FL FL - Leila Cavett, 21, of GA (son Kamdyn, 2, found on street), Miramar, 27 July 2020 #3 *arrest*

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Not that this will make any difference but on the street view pictures I can’t see any gates or barriers. To me it looks like there are palls where once barriers or gates could have been mounted on, but they doesn’t seem to be there anymore. There seem to be something where one could have put a code in, but nothing to close the place or block the entry or exit. Of course I realize the pictures of the street view could be outdated and the gate could be there now. But on the pictures one could be driving in and out without any problem. Not saying he drove in, only noting what I see.

Fortunately little Kamdyn was found before he could step in front of a car or having any other misadventure. He has a guardian angel watching out for him at least that time. Unfortunately he is still without his mommy, but he is safe.
I'd noticed that about the gates not being there when I looked at Street View images too, but as Baltazar had mentioned, they're visible on some media footage. In a similar manner, I used Street View to "drive around" the RaceTrac store. I noticed that if you take one of the access roads back towards Walmart & the strip mall in between, you can turn around and look back at the gas station and both the strip mall and RaceTrac completely disappear and there is only empty grassy areas there. So those are likely relatively new buildings. Funny how quickly things change.
This is completely theoretical and my opinion only, but on August 15 he posted some photos at what I believe may be Pelican Island in Florida on his Facebook page. It is only a short drive from Hollywood - maybe 35 minutes. Would SR show in plain sight the location of Leila's body?


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Before her disappearance, Leila was trying to trade her car for an SUV for her "new job" but wound up with the truck instead. I think that SR offered her a "job" and said she would need an SUV but what was really going on was he wanted to upgrade from his car to an SUV because an SUV would be a lot more comfortable to sleep in. But she got the truck and went down to Florida thinking she had the right type of vehicle. This is all just conjecture on my part.
All JMO.

Ive been trying to catch up about this case and I think you nailed that part about why she ended up down there (a promised job from the charlatan) and why she may have been looking for an SUV before she left (he probably told her an SUV is needed for the job but really it was just him wanting more room to sleep).

If this case pans out like its heading then this fool was quite the con artist. I suspect when she showed up with her child and the truck his mind was only on how he was going to take whatever money she may have had, take her truck, try to have sex with her, and then to get rid of her. Not necessarily in that order.

It sounds like she fought him as best she could so kudos to her for trying to get away.

I hope LE is able to locate her or her remains.
Prayers for her, her child, and her family.
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It doesn't seem like he went far but I'm wondering where could he have killed her at that he wouldn't be seen or heard. From what I have seen pretty much all of the areas he was in were businesses, cameras and most likely frequent traffic everywhere. I wonder if they have video of him at any other businesses? Maybe he dropped her clothes and belongings at one dumpster and her at another down the road but at this point I don't know if they would know where to look for any evidence of her after the trash reaches the landfill I don't know how that works in Florida.
In Broward most waste goes to the county's series of landfills. The waste hauler likely knows which landfill and even what section a particular load went.
I believe it! I wonder at what point he became interested in all this stuff. While he was in prison or once he got out?

I think he said himself he studied it in prison.
(i don't want to listen to him again, maybe someone else who does could provide receipts.)

In any case RYAN, SHANNON Inmate 00235282: Alabama Prisons (DOC)
Shows his inmate number. To demonstrate that the next document concerns SR as well and not a name-mate.


Which as i understand shows he wanted "to grow a beard of not more than 1⁄2 inch in length", which he would be allowed as a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America,(Thus the -EL addition to his name which Wikipedia told me was a thing ; and as a sidenote since he didn't pay 350$ + 50$ to file the complaint, nor did he ask for in forma pauperis status, which would have waved the fee if attributed, the complaint was dismissed.)

Anyhow. So i searched for a link to witchcraft and the Moorish temple, while it does bring up a bunch of results, those pages are often a mickmack of non information.

