FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #13

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Rob says years later that now he has a family and years have passed he has a different understanding of what happened. What could that possibly mean? What different understanding could you have?

Just to continue with what I realize seems mean J. seems to be slumming it a bit with that boyfriend. Now I will sound like a possessive auntie she could do better. If I was just to look at him I would think well, o.k. let me say it lager lout. He owns a bar now or did before COVID described as a dive or hole in the wall by some. Multiple owners how much could you possibly make? I sort of see an edge a tinge of easy anger in his face personally. He seems to be trying very hard to be measured and controlled when speaking and brings up the disagreement on the phone pointlessly and a way too much. He he is still showing signs of not moving on, of being attached (obsessed?) with J.

How does J get from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando? I am sure that has been said but I don't know.

It is exceedingly strange that the family mucks up a potential crime scene or evidence scene by having a command centre IN J's apt. Surely they would know better. J and her Mom watched Law and Order all the time and discussed it. They didn't think she had run away or committed suicide.

One depressing possibility with the POI driving the car is that the car was abandoned by J. or a kidnapper - Huntington had a reputation for stolen cars. Someone stole J's car and took it for pick up/processing at Huntington. Once they realized its provenance maybe BEFORE the Huntington residence called police they didn't go anywhere near it. In this scenario the poi is not a real suspect.

That Orlando police and her family cleared Rob is meaningless to me since the former did a lousy job and her family is so supportive of Jen that I think if Jen liked Rob which she did that would be enough for them - they are just so supportive of their daughter which is beautiful for sure. I don't totally trust Rob. I don't think he killed Jen. Milieu should be examined though and St. Croix which sounds like his idea.

When I see Jen I think: who are you if you could only stop smiling for 10 seconds.
the hair of the poi: pics easy to find of dreadlocks wrapped up high on the head with a bun in the back can be close to the poi image - though I suspect someone is going to tell me that clothes are different than skin and the person has to be white or Hispanic...but I don't know that yet

song on the Jennifer .com site who wrote the song? maybe i stopped her from being free/maybe something was missing in me.

she was always a rover but this time she strayed too far this time something like that

clutching at straws here but still it is interesting....both perhaps unconsciously actually suggest some kind of agency on J's part....after all if she is jumped from behind transported and unspeakably killed and degraded and already dead when the parents and Rob were driving to her condo which is true 80% of the time in these female abductions how could she have strayed too far this time also the line about stopping her from being free and some self blame this from the Dad? Very interesting.....makes me hopeful though

is there a story behind J's tattoo why that tattoo where did she get it and when
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Whether it’s a nighttime or early morning abduction, the shower being wet has always thrown me off. From personal experience my shower dries much faster than that. There maybe some water that lingers around the shampoo bottles for several hours, but that’s about it. I wonder if the family ever tested out the shower to see how long it takes to dry. I’ve saw some people theorize that the perp returned to her apartment and showered.

I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but I intend to. I did watch an interview her parents did after they received the evidence. IMO their theories conflict. I’d she was abducted at her door and taken into another apartment then why would there have been a struggle at the car? If he was with her in another apartment then why and when did he move the car?

If this was an early morning abduction, the perp only had about 4.5 hours between abduction and car drop off. That’s not much time to kidnap her, take her to another location, possibly sexually assault/murder her, clean up, and dump the car. Plus he would have to dispose of the body. He also didn’t have her briefcase or purse when he left her vehicle so he had already disposed of those items.

I will also add that this was done in daylight if it was an am abduction.
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o.k i promise to do something else for the rest of the day but want to comment on that song on the website for Jen

It seems custom made for J.C. no? Was it written by Rob or someone close to him? I think so. Allow me to probably humiliate myself by doing an amateur psychoanalytical analysis of the song. Looking at the lexicon used for clues to anxieties of the author and the real truth.

1. As i said agency: according to the song Jennifer was always a rover but this time I am AFRAID she STRAYED too far this time. On the face of it of course this makes so sense according to most theories she roved/strayed in her own car or someone else's car to a rape murder and burial in some swamp outside of Orlando that's not roving/straying in any permissable sense of the word. Blames Jen or at least places agency on her. I think some of the words about fear are the author's fear not fear about Jennifer. Roving is an English and Irish word I realize North Americans will understand what it means. That was my first clue it was written by Rob or someone close to him could be wrong. Song by the Waterboys Bang on the Ear: Krista was a rover/from Canada she hailed rover, hailed, bang on the ear (a song) all more irish/English usage. We DO use roving eyes roving romantic attentions though relevant and interesting. Again like a couple of Rob's statements the agency of what went wrong is placed onto Jen she was always roving this time she went too far.....her own damn fault,,,,Jen is the one who immediately that makes me laugh made a move on Rob. Jen is the needy one whining about whether she is truly loved or not. I don't believe it.

