FL FL - Isabella Hellmann, 41, catamaran off Cay Sal, FL Keys,14 May 2017 #2 *GUILTY*

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Lol. I have been having trouble posting and editing on WS lately. Characters disappear and reappear lol. Pizzle!!!
I have a bit of an illogical question.... If she is lost at sea, how do they expect people will spot her somewhere?
I have a bit of an illogical question.... If she is lost at sea, how do they expect people will spot her somewhere?
Boaters, folks on beaches, people flying in airplanes or Cessnas, helicopters, perhaps she's hanging onto a buoy.

(Man, that was my hardest spelling test in twenty years. Got buoy right, but definitely not Cessna. 😂)

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I have a bit of an illogical question.... If she is lost at sea, how do they expect people will spot her somewhere?

I agree with you. I saw it too and just wondered why.. they need to be pushing LE for answers

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I wondered the same. No one needs to be looking for Isabella :sad: and she didn't just disappear. She died in the water. How that happened-- yes, I hope they stay on fbi to be thorough...

With the boat lost, I fear they will get no answers and I can't imagine how difficult and unacceptible that is to her family and friends.
What are the odds that she is actually in the bathroom inside that catamaran? They banged on it and said no one was inside, but I don't see how they could have concluded that.
"Investigators and a federal unmarked crime scene truck are at the complex in West Delray Beach, along with deputies from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

The FBI tells CBS12 it's part of a court-authorized search at Hellman's apartment.

The FBI is at the complex in West Delray Beach, along with deputies from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office."
so where is Lewis Bennett nowadays? Has that been determined? I thought he changed the locks on the condo?
(There's supposed to be 2 quotes here, including the Q? about Ms. Hellman still being inside the bathroom (head) on the catamaran! Aaah, my nemesis Those Travel Ads are running!)

IF her body is inside the sunken catamaran, it's likely that no one will ever know.

Except for anyone who had the opportunity to check said catamaran prior to the beacon failing & the boat sinking.

Now are we aware of anyone who wanted to leave the good ol' USA, and may or may not have checked inside that boat before it sank???

Yeah, somehow reminds me of the Bob Harrod story, somehow....
The search is probably standard based on pressure from her family, it was international waters, he is now gone with the baby, and they need to wrap it up. All.

Things do look suspicious against him, but they also look innocent for him. I would be curious to know what the natural legal steps are in a case such as this. And how much of this is driven by IHs family wanting to get the baby to raise themselves? Just some thoughts.
From another article:
"Michael Leverock, special agent with the FBI, said the department initiated a court-authorized search of Hellman's apartment at 13850 Oneida Drive, in Delray Beach, Friday morning. He said the search is part of the investigation into her disappearance."

Probably unlikely, but anxiously waiting to see if the application and affidavit used in obtaining the search warrant will be released to the public.

I also wonder if Bennett ever agreed to a voluntary search.

According to one neighbor, "official-looking men wearing powder-blue latex gloves searched Lewis Bennett’s car and questioned him as he stood nearby" on Tuesday, May 23.

Another neighbor says he observed "Bennett 'bringing stuff out. He had someone helping him. They were throwing stuff in the dumpster'" the following day. The same day, May 24, the first neighbor says "she was working from home and saw Bennett going in and out of the apartment."

And then "On Thursday, [May 25] (the first neighbor) said, his car was gone. She said she has not seen it, or him, since."

Two days later, on May 27, a TV crew found "boxes marked 'evidence' on the porch of Isabella Hellman."

By June 1, "the front-door doorknob (of the condo), the touch-pad lock and part of the doorjamb (were) covered with yellow tape reading 'evidence' and 'Federal Bureau of Investigation.'" It was also right around this time that Bennett is believed to have left the US with his daughter, but not before supposedly traveling to Cuba and making a LE-accompanied visit to the home of Isabella's family on May 28, allegedly to retrieve items he accuses them of taking from the condo, and the baby.

So the day after a likely visit by LE, he and another individual are seen throwing things in a Dumpster. Within two days, there are evidence boxes in front of the condo; it would have been right around this time he would have left for Cuba. He comes back to the US briefly only to pick up some supposed stolen items and a daughter whom he seemed to largely neglect immediately following an incident at sea, during which her mom was lost (and whom he also hadn't seen in at least two weeks while he and Isabella moved the boat; I have no idea how long he was away from his wife and child while working abroad prior to that). Within a couple of days, he is MIA, though I trust the authorities (including the INTERPOL) are paying attention as to his whereabouts.

If it is concluded that Isabella was a victim of a tragic accident, then fine (though very sad). But the circumstances known thus far alone definitely warrant an investigation, IMO.

Sources: http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news...mystery-missing-woman/5reNR5lTYpl2kcOKNxdxaP/



I don't see how they can ever know if it was an accident or not, unless they find something incriminating "in writing" somewhere. There is literally no way to prove anything unless he confesses, had conversations leading to her purposeful disappearance, video/audio of the actual event itself, or they find her and it appears as though she was physically harmed.

OR - she is hiding somewhere and perfectly fine.
I don't see how they can ever know if it was an accident or not, unless they find something incriminating "in writing" somewhere. There is literally no way to prove anything unless he confesses, had conversations leading to her purposeful disappearance, video/audio of the actual event itself, or they find her and it appears as though she was physically harmed.

OR - she is hiding somewhere and perfectly fine.

Very true. But, it is important to note we have seen nefarious people do silly things like search for "getting rid of bodies" or "how long does it take for a body to decompose in salt water." People are not always as smart as they think when trying to cover up bad acts. Not sure if he is a bad actor but turning over all the stones can help determine if he is or not.
And how much of this is driven by IHs family wanting to get the baby to raise themselves?

As he is the baby's father and the husband of the (presumed dead) mother, how could her family legally get custody of the baby from him? Is there some provision in Florida or other state law that would allow them to override his parental rights?
As he is the baby's father and the husband of the (presumed dead) mother, how could her family legally get custody of the baby from him? Is there some provision in Florida or other state law that would allow them to override his parental rights?
If he is in jail..... ???

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