GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #5

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Whoa, thanks for posting this. So he did change clothes and the "victim using drugs" is something new.

Thanks Kiera, saw your clarification above.

I don't think the children were using drugs. I think the case is that EBRON was using drugs while the children were under his supervision. The problem is that he was in possession of drugs and using drugs while the children were with him, not that the children themselves were using drugs.

Despite how much I dislike Ebron, I don't think he was giving the kids drugs. Why waste his income-source and personal stash on the kids??

I could be wrong, but I don't think the kids were drugged. They were indeed neglected, though, that's for sure.

So, flushing drugs down a toilet. (I had jumped to the conclusion that it was diapers he was flushing, part of a clean up effort). Why would an alleged drug dealer do that unless something happened in a hurry and he didn't have time to hide his 'stash'. Makes me think something happened much later and he had limited time to make plans. :thinking:
Perhaps the ex is afraid to press charges because it would go to court...

And there may be things she doesn't want to come out about HERSELF?

Just an idea...


Yes, I understand why rape victims don't want prosecutors questioning their morality, clothing choices, and lifestyle choices, etc. It bothers me that rape victims are basically put on trial more so than the rapist. Still, I was hoping she would do so, at least for the sake of her children. Not that it would help find Lonzie, but WRE is a violent, evil person who needs to be behind bars for a very long period of time, (like his brother, apparently.)
So, flushing drugs down a toilet. (I had jumped to the conclusion that it was diapers he was flushing). Why would an alleged drug dealer do that unless something happened in a hurry and he didn't have time to hide his 'stash'. Makes me think something happened much later and he had limited time to make plans. :thinking:

Well he knew he had to make the 911 call at some point r.e. the car and Lonzie and that LE would be all over the apartment. So he told police he flushed it even though he probably didn't even need to tell them that.
I don't think the children were using drugs. I think the case is that EBRON was using drugs while the children were under his supervision. The problem is that he was in possession of drugs and using drugs while the children were with him, not that the children themselves were using drugs.

Despite how much I dislike Ebron, I don't think he was giving the kids drugs. Why waste his income-source and personal stash on the kids??

I could be wrong, but I don't think the kids were drugged. They were indeed neglected, though, that's for sure.


That's the way I read it too - the drug charge as it related to the victim. And jumping off, I'm pretty sure they tested Lonzie's sister for drugs anyway - at least a hair sample in case she's been exposed to drug use by her caregivers in the home. And I sure hope they physically examined her too for other abuse, IYKWIM. :(
LE said she was tired and hungry, so it was difficult to get much info out of her at first. I'm thinking outside the box, wondering if HIPPA would prevent them from saying she'd been drugged and unable to interview effectively? Makes sense to me, but it also makes sense that she was simply tired and hungry. :)

If Ebron needed the kids to "behave" while he ran around, it's within his lovely personality to give the kids a drug to make them sleepy, and not necessarily an illegal drug. Benadryl for instance.

ETA: OOps. OK, I see how the report says victim used cocaine. And I just saw Kiera's post clarifying. Nevermind. Though I still wouldn't put it past him to give them something to make them sleepy.

These are some effects of Cocaine:
Cocaine and crack cocaine overdoses cause seizures, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, paranoia, and other changes in behavior. Heart attack or stroke are serious risks within three days after cocaine overdose.

So if she did get into it then i guess it would depend on how much was ingested.
LE said she was tired and hungry, so it was difficult to get much info out of her at first. I'm thinking outside the box, wondering if HIPPA would prevent them from saying she'd been drugged and unable to interview effectively? Makes sense to me, but it also makes sense that she was simply tired and hungry. :)

If Ebron needed the kids to "behave" while he ran around, it's within his lovely personality to give the kids a drug to make them sleepy, and not necessarily an illegal drug. Benadryl for instance.

ETA: OOps. OK, I see how the report says victim used cocaine. And I just saw Kiera's post clarifying. Nevermind. Though I still wouldn't put it past him to give them something to make them sleepy.

It was the middle of the night when LE showed up. I think it's to be expected that the child was tired. I doubt she was also drugged, though I could be wrong. It's enough to be up that late at night to make someone, especially a small child, tired.
"Ebron also repeatedly lied about this whereabouts until finally confirming what the video and other evidence showed. Ebron futher admitted that he engaged in narcotics transactions, during the timeframe in question when he was supposedly caring for the victims."

Wow he admitted something?I thought his stance was lie, deny, and repeat.

