GUILTY FL - Kaitlyn Hunt for statutory rape of 14yo girl, Vero Beach, 2013

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Good for you that you have turned your life around!
As the law in FL currently stands, a 19 year old can legally have sex with a 16 year old so that particular instance wouldn't apply right now. I'm sure that young woman has also had her record expunged.

Thanks so much! Its nice to hear that every now and then. I appreciate it!
I have to take what I hear with a grain of salt. I would want to see the file of the person in prison and the circumstances before I would form an opinion. 19 and 16 is within legal standards for a consensual relationship in FL. Being on WS's I have seen many cases where perps falling in the age range have done horrific crimes. I have seen SO advocates claim that they are Romeo Juliet situations using the age as political ploy. I have dug deeper and found the truth in some instances.

The SO advocates will use this as a political platform. I went through the registry of my county once (around 600 SO's) and only found a couple that the R & J laws "may" have applied to. Also, "peeing in public" is considered indecent exposure here and does NOT fall under a crime where you would end up on the registry. Please remember when dealing with SO advocates in your state to know your state laws. Their goal is to abolish the registry completely. They will come in large groups and comment on news articles twisting the truth. That's why I like the way our laws here read and that they do consider circumstances.

I just want people to be aware and educated when and if you find yourself encountering a situation where these truths are twisted. The SO registry is NOT mostly R&J situations and people that have urinated in public.

Here is the link to girl I referred to

Looking at the dates, she had to be older than 19. I apologize for the mistake but it clearly states her victim was 16-17yrs old
Here is the link to girl I referred to

Looking at the dates, she had to be older than 19. I apologize for the mistake but it clearly states her victim was 16-17yrs old

I have to apologize but I forgot how the conversation originated. It looks like this falls under the next level up age group. I like to see the whole court file because I am used to seeing so many plea bargains in my county. The next level up age group is a whole other topic of discussion IMO, than we have in this case and I don't want to go off in that direction on this thread because it doesn't apply. I am sorry if any of my posts in the past were derailing.

I think we are going to have enough to debate on this particular situation at hand here.

Please don't take this as being directed toward you in anyway. I am really speaking of myself and trying to keep focused on the issue at hand with this case. I feel like I've had to bring myself back from drifting off topic a few times.

Others threads can always be started to address other issues.

Sending you a warm welcome to WS's and congrats on your sobriety!!! :cupcake:
I never said it was a good idea. Making it ok is pushing the idea to me. I am not making it a crime, it is a crime. I happen to agree with it. Yes I do want under age people that are having sex to be punished for it.

I'm a little confused by your post as well. Two underage teens (both under 18) having sex is not a crime, hence the defense lawyer's comment that if she would of had sex 105 (or however long) days ago with the 14 year old, it wouldn't had been a crime because she was 17 then.

I agree that it's not ideal that underage sex happens, but it does and there's no stopping it IMO.
I'm a little confused by your post as well. Two underage teens (both under 18) having sex is not a crime, hence the defense lawyer's comment that if she would of had sex 105 (or however long) days ago with the 14 year old, it wouldn't had been a crime because she was 17 then.

I agree that it's not ideal that underage sex happens, but it does and there's no stopping it IMO.

If two 13 year olds have sex it is a crime with a huge punishment here in Texas. Both are breaking the law. While 13 is young it is happening and has been for a long time.
If two 13 year olds have sex it is a crime with a huge punishment here in Texas. Both are breaking the law. While 13 is young it is happening and has been for a long time.

I would love to see the statutes so I could learn from them. TIA
I dont want to distract from the topic of the thread, but just curious-when does a threat between children rise to the level of punishable coercion for you? Or doesnt it?

A credible threat of bodily harm rises to the level of punishable coercion, IMHO.

"I won't be your boyfriend anymore if you won't have sex with me" is not punishable, at all, by any stretch of the imagination. The guy wants sex, he does't want a girlfriend who won't give it to him. Now it's up to her to give in or not have that guy as a boyfriend. I can't imagine punishing that.

Any more than, if you don't stop cursing all the time I won't want to hang out with you. if you dress weird like that I'm not going to the mall with you. If you sit with Lindsay at lunch, you can't hang out with us anymore.
•Although only 13% of teens have had sex by age 15, most initiate sex in their later teen years. By their 19th birthday, seven in 10 female and male teens have had intercourse.[1]

I get real tired of hearing the old...well 13 year olds are having sex, so there's nothing wrong with it. There is EVERYTHING wrong with it! 13 year olds should NOT, under ANY circumstances, EVER be having sex with anyone!!! A pregnant 13 year old girl is a nightmare scenario, not to mention all of the other things that can go wrong such as STD's, etc... There is also a great amount of risk of ruining ones reputation (not *advertiser censored*-shaming here-it's reality-13 year old girls having sex are almost always *advertiser censored*-shamed by their peers) and ruining their own sense of personal value and morals.

It is the constant acceptance by everyone that it is acceptable, so more and more young kids will do it and feel it is their "right." Well-trust me-that isn't the case for the parents when their 13 year old comes home pregnant and they need to deal with the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy. And the parents of the boy will need to face consequences if a child is brought into the world where their child is now responsible for supporting the child. Sure, adoption is an answer, but certainly not one I would want for my child to have to do-I have 3 adopted children and even though their birth mothers made a loving choice and knew it was the right choice, it was the most painful thing they have ever had to do.