Occult however seems more directly related and i found this :

"Teachings of the Moorish Science Temple

While the Moorish Science Temple of America can claim to be America’s oldest known Islamic organization, “Moorish Science” is certainly not the Islam that predominates from Morocco to Malaysia, but a mixture of Indian beliefs, the occult, Freemasonry, and Christianity."

Source : https://www.panafricanalliance.com/noble-dre-ali-moorish-science-temple/

(I wanted to back my claims, I believe the quotes and links are allowed as they are public documents and not social media, and short enough in regards to copyright.
I also think it is within guidelines since SR is a poi.

If ever it isn't conform guidelines, feel free to inform me to adapt, or report it) .

As for my opinion, either he started this in prison, or maybe even before.
One could wonder if he joined the temple out of beliefs or to gain priviliges, before evidently making it into a business.
Then whatever the true reasons, he does run multiple pages, with numerous post each day (before his arrest obviously) and even if it's partly a copy paste job, it seems like an awful lot of work to me for a scam and kind of defeats the purpose of running a scam in the first place imo.
But since i think he is not the brightest star in the sky... Who knows...
And I guess the half inch beard wasn't worth 400$...
I had a thought today - what if the last thing Leila did for her son was put him out of the car on that complex herself ? Knowing something bad was definitely going to go down and in an attempt to alert authorities.
Don’t jump on me please ... we all know Leila adored Kamdyn but a mother’s love knows no bounds right.
Just thinking maybe SR needs to stop by the complex for something and whilst gone she puts him out the door and prays. SR doesn’t notice when he re enters the vehicle and so off they go and then bam he’s fuming ? Just pondering and speculating MOO of course.
What is so sad IMO is that an evil man like this one who has a criminal history, no job other than conning people, lives out of his car, actually gets vulnerable ladies to fall for his BS.

What's even sadder is how does a pretty young woman, and although that's subjective and not a requirement, but , she seems 'clean', literally, skin hair, clothes, which means a lot imo.
Seemingly taking 'good' care of her kid, same as above, plus toys.
Having a family, complicated maybe idk, but they are all present now, even the baby-dad seems to pitch in, so how can such a woman become vulnerable in the first place...? Where did this go wrong ?
(Haven't seen friends standing up though, might have missed that or they just keep away from media, but it does make me wonder)

Although her being missing might be the result of not having fallen for his BS...

But making sure women, or all people for that matter aren't that vulnerable in the first place, naturally would put to end people taken advantage of them.
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I had a thought today - what if the last thing Leila did for her son was put him out of the car on that complex herself ? Knowing something bad was definitely going to go down and in an attempt to alert authorities.
Don’t jump on me please ... we all know Leila adored Kamdyn but a mother’s love knows no bounds right.
Just thinking maybe SR needs to stop by the complex for something and whilst gone she puts him out the door and prays. SR doesn’t notice when he re enters the vehicle and so off they go and then bam he’s fuming ? Just pondering and speculating MOO of course.
I think this doesn't add up with his car coming from and going back to racetrac, but interesting thought in itself.

Eta: or, what if she was walking there with KC and he grabbed her and left the kid behind ? Could he have locked them in the truck before and the window was broken because she broke out !?
Can't explain how he would have known she was there though to grab her.
I think he said himself he studied it in prison.
(i don't want to listen to him again, maybe someone else who does could provide receipts.)

In any case RYAN, SHANNON Inmate 00235282: Alabama Prisons (DOC)
Shows his inmate number. To demonstrate that the next document concerns SR as well and not a name-mate.


Which as i understand shows he wanted "to grow a beard of not more than 1⁄2 inch in length", which he would be allowed as a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America,(Thus the -EL addition to his name which Wikipedia told me was a thing ; and as a sidenote since he didn't pay 350$ + 50$ to file the complaint, nor did he ask for in forma pauperis status, which would have waved the fee if attributed, the complaint was dismissed.)

Anyhow. So i searched for a link to witchcraft and the Moorish temple, while it does bring up a bunch of results, those pages are often a mickmack of non information.

