Found Deceased FL - Lane Graves, 2, Walt Disney World, 14 June 2016 #1

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A British family has told of their terror after being 'chased' by an alligator at a luxury Disney World hotel - just weeks before a toddler was attacked at the same resort.

Oh no.....this must be the same agressive alligator. That's a huge problem if these people told the staff about it. I hate this for Disney, I'm sure they wouldn't have any alligators on their property, if the laws allowed them. So many laws protecting everything in Florida it's become ridiculous.

I live on the ocean and they keep the street lights off on AIA for turtle nesting season. Then last week there was a fatality, which might have been prevented if the area the pedestrian was in was lit.
I've been to Disney world twice but not to a resort. Are the resorts IN the park?

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This Is just awful. I feel such sorrow for this family. What a tragic accident and I hope they can find this little boy so his parents can take him home to Nebraska or wherever they choose to lay him to rest. Naively speaking, I would never have thought about alligators in that lagoon. Truthfully, I would have assumed that WDW would have been on top of any potential dangers that might affect their guests as they seem to be hyper vigilant about safety.

The Grand Floridian is lovely and I loved taking the boat shuttle across the lagoon to and from the parks. I would imagine that WDW will be far more cautious of gator presence and remove them from all bodies of water that border their hotels. Prayers to the family.
There are hundreds of thousands of bodies of water in Florida. And this kid happened to be grabbed by a gator on the property of a hotel owned by one of the largest companies in the United States. Disney is going to pay this family a multi-million dollar, out-of-court settlement. And Disney's so big that it won't even register on their quarterly revenue reports.
I read in another article that the family had 3 children, and had been staying at the hotel since Sunday. They were all there by the lagoon because it was movie night .
I can't imagine their heartbreak. I just have no words :cry:
I've been to Disney world twice but not to a resort. Are the resorts IN the park?

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No. They are adjacent to the five parks (Disney World, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom and the water parks).
I've been to Disney world twice but not to a resort. Are the resorts IN the park?

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Yes. The Disney resorts are on Disney property.

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Oh, boy. Disney is in a world of PR hurt right now. I can't imagine how the guests are feeling right now. I would have to save for years to go there, and I think maybe a lot of people do too. :(

I don't understand why "Disney would be in a world of PR hurt right now". It's really too bad, and erroneous that they are going to be vilified over this. It's made clear that guests are not to enter the water around the properties. Disney has thus far done everything it can to assist in the search and recovery operation, and are doing their best to take care of this family. I'm not a champion of corporations by any means, but freak accidents happen, and I don't see any way this could have been prevented. Disney is going to wind up paying a ton of money to this family, despite not being at fault for this incident, and that's why they have insurance. Additional signage will certainly be erected. But I fail to see how a nefarious light can be shined on Disney as a result of this tragedy. Signage is there for a reason, and should be heeded.
I've been to Disney world twice but not to a resort. Are the resorts IN the park?

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There are numerous resort hotels that are part of WDW. They are spread out over many miles. Some resorts are closer to Disney parks than others. There are resort properties near Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, MGM Studios, Animal Kingdom. Other properties aren't really close to any of the theme parks but are still Disney resorts that make up Walt Disney World. Most resorts are comprised of multiple buildings with restaurants, spas, recreation, pools, etc. at each.
I am so sorry for this family. They are from Nebraska and would not necessarily understand the natural threat of alligators being in the shallow water of a man made lagoon at a resort. Having grown up in alligator country, I would not put a toe in a lagoon as I know gators are everywhere and I fear them.

I hate to be the one to point a finger of blame but the resort knew the gators were there, or could be there, and there should have been warnings about their presence. You can't expect a prairie dweller to understand the dangers of swampy lagoons. No parent would allow their child to play in the water at the edge of a lagoon full of gators - if they knew the gators were a real and present danger. I don't understand the lack of advisory warnings. Disney built the lagoon, Disney managed the lagoon, Disney used the lagoon as an attraction, Disney knew of the gators, Disney failed to do basic due diligence with warnings of the dangers. Inexcusable.

