says no.

“The more I thought about it, I thought ‘this is related to what happened to me,’” Charlie told Rashbaum.

“I suspected that it was Sigfredo,” Charlie said. “When I met him, he was an angry guy, and I wanted to see ‘Is this someone fitting his description?”

Charlie said one of the first things he told Donna after he told her about the extortion was not to talk about it. He said there’s always a chance that police might be listening, and if the police found out he was being extorted, they would come talk to him, and if he told the police what happened to him, his life would be in danger.

On the call, Donna tells Charlie “This TV is probably about five.”

“There is absolutely no code word involving TV whatsoever,” Charlie told Rashbaum.

After that, Donna brings up Charlie’s ex-girlfriend.

“I only had one ex-girlfriend whose friends extorted me,” Charlie said.

He said after that, he knew exactly what was going on. He then called Magbanua.

Charlie told Rashbaum he did this because he wanted to find out whether her friends were extorting Donna.

2:00 p.m.: Jury returns, defense plays call between Charlie and Donna​

The jurors are brought back into the courtroom.

Rashbaum tests the audio to make sure jurors can hear wiretaps over the courtroom speaker.

The speakers are now working.

Rashbaum plays the first call between Charlie and Donna after the bump, in which Donna tells Charlie she’s been handed some paperwork.

Charlie says he’ll take a look at it.

She says it probably involves the two of them, and that he should have a general idea of what she’s talking about.

It’s the same call the state played earlier this week.

Charlie says he was “eating a bowl of chili” when this call happened.

“I had no clue what she’s talking about,” said Adelson.

“What did you guess?” asked Rashbaum.

“I thought it was the IRS,” said Adelson.

“Did you think it had anything to do with either your extortion or Markel’s murder at this point in time?” asked Rashbaum.

“No, not at all,” said Adelson.

“I could tell something’s bothering her, but she’s beating around the bush,” said Adelson.

By the time he got to the end of the third call, Charlie said he knew exactly what she was talking about.

“What did you understand her to be saying?” asked Rashbaum.

“She’s getting extorted,” said Adelson.

“She knows I was extorted two years earlier and it’s the same people that are coming to extort her for money,” said Adelson.

Rashbaum points out that the state’s theory is that the conspiracy involves the entire Adelson family, but that Donna says the situation only involves the two of them.

On the call, there’s discussion about Charlie’s dad, Harvey’s schedule.

Charlie says his dad never knew what happened to Charlie, and Donna didn’t want to talk about the situation when Harvey was around.

The defense plays another call between Donna and Charlie. He says “Is this about me not paying my Sunpass?”

“Whatever it is … I wouldn’t worry too much about anything,” Charlie says.

Donna asks Charlie to take her out to dinner and asks him to bring cash to pay for the dinner.

1:51 p.m.: Jury leaves courtroom until courtroom audio issue is resolved​

Attorneys are having trouble getting the courtroom audio to work.

Jurors will leave the courtroom while the problem is sorted out.

1:45 p.m.: Jury returns, defense continues questioning Charlie Adelson​

Rashbaum continues with his questioning of Charlie Adelson.

“You’re aware of something called ‘The Bump,’ correct?” Rashbaum asks.

“Yes, I am,” Charlie says.

1:34 p.m.: Court back in session, attorneys argue about emails and texts being used as evidence​

Before bringing in the jurors, Judge Everett tells people in the gallery he saw some head-shaking during testimony.

He says regardless of people’s personal opinions, they should not make any motions to suggest they agree or disagree with what’s being said.

“The jurors have to make up their own minds based on the evidence … for anyone who cannot abide by this, the bailiffs are going to remove you,” said Judge Everett.

The attorneys are arguing back and forth about emails and text messages the defense wants to include as evidence, which the prosecution objects to.

Judge Everett allows some, but not all of the messages to be shown to jurors.

Surviving the Survivor going live on YouTube at 6:15pm
Yes! Have been reviewing it because I missed so much of the trial today. Really, what struck me was CA grousing about having graduated from dental school (to include the three additional years he put in to become a periodontist) with $200,000 in student loans. That was in 2006. Later, when he was being questioned about where he was living in 2014 (the year that Prof. Dan Markel was offed), he stated that he had bought a house in 2006, where he said he continued to live for the next 16-20 years (that would bring us to 2022-2026 -- wth?). My point is, he was so poor that he was able to buy a home despite having $200,000 in student loan debt. And, I'll bet he paid cash for it. He said he was moonlighting while he was in dental school, and during his residency for dental school. Then he continued during his "perio" period, while he was learning the trade. [I don't know . . . have had a couple of Dark & Stormies, so I may be under the influence.]
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