FL FL - Leila Cavett, 21, of GA (son Kamdyn, 2, found on street), Miramar, 27 July 2020 #3 *arrest*

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Question would be, why did he come from racetrac, if he was already at the appartements ? And why would he go back to racetrac immediately after, if it were to dispose of her ?

I figured there are more individual houses than appartements in the neighbourhood, so he left him at the first residential parking lot he came by, but you're right it does seem very random.

The apartments I have lived in generally have limited parking. Another reason he may have left for the night would be to insure that no one spotted his vehicle and began asking questions. I always had neighbors who were very aware of my visitors when I lived in apartment complexes. Perhaps some tenants knew of his car, so he split. It was also stated, if I recall correctly, that SR used the Racetrac for free WiFi. I also find it interesting that he spent so much time there. I wonder if he was using the place to meet up with people or do some little “side hustle.” All speculation, of course. He seemed to spend a lot of time there. That particular Walmart doesn’t open until 8:30, so he couldn’t have purchased the trash bags, carpet deodorizer, or duct tape roll till that time. It adds up. We truly have no idea where he was through the entire night. Even if she was harmed somewhere else, likely her truck, he may have taken her body there until the morning time. Also, was her truck at the Walmart parking lot then, or at the apartments? We do not yet know all of the details, according to the affidavit. I may be off the mark on this one, but this is what seems logical to me, at this point. With more evidence released, we will be able to make more sense of it, but I find it difficult to believe he just dropped a toddler out of his car, and harmed Leila after. There would likely have been a very risky commotion. She obviously put up a struggle in her truck. I doubt he wanted anymore of that. We have no proof that he actually got his hands on any chloroform. The search was listed to back up the claims made in the affidavit. I believe they have enough for premeditation on the google searches, alone. IMHO
The police brought search dogs to the Edge Apartments and took them all over the complex, but the dogs did not hit on anything. Also, whatever happened involved Leila's truck because the driver side window was broken as was the rearview mirror and the sunshade. The report listed this as evidence in the kidnapping charge and stated that the window was not broken in earlier pictures of the truck when she first got to Florida. I think she fought for her life from the truck. Maybe she didn't have the keys so she could not drive off. What if he broke the window? He might have dragged her out of the truck while she was holding onto anything she could such as the rearview mirror and sunshade and this would account for the damage. All JMO.

This is the first I have read/seen in regards to search dogs at the Edge apartments. What was the date of the search? Thank you in advance.
I agree. IVe seen crazy.

This isnt crazy. This is evil.

I agree. This case feels very dark and evil. Really wonder if there is connection to Satanism and the "grand climax" on July 27th. Just too coincidental if it didn't play into it somehow. I don't know... I really think its a possibility. Stranger things have happened...
According to the affidavit his car was seen on surveillance in front of the apartments minutes before Kam was found. His cell phone data also placed him there at that time. He left the gas station at 8:15 and was back by 8:38, so he couldn't have been there long. I think he just stopped long enough to lift him out and put him on the ground.

He must have been familiar with the area, since he spent a lot of time moving around. Maybe he knew the apartments were there or he just drove down the road until he found a good spot.

This is true! It says nothing about his car actually being parked at the apartment complex. Only nearby. It could have been a camera that caught him on the road in passing, for all we know. Thank you. I will proceed with readjusting my theory.
Now, I have an even bigger question. Do the Edge Apartments even have video surveillance? This would actually make it easier for him to come and go, undetected. This man has an eye for cameras, I believe. This would make sense as to why he may have chosen this location, among other things.
This is the first I have read/seen in regards to search dogs at the Edge apartments. What was the date of the search? Thank you in advance.
They searched the apartment complex initially when Kam was found, but that's the only search that we have heard of. They used dogs and also went door to door, questioning the residents. I don't think we know if they ever went back. Imo
This is true! It says nothing about his car actually being parked at the apartment complex. Only nearby. It could have been a camera that caught him on the road in passing, for all we know. Thank you. I will proceed with readjusting my theory.
Now, I have an even bigger question. Do the Edge Apartments even have video surveillance? This would actually make it easier for him to come and go, undetected. This man has an eye for cameras, I believe. This would make sense as to why he may have chosen this location, among other things.

