FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #13

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Does anyone have more information on the nature of Jennifer's work at the time share company? Over what geo area were these time shares? To what extent did she interact with clients with existing time shares or potential clients? How many people worked at her company and what were her work relations like? Since she is clearly an ambitious person I am wondering if this is one area where she could be made vulnerable i.e. perhaps needing to cover up anxiety she had about clients or fellow workers/bosses. As you can see from my previous post though Chino and the workers make great suspects I am interested in developing a theory or a possibility where the workers are a major red herring and that Jennifer was projecting some other life anxiety she had onto them. Also with less confidence was she was experiencing any mental health/stress issue especially if it was being caused by of stalking/ harrassment. I think we are turning her condo into a bit of a myth, a house of horrors. To me her family seems to be aiding attention in direction. It might turn out to be right it might not. I don't have the same confidence that she did not go out in the evening though I agree it was not to mail that phone. She may have gone out for some other reason it would have to be pressing. I have some suspicion those phone records lean in that direction no evidence. Also I am interested in the proximity in time of the return from the St. Croix trip and her disappearance. I have no idea (yet) what I mean by that. By the way were there any time shares in St. Croix? Why was St. Croix chosen for the trip? I am imagining a stalker or someone obsessed with Jennifer being jealous of that trip especially sexually jealous. So that Jennifer it would be a romantic and delightful all round experience with her boyfriend but for the this 'other' I am imagining.....they are just thinking sex, sex, sex.

Why are people disappointed when human remains turn out not to be those of a missing person? Obviously I think Jennifer met with foul play but what are the scenarios where she could still be alive? I know of two discussed so far 1. the human trafficking angle and 2. that she was not trafficked per se but did fall under the control of someone. 3. O.K. a third because the police believed she had run away. Why did they believe this? Laziness probably but anything else? Why does the car video mean 100% that she met with foul play? Especially as on the face of it the person in the video in so far as we can see anything in the darn thing DOES give off a somewhat elegant prosperous air? Some have mentioned private schools....I doubt that but there IS something about him that looks upper class. Does anybody see the shoes as looking highly fashionable not like construction boots. The hairstyle looks trendy. Yes realize I am clutching at straws but we all are.
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Does anyone have more information on the nature of Jennifer's work at the time share company? Over what geo area were these time shares? To what extent did she interact with clients with existing time shares or potential clients? How many people worked at her company and what were her work relations like? Since she is clearly an ambitious person I am wondering if this is one area where she could be made vulnerable i.e. perhaps needing to cover up anxiety she had about clients or fellow workers/bosses. As you can see from my previous post though Chino and the workers make great suspects I am interested in developing a theory or a possibility where the workers are a major red herring and that Jennifer was projecting some other life anxiety she had onto them. Also with less confidence was she was experiencing any mental health/stress issue especially if it was being caused by of stalking/ harrassment. I think we are turning her condo into a bit of a myth, a house of horrors. To me her family seems to be aiding attention in direction. It might turn out to be right it might not. I don't have the same confidence that she did not go out in the evening though I agree it was not to mail that phone. She may have gone out for some other reason it would have to be pressing. I have some suspicion those phone records lean in that direction no evidence. Also I am interested in the proximity in time of the return from the St. Croix trip and her disappearance. I have no idea (yet) what I mean by that. By the way were there any time shares in St. Croix? Why was St. Croix chosen for the trip? I am imagining a stalker or someone obsessed with Jennifer being jealous of that trip especially sexually jealous. So that Jennifer it would be a romantic and delightful all round experience with her boyfriend but for the this 'other' I am imagining.....they are just thinking sex, sex, sex. I am trying to extend possibilities beyond the workers in the condo building.
Why is the video evidence 100% proof Jennifer met with foul play? I realize she probably did but so far thank God it is not as though the walls of her condo were covered in blood. The person in the video male or female in so far as we can see the darn thing gives off a somewhat affluent air in their gait, has a trendy hair style, has shoes that to me seem expensive pointed at the toe, trendy as does the hair style. It is a totally different video if we bracket out those construction workers. There are three scenarios where Jennifer could still be alive: 1. the human trafficking idea which I doubt 2. that she got under someone's control I am thinking of the jewellery store account, more probable still unlikely 3. that there is something in her life we simply don't know about remember this is the original police theory I am not pulling it out of the air. The key to me is that woman claiming a frightened distracted (and let's face it she means mentally ill or hyper stressed even paranoid Jennifer) tried to rent an apt. I would want to talk with her again.
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Fence video longer version google Daily Mail Jessica Kesse person of interest: in the third shot of three at around 28 seconds and after you would expect the person's face to show as they appear to be further along the post (though I am speaking in terms of inches here). Oddly it doesn't. Oddly you will see movement in the shot AFTER that third shot but BEFORE what should be in terms of timing the fourth shot by which time in any case the person should have been out of sight. Look at the car at the point there is movement of light or reflection and a general rippling in the frame. Why is this? How was the camera footage recovered? What was the chain of custody? Is there any chance this film? digital image? has been tampered with? Perhaps it is simply a matter of camera angle or of camera issues or some type of reflection what do you think? Perhaps someone did not want us to see the face.