2. Maybe I stopped her from being free (held her captive) maybe something was missing in me. MISSING/ME. The fact Jen is missing linked to the author/self. Self/blame though again with most of the scenarios the worst ones everyone around Jen is faultless. Free again also associated with relationships sometimes.

3. Staring at four walls, fear of prison. Many references in the song to fear. Expectation of a call of course ostensibly from Jen but there is another level to the song fear of being found out, cops.

4. Mention of the many places she could be: I take this to be a lure the author knows the exact place she is as opposed to the many places other people think she could be.

5. "Dig" "Chord/Cord" Ring/Bell Drop/line morning alarm - "message" customary morning text message on way to work

6. "Dread"

6. This song scares me I want Jennifer to be found alive. The song does ask her to call so that possibility is in the song. As is 'crime'

I realize I am overthinking this song. I don't think I am wrong though. If Rob wrote this song I would think him guilty at some level at a psychological level though I realize the evidence does not point to him much at all. But milieu there is something there.
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Excellent post figr there a tendency even more than usual in this case to take elements plausible in themselves and combine them with other elements that contradict the first premise. J had quite a bit of gear with her they have all it...complete control if not J herself of course. The bathroom does look to me like Mom's "Jennifer the bathroom pig" depends on your standards - I don't like the way that towel is placed and perched.....she didn't take her mace or pepper spray it IS plausible she taken it off what she fastened it to for her trip. Remember her apt. is useless as a plausible crime scene since the family messed it up unless cops are lying about that. There are definitely scenarios where a perp or perps could spend LOTS of time in her apt. for whatever reason including staging.....not likely to me though as I say the towel bothers me....neatly folded perched on the edge of the sink though presumably she would have put make up or whatever standing there after the shower
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i meant to say the bathroom does not look particularly messy same with her car as we know
“There a tendency even more than usual in this case to take elements plausible in themselves and combine them with other elements that contradict the first premise.”

Ain’t that the truth!

I think her parents straightened her apartment before those photos were taken. It’s been a few years since I’ve really dug into the case so I may be wrong.
ok so Rob is of Australian background? If so rover used there ewan m. ;and i lived the free life of a rover....everything else i said just include australia

reading thread ten some had doubts of Rob still...unsubstantiated comment that Rob never told J he loved her in a one year relationship distinctly odd if true...

In interview with anchor Harry Smith family says they could not find a pic of J. not smiling I have seen one or two however
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Is there anyway to watch the new 48 hours documentary for somebody in Europe?

I hope they can finally close it but I still think they will have a uphill battle.
I’ve been following the Jennifer Kesse case for about 11 years now, but for the past week I’ve had time to really review everything and I’ve come to the conclusion that I believe that the worker named Ben (according to many was ‘the manager’) did something to her. Originally I believed it was Chino, but after listening to the podcast the woman who believes that somebody dumped a carpet with something in it in a local lake (describing him as a white man, taller than Chino), has me convinced otherwise. I believe that Chino may have been used by Ben (his ‘boss’) to move the car and wipe it down because when Ben received the phone call from Jens parents asking if they could go look for her he probably knew that they would come looking for her themselves. That threw his plan into a tailspin, no time to really think, except for ‘move the car because of her parents might come here looking for it and it can’t be here’, thus the sloppy decision to drop it so close (also so Chino could quickly get back to work - the Mosiac). Do we have this guy Ben’s full name or any other information on him?
ok so Rob is of Australian background? If so rover used there ewan m. ;and i lived the free life of a rover....everything else i said just include australia

reading thread ten some had doubts of Rob still...unsubstantiated comment that Rob never told J he loved her in a one year relationship distinctly odd if true...

In interview with anchor Harry Smith family says they could not find a pic of J. not smiling I have seen one or two however
I’ve been in a 1 year relationship and never used “I love you”, reason being personally I don’t throw that phrase around too easily. Did I love my partner? Yes very much, it just took time. To each their own, that should not be held against him. On top of that they were not in a typical every day relationship, it was long distance and majority of it was over the phone which could cause a little bit of an emotional barrier.
I also think it’s interesting that the car was dumped right after her family & work noticed she was missing. I’d love to see the phone records about who was called before the car was dumped. Maybe it’s just a coincidence or maybe the perp freaked out and decided to dump the car in broad daylight...
I also think it’s interesting that the car was dumped right after her family & work noticed she was missing. I’d love to see the phone records about who was called before the car was dumped. Maybe it’s just a coincidence or maybe the perp freaked out and decided to dump the car in broad daylight...
On top of that after the parents became aware of her possibly missing, the brother went to the Mosiac to check on Jenn and found Chino and Ben sitting in a construction van so Jenn’s brother and his friend went over to them and began knocking on the window trying to ask them where Jenn was or what was happening and they absolutely blatantly flat out ignored them. They were probably trying to come up with a story...
On top of that after the parents became aware of her possibly missing, the brother went to the Mosiac to check on Jenn and found Chino and Ben sitting in a construction van so Jenn’s brother and his friend went over to them and began knocking on the window trying to ask them where Jenn was or what was happening and they absolutely blatantly flat out ignored them. They were probably trying to come up with a story...
I personally would like to ask both of them why they behaved that way towards the brother? Were they ever question as to why they blatantly flat out ignored the victims brother knocking on their van window looking for his sister? Whois the owner of the complex? Was he/she notified of the disrespectful manner in which these two workers behaved towards one of their resident’s concerned family members? Was there any authority there?
Britty repeating the comment about 'I love you' I should not have bothered you are right it is meaningless.

