GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #1

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I've had to back off too Schmae because the rage I feel is so powerful. I have held countless infants going through withdrawal. Mom gets Subutex or methadone. Infant is seizing or screeching for days/weeks. I've cuddled abuse cases and been heartbroken to have to relinquish them back to abusive families. It's demoralizing and I need to retire soon!!!

Thank you for doing what you do, for as long as you can do it. I saw some heartbreaking cases when my son was in the nicu and am forever changed. <3
Both Lonie's parents are related to Haleigh?

Donjeta: Lonzie's mother is a cousin (which degree is unclear) to Haleigh's mother. I don't know that it has been mapped out i.e first, second, once removed, etc., but they are related.


Yes, I see how seriously Domestic Violence was taken in this case: So seriously that the suspect, who had a lengthy and ongoing history of domestic violence against females, against his own and others' children, against his own father, combined with drug use, did not appear for his hearing on Tuesday, and yet was still walking around on Friday.

Yes, DV is taken very seriously, but obvi not in all cases and in all parts of the country.

Thank you. That is what I was trying to say.
Donjeta: Lonzie's mother is a cousin (which degree is unclear) to Haleigh's mother. I don't know that it has been mapped out i.e first, second, once removed, etc., but they are related.

Thank you. That is what I was trying to say.


You said it well in your post.

And now that Lonzie is almost surely no longer alive, suspect is suddenly a Monster.

Well, what was he before the 24th of July?

He was already a Monster, just slightly less of a Monster imo
This isn't directed at anyone personally, just some general thoughts.

How does the judgment being passed on the mother and family here help find the baby or determine what happened? Hindsight is always 20/20. I am sure she can look back and say, "I shouldn't have left them with him." What good does that do now?

Please keep in mind, it is easy to look down at those in lesser circumstances and pass judgment based on what you would have done differently but the problem is, if you aren't in those same circumstances, you ARE different and that makes it impossible for you to understand.

It is so easy to say this mother shouldn't have left her children with this man. But isn't that like blaming the victim for putting herself in that situation?

It is so easy to say she shouldn't have been doing drugs. But if you aren't an addict, you can't understand addiction so of course it doesn't make sense to you that you would do drugs if you love your children.

The fact is, there are illnesses that we just don't understand fully. Drug addiction is one. Severe low self-esteem and depression are others. It's ridiculous to think that people who suffer from those do not love their children or that they shouldn't have the chance to be parents. It's ludicrous to think they "deserved" for something like this to happen to them.

Yes, I take this personally. Through my own experiences I know that it is possible to be in a mess of a world and still love your children, even though you may not always "do right by them". It is possible to dig your self out of those holes and change but it NEVER happens overnight. Just because this mother wasn't at that point doesn't mean she deserves the hell she is likely in right now.
I knew Lonna was, I just thought it was because he was married to Lonna. I wonder if the newspaper meant to say mother, instead of father.

I hope so, otherwise that is a whole other can of worms that I am not prepared to deal with. ;)
I agree that we need better standards and laws when it comes to innocent children. they certainly didn't ask to be born into chaos and so I feel it's extremely selfish to have a child knowing you're an addict or somebody who can't make a logical decisions for your child. I have way more respect for drug addicts who put their children up for adoption than the ones that keep them because it's a never ending cycle and only a small percentage ever escape it.
@wjxt4: The #JSO Dive team is searching a pond near a Ford Dealership on Philips Hwy.

This is across the street from the mobile home park.

@JoshWhitston: .@JSOPIO no luck in this retention pond apparently. Divers picking up and leaving. Boat gone too. @FCN2go

Something is keeping them in this area. Wonder if it is the GPS/pinging from his phone.

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This isn't directed at anyone personally, just some general thoughts.

How does the judgment being passed on the mother and family here help find the baby or determine what happened? Hindsight is always 20/20. I am sure she can look back and say, "I shouldn't have left them with him." What good does that do now?

Please keep in mind, it is easy to look down at those in lesser circumstances and pass judgment based on what you would have done differently but the problem is, if you aren't in those same circumstances, you ARE different and that makes it impossible for you to understand.

It is so easy to say this mother shouldn't have left her children with this man. But isn't that like blaming the victim for putting herself in that situation?

It is so easy to say she shouldn't have been doing drugs. But if you aren't an addict, you can't understand addiction so of course it doesn't make sense to you that you would do drugs if you love your children.

The fact is, there are illnesses that we just don't understand fully. Drug addiction is one. Severe low self-esteem and depression are others. It's ridiculous to think that people who suffer from those do not love their children or that they shouldn't have the chance to be parents. It's ludicrous to think they "deserved" for something like this to happen to them.

Yes, I take this personally. Through my own experiences I know that it is possible to be in a mess of a world and still love your children, even though you may not always "do right by them". It is possible to dig your self out of those holes and change but it NEVER happens overnight. Just because this mother wasn't at that point doesn't mean she deserves the hell she is likely in right now.

I am sure that this mother loved her children. It may not help to find the child but I think that it is fine to talk about this because it might help future children avoid this fate.

I do not think that people who put their children in harm's way are victims, but I know that my definition of victim is different than other people's.

I completely agree that addiction is an awful that gets out of control, which it why I think that women with small children who have addictions should do whatever it takes to get those kids into a secure and loving home with a sober caretaker.

I also do not think that any person "deserves" this to happen to them and indeed I did not see anything like that here. What I see is someone taking a very huge risk with the lives of their children with an expected outcome.

Forgive me if I cannot see women like the mom here is 100% victims in these cases. I think that a mother's job is to protect her children from people like Ebron, and it is my hope that women who are in this position look at this case and do some serious soul-searching. Defending women who do this only increases the likelihood that another child will die and that infuriates me. We must make it clear that leaving a child in the "care" of a violent **** is incredibly serious and could easily result in the death of an innocent child.
Wow! if mom maybe just got involved with him around March, then she gets arrested with him by March 30- that's just awful! He got her involved so fast in his bad behavior. Based on his past, she was going to be terrorized by him like his ex was! Now, look what happened!