In the second shot of the three part of the face in profile does show between two posts - I am surprised a general shape of the head could not be guessed at. This person has quite a unique gait and slightly unusual body type apparently VERY thin perhaps concave and as some have said perhaps large feet for his/her size. To me taller than the FBI thinks.
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I've read the analysis by the person on another site who has blown up the images and done a lot of work on them. They claim to see in that third frame the person's face looking back at the car. I am not sure that is the case: in a blow up of the person's shoe I saw two faces to the right of the shoe! This tendency of our brains to see patterns and especially faces, we have to be cautious of that. I have sent this to some professionals for their input into whether the film has been manipulated or tampered with....I realize that others will have thought through this possibility before me but still....

Again though, if black clothes can look white can black skin look white? A blow-up of the second image on the site I just mentioned arguably reveals an American American or at least black male and a google search of man buns black hair shows some examples of a combination of a man bun and an elevated top area that is difficult with white male hair and usually possible with some Latino guys cause of African heritage = some are seeing that raised area as a helmet or hat I see it as hair This would of course open things up in a different direction in terms of person of interest identity especially because of the jewellery store evidence if it is that and maybe the van/pick up experience of J's brother. If so I can't help wondering if the woman at the jewellery store who spoke of dreadlocks understood exactly what they are or simply meant any fashionable black hair ( I realize that the Rasta meaning of dreadlocks is something else but of course it long ago became a fashion option as well.) As well the long stride and the general body type is very typical of some black physical and cultural types, very unusual in a white male imo. Assuming we are not talking about high fitting painter's pants or distorted camera images.

I got interested in this case just recently had never heard of it because the image of Jennifer caught my eye because of an encounter I had more than ten year ago outside the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum in the company of my wife with an affluent sharp looking African American male and a very beleaguered white woman we spoke to both - he asked me and my wife to drive them outside the city where his car had broken down. He assured me "I'm not a serial killer." I will try to narrow down the month and year. I didn't get the impression it would be a good idea to be a good samaritan in this particular case. I am waiting for corrobation from my ex-wife as to the exact month and year also she has a very sharp eye and I want to ask her about the similarity to J.K. - the demeanour and appearance of both is strangely close to the jewellery store supposed I.D. It occured to me at the time that this would be a brilliant place to approach a white tourist asking for a favour if you were a psychopath or plain old criminal. I realize this may be the deadest of all dead ends but until I am sure it is impossible I don't want to rule it out. On the face of it J''s story of the two males beside J's parking space at her condo seemed improbable to me in terms of it being suspicious - that is the last place in the world I would want be parked...but you never know. I will share that my ex at the time looked remarkably like J.....people who I have now told about J's case all say that to me right away - which could of course explain my interest and perhaps projection of my interest onto this case BUT of course it occurs to me that it could help to explain why we were approached....if the woman was Jennifer....because there are a lot of tourists around that museum not just us.

Just to make clear: I was looking through google images for something sports related and everyone knows google images is appalling and bizarre in its matches almost like free association....I saw Jennifer Kresse's picture for no obvious reason..and immediately thought: the woman in Birmingham.... and went down the rabbit hole of interest in the case.... I need to think if this is before 2006 which would of course rule it out....

Of course it occurs to me could this be an area where Jennifer could be made vulnerable or not? Not wanting to look racist if approached by someone....I realize that the rushed from behind in 3 seconds flat scenario is still more probable...and I realize that nobody as far as I know has thought that the poi could be African American...but then again it would be new....
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Fresh off the press, hopefully they are getting closer.

