FL FL - Leila Cavett, 21, of GA (son Kamdyn, 2, found on street), Miramar, 27 July 2020 #3 *arrest*

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This is completely theoretical and my opinion only, but on August 15 he posted some photos at what I believe may be Pelican Island in Florida on his Facebook page. It is only a short drive from Hollywood - maybe 35 minutes. Would SR show in plain sight the location of Leila's body?
Pelican Island is near Vero Beach, that's a couple hours from Hollywood. Those pics could have been in Hollywood right in the intracoastal. West Lake Park a few miles from the Racetrac looks just like these photos he posted.
wow.. we now know he is a bad dude but he literally got 15 years on his first felony which was non violent....
So I looked up Burglary 1 in Alabama and unless I'm not reading it correctly, it involves explosives, which changes the picture. I'm looking for a news report about it but haven't found anything yet.
To convict, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt each of the following elements:(1)The defendant entered or remained unlawfully in a dwelling, the property of [insert name], with intent to commit a crime therein, [insert crime];(2)In effecting entry or while in the dwelling or in immediate flight therefrom, the defendant or another participant in the crime was armed with explosives; (AND)(3)The defendant did so knowingly and unlawfully.
Someone commented on this as i mentioned it as i was suprised as well, the answer was basically that it 1st degree means armed robery, and minimum sentence is 10years, and then there are circomstances and he might have previous run-ins with law before to take into account.
. (Iirc, so if ever you 'd want more info you 'll have to browse back a bit ).

oh i see, in my state burglary is pc 459 which means just like your typical B and E, and armed robbery is pc 211 which means you would have used a weapon or force. we do have gang and gun enhancements. i was struck that it seemed to have been his first time to state prison.
So you think he started with the magic and witchery stuff and than came to the Moorish temple ? (Just to see if i got that right, no opinion on the matter)

I think he didnt have much to do in prison the first time round, read a whole bunch of stuff and created his own belief system - he is the opposite of what he claims to be - Kundalini should be followed in an open hearted manner - be enlightened, no ego, free from aggression and violence, its is a spiritual awakening - he claims to be a witch of neteru - the source of all love and oneness - his posts do not come across to me as someone who is any of these things. He is in contradiction to himself - which is why I think he pulled a load of other beliefs together and created his own version of them.
oh i see, in my state burglary is pc 459 which means just like your typical B and E, and armed robbery is pc 211 which means you would have used a weapon or force. we do have gang and gun enhancements. i was struck that it seemed to have been his first time to state prison.

Oh, i don't know about burglary or robbery actually, i should have written burglary i think. The other commentor pointed out the degree meant armed, and stated minimum sentence. Someone else posted just before you it's even armed with explosives.

Eta also some others pointed out he could have been sentenced in other states and /or under slightly other names.
I wondered if he might have had juvenile records ?
Then the burglary charge doesn't come alone, more than half of the list is concurrent so i assume linked.
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I think he didnt have much to do in prison the first time round, read a whole bunch of stuff and created his own belief system - he is the opposite of what he claims to be - Kundalini should be followed in an open hearted manner - be enlightened, no ego, free from aggression and violence, its is a spiritual awakening - he claims to be a witch of neteru - the source of all love and oneness - his posts do not come across to me as someone who is any of these things. He is in contradiction to himself - which is why I think he pulled a load of other beliefs together and created his own version of them.

Yes the rage seemed so wrong between the meditation and wisdom posts. Especially since he's supposed to be a mentor.
But then if he was what 22? When he went to prison, and just got out, having done another burglary, and possibly always have lived in a car, he must not have seen many good exemples to take from in his life... Imo.
Pelican Island is near Vero Beach, that's a couple hours from Hollywood. Those pics could have been in Hollywood right in the intracoastal. West Lake Park a few miles from the Racetrac looks just like these photos he posted.

It looks like you are down in Florida, if you are nearby do you think you might be able to locate almost exactly where he took the pictures? Would be interested to know if it is an isolated area where they might have parked their vehicles to sleep. Of course the thing is he was googling trash pickup at 12:01am and chloroform at 1:45am and would have been at Racetrac for that for WIFI which begs the question were his google inquiries "before or after" he did whatever with Leila? JMO. So the window of opportunity narrows to either 10:31pm - midnight or 1:46am until 8:30am
Yes the rage seemed so wrong between the meditation and wisdom posts. Especially since he's supposed to be a mentor.
But then if he was what 22? When he went to prison, and just got out, having done another burglary, and possibly always have lived in a car, he must not have seen many good exemples to take from in his life... Imo.

