FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #10

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My way of thinking, is to keep it simple.

Who kills women?
The men who love or hate them, husband, ex, boy friend.
Jennifer's boy friend has been ruled out by LE.
Sexual offenders in Jennifer's address area:
Over 100 noted.
Abductions in Orlando, Fl area:
No stats listed.
Human sexual trafficking:
This is well reported.
Serial Killers:
There are many noted, but none near the time period.

This from one of the earliest news articles on Jennifer's disappearance.
It says her daughter, age 26, lived alone in a condo in the same condo complex and that Tues. morning, her doorknob was wiggled.
Were fliers posted in Spanish in the area around the condo? Near where the construction men were picked up for work on the condo?
Were the fliers distributed in the area where a lot of the men worked?
Was there a favorite place to hang out for the workers?
A bar, restaurant, convenience store?

If other workers were from other countries, those that did not speak English or Spanish, have fliers been made in those languages?
Has a predominently Hispanic newspaper, radio and tv station been involved in the
reporting of Jennifer's disappearance?

I would think that 99 pecent of the men who worked these construction projects
are hard working, decent people trying to make a living
would turn in a tip about Jennifer.
Could the tip line be answered by someone speaking Spanish or another language? Or a dual message?
I believe they did reach out to the spanish speaking community...

does anyone else remember this?

I'm pretty sure the Kesses confirmed that...

UCF do you know?
I know there were fliers in English, Spanish and Creole. I also know there was a PSA done by an attorney there in Orlando in both English and Spanish. I'm unsure of the coverage by Spanish tv and also unsure if fliers are still up in Spanish around the area.
I have followed this case for a long time. It's always been my belief that Jennifer must have been drugged or she would have made noise. Perhaps a couple of ruthless workers pulled her into an empty apartment as she left for work and belted her with chloroform. Or they chloroformed her in the shower and dried her off which is why her father said a wet towel was found. She would have been very vulnerable in the shower.
I wonder if the apartment and hallway were tested for inhalent drugs.
I have followed this case for a long time. It's always been my belief that Jennifer must have been drugged or she would have made noise. Perhaps a couple of ruthless workers pulled her into an empty apartment as she left for work and belted her with chloroform. Or they chloroformed her in the shower and dried her off which is why her father said a wet towel was found. She would have been very vulnerable in the shower.
I wonder if the apartment and hallway were tested for inhalent drugs.

I don't believe it was. I think that family and friends were in her apartment shortly after she was reported missing and the police did not notice anything unusual so didn't treat it as a crimescene and therefore loosing anything if something happened in the apartment.
I stand corrected. The car was parked at about 1:00 p.m. on Jan. 24, 2006. The car was discovered on Jan. 26, 2006 slightly over a mile from her condominium.
http://www.jenniferkesse.com/ Joyce and Drew Kesse's updated letter mentions this.

And she was at home the night of 1/23/06, then disappeared, from all accounts, the morning of 1/24/06.
She did go to work 1/23/06, but drove from her boy friends house straight to work.

Hi - don't take this in a bad way - but the sequence of events here doesn't match my recollection - I'm just wondering if the time line changed.

I *think* I remember her and her boyfriend going on a vacation together and her returning home and that they talked on the phone that night, next day her car was moved.

This is probably neither here nor there...
My Theory:
Jennifer Kesse is home two days after a vacation trip.
She is up, showered, ready to get dressed for work.
The doorbell rings. She goes to the door. She either has
a peephole or she asks who it is.
The answer satisfies her.
It is either a neighbor she knows, someone from
the construction site she trusted, the owner of
the condo renovation, one of her brother's friends or
someone dressed as a police officer OR
someone who says she must move her car
otherwise she will be blocked in by
delivery truck, cement mixer, etc.
The door is opened.
She is either immediately abducted
or allowed to dress in sweats and
is forced to her car.
Force is a gun or knife or a tazer.
She is forced to drive to a location
very close by.
Something bad happens.
She is either killed
she is captured for
sex trafficking.
Her car is returned two days
later, left very close to
her condo.
The person who left the car
is caught on security camera,
but the camera never catches
his/her face.
Will we see Jennifer K again?
I pray we do.
But, I doubt we will.

Some good thought behind this.

Something else I would like to add - I've always wondered if the construction workers had access to master keys, the kind of key that can open up all of the doors. If you live in an apartment area - you'll know what I mean.
Hi - don't take this in a bad way - but the sequence of events here doesn't match my recollection - I'm just wondering if the time line changed.

I *think* I remember her and her boyfriend going on a vacation together and her returning home and that they talked on the phone that night, next day her car was moved.

This is probably neither here nor there...

