FL FL - Isabella Hellmann, 41, catamaran off Cay Sal, FL Keys,14 May 2017 #2 *GUILTY*

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An FBI team Friday morning pushed through yellow evidence tape the agency had used weeks earlier and entered the suburban Delray Beach condo of Lewis Bennett and his wife Isabella Hellmann, who vanished one month ago Thursday.

At late afternoon, several hours after they started at 9 a.m., investigators still were at the condo, near Atlantic Avenue and Florida’s Turnpike, and Palm Beach County sheriff’s vehicles had blocked off the complex. The federal authorities had arrived in unmarked black SUVs and an unmarked sedan pulling a small trailer containing items marked “investigative material.”


On Friday morning, neighbor Anne Fennimore, whose condo is on the second story immediately above Hellmann’s residence, told The Palm Beach Post she and other neighbors were ordered to stay inside as at least 20 agents came to the front door.

“One yelled that they had a warrant to search the place and then broke the (tape) to get inside,” Fennimore told The Post. She said she saw six crime-scene technicians in latex gloves enter the condo. No one appeared to be inside, she said.


FBI spokesman Michael D. Leverock said Friday morning in a statement that the agency “initiated a court-authorized search” at about 9 a.m. as “part of the investigation into the disappearance of Isabella Hellmann.” Leverock said the agency would not be providing any documents or details for now but added that “there is no public safety issue related to the search.”

Asked specially if the agency could speak to the whereabouts of either Hellmann or her husband, Leverock had no comment.

More at link: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/c...man-reported-lost-sea/J7zcm5N35gQs7Yvm0OVffO/
Florida does have a limited "grandparents' rights" law, but I think if he isn't charged or convicted, they probably can't do much with it. Maybe they could though...
A month later is late for a search IMO. Especially given what has been noted in above posts...

Seems like it could be more for show and completeness rather than actually gathering evidence...
As he is the baby's father and the husband of the (presumed dead) mother, how could her family legally get custody of the baby from him? Is there some provision in Florida or other state law that would allow them to override his parental rights?

Not a legal expert here, but I don't think they can. Even if Bennett were to be found guilty of a crime, if the baby is currently in the care of one of his family members or even someone simply close to him in another country, I think the process of trying to get her back to the US would be long and arduous. And the longer she is in care of someone associated with Bennett and away from Isabella's family, the less likely a judge would rule in their favor, IMO.

I'm afraid I haven't read the relevant comments on the family's FB page yet. But I do not believe the family is necessarily expecting to get full custody of the baby. I think they just want to see their granddaughter/niece, really the only tangible piece of their now likely deceased daughter/sister they can hold on to. Isabella appears to have been close to her family, while Bennett was often away from her and their daughter, which leads me to believe the baby probably spent quite a bit of time with Isabella's family, and they are used to having her around.

I think it is reasonable to think that perhaps it was the way the family reacted to the news of Isabella's disappearance and accusations they made against Bennett that made by them that prompted him to leave the country so quickly, declaring that they would never see the baby again. Due to the subsequent turn of events, maybe the family is now regretting some of their actions over the last month. It is also possible, IMO, that Bennett simply wanted get out of Dodge because he was indeed involved in Isabella's disappearance and was running away.

But I do not believe Isabella's family is asking for the return of their granddaughter/niece to be vengeful or out of spite. I think they are truly grieving not only the disappearance of a beloved family member, but also the potential permanent loss of another. Some of the things they have done, said, or have been accused of doing since the incident may appear bizarre or inappropriate, but at least to me, they only appear to be genuinely grieving.
Two interesting comments.
"I don't think the FBI is going to go out of their way and waste their resources on something that's a dead end street," said Pine Ridge resident Mike Bianca, "I'm sure they checked every stone and after a month later they probably flipped a bunch of stones and found something and said, 'Okay, let's go back over here cause something doesn't jive,'."

Bianca said he would often see Bennett and Lewis pushing their child in a stroller around the neighborhood but insisted, "There was no holding hands, none of that, just walking like normal people do. I didn't see any conversations between each other or anything like that." "Not healthy," is how Bianca described the relationship, "but I don't know about "odd", sometimes you just don't want to talk to someone, I guess."
On the other hand, my neighbors would likely describe us as peculiar but I think my family rocks lol. Perception isn't always reality.... though he does seem to be a non sympathetic figure in the eyes of others...
I'm pretty sure my neighbors would say they are confused about why i am in the relationship i am, and how did it last so long. People only see what you let them see. Neighbor accountings don't mean much to me, they are opinions based on random observations. Maybe they only went out and walked to cool off after fighting. We don't know.
Individual insights are always hearsay imo so I take what the neighbors say with a grain of salt.

However, when the individual insights collectively have the same sentiment... this is when I raise my brows.

No one has come forward and spoke highly of this relationship except Bennet when he said "she was his soul mate".

Friends, Family, Neighbors, her boss, colleagues... have all shed light on the relationship echoing similar sentiments.

BUT just because there were evident issues in the relationship doesn't mean he murder her. Just unfortunate everyone is skeptical in the event this is a tragic accident.
A month later is late for a search IMO. Especially given what has been noted in above posts...

Seems like it could be more for show and completeness rather than actually gathering evidence...

Yeah, 20 agents.
What would 20 agents be doing in one condo aside from tripping over each other? Let's think this out.
Are we 100% sure she was on the boat in the first place?
She called her sister from the boat on the satellite phone on mother's day around 8:30 pm and then he called for help and jumped in the life raft at 1:30 am Monday.
I think the one thing that keeps me suspicious is that they were apparently not in agreement about where to live, nor had they ever consistently lived together. So her disappearing would have resolved any of those issues for him.

He left Australia in Feb 2016, declaring that he planned to live in the UK for a year and return in less than 12 months, according to the PBP. At that point, Isabella would have been about 4 months pregnant (baby born in July).

He had citizenship in Australia, and more than one person has quoted him as saying he had his 'life', or needed to get on with his 'life', outside the US. So her disappearing just has that convenience factor that you wouldn't normally find in newlyweds.

"Mr Mayer said: “He said, ‘Yeah. I’m going to be leaving for England. I’ve got to move on with my life’." https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/36720...s-washed-overboard-from-their-honeymoon-boat/

"he needs to understand he just can’t leave and take (her),” Cortes said. “He said he understands but he’s got his life in *Australia.”

Bennet said: “We were planning a great life together": ie they weren't living it?


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