Jennifer Kesse disappearance: Family says it's 'close' to answers in 15-year-old cold case

The parents of Jennifer Kesse say they are "closer than ever" to uncovering answers in the disappearance of their daughter, who vanished 15 years ago from Central Florida, in a case that has long baffled investigators.

"We may have answers this year," said the woman's father, Drew Kesse, noting that new information received in recent weeks has prompted him to expand his team of private detectives leading the investigation.

"We're making a lot of headway and we're closer than ever to bringing Jennifer home," he said.
Fresh off the press, hopefully they are getting closer.

Jennifer Kesse disappearance: Family says it's 'close' to answers in 15-year-old cold case

The parents of Jennifer Kesse say they are "closer than ever" to uncovering answers in the disappearance of their daughter, who vanished 15 years ago from Central Florida, in a case that has long baffled investigators.

"We may have answers this year," said the woman's father, Drew Kesse, noting that new information received in recent weeks has prompted him to expand his team of private detectives leading the investigation.

"We're making a lot of headway and we're closer than ever to bringing Jennifer home," he said.

i just saw this too. oh i hope there are answers very soon <3
i just saw this too. oh i hope there are answers very soon <3
I just read this and I'm so hopeful, but how is it possible that her family found all this good info in 2 years of getting the casefile but police didn't in the 13 years they were supposed to be investigating? Was LE really this absent or is it the increased press??? I wonder if they got new evidence, but I doubt it considering they had to move out of her apt and give back her leased car a few months after the disappearance..
Everyday there are active interviews and actions being taken to find the people responsible for taking Jennifer or the people with the information to piece it all together," said Kesse. "It's painstaking work."

Evidence photos previously obtained by the Fox News Investigative Unit suggest a violent struggle took place on the hood of the young woman’s car. Excerpts of police files also reveal that authorities immediately suspected a physical assault on the hood. Detective Julius Gause of the Orlando Police Department wrote of the police at the scene, "While observing the front of the victim's vehicle, these detectives observed what appeared to have been someone being pushed across the head of the vehicle."

"It looked like someone was thrown down on the top of the hood – arms spread out and then dragged back almost like off the hood to the point where you can almost see fingers scribbling down the hood," Drew Kesse told Fox News.
January 19, 2021
Jennifer, we love you in a place where there’s no space or time. We love you for our lives, for you’re a child of ours. And when our lives are over, remember when we were together, cause we’re alone and singing this song for you.

We, the Kesse family are reaching out today with an update on Jennifer’s case. We thank all of those who have followed Jennifer’s journey since 2006 and those who just heard about her missing last week. We remain relentless in our fight to find Jennifer and we will not cease until we have found her, for the good or the bad. Jennifer is loved by us, her family, so many friends, as well as, strangers around our country and the world.

January 24, 2021 will mark 15 years since Jennifer Kesse was enjoying life to the fullest with pretty much everything going her way, a great job, a new home, a great boyfriend and incredible friends. Then the unthinkable happened, Taken – Abducted and Missing almost without a trace on January 24, 2006. Taken at the age of 24, Jennifer will turn 40 years old this May! Think of that … 40 years old. Nothing was ever found of hers, no credit cards, no cell phone, no clothes, keys, pocket book, Ipod, nothing. To this day what we have is a grainy video of a person parking Jennifer’s car into a visitor’s parking space in a condo complex (Huntington on the Green) 1.2 miles straight down the street from Jennifer’s home (Mosaic at Millenium). That person stays in the car 32 seconds then gets out, walks away, and never looks back. We cannot find or identify that person either. We have offered multiple rewards including one for $1,000,000 to try and get anyone to speak up with true information concerning Jennifer’s abduction. We haven’t been able to touch that one person’s heart as yet, however we will never stop trying.

We were able, through a court case and out of court agreement with the City of Orlando & Orlando Police, to gain gain access to the 16,000+ page case files and have had that in our possession for coming up on 2 years now. We have had an investigative and legal team breaking down the information in those files as well as developing new leads to pursue. People have stepped forward with information after streaming podcasts or watching TV specials on Jennifer and for the past year or so we have been actively doing the dirty work of tracking down and talking to the people we need to talk with. It is a very slow and tedious process and many times one lead will require intensive follow ups and creates another lead as well. It is work we are glad to do though.

