GUILTY FL - Jordan Davis, 17, shot to death, Satellite Beach, 23 Nov 2012 #6

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Every time I have seen Jordan Davis' parents being interviewed, I have been so impressed by their grace and their eloquence. So thoughtful and sensitive, and they have behaved with such class despite their tragic circumstances. Bon courage!
Just to defend some cases.
My son dropped out, went back to get his GED, and took the pre-test for it and was told my the counselor he was the kind of person who could end up being a PHD (his scores were so high). He also completely aced the actual GED.

As for the reason he dropped out, he just was one of those kids who did not fare well in a High School environment (and I will admit he can be lazy).
Now he is becoming a total tech head and is immersed in computers and maybe moving into programming.

I guess my point is you can be very smart and drop out of school.

PS- I also have an uncle who bummed around for years after high school then went on to actually become a chemical engineer with a PHD and a ton of patents....ya just never know!

ETA- I should also add I am not defending Michael Dunn here. There are many ways you can be BOTH smart and incredibly ignorant...

Oh I am so sorry if my post came off as judgmental towards anyone who has dropped out of high school and then gotten a GED. I was specifically referring to Dunn. Given his present age, this would have been some 30 years ago. His letter was so arrogant. I just wondered why is all.

I meant no disrespect. I admire anyone who goes back and gets their GED. Sounds like your son has it together and I applaud his efforts. :seeya:
3:30 Floridia time

Not feeling as good as I was before. I'm feeling a hung jury.
And here's more food for thought :p Let's suppose those kids in the Durango were gang members. Gang members do not carry shotguns around. They use hand guns. Kinda like the one Michael Dunn used. That, right there, shows you how absurd his story is.
3:30 Floridia time

Not feeling as good as I was before. I'm feeling a hung jury.

Better a hung jury than an acquittal. Defendants with fancy lawyers the first time around tend to get convicted the second time around. I won't start worrying until after 5 Florida time.
High-five to your son :) One of mine also had to drop out. Went to GED school, then to community college, now he's serving in the military and doing great.

I think the fact that MD seemed to think that he was "above" the actual GED classes is what Nymeria might have been pointing out? I read the letter, and he seemed to be insulted that he might have to take classes. My opinion, though, and I don't want to put words into Nymeria's post :)

O/T Nymeria, your screen name is making me wish for April, when the show comes back on!

It was me and you understood what I was trying to get across. I am very :blushing: that my post was not clear. :seeya:
And Panda is what is for dinner tonight. I will send you some.

I was just reading the last page here and skipped over what you were replying to, and was shocked that you would eat pandas for dinner! :floorlaugh:
Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 2m
We appear to have about 20 protesters outside. One guys been yelling into bullhorn for days. Surprised he hasn't lost his voice. #DunnTrial
Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 27s
As @sunnyhostin just pointed out. It's unclear how late the judge will go tonight. Might want to go late to avoid Sat. court. #DunnTrial
Oh I am so sorry if my post came off as judgmental towards anyone who has dropped out of high school and then gotten a GED. I was specifically referring to Dunn. Given his present age, this would have been some 30 years ago. His letter was so arrogant. I just wondered why is all.

I meant no disrespect. I admire anyone who goes back and gets their GED. Sounds like your son has it together and I applaud his efforts. :seeya:

I am not offended. I was in my 30's when I went and got mine.
3:30 Floridia time

Not feeling as good as I was before. I'm feeling a hung jury.

They have a lot to go through so I am still optimistic they will come to a decision.

The loud arguing supposedly coming from the jury room does bother me some but I still think they will work it out in the end.

Someone mentioned they will vote guilty if they were dissatisfied with the Zimmerman verdict. I don't believe that is true. Jurors do not come to their decisions based on another case. They will come to a verdict based on the evidence in THIS case. That would be a revenge verdict and would be jury misconduct and I don't think any juror does that but wants to do the right thing concerning the case they are serving on.

Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 58s
This second guessing will stop of court if Dunn gets convicted. #DunnTrial

Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 1m
Beginning to hear second guessing of job prosecutors did. Complaints are that they never let jury know who Jordan Davis was. #dunntrial
I am not offended. I was in my 30's when I went and got mine.

Another high five :)

Zuri, I've posted with you long enough to know that you would never, ever purposely offend anybody, and you certainly weren't being that way in your post. We get, and appreciate, you! :loveyou:

My nerves are shot, waiting. I can't imagine what the Davis family is feeling right now.
This is getting ridiculous. How can this be so clear to us and be taking them so long?
Really, are we going to get a hung jury? Is there some "one" on this jury that thinks it is OK to shoot someone like this?