Someone had to tell me that prairie dog holes were often filled with poisonous spiders and rattlesnakes. Otherwise, I would have been investigating the holes and trying to get close to the critters. I was told not to walk on a certain beach in Costa Rica at night because the Caymen (?) rest there at night. I was told not to go sightseeing in Johannesburg, SA because the residents do not like white people and may attack me. I was saved from an undertow by the warnings of a concerned local at a South American beach. I worked in the tourist industry and we were taught that it was our obligation to advise tourists of the city's dangers as they would not be familiar with our city and as our guests we must look out for their well being.

You can't have a business that caters to families with small children and fail to warn them that your lagoon is full of gators and therefore visits to the sandy beach area require extreme caution and vigilance. I am shocked that Disney failed to warn people of the presence of man killing animals on the property.

I can hardly think of a more horrifying tragedy. I can't imagine what it must be like to try to wrestle your baby from the jaws of a gator and lose him to the dark murky water.

There are just no words. None.
I don't understand why "Disney would be in a world of PR hurt right now". It's really too bad, and erroneous that they are going to be vilified over this. It's made clear that guests are not to enter the water around the properties. Disney has thus far done everything it can to assist in the search and recovery operation, and are doing their best to take care of this family. I'm not a champion of corporations by any means, but freak accidents happen, and I don't see any way this could have been prevented. Disney is going to wind up paying a ton of money to this family, despite not being at fault for this incident, and that's why they have insurance. Additional signage will certainly be erected. But I fail to see how a nefarious light can be shined on Disney as a result of this tragedy. Signage is there for a reason, and should be heeded.

I believe Disney is responsible. The lake, or lagoon, is on Disney property. There were no warning signs, there was nothing separating their guests from an alligator who lunged out of the water. They even promoted "Movie Night" on the beach.

Did you read the story posted a few pages back about the family sitting on the beach at the Polynesian, they were not in the water but on the beach waiting for the MK fireworks, when they saw an alligator lunge at them from the water?

here it is again:
Terrified Brit family 'chased by alligator' at same Disney resort weeks before beast took toddler -

also, check out this picture:


An alligator is seen on the shore of Seven Seas Lagoon earlier this year
Oh God this is horrific. How was the child allowed near the water in the dark? Is it normal for guests to be so near gators in Disney particularly at night when more vulnerable to them? I know the gators can come out the water and pull you in. If this is what has happened it is horrendous the poor parents.

This happened before 9 pm (the 911 calls came in shortly after 9) was still light out.
Everything in Orlando, including Disney, is going to take a heavy hit in the tourism industry because of the mass shooting and now this at Disney. People, especially oversees will pay attention to this when planning a vacation unfortunately. IMO
Was it established by eye witnesses or on CCTV camera yet? I've read conflicting reports of no eye witnesses only the parents.
I also forgot to include the singer who was shot to death last weekend also.
Was it established by eye witnesses or on CCTV camera yet? I've read conflicting reports of no eye witnesses only the parents.

At the presser, the Sheriff's first remark was that there are witnesses.
Its mating season, gators will be more active and move to places they don't normally hang. Add in the tropical storm from last week and the overflow of rain we have had, lakes, ponds, creeks are high and moving for the gator is much easier. Bet he normally isn't in this lake.... so add all the conditions together, Just a 'fluke' that the child went into the water at the time it did. We have a pond. Only see a gator in for 2 to 3 days, twice a year. NEVER anything around other that that. I still warn everyone to keep children and small pets away from it ALL YEAR round.

Huh. We have a pond, too, and we get a gator in it usually once or twice a year. We swim in it year-round, and so do our dogs, and our friends, and our friends' kids, and our friends' dogs. One of my dogs I can't keep out of the pond.
At last night's briefing LE mentioned the playpen. I'm thinking something like a pack-n-play for those familiar with them. I can't find the article now but last night I read that the girl in the playpen was 4 yrs old.

Witnesses said the family was on the beach, and the boy's sister was in a playpen about 20 to 30 yards from the water, according to Demings. The toddler was nearby, wading in the water.
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