FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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This is a strange case! Going by cellphone being turned off - crime happened at night. Yet, going by clothing laid out and wet towels, crime happened in AM. Yet, there's no sign of any crime taking place. Add to this, we see her car being returned and carefully parked by an unknown male. Meanwhile, where she lives, lots of empty apts with workers coming and going... Add to this a person at work who was overly interested her... :thinking::pullhair:
If someone else took a shower in her place, there may have been and mostly was, hair in the trap. I don't think anyone other than Jennifer did, only because, who takes the time when kidnapping someone. There was still water and dampness in the shower, and the parents got there in the afternoon of the day she went missing. So how long will the shower stay wet if, someone took it at night. I live in FL and my shower is dry in a few hours because of air conditioning running and fans, ect. I don't understand why her cloths are laid out, unless, she took the shower, was interrupted and put something else on in a hurry to get out. Her keys are gone, but the mace is left behind. Lots of questions to answer, but the biggest is, who did this, who knew she was there alone and took this chance? I do think it was a worker, or someone who knew a worker and saw her. I do think the person at the gate, is a person who may have a bike helmet on and the pants tied. I don't think that they knew the whole story when they drove that car to the parking lot.
In all these reams of posts I have posted several links through the years and discussed, etc. I don't want to seem like I'm trying to divert attention so I'm just saying google Jennifer Kesse POI Blowups and its first or one of first results that come up, it's a very large web page so these days with all these little phones and smaller higher density screens I imagine the results wouldn't be helpful. But it would be great for you take a look and hopefully is helpful to you. The work has been posted for nine years or so now. I think the change in devices people use just makes it harder and harder to see the detail. I just had a 19' CRT shipped to me, had to buy on ebay, not even made anymore. But the detail was exact.

I'll be glad to discuss here if you're able to take a look.

I did that last night and I think I found what you are discussing, but I don't see a face looking at me or someone turned around. The pics as you say are very overly enlarged and not good quality so it is hard to tell what you are seeing. But thanks for the reply. Just thought maybe you had better ones we could look at. I bet LE and FBI have great ones and still no answers. :(
If someone else took a shower in her place, there may have been and mostly was, hair in the trap. I don't think anyone other than Jennifer did, only because, who takes the time when kidnapping someone. There was still water and dampness in the shower, and the parents got there in the afternoon of the day she went missing. So how long will the shower stay wet if, someone took it at night. I live in FL and my shower is dry in a few hours because of air conditioning running and fans, ect. I don't understand why her cloths are laid out, unless, she took the shower, was interrupted and put something else on in a hurry to get out. Her keys are gone, but the mace is left behind. Lots of questions to answer, but the biggest is, who did this, who knew she was there alone and took this chance? I do think it was a worker, or someone who knew a worker and saw her. I do think the person at the gate, is a person who may have a bike helmet on and the pants tied. I don't think that they knew the whole story when they drove that car to the parking lot.

Skully, you don't think the car parker knew the "whole story" but, surely, he'd know it very, very shortly, unless he caught the first bus to Acapulco immediately after parking the car. Even by the time he parked the car, though, there were flyers everywhere, people handing out fliers, Jennifer's face all over. Everywhere. That happened virtually immediately after her family knew she was missing. Soon thereafter, there was a description of the car itself on every newscast in central Florida. It's just not possible to me that he didn't have a clue that something was amiss. Perhaps, though, he did know that something was amiss, but did it anyway/did not come foreward? Not directly related to the crime, but had to have known about it, if not right at the time, then very shortly after parking her vehicle.

Sorry for the rambling -hope it makes sense.
Yes, I think the posts about the greatly enlarged photos convince me that the person was wearing a bike helmet.
Oops - I forgot about the mace being left conspicuously out in plain sight - when I mentioned a few posts above This is a strange case!....
Just can't shake the thought that the apt scene was staged.... That there was no struggle..... no forensics in car or apt, no? Does not look like the kind of crime a worker would have pulled off. Seem like she left with someone she knew or at least trusted... but wait a minute, it's someone she did not fully trust - someone who might not take no for an answer when they return and she does not what him to stay or enter her apt - so she leaves the mace out just in case he gets pushy when they return..... Now that makes sense.... Okay, you know where this reasoning takes me.... who fits profile of this kind of person? Someone who might have a thing for you, but you are not interested and figure you can talk to him and tell him you're not interested....
This is a strange case! Going by cellphone being turned off - crime happened at night. Yet, going by clothing laid out and wet towels, crime happened in AM. Yet, there's no sign of any crime taking place. Add to this, we see her car being returned and carefully parked by an unknown male. Meanwhile, where she lives, lots of empty apts with workers coming and going... Add to this a person at work who was overly interested her... :thinking::pullhair:

