Found Deceased FL - Kristina French, 53, Neptune Beach, 21 Nov 2017 *Arrest*

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I have a feeling that there may have been signs along the way. But, like a
lot of parents, denial is a better and safer place to be. "Oh, he'll grow out of it"; "What he needs is a swift kick to the butt"; "He's not any different than anyone else."

Not saying that's what happened here but it doesn't sound like Dad's a touchy feelie kind of guy and Mom was too far away and busy with 3 younger children to monitor LG's moods.

If anyone would have suspected a problem re LG, I think it would have been Kristina.

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I still wonder if LM had begun experimenting with illegal drug use. That's high on my theory list also as it was reported not only the three guns, but iirc pain meds had been taken from the safe.
But it is not clear that he showed any signs of being in a crisis state. Having difficulties settling in to a new school, is not unusual and 15 year old boys can be uncommunicative and appear unhappy, even when they are not.

All of that is true. It is very hard to figure out what is going on with 15 yr olds. Which is why they need close bonds and intimate associations with people who can really assess what is going on.
These are a few of the statements I feel are pretty critical of Mom. Your mileage may vary.

Maybe I am being unfair to her. I guess it bothers me that this child watched his Mom move out of state when he was only 5 or 6. And then she began her new family, while he was missing her very much, and living with a stern, strict authoritarian Father. And at 15, when he was finally old enough, to be asked by the courts what he wanted to do--so the custody would finally go in her direction, Logan's parents decide not to honor his request and his need to be with his Mother for once in his life. It really makes me kind of angry, and maybe that is unfair of me to be critical. I am sure she was doing what she thought was right.
I don't feel that she is getting crapped on. I think people are trying to understand how Logan was feeling and what was going on with him.

It's fine that she is advocating for him aggressively. I just find it in stark contrast to his childhood.

Yes, there are years and years of court battles over custody. She didn't abandon him. But court battles do nothing to nurture or satisfy a child who is missing his mommy.

I am just stating a simple fact. His mother moved out of state when he was 5 or 6. Having a long distance relationship with your mom, when you are that young, must be difficult. JMO

And yes, their decision was based upon them wanting the best academic opportunities for their 15 yr old. That is usually a wise decision. But if your child is having a serious emotional/mental health crisis, then academic opportunities are not all that important.

I am not blaming anyone.I am trying to understand how Logan felt. What was triggering that tremendous anger/emotional reaction?

I think it was pain/grief/repressed anger and it is sad that he was not given the help he needed in time to save his lovely grandmother.
I think your poignant reply #1002 said it all. I believe you understand it best and have articulated it in such a way that anyone who reads it would understand the angst LM was possibly experiencing. I am sorry that your 14 year old self had to go through it. [emoji22]

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It doesn't seem right that the mom is getting crapped on here at WS.
She's a mother, advocating for her child. My child is nearly 30 and I would do the same thing. Especially if that Dad onsite wasn't seeing to it that his child is properly monitored for a serious health issue. Shrug.
If one takes the time to look at the YEARS of court records, it is glaringly obvious that she did not 'desert' her child, dumping him to go raise her other children, etc.
When I was a kid I wanted to go live with my non-custodial parent, I think that many if not most children of divorce want that from time to time, at least. I didn't kill anyone because of it.
Then again...I wasn't in a household that made me run until I puked. You can see by the court records that she did have deep concern over alleged physical abuse at the hands of Dad. With 200+ court filings, back and forth, it sure doesn't appear to me that she just ditched her kid and never tried to get custody, never considered his well-being, etc. Quite the opposite in fact.
It appears that the decision to not change his living situation was based on wanting the best for their child. I can't blame either the mom or the dad for that, really.
Honestly, if I think about who influenced how this kid turned out, I have to take into account who had day to day influence on him, year after year.
And even then, I can't 'blame' the dad for Logan's horrific act, if it turns out that he just up and killed his dear grandmother all on his own.
I think some might be looking for someone to 'blame' for this tragedy, but I don't think we know nearly enough facts to do so yet.
Ultimately Logan Mott is the one accused of pulling the trigger/plunging the knife and being angry at his parents isn't really a good justification for doing so.
This is all my own opinion, of course.
It doesn't seem right Dad is getting crapped on here at WS. There are a few statements I feel are pretty critical of Dad. Lest you forget, he not only lost a child but his mother too and at the hands of his child.

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There is now a Free Logan Mott Twitter page....

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I still wonder if LM had begun experimenting with illegal drug use. That's high on my theory list also as it was reported not only the three guns, but iirc pain meds had been taken from the safe.

He may have snatched those with the idea of selling them. Same with the guns, for that matter. He knew he'd need money to be on the run.
He may have snatched those with the idea of selling them. Same with the guns, for that matter. He knew he'd need money to be on the run.

Yes possibly. If so, a 15 year old intent on selling guns and drugs well beyond their immediate area I'd guess would require either outside contacts or a high level of familiarity with where to transact that type of business. Electronics would be far easier to pawn.

As for money, I recall he used his grandmother's bank card at least once, at an ATM in Pennsylvania. No mention of the amount or if it was believed KF had additional cash on hand.
Yes possibly. If so, a 15 year old intent on selling guns and drugs well beyond their immediate area I'd guess would require either outside contacts or a high level of familiarity with where to transact that type of business. Electronics would be far easier to pawn.