It is in this time that we really can’t speak much on particulars due to the sensitivity and nature of the work being done. Be assured however that everyday there are active interviews and actions being taken to find the people responsible for taking Jennifer or the people with the information to piece it all together. It is now that we have been working so hard to get to -- the bringing together of knowledge with purposeful action. Again, it’s painstaking work and we are adding more personnel to our investigative team due to the amount of actionable items on our plates at the moment. We are filling in the puzzle and we have great hope of truly solving Jennifer’s abduction this year! Our work has been results oriented and fruitful in helping us move baby steps forward. We thank those who have reached out and spoken up. Jennifer deserves as much and we look forward to others doing the same.

We ask for your continued support now more than ever. If you know something, say something. Utilize Jennifer’s social media to privately message us. We see everything. Facts are what we need, hard evidence for the information you are willing to supply. The public has the answers to Jennifer’s crime and we ask again for the one special person to step forward after 15 years to end Jennifer’s journey.

We are going to get there, however one call can end it all. Call a lawyer, clergy, someone you trust to get the info to us. No one needs to know who you are or the info given. There is still reward money available for REAL information leading to Jennifer.

Love you Jennifer, come home soon.
Dad, Mom, Logan & Katie
"We will not cease until we have found her, for the good or the bad. Jennifer is loved by us, her family, so many friends as well as strangers around our country and the world," the family wrote.

"Jennifer, we love you in a place where there’s no space or time."
Jennifer Kesse disappearance: Family says it's 'close' to answers in 15-year-old cold case
Everyday there are active interviews and actions being taken to find the people responsible for taking Jennifer or the people with the information to piece it all together," said Kesse. "It's painstaking work."

Evidence photos previously obtained by the Fox News Investigative Unit suggest a violent struggle took place on the hood of the young woman’s car. Excerpts of police files also reveal that authorities immediately suspected a physical assault on the hood. Detective Julius Gause of the Orlando Police Department wrote of the police at the scene, "While observing the front of the victim's vehicle, these detectives observed what appeared to have been someone being pushed across the head of the vehicle."

"It looked like someone was thrown down on the top of the hood – arms spread out and then dragged back almost like off the hood to the point where you can almost see fingers scribbling down the hood," Drew Kesse told Fox News.
January 19, 2021
Jennifer, we love you in a place where there’s no space or time. We love you for our lives, for you’re a child of ours. And when our lives are over, remember when we were together, cause we’re alone and singing this song for you.

We, the Kesse family are reaching out today with an update on Jennifer’s case. We thank all of those who have followed Jennifer’s journey since 2006 and those who just heard about her missing last week. We remain relentless in our fight to find Jennifer and we will not cease until we have found her, for the good or the bad. Jennifer is loved by us, her family, so many friends, as well as, strangers around our country and the world.

January 24, 2021 will mark 15 years since Jennifer Kesse was enjoying life to the fullest with pretty much everything going her way, a great job, a new home, a great boyfriend and incredible friends. Then the unthinkable happened, Taken – Abducted and Missing almost without a trace on January 24, 2006. Taken at the age of 24, Jennifer will turn 40 years old this May! Think of that … 40 years old. Nothing was ever found of hers, no credit cards, no cell phone, no clothes, keys, pocket book, Ipod, nothing. To this day what we have is a grainy video of a person parking Jennifer’s car into a visitor’s parking space in a condo complex (Huntington on the Green) 1.2 miles straight down the street from Jennifer’s home (Mosaic at Millenium). That person stays in the car 32 seconds then gets out, walks away, and never looks back. We cannot find or identify that person either. We have offered multiple rewards including one for $1,000,000 to try and get anyone to speak up with true information concerning Jennifer’s abduction. We haven’t been able to touch that one person’s heart as yet, however we will never stop trying.

We were able, through a court case and out of court agreement with the City of Orlando & Orlando Police, to gain gain access to the 16,000+ page case files and have had that in our possession for coming up on 2 years now. We have had an investigative and legal team breaking down the information in those files as well as developing new leads to pursue. People have stepped forward with information after streaming podcasts or watching TV specials on Jennifer and for the past year or so we have been actively doing the dirty work of tracking down and talking to the people we need to talk with. It is a very slow and tedious process and many times one lead will require intensive follow ups and creates another lead as well. It is work we are glad to do though.