Occult however seems more directly related and i found this :

"Teachings of the Moorish Science Temple

While the Moorish Science Temple of America can claim to be America’s oldest known Islamic organization, “Moorish Science” is certainly not the Islam that predominates from Morocco to Malaysia, but a mixture of Indian beliefs, the occult, Freemasonry, and Christianity."

Source : What You Need To Know About Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple

(I wanted to back my claims, I believe the quotes and links are allowed as they are public documents and not social media, and short enough in regards to copyright.
I also think it is within guidelines since SR is a poi.

If ever it isn't conform guidelines, feel free to inform me to adapt, or report it) .

As for my opinion, either he started this in prison, or maybe even before.
One could wonder if he joined the temple out of beliefs or to gain priviliges, before evidently making it into a business.
Then whatever the true reasons, he does run multiple pages, with numerous post each day (before his arrest obviously) and even if it's partly a copy paste job, it seems like an awful lot of work to me for a scam and kind of defeats the purpose of running a scam in the first place imo.
But since i think he is not the brightest star in the sky... Who knows...
And I guess the half inch beard wasn't worth 400$...


eta SR posted on one of his facebook pages about 'calling' on his attorney - Noble Drew Ali
I think this doesn't add up with his car coming from and going back to racetrac, but interesting thought in itself.
Yeah it was just a thought. With his diaper being soiled I / we all guess they didn’t just set off from RaceTrac all fresh and ready for the day - I’m just clinging to every possible good I guess
I think this doesn't add up with his car coming from and going back to racetrac, but interesting thought in itself.

Eta: or, what if she was walking there with KC and he grabbed her and left the kid behind ? Could he have locked them in the truck before and the window was broken because she broke out !?
Can't explain how he would have known she was there though to grab her.

I feel there is something huge linking that particular complex to this. I think what you say here is possible but there’s just something we aren’t getting
I had a thought today - what if the last thing Leila did for her son was put him out of the car on that complex herself ? Knowing something bad was definitely going to go down and in an attempt to alert authorities.
Don’t jump on me please ... we all know Leila adored Kamdyn but a mother’s love knows no bounds right.
Just thinking maybe SR needs to stop by the complex for something and whilst gone she puts him out the door and prays. SR doesn’t notice when he re enters the vehicle and so off they go and then bam he’s fuming ? Just pondering and speculating MOO of course.

Unfortunately there was not enough time between Racetrac, getting to the Edge Apartments and getting back to Racetrac for him to have done anything to Leila. Whatever happened, happened between 10:30pm and 8:30am when Kamdyn was dropped off. I don't think it happened at the Racetrac or Walmart because there were cameras everywhere. SR would be familiar with areas of wilderness around there since he really had nowhere else to go.
Apologies I didn’t reply correctly there.
I think this doesn't add up with his car coming from and going back to racetrac, but interesting thought in itself.

Eta: or, what if she was walking there with KC and he grabbed her and left the kid behind ? Could he have locked them in the truck before and the window was broken because she broke out !?
Can't explain how he would have known she was there though to grab her.

I feel there is something huge linking that particular complex to this. I think what you say here is possible but there’s just something we aren’t getting
Unfortunately there was not enough time between Racetrac, getting to the Edge Apartments and getting back to Racetrac for him to have done anything to Leila. Whatever happened, happened between 10:30pm and 8:30am when Kamdyn was dropped off. I don't think it happened at the Racetrac or Walmart because there were cameras everywhere. SR would be familiar with areas of wilderness around there since he really had nowhere else to go.
Thanks - I have read everything but my glass half full outlook is at it again
A couple things that seem overly strange if he DID kill Leila.

Why would he keep the shovel?

Why would he continue to stay at Walmart and Racetrac?
I don't know why there were shovels in the truck.

I think he continued to hang around the Walmart lot and the RaceTrac because for him, that was "home". He spent the better part of June and July in Hollywood, FL. And like many, if not most, homeless people he staked out a territory that was home to him, even if it wasn't a fixed address. Most homeless people will identify a certain area, corner, subway station, abandoned lot or some such as "home" when asked.
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