I really can't believe that anyone is buying that "feared for his life" line. Anyone that falls for this is just looking for a reason to be able to gun people down that they disagree with!

That is my rant and I am sticking to it! Done. Thanks for listening.
Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 2m
One person said state made a mistake not letting people know who Jordan was. No baby pictures, no stories of his first step, etc. #dunntrial
They have a lot to go through so I am still optimistic they will come to a decision.

The loud arguing supposedly coming from the jury room does bother me some but I still think they will work it out in the end.

Someone mentioned they will vote guilty if they were dissatisfied with the Zimmerman verdict. I don't believe that is true. Jurors do not come to their decisions based on another case. They will come to a verdict based on the evidence in THIS case. That would be a revenge verdict and would be jury misconduct and I don't think any juror does that but wants to do the right thing concerning the case they are serving on.


That was me and I wasn't saying that they would do it as a revenge verdict regardless of the evidence, or to counteract the verdict he got. I was saying if they felt he was guilty then they aren't going to waiver or compromise, especially if they feel like if they did they'd have another Zimmerman case on their hands. If they followed that case and felt wrong was done then I would think they'd be more inclined to stick to their guns than compromise, which would have been more likely if they'd never heard or followed the Zimmerman case. I think they would be more apt to compromise then, if that makes sense. There's a juror from the Zimmerman trial who now regrets, or at least questions her decisions. There could be some jurors who are thinking they are not going to waiver at all no matter what, when they would if not for the Zimmerman case. IMO.

Hope that makes sense.
Larry Hannan ‏@LarryHannan 2m
One person said state made a mistake not letting people know who Jordan was. No baby pictures, no stories of his first step, etc. #dunntrial

I can agree with this. They really didn't spend any time on this.
Another high five :)

Zuri, I've posted with you long enough to know that you would never, ever purposely offend anybody, and you certainly weren't being that way in your post. We get, and appreciate, you! :loveyou:

My nerves are shot, waiting. I can't imagine what the Davis family is feeling right now.

I can't tell you how much I needed that GED.

I keep getting more anxious as time goes by. I am sure Jordan's family is feeling the same if not more so.
i agree, but i don't think you have to worry about being shot. heres an example of what i mean. i live in a so called upper class neighborhood. i decided at the new year i'd get in shape. the first day i decided to go for a run, i got stopped by the fort bend police. they asked me what was i running from. even tho i had on what i considered as work out clothes, but i guess it was "" clothes to them. they wanted id. i didn't have any. just a cell phone. sat in the back of the cop car for 45 minutes while they ran my name and background. luckly i know my license number by memory.

if the police came to my door, i wouldn't open it. more than likely, i'd get tazed. or even worse. i'd get shot, then they would say i was high on pcp and out of control.

Oh my. This saddens me beyond belief. Unfortunately, I don't think your story is uncommon. I also don't know where/when/how pre-conceptions are going to change. I am so sorry that this happened to you.

In 2002, my husband, 3 kids and I went to Universal Studios in Orlando. On the way home, in the Orlando airport, my husband was pulled aside and searched by the TSA. He had not shaved so he had stubble and has dark German coloring. I guess he could have been mistaken for Middle Eastern(?). Despite the fact that he was traveling with his blonde wife, 2 blonde haired blue eyed children, and a young brunette, browned eyed daughter with barrettes in her hair, he looked suspicious to somebody. I was horrified and I got pissed. It wasn't at just one check point, it was at 3. My husband had been profiled. Fortunately, my husband is very good natured and took it all in stride and has been sure to closely shave every time he is to board a plane. It has never happened again.

That one incident gave me insight into what it must be like for you and others who are judged on appearances alone, unfairly and unjustly. Bravo to you for handling that situation with such grace. A lot of people could learn from you. :seeya:
Oh I am so sorry if my post came off as judgmental towards anyone who has dropped out of high school and then gotten a GED. I was specifically referring to Dunn. Given his present age, this would have been some 30 years ago. His letter was so arrogant. I just wondered why is all.

I meant no disrespect. I admire anyone who goes back and gets their GED. Sounds like your son has it together and I applaud his efforts. :seeya:

:seeya: No worries Zuri (see my post above in reply to Leilei, I get it :)).
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