FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #6

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I looked at the web address and it just gave the official Jennifer site...so that was not going to help me in sending you to the words I am speaking of. So I copied and pasted the posters words......this is a quote from the poster of flaresident.com in the area I spoke of above. Quote below:"
June 14, 2007 2:23 am
If you notice in Photos1 above, there is a JEEP truck that is parked in the first space almost continually.
Where was this car the night Jennifer’s car was parked there? I wonder why this person didn’t notice Jennifer’s very unusual car (for the cars that normally park there on a daily basis) there sooner.
I believe someone who lives there (more than one person, including the person who reported the car there) knows who parked the car there. This kid may have known about the pool cameras and made sure it looked like he was exiting the property and walking down the street.
He could have just walked around the building, re-entered from Americana and slipped into his mom’s house.
I believe everybody knows this kid and likes him and is protecting him." ...................End of quote from this posting........
The part that gets to me, is the fact that they say..........the sentence about "slipping into his moms house" .........What does that say to you? It tells me a lot.........
Ah OK...No, I don't think that is anything. I have read most of the posts on the OS site from time to time and have found none to contain anything I would consider pertinent to her case. It sounds like pure speculation to me, Sundayrain.
My belief has always been a maintenance/construction worker on the project. It was a crime of opportunity for them. They may have had a key to her unit from past work.
Hmmm. That poi in Wis. I found an old address for someone by that name in Jax. Guys small, like they say Jenn's poi was. I wonder if Wisconsins guy could have been in the Orlando area at one time. Seems like he moves around alot.
I am always amazed at people who have gone to he-- and find their way back. So strong, so resilient. That Mom and Dad have all my respect and I SO WISH their dreams would come true.
don't bother

what a gip. nothing new, not even a long segment, they basically just took the last two minutes of the show which was even worse, i watched the entire thing. i hate that.

they just mentioned the deck of cards thing.
I was afraid of that. Build it up and let us down. <sigh>

Oh, well...at least, Jenn made the news again! A postive thing!
The one thing I can say about Greta is that at least she always covers Jenn no matter what detail they are discussing. I have not seen Jenn covered on Nancy Grace since the beginning of this whole nightmare.

I strongly support the Kesse's and their determination and persistance. They will find Jenn.... they will not give up and nor will anyone who has gotten involved to help find her.

Will Prison Playing Cards Help Locate Jennifer Kesse?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," July 24, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JEANINE PIRRO, GUEST HOST: Remember Jennifer Kesse? The beautiful 24-year-old financial analyst from Florida who vanished exactly a year-and-a-half ago today?

It began the morning of January 24, 2006, when Jennifer simply never showed up for work. Police found Jennifer's clothes laid out on her unmade bed at home. Two days after she disappeared, police found her Chevy Malibu about one mile from her condo.

There were some promising leads, but the case is still unsolved, and Jennifer remains missing. Jennifer's parents are now looking for leads in prison.

Drew and Joyce Kesse join us now from Tampa. How are the two of you doing, and how do you get through the day? How do you keep fighting after so long?

DREW KESSE, FATHER OF MISSING WOMAN: For the love of Jennifer, number one. Everything that we do surrounds Jennifer and Logan, our son.

It's tough. There is no two ways around that, that it's tough. But we have to continue to go until we find Jennifer. There is no other way around it. There is no other direction to go.

PIRRO: We certainly admire all of your efforts and all of the work that you are doing. Take me through the morning of January 24 for the viewers who might not be familiar with this case.

DREW KESSE: The morning of January 24, Jennifer had been away for a long weekend with her boyfriend in St. Croix, and she had come home into the Fort Lauderdale area to stay at her boyfriend's place.

She got up very early in the morning to go to work, as she usually would do if she was staying with him. She went directly to work. She left work that evening at a normal time with her boss, and said, “I will see you in the morning.” They had some work to be worked out together, and she never showed up.


DREW KESSE: Yes. Very uncharacteristic, actually.

And we were contacted about 11 o’clock in the morning, seeing if there was a family emergency. And, obviously, there was not — until that point, as it turns out. And we tried to reach Jennifer on the telephone, which we were always able to do, and it went immediately into her voicemail, which it never did.

And from that point on, it has been a mystery.

PIRRO: Is her purse — Joyce, maybe you can tell us — was her purse still in the condo, or was it…

JOYCE KESSE: No. Her purse and her briefcase were not in the condo.

