FL FL - Jennifer Odom, 12, Blanton, 19 Feb 1993

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Got to wondering, Back in 2003, Hernando County police wanted to speak to Thomas Brown ( Eventually Spoke to the grand jury about this case ) because of his past. What has always made me go "hmm" was why him? There are thousands in florida that are registered sexual offenders and for some reason they wanted to speak to him. What made him stand out?

Even with the Sunshine law i have not been able to find any documents of the GJ meeting with him, or anything else to show why him, what was discussed ect.

Looking through the florida registery and Maines shows very little information besides the most recent conviction and sentence.

anyone else have any further information on his possible link?????

ETA - Just for refrence - http://www.sptimes.com/2003/03/07/Hernando/Investigators_study_s.shtml
Got to wondering, Back in 2003, Hernando County police wanted to speak to Thomas Brown ( Eventually Spoke to the grand jury about this case ) because of his past. What has always made me go "hmm" was why him? There are thousands in florida that are registered sexual offenders and for some reason they wanted to speak to him. What made him stand out?

Even with the Sunshine law i have not been able to find any documents of the GJ meeting with him, or anything else to show why him, what was discussed ect.

Looking through the florida registery and Maines shows very little information besides the most recent conviction and sentence.

anyone else have any further information on his possible link?????

ETA - Just for refrence - http://www.sptimes.com/2003/03/07/Hernando/Investigators_study_s.shtml

I the only thing I remember reading was the cases were similar. There was another guy not Brown that they went to the GJ with and there wasn't enough to go to trial or arrest. I think he is dead now. It is mention in one of the links, of Mr TT's. It is a site for JO and someone has kept it up for some time now.
I live in Pinellas County, so about 1:15 from where Jennifer vanished. I was slightly older than she was when she disappeared and in my long history of following these kinds of cases, hers was the first one that really compelled me. I followed the story in the St, Petersburg Times avidly.

I tend to get first impressions and stick by them. In this case I always wondered if it was a friend or acquaintance of Leslie Odom. Someone who knew Jennifer would be walking home alone. Someone who wouldn't necessarily raise a big red flag with her. An older boy, perhaps, who met Jennifer while visiting the Odom home. It seemed like a fairly brazen kidnapping. I could see a scenario where Jennifer was approached by someone she knew by association. Like a "I'm going to your house to wait for _____; why don't I give you a ride?"

I don't know. I just never believed this was a typical SO murder. I'm probably wrong. I'm always looking for a way to understand the inexplicable and usually isn't possible. I'm looking at this from the perspective of a local who really isn't local. Brooksville is like an hour from here, but it might as well be 30 hours. East Pasco (and a lot of Hernando) puts a capital R in rural. I suppose it's very possible for a girl to be spotted, incapacitated, killed, and dumped without being spotted by anyone, daylight or buses or not.

Why was the clarinet separated from its case? Found so many years later? Where were the other items? Why were items scattered in different places? That's an assumption, I suppose, but since the purse, boots, and sweater remain missing even now it's known that they weren't found with the bag and case. Did Jennifer make a break for it at one point? I could see a young girl, frightened and thinking "surely I'll make it out of this" seeing an opportunity to bolt and still having those irrational concepts like "I better not leave my books or clarinet. The clarinet's expensive" or whatever. Only to be overcome again.

I could see a SO seizing the opportunity, but why not just dump everything? Was the clarinet pawned? Did he keep the purse hoping there might be a few bucks in it? I picture SOs being controlled by their deranged urges and then wanting to get rid of the evidence fast once they get their jollies and realize what they've done. A lot of SOs live in extreme guilt over their actions, but they don't have impulse control. I'm sure some can be petty thieves, too, but it doesn't seem to be a theme.