This has been discussed a lot but for some fresh opinions - were the clothes laid out in a way that precluded sleeping, as in they couldn't have been laid out night before and must have been laid out after she awoke? I mean can't she lay them out for various reasons and then for any reason whether forced or willing she left the condo? Were they all over the bed so she would have to put them back up to go to bed?
This is a strange case! Going by cellphone being turned off - crime happened at night. Yet, going by clothing laid out and wet towels, crime happened in AM. Yet, there's no sign of any crime taking place. Add to this, we see her car being returned and carefully parked by an unknown male. Meanwhile, where she lives, lots of empty apts with workers coming and going... Add to this a person at work who was overly interested her... :thinking::pullhair:

BBM I know about the coworkers alibi with going to jail over the ticket, but did he have an alibi for the time that her car was being dropped off?
I did that last night and I think I found what you are discussing, but I don't see a face looking at me or someone turned around. The pics as you say are very overly enlarged and not good quality so it is hard to tell what you are seeing. But thanks for the reply. Just thought maybe you had better ones we could look at. I bet LE and FBI have great ones and still no answers. :(

well several things. First we have what the police have. They are stills from the surveillance camera and they are what they are. Granted the police gave up but I didn't.

Secondly the reaction is very typical of most people and I understand it. I worked for months on these images and part of that was blogging post after post about my efforts and findings. In it I describe in extreme detail the various resolutions, screen sizes, type of screen, etc. that I dealt with to try to get different looks from the image enhancements.

Thirdly, months of work (evening and weekend hours as I could spare) involved permutation after permutation of enlargement, brightness, and contrast adjustments. The work was done at what is now considered very low resolution, 1024 x 768 on a 19" glass monitor. That is very little data spread out over a wide area. Basically every pixel meant something. There weren't that many to begin with. But what the eye can't see close together can see when enlarged and spread out. Of course everyone knows what a magnifying glass is and how it used to see what you can't see without it, and this is same thing, but digitally I learned this lesson back in the day when I was writing scanner drivers for the preeminent DOS paint product in the beginning, ZSoft PC Paintbrush. I also wrote some pixel enhancement programs, so I spent a great deal of time dealing with smallest detail of images.

Anyway one day I working on a scanner, might have been Ricoh or HP or who knows, we wrote a driver for every one, but I scanned in some text and it was small and unreadable, not even squinty readable. I was working on an enlargement feature, I don't remember the details, and blew it up and lo and behold it was crystal clear text. I never would have guessed you could enlarge things and make them so clear to see. So that stuck with me, although I had no use for it until we had these images where there isn't much discernable detail.

Now as an example, because this has been said by many with what little feedback I received, I posted a part of the still that was recognizable, the time stamp, and I blew it up by the same dimensions on other portions of the image. And I posted it on that page as a reference. If enlargement blurred the result into something unrecognizable or introduced phantom images (a perfect back of a bike helmet or a perfect outline of a tie down thigh holster, phantom? please) then you would look at the enlarged time stamp and go, you know what, it's overly enlarged and I can't read the numbers, and oh by the way there's a phantom badge in there too. But no, you can read the time stamp perfectly well and the image is just larger.

Now why did I did I enlarge the sizes that I did of various adjustments of contrast and brightness? It's a lengthy trial and error effort. You have to start with the original again each time of course, once altered any further alteration is debilitating, but you try and focused only on a square inch or two of an image and you say is that bringing out more detail than my last attempt? Or did I just push it beyond what it has and it's blurry? And you do that over and over and over. That's how I found this stuff in three stills. Police aren't going to do this and I doubt anyone on a government paycheck is going to be given the time to do it. That leaves me.

Now I wrote repeatedly in that web page, in two other threads I have about analyzing it about the pitfalls of what type of display is needed to see the images. I understand this will be difficult for most people, as I said yesterday I had to buy a surplus 19" CRT off of eBay yesterday because mine broke years ago and these dang LCD things are next to worthless. But what am I gonna do? They don't even make real monitors like that anymore so while it was certainly needed by me to find this stuff it may or may not be seen clearly enough by others to deal with it. I did experiment with my big screen tv several years ago and showed the enlarged bike helmet image on it and the outline was crystal clear, unmistakeable back of bike helmet. But that was an outline thing and I'm not sure how the rest of everything else would show on it. The thigh holster is also an outline thing and is just as unmistakeably crytal clear.