It is in this time that we really can’t speak much on particulars due to the sensitivity and nature of the work being done. Be assured however that everyday there are active interviews and actions being taken to find the people responsible for taking Jennifer or the people with the information to piece it all together. It is now that we have been working so hard to get to -- the bringing together of knowledge with purposeful action. Again, it’s painstaking work and we are adding more personnel to our investigative team due to the amount of actionable items on our plates at the moment. We are filling in the puzzle and we have great hope of truly solving Jennifer’s abduction this year! Our work has been results oriented and fruitful in helping us move baby steps forward. We thank those who have reached out and spoken up. Jennifer deserves as much and we look forward to others doing the same.

We ask for your continued support now more than ever. If you know something, say something. Utilize Jennifer’s social media to privately message us. We see everything. Facts are what we need, hard evidence for the information you are willing to supply. The public has the answers to Jennifer’s crime and we ask again for the one special person to step forward after 15 years to end Jennifer’s journey.

We are going to get there, however one call can end it all. Call a lawyer, clergy, someone you trust to get the info to us. No one needs to know who you are or the info given. There is still reward money available for REAL information leading to Jennifer.

Love you Jennifer, come home soon.
Dad, Mom, Logan & Katie
"We will not cease until we have found her, for the good or the bad. Jennifer is loved by us, her family, so many friends as well as strangers around our country and the world," the family wrote.

"Jennifer, we love you in a place where there’s no space or time."
Jennifer Kesse disappearance: Family says it's 'close' to answers in 15-year-old cold case
If Jennifer was stalked by someone who chose her as a 'type' could it be the blonde lively positive looking exterior or something else? 2% of women have green eyes for example.

A question for Websleuthers: when a large award is offered when it seems likely 'someone should know something' but nobody comes forward what does that mean? Is it true when the largest reward of 1 million dollars was being offered it was for her safe return only? In Toronto there is the case of Erin Gilmour I believe a 200,000 award was offered with no response I am sure there are many other similar cases.
Odd this thread is so quiet given the fairly recent Fox podcast with a 1 million listeners and the recent statement from the family about headway in the case. Not sure what to make of that. If we take all of the car evidence at face value it is a pretty simple case, the evidence she left the condo in the morning, the evidence on the hood, the evidence of the car being driven erratically, the fact the things we would expect her to be work being missing, the lack of a communication with the boyfriend en route to work of course the car being dropped off by a stranger.

Just to repeat myself I wish we could get an update concerning the person who claimed Jennifer came in distracted acting oddly and trying to rent an apartment. Note that if this happened and overall I do doubt it happened, that she does not call her father and obviously doesn't tell anyone. IF it happened it would seem the most likely thing is that she was worried about someone outside and was not really interested in renting another apt. just came in for safety. IF she really was trying to rent a place then we really do have a deep mystery. IF that person really did check and the name was Jennifer Kesse it would be an extraordinary clue IMO that something was wrong in her life or that she was being stalked or less likely she was having some kind of stress induced breakdown. The fact that the description of her behaviour fits with the jewellery store story is a bit unsettling. I really want that person's story gone into more - why did she not given that name evidence and the story to the police?

I am hoping that someone can explain to me why it is impossible for the person of interest to be black since while it is possible that black uniform of the cops as they found out could look white that might not be possible with a person's skin. I just dont know the answer to this would love to. It may be impossible.

The minor verbal fight with the boyfriend is interesting not because it casts any aspersion on him but because it seems to suggest Jennifer was feeling some type of anxiety which was ostensibly about the relationship but I wonder.....I mean they had just had a nice vacation in St. Croix. I do note it was at a time share I don't know why that bothers me. Anyone can get in a mood but the timing is odd.

The peeping toms: that was handled poorly why complain to management it is a police matter and it would seem the person could easily have been apprehended. Cino meets Morgan many many times without making any kind of move on her.

If Jennifer shared so much with her family what wouldn't she share I wonder.

Jennifer smiles like a million dollars in every picture but everyone has a shadow side what was hers? Her best friend, her brother, her boyfriend it would be great if someone close to her could really examine whether there is anything odd or unsettling in the last few months....look Jennifer and her family obviously are lovely people but she is isnt a candidate for sainthood - I sense something was bugging her and I am not sure it was just the condo workers.....I don't like that knock on the door how does she know who that is?
I am new to this case but from what I understood at first by which I mean for many years the cell phone evidence was NOT ignored the problem was that it seemed to suggest that Jennifer went out the night before something her family friends and boyfriend thought was impossible since they know her we don't. In the on podcast, damn what's the name of it, anyway they suggested that that suppose cell phone evidence was not accurate and there was no evidence Jennifer went out that night. I did not understand what that meant for the supposed fact that BOTH their phones were turned off J's and her brother's friend was that also now dismissed? The family puts enormous weight on the shower evidence and they may be right, the pooling of water etc.