Just some disorganized thoughts. RIP Jennifer; I still think about you even today.
I think about this case too, I am torn between your theory Mom of Boys and one where this guy is just randomly looking for a child. I lean towards someone knowing her. Both are possible, but when you look at everything that had to be in place for him to get away with this, I think he knew her, the family routine and the area. I wonder why he has never ended up in the system with DNA connecting him to this case. Was there DNA or did the rain wash it away? Did he do this one time and never do it again? Not likely, but it would explain why he doesn't show up in the system. They were only putting offenders in the system as early as 1998 IIRC. But I know they kept any evidence and the databases were updated with old evidence that was collected before that time. One article says they sent DNA to the FBI back in 2003, so he either wasn't in the system or there wasn't enough to get a hit.

Sometimes an offender just sees an opportunity, he isn't setting it up so to speak or tracking his victim. Sometimes it is someone that lives near by and they move and they aren't on the radar. So I hope that when Hernando goes back over this case, they get that one piece of information that gives them that "light bulb moment"!

I think of the family and send a little prayer each day for LE to solve this for them and Jenny. :angel:
Mom of Boys: I lived in Pinellas county 17 years ago & now Pasco...
I knew very little of Jennifer Odom's case until just recently when Bern & others "resurrected" her thread here...
I think answers may be coming soon~
What a surprise to see Jennifer's case highlighted here in the cold case forums!

I've lived in western Pasco County for a very long time. Jennifer's case has had a long lasting impression on me. I've followed this case from the beginning and have never given up hope that her killer will some day be caught.

I was just thinking about Jennifer last weekend. As I read Sunday's paper edition of the St. Pete Times. There was an article from Jan Glidewell. Prior to him retiring years ago, he had a long standing promise to the parents of a murdered child. He would never let the community forget.

He spent 2 decades writing about the areas unsolved cases. The list kept growing. Jennifer's case was added. His article always appeared in the first week of December.

It's been a number of years since he wrote about Jennifer and all the other cases but I always remember, at this time of the year. Thanks to him.

I recall reading, oh, a couple of years ago, that St. Leo University criminal justice students were helping LE with this, and other cold cases.

My memory is sketchy on the time frame and I have tried to find an article but cannot. There was an attempted abduction from a school bus stop, in the eastern part of New Port Richey, along HWY 52, leading out to Jennifer's area, I want to say a year or two after her murder. Witnesses described a blue truck. It's a rural area. Dirt roads and such. IIRC, it was brother and sister. Who just got home from school and they were riding their bikes. The man tried grabbing the sister.

That lead went nowhere too.
I live in Pinellas County, so about 1:15 from where Jennifer vanished. I was slightly older than she was when she disappeared and in my long history of following these kinds of cases, hers was the first one that really compelled me. I followed the story in the St, Petersburg Times avidly.

I tend to get first impressions and stick by them. In this case I always wondered if it was a friend or acquaintance of Leslie Odom. Someone who knew Jennifer would be walking home alone. Someone who wouldn't necessarily raise a big red flag with her. An older boy, perhaps, who met Jennifer while visiting the Odom home. It seemed like a fairly brazen kidnapping. I could see a scenario where Jennifer was approached by someone she knew by association. Like a "I'm going to your house to wait for _____; why don't I give you a ride?"

I don't know. I just never believed this was a typical SO murder. I'm probably wrong. I'm always looking for a way to understand the inexplicable and usually isn't possible. I'm looking at this from the perspective of a local who really isn't local. Brooksville is like an hour from here, but it might as well be 30 hours. East Pasco (and a lot of Hernando) puts a capital R in rural. I suppose it's very possible for a girl to be spotted, incapacitated, killed, and dumped without being spotted by anyone, daylight or buses or not.

Why was the clarinet separated from its case? Found so many years later? Where were the other items? Why were items scattered in different places? That's an assumption, I suppose, but since the purse, boots, and sweater remain missing even now it's known that they weren't found with the bag and case. Did Jennifer make a break for it at one point? I could see a young girl, frightened and thinking "surely I'll make it out of this" seeing an opportunity to bolt and still having those irrational concepts like "I better not leave my books or clarinet. The clarinet's expensive" or whatever. Only to be overcome again.