:) I was just thinking about that - we are in part shaped by our environment - what we learn/see and what we choose - maybe he did want to turn his life around, at first. However, he does have a history of taking from/attempting to take from others - to violate their safe spaces etc. - he served time for them - I usually try to be open-minded but I cant be on this, I dont think he planned on harming Leila, I think he may have wanted some form of relationship with her - she is a beautiful young woman, possibly naive, maybe he saw a young woman needing someone to care for her and her child - not all her relationships with her family appear to be the best, I think he thought he could offer her that and she would accept, but I suspect Leila was street-smart to some degree, something felt off to her and something occured between them - hence the 'paedo and serial killer' post and he lost it. All moo
:) I was just thinking about that - we are in part shaped by our environment - what we learn/see and what we choose - maybe he did want to turn his life around, at first. However, he does have a history of taking from/attempting to take from others - to violate their safe spaces etc. - he served time for them - I usually try to be open-minded but I cant be on this, I dont think he planned on harming Leila, I think he may have wanted some form of relationship with her - she is a beautiful young woman, possibly naive, maybe he saw a young woman needing someone to care for her and her child - not all her relationships with her family appear to be the best, I think he thought he could offer her that and she would accept, but I suspect Leila was street-smart to some degree, something felt off to her and something occured between them - hence the 'paedo and serial killer' post and he lost it. All moo
That's the way I see it as well. He thought he could convince her that he was her salvation. But she soon realized it was insanity and decided it was time to get herself and her son out of this situation. He couldn't stand the rejection obviously. IMO.....
What's even sadder is how does a pretty young woman, and although that's subjective and not a requirement, but , she seems 'clean', literally, skin hair, clothes, which means a lot imo.
Seemingly taking 'good' care of her kid, same as above, plus toys.
Having a family, complicated maybe idk, but they are all present now, even the baby-dad seems to pitch in, so how can such a woman become vulnerable in the first place...? Where did this go wrong ?
(Haven't seen friends standing up though, might have missed that or they just keep away from media, but it does make me wonder)

Although her being missing might be the result of not having fallen for his BS...

But making sure women, or all people for that matter aren't that vulnerable in the first place, naturally would put to end people taken advantage of them.

In my own opinion, and because I was (& am) “into” some of the New Age-ish stuff, I think it would be easy to fall for his bs just because they WANTED so much for it to be truth. I might would’ve been on his fb page and listening a bit at her age. I was looking for myself after college. I was very excited to “find out who I truly am”. I tried lots of different things, and luckily lived to see another day - even if it left me with severe PTSD. People WANT to believe they’re special, and find their tribe. I thought that was common among people in their late teens to mid/late twenties. It was for a TON of people I know, including me. Leila may have been a free spirit looking to find her place in this world. She just came upon the Devil in disguise instead. I have no idea how he lured her to FL, but I’ve met men and women all over the country on a whim. It was fun and I felt free. I met a lot of awesome people, and I DID find myself in the end. That’s how the story plays out for most of us that took that avenue. Sadly, Leila lost everything over some complete fake news fool. I sympathize with her because I could have BEEN her.:(
I think he didnt have much to do in prison the first time round, read a whole bunch of stuff and created his own belief system - he is the opposite of what he claims to be - Kundalini should be followed in an open hearted manner - be enlightened, no ego, free from aggression and violence, its is a spiritual awakening - he claims to be a witch of neteru - the source of all love and oneness - his posts do not come across to me as someone who is any of these things. He is in contradiction to himself - which is why I think he pulled a load of other beliefs together and created his own version of them.

I agree. I just hate that he used the good parts to likely draw more people in. If you go into it with an open mind, I can see how he fooled people. This just makes “new age-ish” seem a joke, and it most definitely isn’t. It can be very helpful in bringing some people peace, like the meditation for example.
I agree. I just hate that he used the good parts to likely draw more people in. If you go into it with an open mind, I can see how he fooled people. This just makes “new age-ish” seem a joke, and it most definitely isn’t. It can be very helpful in bringing some people peace, like the meditation for example.

It's unfair - all belief systems are misinterpreted and used in a way to suit those of a nefarious nature - religion and beliefs are important to people, they shouldn't be abused in such a manner - they help so many, and tbh the world we live in, we need all the things we can that help us find hope,peace and love.

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I'm not a mom, but i think any mom will have a story about changing the diaper and their kid soiling it a second later, not sure it's an indication.
Maybe more the fact that he doesn't have pants on. I would guess he was sleeping.