One problem is that like the police earlier the family is not exactly sharing what they know with the world. So here on WS we are still stuck with a lot of information which at times appears random. For sure we are wasting time on ideas the family knows more about just as the police did before. They seem to be relying on this private investigator and now there appears to be more of them that they have hired which of course is good. His theory is that she was rushed from behind when locking up her apt. They seem to be reluctant to crowd source the case that is for sure. The family statement, elegant as it is, just repeats the skeleton of the case and an appeal for the person who knows what happened to Jennifer to come forward.

What is the point of these recent statements from the family? I can only surmise 1. it keeps interest in the case an following the Fox Podcast it is no doubt a good strategy as media obviously obliged them and put the word out. 2. But the fact they are simply asking the person who knows something to report what they know would normally make me think they are not as close as they are saying though of course it is always the best thing for the person who knows something to phone in instead of our meanderings here with so little info. 3. it helps to raise money which they need - more people will donate if they think the case is making progress - who wants to donate to a hopeless case? 4. a bit one that the police use all the time to put pressure on any suspect - this I think is probable and might be why they hired extra investigators - to watch a suspect and see how they react to the news that they are almost at the finish line - that would certainly make me nervous if I was the suspect - could be a ruse but of course they would have to worry they may really have something....

I hope their strategy works I just point out they are doing exactly what the police did keeping their cards close

The car remains a big issue: if Jennifer was rushed from behind leaving her apt. why move her car? After all she didn't show up for work which was very suspicious and leaving the car where it was would probably be a better strategy if she was taken away in another vehicle - though maybe they were trying to keep the idea that J had run away herself after all that is what le believed until they found the car.
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1. I realize the boyfriend is not a suspect is still close to the family and is on nobody's radar. Apart from living some distance away can someone tell me since I am new to the case what the thinking was there. He easily lived close enough to drive there after the last night phone call and back say if that disagreement he talked about was worse than he is saying also if, say, they were fighting like cats and dogs on the trip. There is a picture of J looking happy on the trip but she almost always had the vibrant smile in pics. But why is J so insecure right after the trip? I actually dont' think the boyfriend is being 100% transparent there - he puts it on J. saying she needed reassurance he was committed etc. Sorry I doubt he is being 100% truthful. Why a disagreement after all he only has to reassure her. They stayed in a time share in St. Croix which I believe was from someone he knew. Is it impossible that he knew someone in J's time share company ? He was also the last person to speak with her of course. Who is taking the pictures of them in St. Croix in the pool? I see no evidence he did anything wrong I agree with the general assessment just to be clear. What was his previous love life? Any jealous girl friends? I realize absolutely it is not him with J's car and of course he was at work then. I wonder why he even brought up the disagreement? He's not an idiot and would realize he would be an early suspect. Was HE the one who was jealous with or without cause of J.? There are a lot of ways to get jealous on a trip to St. Croix - male or female checks out one handsome person the beach and the jealousy begins. Looks are not everything but surely J is way more attractive and charismatic than the boyfriend? He comes across as steady maybe something she liked....her Dad obviously seems to be that way. DID SOMEONE FOLLOW J TO ST CROIX?

So far I think J was very much targeted this was not some grab and use sex crime. I have a 50% belief and hope she is alive. I think the trip is important still trying to figure out why..I don't suspect her brother's friend or her old boyfriend. The workers: since many of them left we just will never know.

