GUILTY FL - Jordan Davis, 17, shot to death, Satellite Beach, 23 Nov 2012 #6

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Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 2m
By my count the jury has now deliberated for 16 hourx by my count. #dunntrial
I'm a little confused about the bullet trajectory and hoping someone can help me out because now it's got me all skeptical.

The first three shots into Jordan's door are almost straight on, with a slight angle. How could Dunn have fired them like this if he was in the driver's seat? Seem like the angle would work more if the door was open a little?

We don't know how the cars were parked. Based on testimony, the cars were parked too close for either Jordan or Dunn to get out. (FWIW, since the Durango was there first, this means that Dunn had pulled in too close to the Durango.) Which raises the question as to why Dunn was so afraid since Jordan couldn't easily get out of the car. It's also been testified that Dunn was leaning out his window which would affect the trajectory.

IMO, the most important thing the bullet trajectory evidence shows is that the Durango was in retreat (trying to get away from the madman with a gun).

I also believe the testimony of the surviving victims that they were leaning away from Dunn in an effort to avoid getting shot. IMO, this is the instinctual thing they all would have done. I found their testimony compelling and honest.

I am not sure what you are referring to Soliloguy. I am a gun rights advocate but that certainly doesn't mean I think people should be going around shooting innocent people for nothing.

Being a legal gun owner has nothing to do with this case, and respectfully, it is offensive to me that it is invoked. I know countless legal gun owners and not one of them believes what Dunn did was justified. There is absolutely nothing to base this assumption on that there is someone on the jury that owns a gun so therefore they are thinking about setting a murderer free. Legal gun owners are some of the most law abiding citizens ever and with there being over a 100 million of them they sit on cases as jurors all across America and bring justice to victims over and over again.

I imagine they are wrestling with first degree or second degree.

Or there may be some idiot on there that thinks that Jordan just had to do something to provoke this shooting or Dunn would have never fired.:banghead: I hope to hell not but I wouldn't be surprised.


Same answer as above. "Stealth" was meant to imply a juror who isn't willing or able to see MD as an unresponsible gun owner because he has a CCW (or for whatever reason) and will, therefore, ignore or brush off inconsistencies in his testimony.
I'm afraid it's time to ask this question: Does anybody remember the legal name of that shot-across-the-bow warning given by the judge to a deadlocked jury telling them to go back in and try harder to reach a consensus? I am fearful that the next "jury question" will relate to their discord and that this judge will be obligated to further encourage them. But, I can't remember what that encouragement is called.

ETA: I think we have one or more "stealth" gun rights advocates on this jury.
There is nothing wrong with supporting a constitutional right. The fact that you think they would have to be 'stealthy' is concerning. It's a shame when someone that advocates for the rights provided by our constitution have to do so 'quietly'.

I'm a 2nd amendment supporter and I don't understand how this wasn't a 5 minute verdict. This man should be in prison for the rest of his life.

An idiot committing a crime has nothing to do with 'gun rights'.

I completely agree with you. I don't think it's legitimately a gun rights issue either. I just think there are others out there with MD's mindset who aren't willing to see beyond a potential loss of their "rights" as they believe them to be and are perfectly willing to carry that mindset into jury deliberations. In fact, that's exactly what he was hoping for in his letters. I won't quote him because it's offensive.

ITA. Dunn is a very vocal and "passionate" gun rights advocate. Passionate is in scare quotes because that's the word RR used. I'm more inclined to use the word "fanatical."
I agree that this is not a 2nd Amendment issue. However, I wonder if there are gun owners on the jury who would not hesitate to use their firearm if they felt threatened. But reasonable care should apply here. MD had the opportunity to move his car. I am sure RR would have found him in a different parking spot had he moved.

There are several issues at work here, and I hope the jury is ONLY considering the evidence and the law, not interjecting their own personal views or experiences. JMV
There is nothing wrong with supporting a constitutional right. The fact that you think they would have to be 'stealthy' is concerning. It's a shame when someone that advocates for the rights provided by our constitution have to do so 'quietly'.

I'm a 2nd amendment supporter and I don't understand how this wasn't a 5 minute verdict. This man should be in prison for the rest of his life.

An idiot committing a crime has nothing to do with 'gun rights'.


Again. I agree with you. And I would bet that there are a LOT of 2nd amendment supporters on this jury who are not holding up a verdict. All it takes is one with the extremist views of MD. FWIW, I believed it was an M1 vs. M2 issue yesterday and earlier today. Not so much now.....
Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 59s
Mass wedding on 3rd floor of courthouse. Waiting for Michael Dunn verdict on 4th floor. #dunntrial #weirdjuxtaposition
There is nothing wrong with supporting a constitutional right. The fact that you think they would have to be 'stealthy' is concerning. It's a shame when someone that advocates for the rights provided by our constitution have to do so 'quietly'.

I'm a 2nd amendment supporter and I don't understand how this wasn't a 5 minute verdict. This man should be in prison for the rest of his life.

An idiot committing a crime has nothing to do with 'gun rights'.


All rights issues have their own lunatic fringe. IMO, Soliloquy is referring to the fringe element and not responsible gun rights advocates.

IMO, most gun rights activists, like you, think Dunn is clearly guilty. I've seen again and again, gun owners say (and I paraphrase) that when you carry, you need to be especially careful to avoid confrontation so that you don't end up killing someone over nothing.
Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 1m
More protesters out in front of courthouse today. Of course, weather is warmer. #dunntrial
Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 53s
Question is, what happens Sunday and Monday (Presidents Day) if there's still no verdict?

Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 1m
I've been told if jury doesn't reach verdict today, we definitely come back Saturday. #dunntrial
Darn It! Went and ran some errands, and figured by the time I got back there would be a verdict!

If it has come down to am impasse between M1 and M2, I think the M1 jurors will cave before the M2's. Just my opinion.
If it has come down to am impasse between M1 and M2, I think the M1 jurors will cave before the M2's. Just my opinion.

I disagree. I don't think the M1 jurors will cave, especially if even one of them, IMO, had any disappointments in the Zimmerman verdict.
Darn It! Went and ran some errands, and figured by the time I got back there would be a verdict!


I did, too and thought for sure it would come while I was gone. But I did pick up a cheeseburger !
Another thought in the trajectory: if Dunn shot the door and was even with the front of Durango, he would have had to shoot back of himself, even if the door was open. No one said he did this and he basically just aimed straight and fired. So now I'm more inclined to believe the sedan was parked a little back.

If anyone has any adverse theories I'd love to hear them, though.
I do not think this is a gun's right issue. My fear would be someone who has the same mindset as MD has being on the jury. Most responsible gun owners would not have gotten into a confrontation unless it was unavoidable. As these jurors will soon find out MD used his gun as a threat in the past. It was only a matter of time before he used it in reality. He's just a bully with a gun. jmo

I totally agree with you. I don't think that it is a gun's right issue either but there are some people who will see a guilty verdict as being against the right to bear arms and defend yourself. Small minds, I know but people who supported Zimmerman came out of the woodwork and made that case all about the 2nd amendment. I too fear that there may be like-minded people who will find a reason, any reason, to find "self defense" in this case. Too bad that the jury doesn't usually get to hear everything they need to hear about the defendant prior to reaching a verdict.
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