As for money, I recall he used his grandmother's bank card at least once, at an ATM in Pennsylvania. No mention of the amount or if it was believed KF had additional cash on hand.

This makes me realize that he couldn't have planned this out too far in advance. Surely he knew that using his dead grandmothers stolen ATM card was going to bring instant attention to his location.

If he knew he was going to make a run for it while his father was away it would have been easier to stash a little money away in advance to avoid using a stolen debit card.
the Free Logan Mott site is making some questionable 'points.'

for example, they say ' all they have is circumstantial evidence '

well, those circumstances they do have are very damning...stealing the victims car, using stolen debit card, being found with the murder weapon...

They also say ... nothing has been released so far that even puts him at the crime scene or even where the crime scene was....

Seriously? ...nothing puts him at the crime scene? He LIVED there. As to where the crime scene was, one big clue is where the body was buried. That makes it one of the crime scenes right there.

Also, they say no report indicates a murder even happened on the property.... Maybe that is true. Who knows. But it doesn't exonerate him either way.

I don't see any of their arguments so far, as deeming him ready to be freed.
the Free Logan Mott site is making some questionable 'points.'

for example, they say ' all they have is circumstantial evidence '

well, those circumstances they do have are very damning...stealing the victims car, using stolen debit card, being found with the murder weapon...

They also say ... nothing has been released so far that even puts him at the crime scene or even where the crime scene was....

Seriously? ...nothing puts him at the crime scene? He LIVED there. As to where the crime scene was, one big clue is where the body was buried. That makes it one of the crime scenes right there.

Also, they say no report indicates a murder even happened on the property.... Maybe that is true. Who knows. But it doesn't exonerate him either way.

I don't see any of their arguments so far, as deeming him ready to be freed.

I haven't read there since the first post, which sounded like the mother wrote it. Do they all sound like her? moo
I haven't read there since the first post, which sounded like the mother wrote it. Do they all sound like her? moo

yes. There seem to be only TWO tweeters, and one is definitely Mom, and the other might be her as well.
yes. There seem to be only TWO tweeters, and one is definitely Mom, and the other might be her as well.

Thanks. I feel for her, but I can't see how he could be innocent. Too much circumstantial evidence against him. I doubt she will ever be able to come to terms with what happened. moo
Here we go again, more Mom bashing. Did she start the twitterpage? Maybe. If she did, why is this a concern? If she did, I’m confident the NY attorney (if still on the case) and the FL attorney (public defender), would be counseling Mom on limitations of her tweets. Why would she jeopardize her son’s case with tweets? Additionally, I’m confident anyone close (family,friends, co-workers) to Mom or Dad have been asked by Mom or Dad to keep all discussions of LM private. I know that is something I would ask if LM were my child. Why would the parents risk be damaging his case? JMO

The frequent tweeter referencing the #FreeLoganMott on their tweets has several dozen tweets prior to the crime. Could this tweeter know LM, KF, the Mom or the Dad? The tweeter began posts of the incident long before the #FreeLoganMott account was set up. The tweeter also doesn’t use the same verbiage or terminology as the tweet directly from #FreeLoganMott. Very doubtful the persons tweeting is the same. IMO.

What would you be doing if this were your son? The NY attorney has stated more than once, LM denies any involvement in the death of his Grandmother KF .Attorney also stated it did not look good LM was stopped in KF’s vehicle. Additionally, the FL public defender hasn’t said much. At last report he had a short limited conversation with LM and attorney (PD) is not concerned about Dads job at the same jail LM is currently housed as per procedure (how often does this happen that jailers need reassigned because of family members involved in crimes) Dad would be reassigned. Has this reassignment taken place? Where has Dad reassigned? Same jail with different duties? Has Dad returned to duty?

What we do know, LM had KF’s vehicle. LM used KF credit card and the vehicle did contain the weapons missing from Dad’s safe. The remaining details of the case are not known. Is the evidence circumstantial as the tweeter suggest? Do we know when or where KF was murdered? Do we know if there is blood in the home on Seagate? Do we know what took place on Monday, Tuesday orWednesday? Do we know when KF was wrapped, taped and buried in the backyard ofSeagate? Do we know when LM left in KF’s vehicle? Do we know if LM placed the weaponsin the vehicle? We do not know. With that said, LM is innocent until proven guilty.

Additionally, why Mom left Jacksonville is also not known. What was her occupation? Was there a job transfer? Was there a family emergency? Was she harassed out of town by an abusive ex-husband? Did she move directly toMissouri? Was there a reason she stayed? LM has three very much younger siblings. Did Mom spend many years travelling back and forth to be with her son? What we do have is a Mom who has been vocal and active since day one of this sad situation. A Mom who pleaded for the safe return of her missing son and her ex mother-in-law. A Mom who went to her son upon his arrest. A Mom who hired an attorney to represent her son. A Mom who expressed her concern along with her attorney for the safety of her son returning to Jacksonville and a Mom who is championing for the health of her son. Again, what would you do if this were your son?
I doubt very seriously, this Mom just up and left Jacksonvilleto start a new life with little regard to what would become of her young son. We do know that for many, many years there was a constant battle over child custody,child care, child support and child welfare between LM parents and that KF relocatedto Jacksonville to be near her son and grandson.
We have not walked in these women’s shoes. What we do know are limited pieces of the back stories of the lives.

What we are all doing is stating our opinions. This post is my opinion only.
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