People talk about enlarged and blurry. I am telling you that the strap from the holster up to the belt had a bevelled connector that was literally awesome to look at. I mean you could see every edge of the bevelling. It's just something that's hard to explain to people that see a bunch of dark shadows and go blurry. But that's what that 19" CRT could do. That image is enlarged so big that the holster takes up the entire 19" screen.

That's why it's enlarged to that size. It was for me to discover stuff. I don't know what the rest of the world's devices can do with it, but it was magical discovering the secrets hidden in those POI stills.

Thanks for taking a look and the feedback and the chance to explain it. The whole point of this is to unravel some secrets about Jennifer's disappearance.

Thank you for the explanation. To the untrained eye, (mine) we don't see all that you see some times. You did an awesome job. But I do see the helmet. I do see the keys or object on his side. I don't see where the chin strap is though, but once again, that is my mind's eye that doesn't recognize it. Thank you
Skully, you don't think the car parker knew the "whole story" but, surely, he'd know it very, very shortly, unless he caught the first bus to Acapulco immediately after parking the car. Even by the time he parked the car, though, there were flyers everywhere, people handing out fliers, Jennifer's face all over. Everywhere. That happened virtually immediately after her family knew she was missing. Soon thereafter, there was a description of the car itself on every newscast in central Florida. It's just not possible to me that he didn't have a clue that something was amiss. Perhaps, though, he did know that something was amiss, but did it anyway/did not come foreward? Not directly related to the crime, but had to have known about it, if not right at the time, then very shortly after parking her vehicle.

Sorry for the rambling -hope it makes sense.

At some point he knew what he was involved in, no doubt at all. But I think given this was a kidnapping and possible murder, knowing that, who returns the car and just walks away, past video camera and doesn't worry. I think someone paid him a small amount, to do a favor. I also think that there is more than one person who saw that photo on TV and knows who that person is. They don't want to get involved, maybe not here legally, or afraid of police, who knows? but they recognize him.
Oops - I forgot about the mace being left conspicuously out in plain sight - when I mentioned a few posts above This is a strange case!....
Just can't shake the thought that the apt scene was staged.... That there was no struggle..... no forensics in car or apt, no? Does not look like the kind of crime a worker would have pulled off. Seem like she left with someone she knew or at least trusted... but wait a minute, it's someone she did not fully trust - someone who might not take no for an answer when they return and she does not what him to stay or enter her apt - so she leaves the mace out just in case he gets pushy when they return..... Now that makes sense.... Okay, you know where this reasoning takes me.... who fits profile of this kind of person? Someone who might have a thing for you, but you are not interested and figure you can talk to him and tell him you're not interested....

Maybe it wasn't a big struggle. Maybe she gets out of the shower, intending to wear those cloths, laid out. But she hears a noise in another room and surprised that person, (robbery or intruder) and she is forced to grab something to put on, (robe, towel) and he comes into the room. IDK, he tells her to get something on, get your keys, and she remembers the mace and in a struggle it is pulled off the key chain. IDK, just thinking here. So he still had to either drive there, walk there, ride a bike there, or rode with someone to get to her building. I think he rode to the job site with someone or was staying there. He forces her to get into her car or she drives, and she is never seen again. But I don't think she went far, because of the car being returned so close and early on. She may have only gone to another location a few miles away. Just some of the things that I think.
Thank you for the explanation. To the untrained eye, (mine) we don't see all that you see some times. You did an awesome job. But I do see the helmet. I do see the keys or object on his side. I don't see where the chin strap is though, but once again, that is my mind's eye that doesn't recognize it. Thank you

oh, that's great. I'm glad you can see some of it.

I wrote this about the helmet many years ago: "The profile is amazingly clear in still 2. With that drop down, double hump, and zig zagging pattern on the back down from there, I would not be surprised if it could be identified as a specific make and model bike helmet."

I am currently taking a look at the images on my normal PC setup. The display is one of those normal elongated LCD monitors. I once asked years ago when the screens stopped being square why they were all elongated. The salesman (yes, this was when there were still stores and salesmen and you talked to them) said it was so you could watch movies. I said why would I want to watch movies on my PC screen? I want a PC screen, not a movie screen. Well, I have a movie screen because apparently everyone watches movies on their PC.