Honestly, I think there should be laws against children having sex with one another. I think interventions should be had with these kids to set them on the straight and narrow before they end up in real trouble. 13-15 is just way too young. 16-18 is questionable as it is, as how many 16-18 year olds are prepared to handle the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy or an STD?

There are plenty of other ways to enjoy the company of someone you are attracted to and exploring those ways back in "my day" was a big part of the joy of being young. How far will you let him go? 1st base, 2nd base??? It seems nowadays, many kids are just going all the way without much thought to any of the consequences-because there aren't any!

Sorry-not trying to sound preachy here-but my son just turned 13 and there is NO WAY I could ever imagine him having sex at his age!!! He is so immature that he still plays with his WWE wrestling figures and LEGO's. Can you imagine if he somehow went out and got some girl in his class pregnant??? Dear God, help us all!!!

Honestly, I think there should be laws against children having sex with one another.

Why can't parents just supervise their children properly? Better than criminalising them, surely.
•Although only 13% of teens have had sex by age 15, most initiate sex in their later teen years. By their 19th birthday, seven in 10 female and male teens have had intercourse.[1]

No matter how many are or aren't, we owe it to those who *are* having sex to have a coherent, humane, and comprehensive education and legal policy towards teen sex.

I don't think two hypothetical 15 year olds need to be thrown in jail or stuck with a criminal record for having consensual sex.
No matter how many are or aren't, we owe it to those who *are* having sex to have a coherent, humane, and comprehensive education and legal policy towards teen sex.

I don't think two hypothetical 15 year olds need to be thrown in jail or stuck with a criminal record for having consensual sex.

bbm, I don't owe anyone anything. I am not a part of we.
bbm, I have no idea what "legal policy towards teen sex" would do to help in the world as we know it. I think there are lots of other thing that warrant more attention then teens having sex. Honestly.
I'm a little confused by your post as well. Two underage teens (both under 18) having sex is not a crime, hence the defense lawyer's comment that if she would of had sex 105 (or however long) days ago with the 14 year old, it wouldn't had been a crime because she was 17 then.

I agree that it's not ideal that underage sex happens, but it does and there's no stopping it IMO.

Except her lawyer doesn't know the state law very well.

The fact of the matter is you can't consent under the age of 16 in Florida if the person is more than three years older than you.

What she should have said was "If they had waited until the victim was 16 they would not have had a case" Because that's true.
bbm, I don't owe anyone anything. I am not a part of we.
bbm, I have no idea what "legal policy towards teen sex" would do to help in the world as we know it. I think there are lots of other thing that warrant more attention then teens having sex. Honestly.

You aren't a part of society? That's the "we" I was talking about.

Legal policy = how we deal with it now and in the future, legally.

I agree, there are way bigger problems to deal with besides throwing teens in jail for having sex. But then I'm not the one who thinks there should be a punishment for underage people having sex - you are, or did I misread your post?
No matter how many are or aren't, we owe it to those who *are* having sex to have a coherent, humane, and comprehensive education and legal policy towards teen sex.

I don't think two hypothetical 15 year olds need to be thrown in jail or stuck with a criminal record for having consensual sex.

BBM: I'm still curious about the scenario of 2 kids the same age being thrown in jail for having consensual sex ???? I really would like to see something to back this up.

I really don't want to go off in that direction without seeing a link.

eta: not directing this at you, I just think it's important if something is stated as fact, it is backed up with a link.
You aren't a part of society? That's the "we" I was talking about.

Legal policy = how we deal with it now and in the future, legally.

I agree, there are way bigger problems to deal with besides throwing teens in jail for having sex. But then I'm not the one who thinks there should be a punishment for underage people having sex - you are, or did I misread your post?

I see we are sorta kinda getting a little O/T here, but it is a good debate. It is my opinion that YOUNG teens having sex is a HUGE problem in this country. I agree we should have a better policy about it, but whatever the case may be, 13-15 year old kids should NOT be having sex. End of story. Do I want them thrown in jail for it? NO-of course not. But there needs to be some consequence and certainly better education than what we have been giving them lately. It seems like our society is getting too scared to say why young kids shouldn't be having sex and instead are telling them, it's ok to have sex, and we will protect your right to do so and help you out with any of the consequences if they should arise.
Who said this?

Sorry...wasn't really quoting anyone in particular. Just society as a whole. People I know in the neighborhood, people on TV, just people in general that I hear this ambivalence about teen sex. And I am sure you have heard plenty of people say that. Ah...they're kids...why waste our breaths trying to keep them from doing what they are going to do anyway?

Can you imagine if every parent in this country just started condoning their children's behaviors because it is something they are going to do anyway, so why bother? As a parent, you have to at least try. C'mon...keep your kids busy-get them involved in sports, music, clubs, etc... Get them active in the community, church, extracurricular activities.

Again-not directed at anyone here on WS...just society in general.
Sorry...wasn't really quoting anyone in particular. Just society as a whole. People I know in the neighborhood, people on TV, just people in general that I hear this ambivalence about teen sex. And I am sure you have heard plenty of people say that. Ah...they're kids...why waste our breaths trying to keep them from doing what they are going to do anyway?

Can you imagine if every parent in this country just started condoning their children's behaviors because it is something they are going to do anyway, so why bother? As a parent, you have to at least try. C'mon...keep your kids busy-get them involved in sports, music, clubs, etc... Get them active in the community, church, extracurricular activities.

Again-not directed at anyone here on WS...just society in general.

ITA. Parents are supposed to be parents, not their children best buds, condoning everything the child is doing.

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