Jenn and her boyfriend did fly to St Croix from Ft Lauderdale. They returned on Sunday, Jan 22, 2006 to Ft Lauderdale. Jenn spent the night at Rob's in South Fla, and then drove on the morning of Jan. 23, 2006 to straight to work in Ocoee, FL, worked a full day, and left work around 6pm. She spoke with her dad, mom, best friend, brother, brother's friend, and finally Rob around 10pm on 1/23/06 where she was tired and in bed. The next morning, Jenn did not show for work on 1/24/06. Her car was parked at the Huntington on the Green Condos at the intersection of Americana and Texas in Orlando, FL at approximately 12 noon as the time stamp on the camera was never changed for daylight savings time when they were suppose to "fall back."

I do wonder if there was master key as well, as that could potentially explain no signs of forced entry if indeed she was abducted from her apartment.
In reference to the workers having access to master keys, I am sure this is possible. I recall a case in Kansas City in which two women were abducted from an apt (an attempt was made on a third woman) by a man who was a subcontractor and had a job painting at these complexes.

He had been given a master so he could do his work and made a copy of it so he was able to get into these apts.
I think it is very possible that the workers had keys which one of them used to enter Jennifer's apartment. If that is the case, it is very possible that this did happen in the middle of the night. If the perpetrator had a gun there might not be signs of a struggle in the apartment. As well, the person or persons had lots of time to make sure nothing was amiss and could have even staged the shower. I know that sounds far fetched however they would have wanted to make sure it looked as though the abduction took place away from the condo, otherwise workers would be the first suspects. It is very unfortunate that the condo was never processed. I think they missed investigating a very important possibility.
I think it is very possible that the workers had keys which one of them used to enter Jennifer's apartment. If that is the case, it is very possible that this did happen in the middle of the night. If the perpetrator had a gun there might not be signs of a struggle in the apartment. As well, the person or persons had lots of time to make sure nothing was amiss and could have even staged the shower. I know that sounds far fetched however they would have wanted to make sure it looked as though the abduction took place away from the condo, otherwise workers would be the first suspects. It is very unfortunate that the condo was never processed. I think they missed investigating a very important possibility.

I respectfully bolded a portion of your quote for emphasis. I lived in Orlando for many years, and lived there during the time Jennifer disappeared. I would sometimes see Jennifer's parents with their signs during am or pm rush hour. Until I read your post I had not been aware the condo had not been processed as a crime scene. In fact,I don't remember reading much at all about the condo,other than what her parents reported about her clothes laid out on the bed, etc. This greatly disturbs me - if true. How many clues were missed, and lost forever, because of this omission? I am truly appalled!
to Crazy Canuck - I did not mean to imply that you were wrong about the condo not being processed. Without saying it, I guess I am hoping that OPD simply has not provided info that they did process the condo because they did not want to divulge that info. I am hoping that OPD, which in my time in Orlando of 21 years, were always lauded as being thorough. And not processing the condo would definitely not be very thorough!
to Crazy Canuck - I did not mean to imply that you were wrong about the condo not being processed. Without saying it, I guess I am hoping that OPD simply has not provided info that they did process the condo because they did not want to divulge that info. I am hoping that OPD, which in my time in Orlando of 21 years, were always lauded as being thorough. And not processing the condo would definitely not be very thorough!

I would think LE would have processed Jennifer's condo as a crime scene. Check for the obvious, signs of foul play, fingerprints, blood, dna, that kind of thing.

Same thing with the car once is was discovered, check for signs of foul play, blood, dna.
I keep thinking, what if Jennifer was in one of those other condos. It seems many of them were being renovated. Hardly anyone actually lived in the condos at that time.
I know this theory has been mentioned before.
It just seems possible.
Person comes to the door. She opens the door. That person overpowers her or uses a stun gun, transports her to a condo down the way.
When the dogs were used at the car scene, they tracked back to the condos.

The car was parked not far from where Jennifer's condo was. I would hope all those apartments were checked as well.

Then the person who parked the car: I am sure we have all studied the video.
There are many theories on this person as well. It is a woman or man? Is that their hair or a cap?
One thing seems true. That person is short, thin, wearing light colored pants.
It says to me, not a construction worker, not in light colored pants. Unless of course, I am only seeing this from my part of the country.
Construction workers wear jeans, denim, occasionally a dark khaki Carthart pant around here.

I hope Jennifer is found. Soon.

I would think LE would have processed Jennifer's condo as a crime scene. Check for the obvious, signs of foul play, fingerprints, blood, dna, that kind of thing.

Same thing with the car once is was discovered, check for signs of foul play, blood, dna.

I don't know if the condo was processed or not. I was referring to the fact that the condo had been compromised before the police arrived because the building manager had already been in there to check on her, then her brother and her parents. It has been discussed previously how all these people disturbed a possible crime scene. Does anyone know if they processed the condo for fingerprints, dna, etc. ?
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