Yes, the Edge Apartments have video surveillance and they are gated. SR's car was seen on the video surveillance at the parking lot along SW 68th Ave. just before Kamdyn was dropped off. Kamdyn was dropped off in the parking lot outside of the apartments to the East next to SW 68th Ave. If you look at this photo you can see where Kamdyn was found: https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x88d9a92d256f68ad:0x71394f6c0d766010!3m1!7e115!4s/maps/place/edge+apartments+miramar+fl/@25.9940121,-80.2231837,3a,75y,248.1h,90t/data=*213m4*211e1*213m2*211s4ItSovooKR-13T2hOs_LIg*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x88d9a92d256f68ad:0x71394f6c0d766010?sa=X!5sedge apartments miramar fl - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2s4ItSovooKR-13T2hOs_LIg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhrr-px6frAhUM7awKHV8DDbMQpx8wE3oECBIQCw
They searched the apartment complex initially when Kam was found, but that's the only search that we have heard of. They used dogs and also went door to door, questioning the residents. I don't think we know if they ever went back. Imo
Is there anything available to the public that states this? I would very much appreciate it.
Is there anything available to the public that states this? I would very much appreciate it.
Well, the only reason I remember is because I asked on the thread if they had searched the area and then someone posted an article about it. It might be in the last thread or in the media thread. I'll see if I can find an article.
This might be unpopular thoughts, but I’m going to give some thoughts on Shannon’s light work stuff. I’ve listened to a few of his videos on Plunder. I’ve had some energy work, and did a little myself, though not in a long time now. I meditate completely separate of that just because I practice a tiny bit of Tibetan Buddhism. It ALL helped me, and others. Now, Shannon was on a different wavelength, and I’d not fall into it. But, some of his stuff is relatable. I can see how people looking for enlightenment would follow him. Some of his stuff is way too far out there for me, even during the New Age era a few decades ago. I get it, though. You’d think with all the good that he COULD have been doing, he wouldn’t engage in such darkness as murder, but I digress. We know he did, “allegedly”. In the 90s, I’d have fallen for some of it. And that TERRIFIES me. He’s basically mentally manipulating people for HIS own purposes. That’s the farthest thing from what he discusses! Do y’all think he might have mental illness, or is it all a ruse to manipulate people? Did my experiences with the energy healing help? Yes. Was it purely just in my head, maybe. Regardless, it helped me, so I don’t care why. It REALLY worries me that he’s using it as manipulation for nefarious purposes. He’s a charlatan, a fake, and dangerous. Do we know if Leila was for sure into all the light work? Maybe she followed him more out of curiosity? I wish we knew that. I think he may have used it to manipulate her into trusting him. That’s so scary. That could have been me in my early 20s. Thanks. JMO
Yes, the Edge Apartments have video surveillance and they are gated. SR's car was seen on the video surveillance at the parking lot along SW 68th Ave. just before Kamdyn was dropped off. Kamdyn was dropped off in the parking lot outside of the apartments to the East next to SW 68th Ave. If you look at this photo you can see where Kamdyn was found: https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x88d9a92d256f68ad:0x71394f6c0d766010!3m1!7e115!4s/maps/place/edge+apartments+miramar+fl/@25.9940121,-80.2231837,3a,75y,248.1h,90t/data=*213m4*211e1*213m2*211s4ItSovooKR-13T2hOs_LIg*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x88d9a92d256f68ad:0x71394f6c0d766010?sa=X!5sedge apartments miramar fl - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2s4ItSovooKR-13T2hOs_LIg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhrr-px6frAhUM7awKHV8DDbMQpx8wE3oECBIQCw

Thank you for the information. I have read a mixture of things in news reports, as well as those acquainted with these apartments. It is such a coin toss. So he did manage to get inside the gates and into the parking lot.
Thank goodness the poor baby was found quickly.
The apartments I have lived in generally have limited parking. Another reason he may have left for the night would be to insure that no one spotted his vehicle and began asking questions. I always had neighbors who were very aware of my visitors when I lived in apartment complexes. Perhaps some tenants knew of his car, so he split. It was also stated, if I recall correctly, that SR used the Racetrac for free WiFi. I also find it interesting that he spent so much time there. I wonder if he was using the place to meet up with people or do some little “side hustle.” All speculation, of course. He seemed to spend a lot of time there. That particular Walmart doesn’t open until 8:30, so he couldn’t have purchased the trash bags, carpet deodorizer, or duct tape roll till that time. It adds up. We truly have no idea where he was through the entire night. Even if she was harmed somewhere else, likely her truck, he may have taken her body there until the morning time. Also, was her truck at the Walmart parking lot then, or at the apartments? We do not yet know all of the details, according to the affidavit. I may be off the mark on this one, but this is what seems logical to me, at this point. With more evidence released, we will be able to make more sense of it, but I find it difficult to believe he just dropped a toddler out of his car, and harmed Leila after. There would likely have been a very risky commotion. She obviously put up a struggle in her truck. I doubt he wanted anymore of that. We have no proof that he actually got his hands on any chloroform. The search was listed to back up the claims made in the affidavit. I believe they have enough for premeditation on the google searches, alone. IMHO
Yeah, idk, i think we're missing a big chunk of info here that i truly hope LE has.

I actually wondered if he had beach and and he or they passed out while using that too clean or something and that's why he searched that.
Or of course that was the only thing he had and everything being closed but still.
The search wasn't "how to make chloroform" which seems odd to me. Amongst many other odd things.
I agree on what you said on not randomly dropping off KC to kill LC after.
I think there either was an accident, or she did leave and never came back, or he did set something up like pimping her out, while he was watching the kid and something happened there idk...
A couple things that seem overly strange if he DID kill Leila.

Why would he keep the shovel?

Why would he continue to stay at Walmart and Racetrac?

I don't think it's strange. The man is so arrogant he is not able to think straight. MOO If you have seen his video this is obvious to me. I didn't even watch the whole thing. As people say there are cameras everywhere in Florida. There's no secret there are cameras at Walmart. Race Trac is a convenience store. What convenience store doesn't have cameras? This dude didn't have a brilliant criminal mind. If you think about it, this case was cracked pretty speedily, once the FBI got involved. What was the reason? SR was the reason, arrogantly telling on himself in his psychotic video rant. To me it looks like they knew a lot of what the lead agent in the press conference released for some time. So it's not like they were chasing after some brilliant, elusive criminal. The man is not that smart. MOO I'm not ruling out evil or mental illness.
Thank you for the information. I have read a mixture of things in news reports, as well as those acquainted with these apartments. It is such a coin toss. So he did manage to get inside the gates and into the parking lot.
Thank goodness the poor baby was found quickly.

No, Kamdyn. was found outside of the gates.
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