I could see a SO seizing the opportunity, but why not just dump everything? Was the clarinet pawned? Did he keep the purse hoping there might be a few bucks in it? I picture SOs being controlled by their deranged urges and then wanting to get rid of the evidence fast once they get their jollies and realize what they've done. A lot of SOs live in extreme guilt over their actions, but they don't have impulse control. I'm sure some can be petty thieves, too, but it doesn't seem to be a theme.

Just some disorganized thoughts. RIP Jennifer; I still think about you even today.

Remember when it was revealved that Joseph Smith put 300 miles on the car he borrowed to abduct and murder Carlie? Her stuff was never found.

This perp may have dumped the rest of Jennifer's stuff in a different area and it was never found.

Your so right about this area being very rural. So many wooded areas for dumping. Someone could have stumbled upon Jennifer's stuff already and not even known it. Especially if it was dumping area and there was a lot of other stuff with it. Not everyone pays attention to the news, let alone BOLO items and such.

I was thrilled and thought it was miracle when the couple looking for scraps found Jen's clarinet case and book bag.
What a surprise to see Jennifer's case highlighted here in the cold case forums!

I've lived in western Pasco County for a very long time. Jennifer's case has had a long lasting impression on me. I've followed this case from the beginning and have never given up hope that her killer will some day be caught.

I was just thinking about Jennifer last weekend. As I read Sunday's paper edition of the St. Pete Times. There was an article from Jan Glidewell. Prior to him retiring years ago, he had a long standing promise to the parents of a murdered child. He would never let the community forget.

He spent 2 decades writing about the areas unsolved cases. The list kept growing. Jennifer's case was added. His article always appeared in the first week of December.

It's been a number of years since he wrote about Jennifer and all the other cases but I always remember, at this time of the year. Thanks to him.

I recall reading, oh, a couple of years ago, that St. Leo University criminal justice students were helping LE with this, and other cold cases.

My memory is sketchy on the time frame and I have tried to find an article but cannot. There was an attempted abduction from a school bus stop, in the eastern part of New Port Richey, along HWY 52, leading out to Jennifer's area, I want to say a year or two after her murder. Witnesses described a blue truck. It's a rural area. Dirt roads and such. IIRC, it was brother and sister. Who just got home from school and they were riding their bikes. The man tried grabbing the sister.

That lead went nowhere too.


great to see locals post about this case. There is so little, and I never heard of this other abduction attempt.

Here is my thoughts on the blue truck. The truck didn't belong to the kidnapper, he had it, but it wasn't registered to him. It could be an old truck that his mother or dad owned, and he had kept it running and used it for this purpose only. If it is not registered, LE, is not going to find it by a record search. If he parks it and doesn't use it, they can't stop him and ask ???. So he wasn't scared to be seen with it the day Jenny went missing. The tags wouldn't come up if anyone had remembered them. So now it is 2 years later, same thing. I wonder if LE put the word out for people to jog the memory banks of neighbors or workers that owned a parked truck if that would help? I know that is a huge long shot, but I still remember things about my neighbors from years ago.

I need to find some of the articles too.....thanks
Remember when it was revealved that Joseph Smith put 300 miles on the car he borrowed to abduct and murder Carlie? Her stuff was never found.

This perp may have dumped the rest of Jennifer's stuff in a different area and it was never found.

Your so right about this area being very rural. So many wooded areas for dumping. Someone could have stumbled upon Jennifer's stuff already and not even known it. Especially if it was dumping area and there was a lot of other stuff with it. Not everyone pays attention to the news, let alone BOLO items and such.

I was thrilled and thought it was miracle when the couple looking for scraps found Jen's clarinet case and book bag.