PIRRO: OK. So we believe that she actually got dressed and did leave the condo in her car?

DREW KESSE: We are not sure if she made it to the car.

JOYCE KESSE: We are not sure if she actually made it to her car.

DREW KESSE: In reality, the truth of the matter is, Jeanine, that the last person to speak with her was her boyfriend on Monday, the 23rd at 10:00 p.m. So, really, that's the last contact we have had with Jennifer.

PIRRO: OK. Very quickly, because we are coming to a hard break here, tell me about the deck of cards. What is the idea, and what are you distributing to the prisons?

JOYCE KESSE: Well, actually, FDLE, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, is the one who is behind doing the decks of cards. They are getting them into all of the state prisons in Florida.

And we are humbled that they wanted to include Jennifer. Ironically, three is her lucky number. We have previously done decks of cards, Jeanine. We only had distributed 500 in the Orlando area to the local jail, so this is a much larger effort to hopefully assist with Jennifer's case, as well as the unsolved crimes in the other missing persons.

PIRRO: Well, clearly this is an effort to make sure if somebody in prison knows something that they will come forward with it.

Drew and Joyce, I want to thank you so much, and we all wish you continued luck here, and our prayers are with you.

JOYCE KESSE: Thank you, Jeanine.

PIRRO: You are welcome.

Content and Programming Copyright 2007 FOX News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Transcription Copyright 2007 Voxant, Inc. (www.voxant.com), which takes sole responsibility for the accuracy of the transcription. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No license is granted to the user of this material except for the user's personal or internal use and, in such case, only one copy may be printed, nor shall user use any material for commercial purposes or in any fashion that may infringe upon FOX News Network, LLC'S and Voxant, Inc.'s copyrights or other proprietary rights or interests in the material. This is not a legal transcript for purposes of litigation.
Help Find Jenn... www.findjenniferkesse.com
Well, it was short and sweet...but at least they were on where people could hear her name and see her face again. Good job, Kesses!
Thanks for the info.

I also found this article from the Orlando Sentinel for those of us who don't live in Florida.


Let's hope these cards can lead to a break in the case, and get this dirtbag identified. :furious:

It seems like JK's case will only be on half of the decks, since there are 104 cases, and only 52 cards per deck, according to Drew.

My belief has always been a maintenance/construction worker on the project. It was a crime of opportunity for them. They may have had a key to her unit from past work.

I've always thought that too. Someone who watched her leave for work every morning that he had the chance and decided to grab her when she got back from vacation. Who knows how many other times he watched her on weekends, etc. I would guess that he had her schedule down pat and may have even managed to say hi to her in the mornings. He found some way that morning to get her and leave the complex. Maybe even asked her to drop him off somewhere close by and then when he got into the car he could have had a knife or gun with him. If he worked there and he managed to become familiar to her she might not have had a problem giving him a lift.
I am sorry, but I don't hold out much hope for the cards. If LE does have a fingerprint and he isn't in the system...not likely someone in prison is going to know him or know about this abduction.

Altho, maybe it should be telling us that LE doesn't HAVE such evidence to go on at all. Hmmm...
At least we know the case is cold.

The term 'vanishing' was used right at the beginning by the lead detective.
Mr Kesse said recently the term 'vanishment' had been used frequently.

It is now 18 months after the abduction and there is still no real crime scene; only guesses.
There is also a grainy photo of the suspect.

There are no witnesses and only an obscure reference to any evidence.
That evidence is supposed to be DNA and fingerprint(s) from Jennifer's car.
Leftcoast has had doubts about this evidence and now I'm feeling the same.

This case is frustrating in the extreme and has many at their wits end.

The perpetrator could be anyone from anywhere.
The abduction could have happened anytime after 10pm on the Monday night.
The abduction could have taken place anywhere. It could have been in the condo, just outside the condo, on the way to her car, at her car, in her car or someplace else.
Maybe it's time to practise on something easier like Hoffa or the Zodiac killer.
This case is as tough as it gets.

If this case is going to be broken by an accidental discovery I just hope it happens soon for the sake of Jennifer's loving family and friends.
As far as someone noticing and watching Jennifer at her condo, etc., she had only lived there two months, which is sufficient to notice someone new, etc., but not a whole lot of time for fascinated stalking, and she had been gone from her condo for at least three days, but a few young men including her brother were there during that time, which is a much more likely source of someone looking for them for some reason or another and the like and encountering Jennifer instead, as far as that goes.

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