Anyway, I have a typical LCD screen and I took a look at resolution and it wasn't bad, something like 1366x768. With the wider screen that's what will have to do for 1024x678. But the image outline like for helmet is blurrier than I worked with on CRT. The outline is clear enough, no doubt, but for example from the black helmet out there are dark gray blocks and then another layer out slightly lighter gray blocks and so on. It extends out about four layers. I'll take a look with an image product, I use Paint Shop Pro (very low cost and old software but I did all my work with this.) Pretty much the same, so this looks to be an LCD effect to me. For example with this I can't see the different shade of helmet over the hair. So that's a shame because it's much sharper and realistic when you can the various textures and sharpness of edges. You wouldn't be able to identify a specific bike helmet and model displayed on this.

The object on his side (his thigh) you can see the entire holster shape (I checked my blog and from my research I wrote X-26 Taser or 9mm). I haven't looked at these images closely since about 2010 it seems, apparently when my CRT died and these LCD things are worthless for this. Anyway I'm going to go down the web page and point out where the holster shape is clearly seen: pic 6, below SECURITY shirt - in top right corner of gate you have his head. Directly below is the gatelock obscuring his shirt and directly below the gatelock is the holster. From left side going down and over to right is belt connector and strap to top of holster, shape is obscured here but you can clearly see V connector thigh strap from holster to right. pic 9, below flashlight - this is not too bad for the helmet shape. The helmet dropping sharply down and back up forming a notch then curving around with a double hump in back then zig zagging sloped inward to head. I would expect you could rule out a large percentage of bike helmets from that back shape.or more positively rule in a certain set of models. Continuing down you have the gatelock and below it, a better display of the holster. It looks like a wider web thigh strap below the V connector, and two narrower straps exiting from right side of holster. There's a bright white flash across the bottom of the holster but you can make out roughly narrow at top with right side straight down but left side gradually widens to left. It appears pretty close to me to be similar to a Don Hume brand holster, I have images posted on the web page. pic 15, below x26 taser - here's a slightly better overall pattern. It's more clearly seen where the bottom of the holster is. pic 16 - an even better outline of the holster, bottom clearly distinguishable. Following that are an x26 and a couple of similar tie down holsters. pic 21, below blowup of security guard on bike - this was my massive blowup for holster and it renders poorly on LCD. This was a beautifully detailed image of holster on a CRT screen which I guess I'll get to see again in a view days, CRT on way.

Now let me help you with third still. This is just one of those things that you don't see until you know it's there, then you see it immediately after that. Next image down is third still as released by police. Note the light colored (again on this camera anyway) car in upper right corner. Look at the left rear wheel. Well you can't see it, there's a fence pole over it. To the left of that fence pole is a brownish tree with palms sprouting up. To left of that tree, and in second grid of the fence, is a light colored (at least on this camera) shirt with head just next to tree. He was said in beginning to be partially obscured by tree. And that was that. But we can clearly see that his head is in that second grid over, second down from top.

Now let's take a look at the blowup. The blowup shows only a portion of the top grid, so his head first full grid down, second one in. The first grid is a tree. So basically what poi has done is walk by the gate, by the tree, and still walking? No, He has turned around and is looking back through the gate across the pool to Jennifer's car he just parked. His head aligns right down the right side of the grid, next to the tree. You see sunglasses, chinstrap, nose, and a round hat which is his bike helmet. The solid marking on his neck above the shirt and below the helmet seen in stills one and two is actually clearly visible here as well below his chinstrap.

In fact it's a pretty good rendition of his face to be honest.

Note in grid below near the top is a clear outline of a traditional police badge. My closeups of that were clipped out of that image. There are some other shadows but the police badge shape is very solid.

We should also note that this is a savvy perpetrator who just checked from behind a tree whether anyone noticed him parking the car and was looking at him.

Can you send me a link to your blog site. Also if we think he was on a bike can we explore who rides a bike in Orlando? Security, deliver something like mail or food or someone who just doesn't have a car. Also the white outfit, I am not going to box myself in with the notion he is a painter, he could be, but maybe that is what he wore that day. But what other kind of uniform could it fit. Waiter, medical, delivery person, IDK, but I think it would be good to explore these other ideas. I don't know Orlando well, but maybe go back in time, with google earth and see what was around and see what the uniforms were.
Oops - I forgot about the mace being left conspicuously out in plain sight - when I mentioned a few posts above This is a strange case!....
Just can't shake the thought that the apt scene was staged.... That there was no struggle..... no forensics in car or apt, no? Does not look like the kind of crime a worker would have pulled off. Seem like she left with someone she knew or at least trusted... but wait a minute, it's someone she did not fully trust - someone who might not take no for an answer when they return and she does not what him to stay or enter her apt - so she leaves the mace out just in case he gets pushy when they return..... Now that makes sense.... Okay, you know where this reasoning takes me.... who fits profile of this kind of person? Someone who might have a thing for you, but you are not interested and figure you can talk to him and tell him you're not interested....