:notgood: :notgood:

He perhaps did so to point to his alternative plan B, SODDI. Some other dude did it and was related to drugs..... the story that others have now attached onto :moo: ....

nope, not buying it ... he is going to be like Jodi and change his story to fit the evidence.

And it still nags me that she is related to Haleigh Cumming mother... just saying that is in the back of my mind.... not pointing fingers at her.... but I would think she talked about that case with him :thinking:

ETA Do we have Cumming case folks following this? Is that thread mentioning this?
Yes, I understand why rape victims don't want prosecutors questioning their morality, clothing choices, and lifestyle choices, etc. It bothers me that rape victims are basically put on trial more so than the rapist. Still, I was hoping she would do so, at least for the sake of her children. Not that it would help find Lonzie, but WRE is a violent, evil person who needs to be behind bars for a very long period of time, (like his brother, apparently.)
LE can still charge him with the rape without her cooperation, and the charges would stick long enough to keep him in jail for a while, but it is unlikely they would do so. On the bright side, maybe WRE will see this as "loyalty" and she can help the case. They have a long and turbulent history together, she may be the one person who can "reach him".
Perhaps the ex is afraid to press charges because it would go to court...

And there may be things she doesn't want to come out about HERSELF?

Just an idea...


As Andrea Sniederman would say, "Yep, Yep"
BBM... :thumb: :giggle:

:slapfight: :slapfight:

nooooooooooooooooooo, don't even think that. (Although it does come to mind, that it was Pinellas County Vs. Jacksonville County in the running as to where the Casey trial would move to as they were so similar in demographics)


:slapfight: :slapfight:

So, flushing drugs down a toilet. (I had jumped to the conclusion that it was diapers he was flushing, part of a clean up effort). Why would an alleged drug dealer do that unless something happened in a hurry and he didn't have time to hide his 'stash'. Makes me think something happened much later and he had limited time to make plans. :thinking:

He has admitted drug dealing all day, (dealing right? not buying?) yet no drugs in the apt... :thinking:



I'm on the same path as you are on the fork.....

:seeya: to those on the other side of the fork and look forward to discussions and :waiting: for prelim where we learn more for these charges. Yet, the MAJOR charge hasn't a clock even ticking on it yet for a prelim so months we have to go.
I think they prolly did a drug screen on Lonzie's 5 yr old sister and found cocaine or some small amount of drugs.
This guy is such a creep and all around detriment to society in general.
Yes, I understand why rape victims don't want prosecutors questioning their morality, clothing choices, and lifestyle choices, etc. It bothers me that rape victims are basically put on trial more so than the rapist. Still, I was hoping she would do so, at least for the sake of her children. Not that it would help find Lonzie, but WRE is a violent, evil person who needs to be behind bars for a very long period of time, (like his brother, apparently.)

:moo: Perhaps she did the most that she was willing. To put it out there as to fact, and withdrew knowing that the other 2 counties would take care of the major charges.

Victim using drugs is an error. If he really meant to say the victim was using drugs he would HAVE to explain that in the narrative of the report. That space on the report is for statistical purposes and is filled using a dropdown menu. The detective probably meant to select "suspect using drugs".

Thanks for this note, and sorry if I am doing a rabbit hole. :blush:
So, flushing drugs down a toilet. (I had jumped to the conclusion that it was diapers he was flushing, part of a clean up effort). Why would an alleged drug dealer do that unless something happened in a hurry and he didn't have time to hide his 'stash'. Makes me think something happened much later and he had limited time to make plans. :thinking:

Yes. I had the impression he was in a hurry too. Hmm... pleading not guilty, this will go to trial. And at trial he will face questioning under oath. Sounds good to me. Of course, I realize he likely has no qualms against lying under oath...but that doesn't mean he'll get away with it. Have at him, prosecutors.

Let Jeff Ashton get ahold of him!!!! Or Juan Martinez!!!!!

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Yes. I had the impression he was in a hurry too. Hmm...

This was a planned car ditch to explain a missing child. He wasn't in that much of a hurry but perhaps he needed to make it appear that he was. I think he himself has thrown all the drug talk in as a distraction from the real issue. He likely beat a baby in a fit of rage and spent hours disposing of the child and trying to concoct a plan to cover it up.

Drugs...dealing herrings IMO. He probably did most of his dealing at the clubs when he didn't have to "babysit" and is choosing to not mention where he was in the missing time frame by blaming it on what? Protecting customers? Pfft.

OT ROFL, me too!

lol OMG im laughing so hard here.

I didn't know my post would get such response lol


I think he cares more about money than anything else.
I do not understand why Lonna was with this guy.
She should have left the kids with CB. JMO
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