FL FL - Jennifer Odom, 12, Blanton, 19 Feb 1993

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
OK, Don't yell at me :couch:

Just going to through this out there because it is bother the .... out of me....

The other night while watching the show on MSNBC "Chasing the Devil" The Gary Ridgway, AKA Green River Killer, One of the fathers of one of the

victims had said many people saw his daughter get in a truck that was blue with a silver/gray painted bumper and the truck had ladders and such in the back...

I was like :eek: WHAT?!

(later at his arrest he did own a blue truck with a painted Silver/gray bumper and it did have ladders in the back…)

Then I watched more and it said the GR had stopped his killing, right around 1993.... I thought in my head.... "what if he didn't stop , What if he just started going way from his home to other states and killed people?"

DO we know if they have DNA from Jennifer's Case??

I know I am really out there on this but had to post it because it really bothered me...
OK, Don't yell at me :couch:

Just going to through this out there because it is bother the .... out of me....

The other night while watching the show on MSNBC "Chasing the Devil" The Gary Ridgway, AKA Green River Killer, One of the fathers of one of the

victims had said many people saw his daughter get in a truck that was blue with a silver/gray painted bumper and the truck had ladders and such in the back...

I was like :eek: WHAT?!

(later at his arrest he did own a blue truck with a painted Silver/gray bumper and it did have ladders in the back…)

Then I watched more and it said the GR had stopped his killing, right around 1993.... I thought in my head.... "what if he didn't stop , What if he just started going way from his home to other states and killed people?"

DO we know if they have DNA from Jennifer's Case??

I know I am really out there on this but had to post it because it really bothered me...

I never thought of that! He did have a blue truck!!

I don't think he'd be a good suspect in Jennifer's case for a couple of reasons.

He stayed local. And targeted prostitutes.

There is no DNA in Jennifer's case. Unless LE is keeping that hush.
I never thought of that! He did have a blue truck!!

I don't think he'd be a good suspect in Jennifer's case for a couple of reasons.

He stayed local. And targeted prostitutes.

There is no DNA in Jennifer's case. Unless LE is keeping that hush.

These blue pickup trucks must have been very common for that time era.

I could have sworn that one article mention that in 2003 Hernando sent all the evidence to FBI and I could have sworn they said DNA. So I need to go dig around for the article. I think it is on the dream thread for her......

Cold case assignment: Jennifer Renee Odom
By CHRISTI STEVENS cstevens@hernandotoday.com
Published: Feb 21, 2006

BROOKSVILLE — Who knows what Jennifer Odom would be like today.

She would be 25 years old now and might have a family of her own. Maybe she would have graduated from college and started an exciting career. Perhaps she would be traveling the world.

Thirteen years ago her future seemed as bright as the sun. That was until someone snuffed out that light and left her Pasco County family with more grief than time can heal.

But on Tuesday, they publicly shared their pain when they spoke to the media about Jennifer’s murder and what life has been like knowing her killer was still out there somewhere.

The family’s statements were part of a media blitz organized by the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office with the hope of stirring new leads in the cold case.

Sunday was the 13-year anniversary of Jennifer’s death. In that time, a task force organized to find her killer has checked out more than 6,000 leads, but none led to the killer.

Jennifer was 12 when she disappeared Feb. 19, 1993, after getting off her school bus just 200 yards from her family’s home in St. Joseph near Dade City. Then on Feb. 25, 2003, her body was found by a couple strolling by a pine forest along Powell Road in Hernando County.

Almost immediately, authorities were searching for a blue pickup truck that children on the school bus saw in the area of Jennifer’s disappearance, but even those accounts were conflicting. So was every other lead.

Detectives never revealed the cause of Jennifer’s death.

Sheriff Richard Nugent started off Tuesday’s news conference and said, “Recent events have placed this investigation as a top priority for law enforcement.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation recently joined the task force and sent people from its Behavior Analysis Unit to put some fresh eyes on an old case.

Sheriff’s Capt. Mike Maurer, who is in charge of the major crimes unit, did most of the talking at Tuesday’s news conference. He showed a short video full of photos from Jennifer’s short life.