If ever she broke out then, she didn't even have time to get him shoes, maybe she had to make a run for it, and he followed her, thus knowing where she was. But that still doesn't add up with his car coming from and back to racetrac...

I wonder if his touch DNA will be found on the diaper?
I don't know why there were shovels in the truck.

I think he continued to hang around the Walmart lot and the RaceTrac because for him, that was "home". He spent the better part of June and July in Hollywood, FL. And like many, if not most, homeless people he staked out a territory that was home to him, even if it wasn't a fixed address. Most homeless people will identify a certain area, corner, subway station, abandoned lot or some such as "home" when asked.
Agree about the "nesting" or Home part.
He hung out at the RaceTrac because he used their WiFi--aka-- home base
To clarify, robbery and burglary are not the same.

Burglary is a crime against property. Robbery is a crime against person.

Also below is the explanation of Burglary First.

Burglary First Degree
Alabama Code Title 13A.
Criminal Code 13A-7-5

(a) A person commits the crime of burglary in the first degree if he or she knowingly and unlawfully enters or remains unlawfully in a dwelling with intent to commit a crime therein, and, if, in effecting entry or while in dwelling or in immediate flight therefrom, the person or another participant in the crime:

(1) Is armed with explosives;  or

(2) Causes physical injury to any person who is not a participant in the crime;  or

(3) In effecting entry, is armed with a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or, while in the dwelling or immediate flight from the dwelling, uses or threatens the immediate use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument against another person.  The use of or threatened use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument does not include the mere acquisition of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument during the burglary.

(b) Burglary in the first degree is a Class A felony.

Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-7-5 | FindLaw
This might be unpopular thoughts, but I’m going to give some thoughts on Shannon’s light work stuff. I’ve listened to a few of his videos on Plunder. I’ve had some energy work, and did a little myself, though not in a long time now. I meditate completely separate of that just because I practice a tiny bit of Tibetan Buddhism. It ALL helped me, and others. Now, Shannon was on a different wavelength, and I’d not fall into it. But, some of his stuff is relatable. I can see how people looking for enlightenment would follow him. Some of his stuff is way too far out there for me, even during the New Age era a few decades ago. I get it, though. You’d think with all the good that he COULD have been doing, he wouldn’t engage in such darkness as murder, but I digress. We know he did, “allegedly”. In the 90s, I’d have fallen for some of it. And that TERRIFIES me. He’s basically mentally manipulating people for HIS own purposes. That’s the farthest thing from what he discusses! Do y’all think he might have mental illness, or is it all a ruse to manipulate people? Did my experiences with the energy healing help? Yes. Was it purely just in my head, maybe. Regardless, it helped me, so I don’t care why. It REALLY worries me that he’s using it as manipulation for nefarious purposes. He’s a charlatan, a fake, and dangerous. Do we know if Leila was for sure into all the light work? Maybe she followed him more out of curiosity? I wish we knew that. I think he may have used it to manipulate her into trusting him. That’s so scary. That could have been me in my early 20s. Thanks. JMO

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

~Carl Gustav Jung

The “New Age” created a lot of opportunities for cons/manipulators/predators. Preying upon the lost, blind (spiritually), “down-and-out”, struggling, or those living upon the “fringe”. Not so much unlike the people who sit at home and donate their life savings to the tele-scamvangelists. They might make perfect sense. The con just needs to find and target those who think they make perfect sense. SR is a typical predator, just using a different racket.
I think it’s probably simple. Leila came down to visit this guy in Florida. I think she planned to gain something, what I don’t know, but SR prob lied acting like he has all this money for nice meals, hotel room, etc. He has all these adoring online fans and Leila has gotten to know him for a while. She felt special that he wanted to hang out with her and shower her with his money and wisdom. Once there it quickly becomes apparent he’s not all that he’s put himself out to be. They went to a nice dinner. Cracker Barrel (is that nice? We don’t have those here). Then she realized ummm we are staying in the car? Ok I’ll roll with it. But over the course of the night, his true colors came out. Maybe he got jealous, maybe she denied his advances, maybe she called him out on his bull. He snapped and a struggle ensued in her truck where she was killed. He then had to clean up and get rid of kam. He just drives and drops him off then goes about cleaning up his mess. He is that stupid, he has such delusions of grandeur he literally thought he’d get away with it. Or if not, who cares. He can astral project anywhere from prison.

All theory and Moo

This is a Great Post

Thank You

(“He can astral project anywhere from prison.”)
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