OldSteve, this is excellent reasoning. Walked me right through it. It makes me think of the comments above regarding her colleague at work who was interested in her. If this did happen the evening before, would he then try to make it appear that something had happened to her in the morning instead (maybe stay the night, turn the shower on, etc.) then create an alibi by speeding? It seems a little contrived, which is my problem with all theories that aren't "she was taken on her way to the car when no one was around, due to the complex not being finished and before workers were scheduled to arrive, shoved into her car (maybe tased first?) and driven somewhere. Car wasn't "returned", but simply moved away from site to where she'd been taken, for obvious reasons." However, for an alternate theory, your post makes sense.

And here's what I don't understand: Apparently, her condo wasn't "processed", meaning that they never had forensics look over it, is that right? If so, why not? I can understand that it wouldn't be done right away, since LE wouldn't know immediately that she didn't just "walk away"; however, it did become apparent to them quite early on that that wasn't the case. So, why wasn't her condo unit processed? Can anyone help here?
This has been discussed a lot but for some fresh opinions - were the clothes laid out in a way that precluded sleeping, as in they couldn't have been laid out night before and must have been laid out after she awoke? I mean can't she lay them out for various reasons and then for any reason whether forced or willing she left the condo? Were they all over the bed so she would have to put them back up to go to bed?

Good point. I think that we heard initially that the clothes were laid out on the bed, which would preclude the night before, I would think. Also, a slightly different take: I do know that people often lay out clothing the night before, but I've always heard that as being laying out what one has already chosen to wear the next day. If I remember, her mother thought that she had laid out several outfits, in order to chose, which is generally something a woman would do in the morning, vs. evening, in my book.
Maybe it wasn't a big struggle. Maybe she gets out of the shower, intending to wear those cloths, laid out. But she hears a noise in another room and surprised that person, (robbery or intruder) and she is forced to grab something to put on, (robe, towel) and he comes into the room. IDK, he tells her to get something on, get your keys, and she remembers the mace and in a struggle it is pulled off the key chain. IDK, just thinking here. So he still had to either drive there, walk there, ride a bike there, or rode with someone to get to her building. I think he rode to the job site with someone or was staying there. He forces her to get into her car or she drives, and she is never seen again. But I don't think she went far, because of the car being returned so close and early on. She may have only gone to another location a few miles away. Just some of the things that I think.

Or, the person in the condo whilst she is in shower, spies her keychain on the counter, sees it has mace on it and separates it from the keychain, knowing that as they go to the car, he doesn't want it to be accessible. ?
oh, that's great. I'm glad you can see some of it.

I wrote this about the helmet many years ago: "The profile is amazingly clear in still 2. With that drop down, double hump, and zig zagging pattern on the back down from there, I would not be surprised if it could be identified as a specific make and model bike helmet."

I am currently taking a look at the images on my normal PC setup. The display is one of those normal elongated LCD monitors. I once asked years ago when the screens stopped being square why they were all elongated. The salesman (yes, this was when there were still stores and salesmen and you talked to them) said it was so you could watch movies. I said why would I want to watch movies on my PC screen? I want a PC screen, not a movie screen. Well, I have a movie screen because apparently everyone watches movies on their PC.

Anyway, I have a typical LCD screen and I took a look at resolution and it wasn't bad, something like 1366x768. With the wider screen that's what will have to do for 1024x678. But the image outline like for helmet is blurrier than I worked with on CRT. The outline is clear enough, no doubt, but for example from the black helmet out there are dark gray blocks and then another layer out slightly lighter gray blocks and so on. It extends out about four layers. I'll take a look with an image product, I use Paint Shop Pro (very low cost and old software but I did all my work with this.) Pretty much the same, so this looks to be an LCD effect to me. For example with this I can't see the different shade of helmet over the hair. So that's a shame because it's much sharper and realistic when you can the various textures and sharpness of edges. You wouldn't be able to identify a specific bike helmet and model displayed on this.