He said the task force has a renewed intensity thanks to the FBI, which helped local authorities narrow down a list of suspects and come up with a profile for the killer.

“We have focused our investigation on a smaller group of persons of interest,” Maurer said. Physical evidence collected in the case has been sent to the FBI to be tested again because of all the recent advancements in forensic science.

Maurer said the task force is hoping someone with information about Jennifer’s killer will come forward, particularly now that so much time has passed.

“She was a young girl that was tragically murdered and she shouldn’t have been a victim at all,” he said. “And somebody knows something.”

Dressed in a smart business suit, Jennifer’s mother, Reneé Converse, walked to the podium at the sheriff’s office Tuesday and took a deep breath. As soon as she began to speak, her voice cracked and she started to fight back tears.

“Nothing will bring her back, but anything we can do to bring us closer to a resolution would be wonderful,” she said.

Clark Converse, Jennifer’s stepfather, joined his wife and made a public plea for anyone with information in the case to contact the task force.

Maurer said the task force has a new hotline and there’s a new Web site on the case at www.hernandosheriff.org/jennifer.

He said investigators are hoping that someone will know about some items last seen with Jennifer, but were not found with her body. Those items include a white, hooded Hooters sweatshirt, a brown and yellow purse and black boots.

“There are still pieces of the puzzle that are missing,” Maurer said.

Mr. Converse said finding Jennifer’s killer will bring the family a little peace and ensure there are no more press conferences in the future.

“If we don’t have to go through this part of it for the rest of our lives, it will be a blessing,” he said.

His wife added, “Maybe we’ll save another child.”

Michelle Sample, Jennifer’s friend and the last person to see her alive when she got off the bus that day, was there Tuesday and recalled the sadness she has felt ever since.

She never imagined she was waving goodbye to her friend for the last time, she said.

Now she holds her own son a little tighter. She said she still thinks of Jennifer every day.

“I have a child now and I think about him a lot, about everything that happened and keeping him safe,” she said. “It’s scary to think that this person is still out there.”

Reporter Christi Stevens can be contacted at (352) 544-5271.

BBM and Underlined......

does this mean DNA evidence?

Note there is an error in the date she was found. She was found Feb, 25th 1993 not 2003
BBM and Underlined......

does this mean DNA evidence?

Note there is an error in the date she was found. She was found Feb, 25th 1993 not 2003

I've seen that article about 'evidence' being tested but I've never heard, outright, that they have DNA evidence. Only the fingerprint that hasn't had a hit.
I've seen that article about 'evidence' being tested but I've never heard, outright, that they have DNA evidence. Only the fingerprint that hasn't had a hit.

Well I hope you are wrong and they have some trace, because they don't need much, KWIM? this way they can run it through every year or so and see if they get a hit. As for the print, good luck. I think it could be anyone's. Someone could have picked up the bag at the dump and tossed it aside, or a person who found the bag, could have dumped it there. But if someone tossed it there, they know where it came from and who it belonged too.

To the person who knows who did this....

So once again, I beg you to come forward if you think you know anything. It is 10 days before Christmas, you could give her parents a huge gift of justice this year.
Stopping by to say I hope Jenny's family and friends had a good Christmas and hoping the New Year will bring some break in the case or some good news for them. Nothing will bring her back and we can't imagine what you have had to go through all these years, but I hope someone will come forward before the 17th anniversary of her death. We have a new Sheriff coming to town, I think as early as next week. So maybe a welcome letter and a nudge for Jenny's case. I know they are working hard to bring closure to the family, but it is nice to say welcome to someone who is coming in to office. I don't have his name handy but will check for it tonight on the site or the local news. He is from Pasco County.
There has to be a very good reason why Jennifer Odom's murder has not gone unnoticed for the past 17+ years! (February 19, 2003)

I believe answers are coming!
Okay, I went out today and did a video of the bus stop to the place where Jennifer was found six days later. A large part of it did not upload so I am going back tomorrow to pick up where I left off. Because it is still an on going investigation I don't want to say the exact place she was found. I have read all the old articles and noticed that it is not named in any of them, and it may be for a good reason. I will video the entire route tomorrow up to the main road she was found off of, but not the exact turn off until I make sure it is okay with LE. But it is a long ride to where she was picked up to where she ended up. It is one thing to see it on a map and quite another to actually drive it. We talked to a few locals that remember where she was found and it is not off Spring Lake Road as I first thought. So if all goes well, I will be able to post the video by Feb 1 or 2nd.
There has to be a very good reason why Jennifer Odom's murder has not gone unnoticed for the past 17+ years! (February 19, 2003)

I believe answers are coming!