As for the van they would not have known what the brother wanted just someone in a frenzy pounding on the window of their van. It would seem incredibly reckless to park next to J's parking space if you were involved or knew something! What I got from reading thread 10 so far is I agree that J's brother and others saw a general conspiracy among the workers yet is honest enough to admit the poi looks like none of them. Note he does NOT think it looks like Chino. On that thread a couple of posters make the very good point that it is VERY unlikely NO worker would come forward among quite a large group if they knew something especially with the reward money. I think imagining a general conspiracy among the workers, stating that, was an error and strategic mistake it led to the accusations of racism. Especially as time went on they may have been a group that travelled to different jobs together and had some solidarity but would have long dispersed - someone would have come forward.

fglrl linking the alarm of j being missing to the quick dump off of the car that is very good...I had thought of these things quite separately..of course the family got the word out very quickly but who would know prior to 12 when it was dumped if you are on to something....

Surely no flyers on the street etc. yet on that podcast the name I forget starting with U. they correct the time the family arrived was it corrected from around 12 to 3 or the other way round i forget. IF the car was dumped at 12 due to awareness J was known to be missing that would be very interesting who would know so early? Work, family, boyfriend, condo, some friends of course and less to the point the jails and hospitals they called up...
I’ve been following the Jennifer Kesse case for about 11 years now, but for the past week I’ve had time to really review everything and I’ve come to the conclusion that I believe that the worker named Ben (according to many was ‘the manager’) did something to her. Originally I believed it was Chino, but after listening to the podcast the woman who believes that somebody dumped a carpet with something in it in a local lake (describing him as a white man, taller than Chino), has me convinced otherwise. I believe that Chino may have been used by Ben (his ‘boss’) to move the car and wipe it down because when Ben received the phone call from Jens parents asking if they could go look for her he probably knew that they would come looking for her themselves. That threw his plan into a tailspin, no time to really think, except for ‘move the car because of her parents might come here looking for it and it can’t be here’, thus the sloppy decision to drop it so close (also so Chino could quickly get back to work - the Mosiac). Do we have this guy Ben’s full name or any other information on him?
The lake: what would you be dumping after that many months in a hot climate Florida? To me that carpet incident just shows how little everyone has to go on. A white man taller than Chino is hardly a description - why did the brother not suspect Ben as the poi? I had not thought it was Ben and Chino in the vehicle that would not respond to the brother is that correct?
Speaking of retractions I have to retract my idea the tape of the poi is messed with in the third shot/frame. I actually hadn't seen that palm tree or bush or whatever it is. That tape is so frustrating....I am still interested in the African American idea.....

Britty I am not saying your idea of Ben is incorrect of course
Keep in mind the three things that solve crimes:
Physical Evidence
This case has always struggled because of the apparent lack of the first two.

I have followed this mystery since the first week and despite recent developments it seems there is still a long road ahead to crack this case.
Britty repeating the comment about 'I love you' I should not have bothered you are right it is meaningless.

As for the van they would not have known what the brother wanted just someone in a frenzy pounding on the window of their van. It would seem incredibly reckless to park next to J's parking space if you were involved or knew something! What I got from reading thread 10 so far is I agree that J's brother and others saw a general conspiracy among the workers yet is honest enough to admit the poi looks like none of them. Note he does NOT think it looks like Chino. On that thread a couple of posters make the very good point that it is VERY unlikely NO worker would come forward among quite a large group if they knew something especially with the reward money. I think imagining a general conspiracy among the workers, stating that, was an error and strategic mistake it led to the accusations of racism. Especially as time went on they may have been a group that travelled to different jobs together and had some solidarity but would have long dispersed - someone would have come forward.

fglrl linking the alarm of j being missing to the quick dump off of the car that is very good...I had thought of these things quite separately..of course the family got the word out very quickly but who would know prior to 12 when it was dumped if you are on to something....

Surely no flyers on the street etc. yet on that podcast the name I forget starting with U. they correct the time the family arrived was it corrected from around 12 to 3 or the other way round i forget. IF the car was dumped at 12 due to awareness J was known to be missing that would be very interesting who would know so early? Work, family, boyfriend, condo, some friends of course and less to the point the jails and hospitals they called up...

Mmm Okay but How is it racist if the guy guy Ben is WHITE? I’m suggesting that Ben Committed the crime and used his authority as Chino’s manager to possibly have him move the car and wipe it down as he became aware very early in the morning that people were out looking for Jenn.
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