IMO there is also something wrong when bio father knows what's going on but allows his children to be in the presence or care of this monster. No doubt in my mind Lonzie's father had heard or read about WE's past and his ex's drug charges. Any parent who truly loves their children does NOT allow someone with a violent criminal past to care for their babies. Even without a criminal past, personally I would not trust some male I just recently met, to care for my children. The mother should have had their father care for them while she was working. If he wasn't available, certainly there must have been another family member she could have relied upon. Very heartbreaking to know this kind of stuff happens all the time...women choosing men over their children. It's always easier to blame the mothers, but the fathers are just as much at fault when something terrible happens to their babies at the hands of these sickos. Both parents are seriously at fault and I hope Lonzie's little sister gets taken away and is given a better life, with a loving family. Who knows what kind of abuse she may have suffered, so horrible sad. JMHO.

May today be the day this sweet, little, boy is found. Sadly, I don't think he will be found alive...just saying. MOO.
This isn't directed at anyone personally, just some general thoughts.

How does the judgment being passed on the mother and family here help find the baby or determine what happened? Hindsight is always 20/20. I am sure she can look back and say, "I shouldn't have left them with him." What good does that do now?

Please keep in mind, it is easy to look down at those in lesser circumstances and pass judgment based on what you would have done differently but the problem is, if you aren't in those same circumstances, you ARE different and that makes it impossible for you to understand.

It is so easy to say this mother shouldn't have left her children with this man. But isn't that like blaming the victim for putting herself in that situation?

It is so easy to say she shouldn't have been doing drugs. But if you aren't an addict, you can't understand addiction so of course it doesn't make sense to you that you would do drugs if you love your children.

The fact is, there are illnesses that we just don't understand fully. Drug addiction is one. Severe low self-esteem and depression are others. It's ridiculous to think that people who suffer from those do not love their children or that they shouldn't have the chance to be parents. It's ludicrous to think they "deserved" for something like this to happen to them.

Yes, I take this personally. Through my own experiences I know that it is possible to be in a mess of a world and still love your children, even though you may not always "do right by them". It is possible to dig your self out of those holes and change but it NEVER happens overnight. Just because this mother wasn't at that point doesn't mean she deserves the hell she is likely in right now.

The part in me,'s not exactly the same. Yes, in some ways the mother is a victim. I don't doubt that she loves her children. But I do believe some blame SHOULD be placed on her. Maybe not by us, random people on the internet. But by law enforcement or whatever. Unless she was completely oblivious to the type of guy this was, then yes, some blame needs to go to her. Of course she has the worst "punishment" of all by losing a child and having to live with the guilt. But something will need to be done in the future to keep her daughter safe. She will need to make different choices. I am not saying her daughter needs to be taken away or anything like that. But this woman probably needs a lot of help in many ways. It's sad that these days, resources are seriously lacking. And if you happen to be in a family where things of this nature (abuse, drugs, whatever) are seems like it's so hard to break the cycle. My heart breaks for her, Lonzie's father, and the rest of the friends and family who love him. I just hope they are all able to get any help they may need in light of this situation. Especially for the sake of any other children in these families.
It is why men shouldn't disappear or kill kids under their care. It is why domestic violence needs to be taken more seriously. It is why more funding needs to be given to social services and police budgets.

And affordable quality child care.

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Both Lonie's parents are related to Haleigh?

I believe the article is wrong. Here's where it says Lonzie's mother is a Lauramore. Lauramore's are related to Crystal's family per Haleigh's forum.

Christopher, 40, was married to 25-year-old Lonna Barton, whose maiden name is Lauramore, for about five years but they have been separated for two months, Shirley Barton said.

The family connection to Haleigh is via maternal grandmother's marriage & a half brother who was a Lauramore, etc...
I think toddler boys are much more at risk for damage from boyfriends. Not all that many boyfriends are pedophiles, and (I'll just be blunt) if they're getting sex from their girlfriend, that's usually what they're after. Some are pedophiles, though, for sure. But statistically, toddler boys are much more at risk of abuse and death at the hands of the mother's boyfriend.

Link for these statistics?
And affordable quality child care.

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Yes. That too.
If I remember right its the Bio father that is related.

My bad I was many dang players in this case

Here is the MSM article re: relationship is mentioned.

And with that, I will step away because I didn't realize there were so many experts on the thread who know everything there is to know about the individuals involved.
I hope today is the day Lonzie is found.
I agree that we need better standards and laws when it comes to innocent children. they certainly didn't ask to be born into chaos and so I feel it's extremely selfish to have a child knowing you're an addict or somebody who can't make a logical decisions for your child. I have way more respect for drug addicts who put their children up for adoption than the ones that keep them because it's a never ending cycle and only a small percentage ever escape it.

yes, because how many of these cases are children, infants to 5 yrs. Something happens to the children in their care, and then they cover it up, hide the body then say the child was abducted?? Baby Elaina, later found in a box in their garage?,,20762535,00.html
This is another one that I had nightmares about, only because we saw it to finality & the horror of what really happened.
WE told LE he had done cocaine when he went back into the apartment for many reasons; to have LE believe he was being honest with them and they should trust everything he said :rolleyes: LE would know by his physical appearance he had just used, WE knew LE would take blood from him and find out he was using, he knew LE would search the apartment and find it there, he wanted to be sure that if he ended up behind bars, he would get treatment for withdrawals. MOO.

At one point during interrogation by police on Friday, Ebron admitted he went back into the apartment to do cocaine.
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