GUILTY FL - Jennifer Alfonso, 27, murdered in her South Miami home, 8 Aug 2013

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Derek Medina chooses not to testify in Facebook murder trial

MIAMI - A South Florida man who claims that he fatally shot his wife in self-defense and then posted a picture of her body on Facebook won't testify in his murder trial.

Derek Medina told Miami-Dade County Judge Yvonne Colodny that he didn't wish to testify Tuesday.


Closing arguments began later in the afternoon after the defense rested its case.

Defense attorney Saam Zangeneh argued during the trial that Medina shot Alfonso in self-defense after she charged at him with a knife. Zangeneh pointed to Facebook messages between Alfonso and friend Kelly Harwood that he argued spoke to Alfonso's mental state at the time of the shooting.

Assistant state attorney Leah Klein reminded jurors that Medina "emptied the clip" when he shot Alfonso.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Um..this isn't how it works. Defense: We've advised Mr. Medina that he will not be testifying.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Judge now addressing Medina to make sure it was his decision to not testify.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Defense now moves for Judgement of Acquittal, specifically on the child neglect charge.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Judge denies JoA.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Closings: State will go first then Defense. State gets final rebuttal closing.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Defense agrees to not mention "Bath Salts" or Battered Spouse Syndrome in their closing

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Judge to defense: Do not in any way intimate to the jury that the State somehow played "hide the ball".

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - State will take 45 min to 1 hour for each Closing. (Could be up to 2 hrs total for them) Judge giving Def same...2 hours.

@courtchatter: All rise for the jury! #DerekMedina
@nataliacbs4: Victim Jennifer Alfonso's mother crying in court during State's closing argument #DerekMedina trial

@nataliacbs4: State argues for child neglect charge first, while holding up picture of Jennifer Alfonso's bloody body. #FacebookKiller trial

@nataliacbs4: State going through all possible charges, arguing why this was first degree murder, not 2nd degree or manslaughter #FacebookKiller trial

@nataliacbs4: "He wanted to kill Jennifer Alfonso which brings us to first degree murder"- prosecutor Leah Klein #FacebookKiller trial

@nataliacbs4: State asserts #DerekMedina closed step-daughter's door & tucked gun in waistband so she wouldn't see it before going downstairs...

@nataliacbs4: State asserts that was premeditation. And that #DerekMedina told cops he shot Alfonso "6-8 times. With everything that was in there"

@Miamicurt: Prosecutor Leah Klein in closing: Derek Medina "was angry and he wanted her dead" before shooting wife 8 times, then posting FB photo.

@courtchatter: State has finished the first of their 2 closings. Judge calls for 10 min break before defense begins. #DerekMedina
@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Defense has an exhibit the State says there has been no testimony to establish.

@johnturchin: HOLD ON..Defense wants to use blown up photos not in evidence to show knife handle during its Closings. Judge concerned "this is misleading'

@courtchatter: Jury heading in for defense closing argument. #DerekMedina

@Miamicurt: Defense in Facebook Killer trial starts closing raising questions about police thoroughness in investigation, tells jurors case isn't easy.

@nataliacbs4: Defense to jury- "you have to ask yourselves this question. Why didn't (police) do a more thorough investigation?" #FacebookKiller trial

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Defense Closing: "Once you realize this knife was in HER hand, that's a game changer."

@courtchatter: Hmm.. #DerekMedina - Def Closing: If you take what my client said you come back with Guilty, Happy Thanksgiving...but you can't do that.

@courtchatter: Defense Closing: #DerekMedina's statement needs to be questioned.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Def Closing: At the end of the day you have to do the right thing, sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing to do

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - In Closing Arguments, the defense says his client lied about boxing record, says you can't believe what he told police

@nataliacbs4: Defense: (Alfonso) pushed him and pushed him. She pushed him too far. Pushed him to point of no return #DerekMedina

@nataliacbs4: Defense on #DerekMedina posting pic of body on Facebook."Why did he post it? I have no idea. It doesn't matter because it's not a whodunnit"

@courtchatter: Defense asking jury to come back with not guilty on all 3 counts. #DerekMedina
@courtchatter: #DerekMedina had more he wanted his attorney to say.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - Defense closing is finished. 10 min break, then State rebuttal closings.

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina very vocal in court right now. Judge sent jury out then put on the record that Medina had spoken out "Your honor, your honor"

@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - While the judge as putting that on record, Medina had more to say. She shut him down.
@nataliacbs4: Jury in #DerekMedina trial has indicated they will deliberate into the night. Court ordering dinner for them
@MarissaNBC6: State's rebuttal: Medina's defense tries to pin a square peg in round hole; reminds jury of Facebook posting @nbc6
So right at the start of the Prosecution final closing the livestream cuts off to show a reporter in the hallway practicing for his spot on the 5:00 news. This guy has been annoying at noon and 5:00 every day of the trial. Thank goodness for tweets.

Well it seems all the reporters left to do 5:00 news. Damn
So right at the start of the Prosecution final closing the livestream cuts off to show a reporter in the hallway practicing for his spot on the 5:00 news. This guy has been annoying at noon and 5:00 every day of the trial. Thank goodness for tweets.

Well it seems all the reporters left to do 5:00 news. Damn

This one is a local CBS news reporter:

@MicheleGillen: In courtroom for closing arguments in Medina/Facebook trial.
@MarissaNBC6: State's Rebuttal: It's hard to say your wife is attacking you, when on video your wife is not attacking you @nbc6 #FacebookKiller trial
@MarissaNBC6: State: Jennifer can't come to court & explain how her husband executed her, but she speaks through evidence, & evidence doesn't lie @nbc6
@Miamicurt: ASA Dunn on whether J. Alfonso had knife before Medina shot her in Facebook Killer case: "We would have found it. It was never there."
@MarissaNBC6: Closing arguments end in #FacebookKiller trial. After a recess, jury will decide whether to deliberate tonight or wait til Wednesday @nbc6
@nataliacbs4: State has rested its case. Jury will soon hear instructions and has indicated they will deliberate into the night. #FacebookKiller trial
@MicheleGillen: Jury in Derek Medina trial being read instructions by judge - they intend to deliberate
A couple of interesting statements made by the defense during closing:

"@courtchatter: Defense Closing: #DerekMedina's statement needs to be questioned."

If defense wants his statements questioned, he should've taken the stand to answer those questions.


"@courtchatter: #DerekMedina - In Closing Arguments, the defense says his client lied about boxing record, says you can't believe what he told police"

Then we can't believe what he told police about a knife and him gunning down his wife in self defense either. They can't have it both ways.

I don't see a shred of reasonable doubt presented during this trial. I will be shocked if DM gets anything less than 1st degree murder. And anyone who watched the pretrial hearings knows when the verdict is read, DM is bound to lose it and start yelling.

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