Finally Huntington on the Green? The PI said everyone is gone who lived there then. I guess there were no city directories at that time they had ended? What about way back machine. The Huntington on the Green is also a crime scene. Why so little investigation into that locale - there is just this general idea it was a dodgy place -- IF that tape I mentioned earlier was manipulated, the final short of three, then the Huntington on the Green is crucial.
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1. I realize the boyfriend is not a suspect is still close to the family and is on nobody's radar. Apart from living some distance away can someone tell me since I am new to the case what the thinking was there. He easily lived close enough 3 hour driving quickly at night to drive there after the last night phone call and back say if that disagreement he talked about was worse than he is saying also if, say, they were fighting like cats and dogs on the trip. There is a picture of J looking happy on the trip but she almost always had the vibrant smile in pics. But why is J so insecure right after the trip? I actually dont' think the boyfriend is being 100% transparent there - he puts it on J. saying she needed reassurance he was committed etc. Sorry I doubt he is being 100% truthful. Why a disagreement after all he only has to reassure her. They stayed in a time share in St. Croix which I believe was from someone he knew. Is it impossible that he knew someone in J's time share company ? He was also the last person to speak with her of course. Who is taking the pictures of them in St. Croix in the pool? I see no evidence he did anything wrong I agree with the general assessment just to be clear. What was his previous love life? Any jealous girl friends? I realize absolutely it is not him with J's car and of course he was at work then. I wonder why he even brought up the disagreement? He's not an idiot and would realize he would be an early suspect. Was HE the one who was jealous with or without cause of J.? There are a lot of ways to get jealous on a trip to St. Croix - male or female checks out one handsome person the beach and the jealousy begins. Looks are not everything but surely J is way more attractive and charismatic than the boyfriend? He comes across as steady maybe something she liked....her Dad obviously seems to be that way. DID SOMEONE FOLLOW J TO ST CROIX?

So far I think J was very much targeted this was not some grab and use sex crime. I have a 50% belief and hope she is alive. I think the trip is important still trying to figure out why..I don't suspect her brother's friend or her old boyfriend. The workers: since many of them left we just will never know. I think it is someone else with a particular obsession with J.

Finally Huntington on the Green? The PI said everyone is gone who lived there then. I guess there were no city directories at that time they had ended? What about way back machine. The Huntington on the Green is also a crime scene. Why so little investigation into that locale - there is just this general idea it was a dodgy place -- IF that tape I mentioned earlier was manipulated, the final short of three, then the Huntington on the Green is crucial.

Rob says when they met in a bar in Orlando (if correct) she immediately made a move on him. I don't believe it. She's attractive and her green eyes and beyond vivacious yet strong personality would increase her attractiveness 10 fold I am pretty sure. She immediately made a move on him? Come on.....big ego

Note like the anxiety ridden phone call this puts J in the lesser somewhat desperate position I am pretty sure there are a lot more successful looking more interesting looking much better looking men in Orlando though she is allowed to like whoever she likes.

They enjoyed international travel. Where else did they go? It would be worth putting up case info and pictures of J in St. Croix. Were these friends of Rob around in St. Croix? What was Rob's background in the U.K. why did he settle in the U.S. contemporary English immigration to the U.S. is not so common. What was he leaving?
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Rob says years later that now he has a family and years have passed he has a different understanding of what happened. What could that possibly mean? What different understanding could you have?

Just to continue with what I realize seems mean J. seems to be slumming it a bit with that boyfriend. Now I will sound like a possessive auntie she could do better. If I was just to look at him I would think well, o.k. let me say it lager lout. He owns a bar now or did before COVID described as a dive or hole in the wall by some. Multiple owners how much could you possibly make? I sort of see an edge a tinge of easy anger in his face personally. He seems to be trying very hard to be measured and controlled when speaking and brings up the disagreement on the phone pointlessly and a way too much. He he is still showing signs of not moving on, of being attached (obsessed?) with J.

How does J get from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando? I am sure that has been said but I don't know.

It is exceedingly strange that the family mucks up a potential crime scene or evidence scene by having a command centre IN J's apt. Surely they would know better. J and her Mom watched Law and Order all the time and discussed it. They didn't think she had run away or committed suicide.

One depressing possibility with the POI driving the car is that the car was abandoned by J. or a kidnapper - Huntington had a reputation for stolen cars. Someone stole J's car and took it for pick up/processing at Huntington. Once they realized its provenance maybe BEFORE the Huntington residence called police they didn't go anywhere near it. In this scenario the poi is not a real suspect.

That Orlando police and her family cleared Rob is meaningless to me since the former did a lousy job and her family is so supportive of Jen that I think if Jen liked Rob which she did that would be enough for them - they are just so supportive of their daughter which is beautiful for sure. I don't totally trust Rob. I don't think he killed Jen. Milieu should be examined though and St. Croix which sounds like his idea.

When I see Jen I think: who are you if you could only stop smiling for 10 seconds.
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