You are so right about the perp may have driven many miles to get Jennifer, this could have been a crime of opportunity. But something tells me he knew where he was going that day. I don't have a reason, just it feels like the situation was like the perfect storm and he pulled it off or he had inside knowledge of the area, no parents home, no sister with her, the girls moved that used to walk her home, no one around the home that day or even that the grandmother may have witnessed it. But it does happen random everyday... if that is the case, they will have to catch him in another crime to get him. :(

great to see locals post about this case. There is so little, and I never heard of this other abduction attempt.

Here is my thoughts on the blue truck. The truck didn't belong to the kidnapper, he had it, but it wasn't registered to him. It could be an old truck that his mother or dad owned, and he had kept it running and used it for this purpose only. If it is not registered, LE, is not going to find it by a record search. If he parks it and doesn't use it, they can't stop him and ask ???. So he wasn't scared to be seen with it the day Jenny went missing. The tags wouldn't come up if anyone had remembered them. So now it is 2 years later, same thing. I wonder if LE put the word out for people to jog the memory banks of neighbors or workers that owned a parked truck if that would help? I know that is a huge long shot, but I still remember things about my neighbors from years ago.

I need to find some of the articles too.....thanks

Yep! This scenerio is very possible.

It's also important to remember how different the news was, back in 1993. It was before Baynews9 had 24 news for locals. So press releases were only seen at key news times from ABC, NBC, etc.
I just did a search on Jan and Jennifer and he had a few articles that talked about similar cases. No details but a small blurb about a Spotsylvania, VA girl, 11, had reportedly been grabbed by a man driving a pickup truck with FL tags. I haven't googled it yet. But I guess it lead no where as with the New England guy. The wife said she knew he did it, but GJ didn't believe the story, so that clears that one up for me.

I hope this link works, it is the story of a man in a pickup truck kidnapping and killing 3 girls. The article by Jan stated a blue pickup truck with FL tags, but no other details. This may be the source of that notation in his article. I will google the girls names and see if I can find out what color truck and Tags.

1997 Kati and Kristin Lisk kidnapped and murdered.

1996 Amber Hagerman also kidnapped and murdered, they believe by the same man.

Another girl got away, but once again he grabs these girls in a minute and they are pulled into the truck and gone.

Okay I think this is the same guy they looked at for Jenny's murder.....

I finally found an archive of the attempted abduction I was talking about. Along with some others that I was unaware of, at the time.

The main reason this one stuck out for me was because I had a co-worker, at that time, who's Son got on the school bus at this spot. The archive doesn't give a lot of information, unless you pay for the full article. But I could have sworn her Son also witnessed this attempted abduction. Or maybe was friends with the children who witnessed it. {It's been a long time}

I was off on the time it occured. It was on a Saturday morning. While kids were out playing. And it was only 4 months after Jennifer was murdered.

If you type Jennifer Odom into the St. Pete Time archives, I used the dates, 1993-1998, you'll find all kinds of information about other abductions, Jennifer stories that you can't find doing just a regular net search, and community support efforts to make kids safe.

The article I'm talking about, the authors name is ROGER CLENDENING II, it was published Jun 6, 1993, and the headline is -

"Pasco girl, 10, reports kidnap try"

I'll try linking the page but I don't think it works.

Jennifer's new step-father was in the tree trimming business.
The children described the blue pick-up truck as possibly a tree trimming business....A hitch, a ladder, pipes......

A disgruntled employee?
Your link worked for me. I wonder if they ever found that guy.

Good, I wasn't sure it would. A lot of times search results won't work when you link them.

I don't recall hearing anything more about it, either way.
I'm wondering if any of us here felt the need to contact Jack Mulligan the supposed eyewitness?

Glad to say, I finally wrote him a letter asking for answers to certain questions.

Hopefully, by next week answers will be coming, as I believe him.
This sure seems like it's the same person. Both are off of State Road 52, a light blue pick-up truck....

Moon Lake Estates New Port Richey, FL

If you travel directly north of this area it takes you to the location of where Jennifer's clarinet was found....

(9:45 am on a Sunday...His true location?)

I am not able to get the link to work, did you pay for the article?

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