The object on his side (his thigh) you can see the entire holster shape (I checked my blog and from my research I wrote X-26 Taser or 9mm). I haven't looked at these images closely since about 2010 it seems, apparently when my CRT died and these LCD things are worthless for this. Anyway I'm going to go down the web page and point out where the holster shape is clearly seen: pic 6, below SECURITY shirt - in top right corner of gate you have his head. Directly below is the gatelock obscuring his shirt and directly below the gatelock is the holster. From left side going down and over to right is belt connector and strap to top of holster, shape is obscured here but you can clearly see V connector thigh strap from holster to right. pic 9, below flashlight - this is not too bad for the helmet shape. The helmet dropping sharply down and back up forming a notch then curving around with a double hump in back then zig zagging sloped inward to head. I would expect you could rule out a large percentage of bike helmets from that back shape.or more positively rule in a certain set of models. Continuing down you have the gatelock and below it, a better display of the holster. It looks like a wider web thigh strap below the V connector, and two narrower straps exiting from right side of holster. There's a bright white flash across the bottom of the holster but you can make out roughly narrow at top with right side straight down but left side gradually widens to left. It appears pretty close to me to be similar to a Don Hume brand holster, I have images posted on the web page. pic 15, below x26 taser - here's a slightly better overall pattern. It's more clearly seen where the bottom of the holster is. pic 16 - an even better outline of the holster, bottom clearly distinguishable. Following that are an x26 and a couple of similar tie down holsters. pic 21, below blowup of security guard on bike - this was my massive blowup for holster and it renders poorly on LCD. This was a beautifully detailed image of holster on a CRT screen which I guess I'll get to see again in a view days, CRT on way.

Now let me help you with third still. This is just one of those things that you don't see until you know it's there, then you see it immediately after that. Next image down is third still as released by police. Note the light colored (again on this camera anyway) car in upper right corner. Look at the left rear wheel. Well you can't see it, there's a fence pole over it. To the left of that fence pole is a brownish tree with palms sprouting up. To left of that tree, and in second grid of the fence, is a light colored (at least on this camera) shirt with head just next to tree. He was said in beginning to be partially obscured by tree. And that was that. But we can clearly see that his head is in that second grid over, second down from top.

Now let's take a look at the blowup. The blowup shows only a portion of the top grid, so his head first full grid down, second one in. The first grid is a tree. So basically what poi has done is walk by the gate, by the tree, and still walking? No, He has turned around and is looking back through the gate across the pool to Jennifer's car he just parked. His head aligns right down the right side of the grid, next to the tree. You see sunglasses, chinstrap, nose, and a round hat which is his bike helmet. The solid marking on his neck above the shirt and below the helmet seen in stills one and two is actually clearly visible here as well below his chinstrap.

In fact it's a pretty good rendition of his face to be honest.

Note in grid below near the top is a clear outline of a traditional police badge. My closeups of that were clipped out of that image. There are some other shadows but the police badge shape is very solid.

We should also note that this is a savvy perpetrator who just checked from behind a tree whether anyone noticed him parking the car and was looking at him.


Okay, I don't believe this at all: "There was a time when there were still stores and salesmen and you talked to them". Never heard of such a thing.

Secondly, I only wish I could see the images you speak of, but am totally computer-illiterate. However, considering what you see on them, did you send them to the police, or did you also send them to the FBI? (Wasn't the FBI working on this case at one time?) I ask this for obvious reasons....
Or, the person in the condo whilst she is in shower, spies her keychain on the counter, sees it has mace on it and separates it from the keychain, knowing that as they go to the car, he doesn't want it to be accessible. ?

Or he used it on her. Pepper spray blinds and incapacitates a person. But unless this was one of the workers with access to keys in the condos, I still think she opened the door to someone she knew. Maybe she let him in and things went bad and she went for the spray and he took it from her. Maybe she opened the door and he forced his way in with the pepper spray figuring in that scenario the same way. If a person can be subdued with the pepper spray it may account for very little in the way of a struggle or at least something that would not take long to clean up.
Good point. I think that we heard initially that the clothes were laid out on the bed, which would preclude the night before, I would think. Also, a slightly different take: I do know that people often lay out clothing the night before, but I've always heard that as being laying out what one has already chosen to wear the next day. If I remember, her mother thought that she had laid out several outfits, in order to chose, which is generally something a woman would do in the morning, vs. evening, in my book.

exactly, if you are going to bed, you don't want cloths on your bed as you sleep. They would get messed up and maybe fall onto the floor. So she got up, laid out her cloths, jumped in the shower and then something happened while she was in the shower or when she got done, but before she had a chance to dress for work.
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