This Feb,19 will make 17 years. She was taken in 1993. Her family deserves justice, because closure will never be an option for them.
I took the time to read the thread before posting.
It seems possible to me (not saying it is a fact - just a possibility) that this was done
by a janitor or, more likely a maintenance person or landscaper working at or near the hospital
(Oak Hill Hospital) which is allegedly near the trash site where some items were later found.

Unlike what might be required today, back then such workers were often not required
to submit fingerprints. (I have relatives that worked for hospitals in a different state
but were not fingerprinted.
I mention that because the one fingerprint found has allegedly not matched anyone.
I took the time to read the thread before posting.
It seems possible to me (not saying it is a fact - just a possibility) that this was done
by a janitor or, more likely a maintenance person or landscaper working at or near the hospital
(Oak Hill Hospital) which is allegedly near the trash site where some items were later found.

Unlike what might be required today, back then such workers were often not required
to submit fingerprints. (I have relatives that worked for hospitals in a different state
but were not fingerprinted.
I mention that because the one fingerprint found has allegedly not matched anyone.

I will have to check my notes, but the hospital was built after 1995, I think it was 1997. After doing the video today, I am convinced this person was a person who picked the oranges in the groves. You will see what I mean when I get it done. I hope to have a link by tomorrow.
Jennifer's walk up to her home, is directly beside an orange grove. Today it dawned on me as I rode past one grove after another, that Feb is a month for harvesting these trees. The groves are filled with pickers, and pickup trucks beside the workers and tall ladders are up against the trees for pickers to climb up and get the fruit. Some have long metal poles that have a grasp at the end to reach up and pluck the fruit from the tall branches. If you recall the kids saw a blue pickup truck with ladders and pipes in the back. I think now what they saw was a migrant workers truck parked and waiting for Jenny to get off that bus. The grove so close to the bus stop would allow them to see if a child walked alone up a long road. He would know that her two friends had moved only weeks ago and that Jenny got home before her sister and she could be plucked off the path as easy at taking the fruit off the trees. He would would know the area because there were hundreds of groves in the area that he worked each day. He may have even lived in the area with other workers in a small trailer camp. No one would think anything of a worker on that road, sitting. If he knew the cops were looking for his truck, so what, just park it and get a ride with the other workers. Say your truck was broken down, and after time passed, one would think that LE would have checked that truck already and he could go back to using it, or not. When you see the video and how many groves and the area, it will give you pause. Many of the workers lived here, they didn't go back to Mexico after the season passed, but some did. This would explain how the back pack and case turned up two years later in a old dump site. Even if someone knew what he did, I doubt they would have turned him in. He could be in jail or deported or still living here, picking oranges. I don't know if this is the case or not, but it is one good possibility.
I will have to check my notes, but the hospital was built after 1995,
I think it was 1997. After doing the video today, I am convinced this person was a
person who picked the oranges in the groves. You will see what I mean when I get
it done. I hope to have a link by tomorrow.
This link's pic shows 1984 in the upper part of the pic
(if I got the right hospital's website)

It does seem that more was built on in later years such as 1994 but says it was first built in 1984.

I have my own reasons for suspecting the hospital as a place of
employment of the perp or a relative or friend of the perp.
Those reasons may not be much but they will do until I see something better.

Please see if this hospital link I found is the correct hospital or not.
I hate using incorrect links and info.
My last post subjectline should have read 1984 not 1994.
I posted the year right in the post but the subject line
was something I forgot to change when I proofread the thing.
My last post subjectline should have read 1984 not 1994.
I posted the year right in the post but the subject line
was something I forgot to change when I proofread the thing.

I stand corrected, thank you for the link. I do remember the woman at the hospital saying they had their 25th when I called last year. The dump was a unofficial site, not a landfill by Waste Management. It was a place people just tossed things and left. :(
This link's pic shows 1984 in the upper part of the pic
(if I got the right hospital's website)

It does seem that more was built on in later years such as 1994 but says it was first built in 1984.

I have my own reasons for suspecting the hospital as a place of
employment of the perp or a relative or friend of the perp.
Those reasons may not be much but they will do until I see something better.

Please see if this hospital link I found is the correct hospital or not.
I hate using incorrect links and info.

I think we all bring our own experiences to these cases, I know I do. It does help us to realize these perps work in many different ways to get to the victims and they work many different jobs. We never know who is among us and what they are capable of until it hits our own world. But it helps us to relate to a victim or the way they may have been taken, hurt, or killed.
Here is just one theory I am considering:
Please remember it is not intended to be taken as a claim of fact
but is only a theory.
I am including links to information online about the case
and adding my own comments and conclusions.
'. . .February 19, 1993, Jennifer Odom stepped off her school bus. . .'

' . . .Suspect vehicle is a mid to full size,
older model pick-up truck, medium to dark blue (faded) in color,
with pipes and/or ladders in back, rectangular side mirrors,
trailer hitch with wires hanging, and silver bumper in back (not chrome). . . .'

Possibly a maintenance or landscaping person?
But who might need such a person?
Maybe a hospital doing some construction?

Also in 1993- Oak Hill Hospital:
' . . . Sixth floor expansion completed . . .'

1994 (if the expansion was completed in 1994 was it perhaps begun sometime in 1993?)
' . . . Fifth floor opens as part of the 54 bed expansion . . .'

As far as I can easily determine from reading the Hospital PDF
the construction had mostly ended and probably any touch up work and or extra
landscaping was over by 1995 soooooo mayyybe
any extra help they had hired moved on.
People moving sometimes throw away things they no longer need or want.

' . . .Thursday, January 5, 1995, a couple hunting for scrap metal
in a rural area of Hernando County discovered Jennifer's missing book bag and clarinet case. . . .'

I figure the perp probably would not want to toss the stuff in a hospital dumpster
because that might lead right back to LE looking closer at
workers at the hospital but a nearby illegal dumpsite is a different matter,
close & convenient yet not directly linked to the hospital.

Leaving the body in an abandoned orange grove might
just have been to make everyone think it was one of the people
that worked in the groves. That certainly keeps people busy not
looking at the hospital workers.

Note: Not blaming the hospital. Anyone could hire a bad egg without knowing it
and this is all just a theory. . . . just one of many possibilities I am considering.
Jennifer's walk up to her home, is directly beside an orange grove. Today it dawned on me as I rode past one grove after another, that Feb is a month for harvesting these trees. The groves are filled with pickers, and pickup trucks beside the workers and tall ladders are up against the trees for pickers to climb up and get the fruit. Some have long metal poles that have a grasp at the end to reach up and pluck the fruit from the tall branches. If you recall the kids saw a blue pickup truck with ladders and pipes in the back. I think now what they saw was a migrant workers truck parked and waiting for Jenny to get off that bus. The grove so close to the bus stop would allow them to see if a child walked alone up a long road. He would know that her two friends had moved only weeks ago and that Jenny got home before her sister and she could be plucked off the path as easy at taking the fruit off the trees. He would would know the area because there were hundreds of groves in the area that he worked each day. He may have even lived in the area with other workers in a small trailer camp. No one would think anything of a worker on that road, sitting. If he knew the cops were looking for his truck, so what, just park it and get a ride with the other workers. Say your truck was broken down, and after time passed, one would think that LE would have checked that truck already and he could go back to using it, or not. When you see the video and how many groves and the area, it will give you pause. Many of the workers lived here, they didn't go back to Mexico after the season passed, but some did. This would explain how the back pack and case turned up two years later in a old dump site. Even if someone knew what he did, I doubt they would have turned him in. He could be in jail or deported or still living here, picking oranges. I don't know if this is the case or not, but it is one good possibility.

This is the video of the first 6 miles of our drive....

Video # 1 on Vimeo

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